35 research outputs found

    Insurgent Urbanism: alternative modes of production and appropriation of urban space in the outskirts of Sao Paulo

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    This paper presents a research on new forms of appropriation of public space through actions that are self-managed and crosscutting to government arrangements, led by decentralized groups, organized so anarchic and horizontal, flexible and situational, which has been called in Brazil as "urban collectives". Because of theirs critical stance to the status quo and limiting forms of access to urban, these groups propose alternative ways to use, look, plan, discuss, build and inhabit the city, we call: insurgent urbanism. Therefore, this paper seeks to understand the appropriation of public spaces by these groups in the outskirts of Sao Paulo, on the margins of large investments primarily cultural. We presents some mapping of these groups and their actions in the North, East and South zones of the city, which have significant and increasing number of micro urban interventions with strong political character, but which are still not known because they are off-axis "center - west", recognized as a creativity axis. In these periphery areas, the key element is the functionality and the potential for organization to fight, argue and claim for public policy for the communities of the suburbs. The aim is to understand its legitimacy as a social organization, and the public sphere concepts tied to the emergence of these groups in Brazil. By mapping the alternatives that has been made in these areas, one can compare them with the actions developed in the most valued areas of the city, identifying conceptual approaches and significant differences in these actions. The historical context in which the "urban collectives" arised in Brazil is from the 1990s, in a productive post-restructuring period, which resulted in the deepening socio-spatial inequalities in São Paulo. Also during this period, the construction of shopping malls and gated communities grew; there was the spread of the culture of fear, with expansion of buildings with prison walls, private security and traffic controls, fragmenting the city and aggravating inequality between extremes of the population. At this time, the excluded population manifests itself, creating a real "civil war for places", ie a clash between the city "militarized" versus the resumption of public space by the population, especially through cultural movements in the periphery. The popular uprisings, spontaneous interventions or ephemeral architectures, ie, micro urban interventions represent demands and emergencies, with the motto citizens as key player in the city's production. Network communication and increased access to information influence largely social organizations from that time, becoming the main tool used by the collectives for their articulation. One should note that the forms of collective action currently differ from those of the last century, trade unions, for example. Self-managed, decentralized, with horizontal hierarchical, allowing certain nomadism, they use short-term and tactical actions, to reach long-term changes. Thus, this research aims to provide conclusive data not only for the understanding of these experiences in the peripheral areas of São Paulo, but mainly to provide support to the urbanist generates solutions that really meet the demand of the population, respecting cultural differences of each region

    Entre A Recuperação Patrimonial E A Questão Da Moradia: Projetos De Renovação Urbana Para O Centro De Santos

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    The study case is the city of Santos, specifically the municipal public administration, concerning urban policies. Due to the large increase in Santos land value in the last fifteen years, and to the public management marked by both patrimonialism as the growing attention to the interests of large private capital, which is organized through associations and representations of class, there were two very clear processes in the city: a) the expulsion of part of Santos population, including the lower middle class, mainly to other cities of the region; and b) the commodification of urban and architectural heritage which has been preserved, since it did not interfere with the real estate market interests. The work has as main objective the description, analysis and evaluation of Santos urban policies, regarding their set of values, its operating logic, and the attendance of interests inside and outside the city.8218119

