988 research outputs found

    The influence of cognitive satisfaction on the relationship between salesperson presentation skills and customer's intention to repurchase

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    The application of sales presentation skills by the sales force during their interaction with customers in the sales situation can have a significant effect on customer intention to repurchase in the Malaysian Computer retail business. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between important sales presentation skills and the relative roles played by cognition in the development of customer satisfaction which will lead to customer’s intention to repurchase in a computer retail setting in Malaysia. This will then lead to increased benefits for the organization in the form of customer loyalty. The cognitive evaluation of customer satisfaction was found to explain customer’s intention to repurchase in a retail setting in the Malaysian market. This finding holds importance to those retailers who have been able to generate high expectations in the eyes of their customers

    Chemical Characterization of Protein Contentrates of Duckweed (Fanruily Lenrnnaceae)

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    The amount of protein was determined in supernatant and residual pulp of three species of duckweed, Spirodela Polyrrhiza, oligorrhiza, Wolffia columbiana and a mixed culture. Protein content of the supernatant and the residual pulp was similar except S. oligorrhiza in which the supernatant had triple the value. Maznah Ismail Precipitation studies with acid and organic solvents (acetone, isobutanol and isopropanol) showed that the amount of protein precipitated varied with the solvent used. On average, only about 20% protein was precipitated from the supernatant. More protein was precipitated by acid (pH 5.8) and isopropanol (5% v/v). Amino acid analysis showed that the essential amino acid content of the whole frond, supernatant and pulp compared favourably with human and cow's milk, egg and FAO reference pattern, with the exception of methionine. Fractionation of the soluble material using Sephacryl S-200 and Sephadex G-50 yielded six components except S. oligorrhiza, which yielded seven components. The first component was> 250,000 daltons in size and the last two < 10,000. Further fractionation by anion exchanger, DJ<.AE Sepharose CL-6B yielded 12 components, except W columlbiana, which had 9. The first three components had net positive charge while the rest had net negative change. Anti-nutritional factors were also determined in two duckweed species (Spirodela polyrrhiza and Lemna perpusilla Torrey) and their protein concentrates. Anti-nutritional factors were found to be low; Spirodela polyrrhiza had higher values than Lemna perpusilla except for trypsin inhibitor. However analysis of variance showed no significant difference (p ~0.05) in the levels of these anti nutritional factors between the two species

    Malay Secondary School Students' Social Support Preferences: Implications for Support Network Interventions

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    This exploratory study seeks to identify urban-Malay secondary school students' perceptions regarding the degrees of importance of twelve common social support (5S) types and six salient individual SS sources, in relation to an academic problem. The levels of importance/preference ascribed to the SS types and sources of SS were also examined for gender differences. 164 respondents (71 males and 93 females) volumarily participated in the study. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire. The twelve categories of SS were derived from Richard E. Pearson's (1986) Personal Support System Survey. Results showed that subjects' preferences with respect to SS for academic problems are multifaceted. They desire a combination of informational, emotional and appraisal supports from others. Subjects rated 'guidance' as the most important supportive response should they experience academic problems. Perceptions regarding the levels of importance attached to each SS type also differed between gender. Students perceived their parents as the most important source of SS. Of their parents, mothers were regarded as more important. The findings suggest that to help Malay students with academic problems, S5-focused interventions need to be multifaceted, teachers and counselors need training in collaborating with parents regarding their children's academic difficulties, parental support is more preferred than support from others, student-teacher communication needs improvement. Gender differences in SS type preferences need further examination

    Sentencing criminals / Maznah Kamaruddin

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    "Sentence" as defines in The Concise Oxford Dictionary means punishment alloted to persons condemned in a Criminal trial. Justice Abd Hamid assumed that "sentencing" means the act of imposing punishment in such criminal trial. Sentencing, broadly defined, includes all those decisions the courts make with regard to the official handling of a person who pleads guilty or is convicted of a crime. This may include probation, without or with specified restrictions on the behaviour of the defendant, imposition of a fine, capital punishment, commitment under a special statue such as as sexual psychopath law, work assignments restitution to the victim, corporal punishment, incarceration or a combination of forms of punishment