    Geologic characterization of Riachão impact structure, MA

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    Orientadores: Álvaro Penteado Crósta, Ana Maria GóesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: Atualmente são conhecidas em toda superfície terrestre cerca de 180 estruturas formadas por impacto de meteoritos. No Brasil, foram diagnosticadas seis estruturas originadas por este tipo de evento: Araguainha (MT-GO), Vargeão (SC), Vista Alegre (PR), Cerro do Jarau (RS), Serra da Cangalha (TO) e Riachão (MA). A área de estudos é a estrutura de impacto de Riachão (7º43'S/46º39'W), uma estrutura de impacto do tipo complexa, ligeiramente elíptica, em avançado estágio erosivo e com diâmetro de aproximadamente 4 km. Esta estrutura situa-se na porção centro-oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, onde predominam arenitos e, subordinadamente, rochas carbonáticas intercaladas com siltitos pertencentes à parte superior do Grupo Balsas depositados entre o Pensilvaniano e Permiano. Estudos geológicos dessa estrutura foram realizados nas décadas de 1960 e 1980, resultando na caracterização geológica preliminar da mesma. Neste trabalho, a partir da integração de dados geológicos e de sensoriamento remoto, foi possível caracterizar geológica e geneticamente a estrutura de Riachão. As unidades litoestratigráficas identificadas correspondem a diferentes níveis da Formação Pedra de Fogo, e, possivelmente, da Formação Piauí, diferenciando-se daquelas estabelecidas nos estudos prévios. O modo de ocorrência destas unidades em superfície é compatível com o modelo de estruturas complexas, no qual o núcleo soerguido exibe camadas mais antigas, circundadas por camadas mais jovens. Em relação às evidências de deformação por impacto foram identificadas rochas intensamente deformadas no interior da estrutura, deformação essa compatível com a origem por impacto meteorítico. Microscopicamente, foram descritas feições deformacionais tais como lamelas de Böhm, healed fractures, feather features, fraturas planares (PF), grãos extremamente fraturados e feições de deformação planares (PDF). Destas, apenas esta última é evidência definitiva da gênese por impacto meteorítico, tendo sido identificada em Riachão pela primeira vez. Com base na interpretação dos lineamentos interpretados a partir das imagens de sensores remotos e limites morfoestruturais de Riachão, sugere-se que a estrutura se formou por um impacto oblíquo com sentido de noroeste para sudeste. O modelo semiquantitativo elaborado permitiu inferir que, após a formação da estrutura, cerca de 280 m de espessura de rochas foram removidos por erosão, o que explica a ocorrência reduzida de indicadores de deformação por choque e/ou a aparente ausência de brechas de impacto e estruturas do tipo shatter coneAbstract: At the present, about 180 meteorite impact structures have been identified on Earth. In the Brazilian territory, six structures of impact origin are known so far: Araguainha (MT-GO), Vargeão (SC), Vista Alegre (PR), Cerro do Jarau (RS), Serra da Cangalha (TO) and Riachão (MA). In this study, we focused on Riachão impact structure. This crater is located in Maranhão State of northeastern Brazil (S7º42', W46º38'). This semi-circular complex structure has a diameter of 4.2 km, and is in advanced state of erosion. The region containing the Riachão crater is located in central-west portion of the Parnaíba Basin. The strata in the Riachão area are part of the depositional sequence of the Balsas Group deposited between the Pensylvanian and Permian. The first geological studies on Riachão were made in 1960's and 1980's. In this work, by means of integrating geological field observation, petrographic examination of rock samples, and remote sensing data, we achieved a detailed geological and genetic characterization of the structure. The identified lithostratigraphic units consist of different levels of the Pedra de Fogo Formation, and, possibly, the Piauí Formation. This characterization is different from the one previously proposed. The exposure of such geological units is in accordance with models of complex structures, since the lower unit (Piauí Formation) is exposed at the central uplift, surrounded by the younger strata of the Pedra de Fogo Formation. Regarding macroscopic evidences of impact, we identified highly deformed rocks within Riachão structure exhibiting microscopic deformation features such as böhm lamellae, healed fractures, feather features, planar fractures (PF), fragmented grains and planar deformation features (PDF) were observed. PDF is an unequivocal microscopic shock-diagnostic evidence and its occurrence in Riachão is reported here for the first time. The lineament patterns and morphologic characteristics of the structure point towards a possible oblique impact with the impactor striking from northwest to southeast. We estimated the amount of rocks removed by erosion in the Riachão structure to be about 280 m. The absence of the crater-fill impact breccias, shatter cones, as well as the restricted occurrence of microscopic shock effects, are interpreted as the result of intense and relatively deep erosion after the formation of the initial craterMestradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisMestre em Geociência

    Dating brazilian impact structures using LA-ICP-MS zircon fission track and (U-Th)/He