    Brand Loyalty and Relationship Marketing in Islamic Banking System

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    Islamic banks ability to withstand the global downturn has fuelled an expansion of Islamic finance around the world. Islamic banks have learned that customer loyalty and brand loyalty must be earned. Brand loyalty and relationship marketing among banking consumers particularly in the islamic banking system in Malaysia has captured great interest among the Malaysian public as a whole (i.e. relationship between employees and customers). Relationship marketing is not more than just getting the customers but it is also how to maintain the existing customers as much as possible. There are important dimensions that supported the strength of relationship marketing that can lead to brand loyalty. In relation, brand loyalty refers to the favorable attitude towards a brand in addition to purchasing it repeatedly by the customer. The customer tend to be loyal since there is relationship marketing between them and the organization. This study will show the influence of relationship marketing through Bank Islam employees in Malaysia on Brand Loyalty.The data for this study will be acquired from 3 Bank Islam business premises in Pulau Pinang, Kedah, and Perlis which represent the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia. Various data-analytic tools will be used to analyze the data such as test of differences, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis.The study tries to determine how relationship marketing which is measured through three dimensions, that is Customer trust on Bank Islam staff, Bank Islam Staff commitment during the service delivery, and the communication skills among Bank Islam Staff can have an influence on Brand Loyalty among Bank Islam customers. Key words: Islamic Banking System; Brand Loyalty; Relationship MarketingRésumé: La capacité des banques islamiques à résister au ralentissement mondial a alimenté une expansion de la finance islamique dans le monde. Les banques islamiques ont appris que la fidélité des clients et la fidélité à la marque doivent être obtenues. La fidélité à la marque et le marketing relationnel auprès des consommateurs, notamment dans le système bancaire islamique en Malaisie, ont captivé beaucoup d’attention du public malaisien en général (à savoir la relation entre les employés et les clients). Le marketing relationnel n'est pas seulement d'attirer les clients mais aussi de maintenir la clientèle existante autant que possible. Il y a des dimensions importantes qui ont soutenu la force du marketing relationnel qui peut mener à la fidélité des clients à la marque. La fidélité à la marque fait référence à une attitude favorable vis à vis d’une marque et des acquisitions de ses produits à plusieurs reprises. Les clients ont tendance à être fidèles car il y a un marketing relationnel entre eux et l'organisation. Cette étude montrera l'influence du marketing relationnel à travers les employés de la Banque islamique en Malaisie sur la fidélité des clients à la marque. Toutes les données utilisées dans cette étude sont procurées par 3 banques islamiques à Pulau Pinang, Kedah et Perlis, qui représentent les états du nord de la péninsule malaisienne. Divers outils d’analyse de données seront utilisés pour analyser les données tels que le test des différences, l'analyse de la fiabilité, l'analyse factorielle et des analyses de régression multiple. Cette recherche tente de déterminer comment le marketing relationnel, mesuré à travers trois dimensions, c'est-à-dire la confiance des clients sur le personnel des banques islamiques, l’engagement du personnel des banques islamiques au cours de la prestation et les compétences de communication entre le personnel des banques islamiques, peut avoir une influence sur la fidélité parmi les clients des banques islamiques.Mots-Clés: système des banques islamiques; fidélité à la marque; marketing relationne

    RBM - rice bran Malaysia

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    Application of a hydrodynamic water quality model in Sungai Johor estuary

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    Sungai Johor estuary is a vital water body in the south of Johor and greatly affects the water quality in the Johor Straits. In the development of the hydrodynamic and water quality models for Sungai Johor estuary, the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) model was selected. In this application, the EFDC hydrodynamic model was configured to simulate time varying surface elevation, velocity, salinity, and water temperature. The EFDC water quality model was configured to simulate dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), phosphate (PO4), and Chlorophyll a. The hydrodynamic and water quality model calibration was performed utilizing a set of site specific data acquired in January 2008. The simulated water temperature, salinity and DO showed good and fairly good agreement with observations. The calculated correlation coefficients between computed and observed temperature and salinity were lower compared with the water level. Sensitivity analysis was performed on hydrodynamic and water quality models input parameters to quantify their impact on modeling results such as water surface elevation, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration. It is anticipated and recommended that the development of this model be continued to synthesize additional field data into the modeling process

    Understanding The Mediating Effect Of Customer Satisfaction On The Relationship Of Salesperson Behavior Performance And Customer Loyalty [HF5415.335. M476 2008 f rb].

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    Tujuan penyelidikan ini dijalankan adalah untuk meneliti kaitan antara prestasi perlakuan jurujual dengan kesetiaan pelanggan serta kesan perantaraan daripada kepuasan pelanggan. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between salesperson behavior performance and customer loyalty, and the mediating effect of customer satisfaction