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    Orientadores: Alvaro Penteado Crósta, Ana Maria Góes, Natalia HauserTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: Atualmente são reconhecidas 190 estruturas de impacto meteorítico na superfície terrestre. No Brasil, foram confirmadas até hoje sete estruturas originadas por esse tipo de evento: Araguainha (MT-GO), Vargeão (SC), Vista Alegre (PR), Cerro do Jarau (RS), Serra da Cangalha (TO), Riachão (MA) e Santa Marta (PI). Dentre as estruturas de impacto brasileiras, as de Araguainha e Vargeão são as únicas que apresentam idade estabelecida por métodos isotópicos: 254,7 ± 2,5 Ma (U-Th-Pb em zircão e monazita) e 123,0 ± 1,4 Ma (U-Pb em zircão), respectivamente. As demais têm idades aproximadas, estimadas por correlações estratigráficas. Os métodos isotópicos convencionalmente utilizados para obtenção de tais idades são U-Pb e 40Ar-39Ar, aplicados em rochas fundidas ou minerais neoformados decorrentes do impacto. Contudo, em estruturas de impacto em avançado estágio erosivo há escassez ou ausência destes materiais, o que dificulta a aplicação dos métodos convencionais. Com o objetivo de estimar a idade do impacto das estruturas de Araguainha, Serra da Cangalha e Riachão, neste trabalho propõe-se a aplicação de métodos termocronológicos de baixa temperatura, correspondentes a traços de fissão e (U-Th)/He em zircão. A aplicação de métodos termocronológicos em estruturas de impacto são raros na literatura, e ainda inexistentes no caso de traços de fissão em zircão. Todas as estruturas estudadas são do tipo complexa, foram formadas sobre rochas alvo das bacias sedimentares do Paraná e do Parnaíba ¿ no caso de Araguainha, rochas do embasamento cristalino da bacia afloram no núcleo da estrutura -, apresentam diâmetros que variam de 4 a 40 km e se encontram em diferentes estágios de erosão. Para a estrutura de Araguainha, foi obtida idade ponderada (U-Th)/He de 223 ± 17 Ma, possivelmente relacionada ao evento de impacto. A análise de traços de fissão em cristais de zircão de brechas impacto de Araguainha forneceu as idades centrais de 236 ± 49 Ma e a idade de 231 ± 13 Ma obtidas via distribuição binomial, e que também podem ser relacionadas ao evento de impacto. Nas rochas sedimentares que afloram nas demais zonas morfoestruturais do Domo de Araguainha e uma amostra na área externa ao domínio do impacto, as idades variam entre ~500-600 Ma, majoritariamente no intervalo da orogenia brasiliana (850-490 Ma). Nas estruturas de Serra da Cangalha e Riachão, poucas amostras apresentaram grãos com idades individuais <270 Ma. As idades individuais dos grãos de zircão obtidas via traços de fissão correspondem à idade da rocha de proveniência ou a algum evento térmico na bacia, sem relação com o impacto. A maioria delas situa-se entre ~400 ¿ 600 Ma. A interpretação dos resultados indica que os métodos foram mais promissores, para fins de datação do evento de impacto, quando aplicados em impactitos que ocorrem no núcleo da estrutura de Araguainha. As demais rochas que afloram nas demais estruturas de impacto podem não ter atingido temperaturas suficientes para o annealing total dos traços de fissão espontâneos em grãos de zircão (~200 até 320 ºC). Neste trabalho, além das idades por análise (U-Th)/He e traços de fissão em grãos de zircão, são feitas contribuições sobre questões estratigráficas, caracterização mineral de um impactito de Araguainha e avaliadas as limitações dos métodos termocronológicos para a datação de estruturas de impacto erodidasAbstract: Currently, 190 meteorite impact structures have been identified on Earth. In the Brazilian territory, seven structures of impact origin are known so far: Araguainha (MT-GO), Vargeão (SC), Vista Alegre (PR), Cerro do Jarau (RS), Serra da Cangalha (TO), Riachão (MA), and Santa Marta (PI). Among them, Araguainha and Vargeão are the only ones with ages established by isotopic methods: 254.7 ± 2.5 Ma (U-Th-Pb in zircon and monazite grains) and 123.0 ± 1.4 Ma (U-Pb in zircon grains), respectively. The others have only poorly constrained ages estimated by stratigraphic correlation. U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar are the isotopic methods conventionally used to date impact melt rocks and neo-formed minerals. However, in deeply eroded impact structures these materials are usually scarce or absent, precluding the application of such geochronological dating methods. In order to estimate the impact age, we applied low temperature thermochronological methods in Araguainha, Serra da Cangalha, and Riachão structures, corresponding to fission track and (U-Th)/He in zircon. Thermochronological methods in impact structures are rare in the literature, and still nonexistent in the case of zircon fission track. All impact structures studied are of complex type, are situated in Paraná and Parnaíba sedimentary basins ¿ in the case of Araguainha, rocks from the crystalline basement occur in the central uplift -, the diameter range from 4 to 40 km and show different degrees of erosion. For Araguainha, a pooled age (U-Th)/He of 223 ± 17 Ma has been obtained likely related to the impact event. The zircon fission track analysis of impact breccias from Araguainha provided central ages of 236 ± 49 Ma and 231 ± 13 Ma, obtained by binomial peak fitting method, and that are also likely related to the impact. Sedimentary rocks that outcrop in the other morphostructural zones of Araguainha and one sample collected outside of Araguainha impact structure, show ages between ~500-600 Ma, mostly related in the Brasilian orogeny (850-490 Ma). Serra da Cangalha and Riachão impact structures have few grains with individual ages < 270 Ma. These zircon fission track ages are the provenance age or related to thermal events in the basin before the impact. The majority are aged between ~400 ¿ 600 Ma. The results indicate that the most promising rocks to apply thermochronological methods are the impactites in the Araguainha central uplift. The other rocks that outcrop in the other impact structures may not have reached temperatures high enough for the total annealing of the spontaneous fission track in zircon grains (~200 to 320 ºC). In this work, besides the ages obtained by (U-Th)/He and zircon fission track for the Brazilian impact structures, contributions are made on stratigraphic issues, mineral characterization of an Araguainha impactite, and the assessment of the limitations of thermochronological methods for dating eroded impact structuresDoutoradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisDoutora em Geociências2011/22.864-1FAPES

    Assessment of particulate matter genotoxicity at Limeira city (SP) using the micronucleus assay in Tradescantia pallida (TRAD-MCN)

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    The use of plants for air contamination biomonitoring has been increased due to the low costs and the easy application and handling. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the genotoxic potential of inhalable particulate matter in the atmosphere of Limeira city (SP, Brazil) by assessing micronucleus (Trad-MCN) in Tradescantia pallida. Samples were collected from august 30th to October 8th, 2007 using large volume samplers (HI-VOL-PM10). The results indicated that particulate matter levels are within the tolerable limits defined by the legislation. However, they were higher than the annual average values. A genotoxic potential of the particulate matter was seen in some cases where micronucleus frequency more than double in relation to the control. As conclusion, Limeira air contaminants are potentially genotoxic, and the combination of micronucleuos assay and T. pallida showed a good sensibility, and can be used in further studies as a tool of air quality monitoring. Keywords: genotoxicity, Tradescantia pallida, particulate matter (PM10), atmosphere pollution


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    Este artigo objetiva estudar em que medida a Nova Lei do Saneamento Básico utiliza o Spending Power, e se esta regulamentação afeta a autonomia federativa municipal para prestar o serviço público de saneamento básico. O trabalho está estruturado em três etapas. A primeira se dedica ao Federalismo na Constituição Federal com ênfase na autonomia federativa municipal para a realização da política pública de saneamento básico. A segunda trata sobre o Spending Power no direito estadunidense, explicando sua definição e delimitando o alcance do instituto. A terceira estuda a regulamentação por meio das Normas de Referência, condicionando a distribuição de recursos orçamentários da União à sua obediência pelos Municípios. Conclui-se que a Lei importa o Spending Power de maneira modificada, porém inconstitucional, pois impede o consentimento informado e voluntário dos municípios porque estes acabam por não ter, na realidade orçamentária brasileira, a legítima e real opção de não aderir às condições impostas pela Lei n. 14.026/20 e futuras regulamentações da ANA

    Terrestrial impact structures as geoheritage: an assessment method of their scientific value and its application to Brazil

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    Terrestrial impact structures are geological and geomorphological features with particular importance to understand the history and evolution of the planet. Impact structures are scattered around the world but in many countries these features are under threat, essentially due to anthropic factors. Impact structures with higher scienti c value should be considered as geological heritage and, consequently, be subjected to geoconservation strategies. In order to select the most important impact structures to be properly conserved and managed, this paper proposes a quantitative assessment method of the scienti c value of these structures. The eight Brazilian impact structures were used to test this method that has the potential to be applied to any geological context in any country. The structures known as Araguainha Dome-MT and Serra da Cangalha-TO reached a higher scienti c value, which justi es the need to develop geoconservation strategies and a proper management.The Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq / National Council for Research and Development) and the Programa Ciências sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Programme are acknowledged for the support of the postdoctoral grant No 233209/2013-1 of the 1st author. The work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização), project ICT (UID/ GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145- FEDER-007690 and Portuguese funds provided by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio