725 research outputs found

    Natural Density of Rectangular Unimodular Integer Matrices

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    In this paper, we compute the natural density of the set of k x n integer matrices that can be extended to an invertible n x n matrix over the integers. As a corollary, we find the density of rectangular matrices with Hermite normal form [O Id]. Connections with Cesaro's Theorem on the density of coprime integers and Quillen-Suslin's Theorem are also presented.Comment: 8 page

    Public Key Cryptography based on Semigroup Actions

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    A generalization of the original Diffie-Hellman key exchange in (Z/pZ)(\Z/p\Z)^* found a new depth when Miller and Koblitz suggested that such a protocol could be used with the group over an elliptic curve. In this paper, we propose a further vast generalization where abelian semigroups act on finite sets. We define a Diffie-Hellman key exchange in this setting and we illustrate how to build interesting semigroup actions using finite (simple) semirings. The practicality of the proposed extensions rely on the orbit sizes of the semigroup actions and at this point it is an open question how to compute the sizes of these orbits in general and also if there exists a square root attack in general. In Section 2 a concrete practical semigroup action built from simple semirings is presented. It will require further research to analyse this system.Comment: 20 pages. To appear in Advances in Mathematics of Communication

    Updated results on prototype chalcogenide fibers for 10-um wavefront spatial filtering

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    The detection of terrestrial planets by Darwin/TPF missions will require extremely high quality wavefronts. Single-mode fibers have proven to be powerful beam cleaning components in the near-infrared, but are currently not available in the mid-infrared where they would be critically needed for Darwin/TPF. In this paper, we present updated measurements on the prototype chalcogenide fibers we are developing for the purpose of mid-infrared spatial filtering. We demonstrate the guiding property of our 3rd generation component and we characterize its filtering performances on a 4 mm length: the far-field radiation pattern matches a Gaussian profile at the level of 3% rms and 13% pk-pk.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Toward Other Earths, Darwin/TPF and the search for extrasolar terrestrial planets", held in Heidelberg, Germany, 22-25 April 2003, ESA SP-53

    The contribution of patch topology and demographic parameters to PVA predictions: the case of the European tree frog

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    Population viability analyses (PVA) are increasingly used in metapopulation conservation plans. Two major types of models are commonly used to assess vulnerability and to rank management options: population-based stochastic simulation models (PSM such as RAMAS or VORTEX) and stochastic patch occupancy models (SPOM). While the first set of models relies on explicit intrapatch dynamics and interpatch dispersal to predict population levels in space and time, the latter is based on spatially explicit metapopulation theory where the probability of patch occupation is predicted given the patch area and isolation (patch topology). We applied both approaches to a European tree frog (Hyla arborea) metapopulation in western Switzerland in order to evaluate the concordances of both models and their applications to conservation. Although some quantitative discrepancies appeared in terms of network occupancy and equilibrium population size, the two approaches were largely concordant regarding the ranking of patch values and sensitivities to parameters, which is encouraging given the differences in the underlying paradigms and input data

    Coherent Population Trapping with a controlled dissipation: applications in optical metrology

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    We analyze the properties of a pulsed Coherent Population Trapping protocol that uses a controlled decay from the excited state in a Λ\Lambda-level scheme. We study this problem analytically and numerically and find regimes where narrow transmission, absorption, or fluorescence spectral lines occur. We then look for optimal frequency measurements using these spectral features by computing the Allan deviation in the presence of ground state decoherence and show that the protocol is on a par with Ramsey-CPT. We discuss possible implementations with ensembles of alkali atoms and single ions and demonstrate that typical pulsed-CPT experiments that are realized on femto-second time-scales can be implemented on micro-seconds time-scales using this scheme.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Efficient single photon emission from a high-purity hexagonal boron nitride crystal

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    Among a variety of layered materials used as building blocks in van der Waals heterostructures, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) appears as an ideal platform for hosting optically-active defects owing to its large bandgap (6\sim 6 eV). Here we study the optical response of a high-purity hBN crystal under green laser illumination. By means of photon correlation measurements, we identify individual defects emitting a highly photostable fluorescence under ambient conditions. A detailed analysis of the photophysical properties reveals a high quantum efficiency of the radiative transition, leading to a single photon source with very high brightness. These results illustrate how the wide range of applications offered by hBN could be further extended to photonic-based quantum information science and metrology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Environment Assisted Metrology with Spin Qubit

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    We investigate the sensitivity of a recently proposed method for precision measurement [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 140502 (2011)], focusing on an implementation based on solid-state spin systems. The scheme amplifies a quantum sensor response to weak external fields by exploiting its coupling to spin impurities in the environment. We analyze the limits to the sensitivity due to decoherence and propose dynamical decoupling schemes to increase the spin coherence time. The sensitivity is also limited by the environment spin polarization; therefore we discuss strategies to polarize the environment spins and present a method to extend the scheme to the case of zero polarization. The coherence time and polarization determine a figure of merit for the environment's ability to enhance the sensitivity compared to echo-based sensing schemes. This figure of merit can be used to engineer optimized samples for high-sensitivity nanoscale magnetic sensing, such as diamond nanocrystals with controlled impurity density.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Acoustic analysis and Modeling of the Group and phase Velocities of an Acoustic circumferential waves by an Adaptative Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

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    In this work, an Adaptative Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is applied to predict the velocity dispersion curves of the antisymmetric (A1) circumferential waves propagating around an elastic cooper cylindrical shell of various radius ratio b/a (a: outer radius and b: inner radius) for an infinite length cylindrical shell excited perpendicularly to its axis. The group and phase velocities, are determined from the values calculated using the eigenmode theory of resonances. These data are used to train and to test the performances of these models. This technique is able to model and to predict the group and phase velocities, of the anti-symmetric circumferential waves, with a high precision, based on different estimation errors such as mean relative error (MRE), mean absolute error (MAE) and standard error (SE). A good agreement is obtained between the output values predicted using ANFIS model and those computed by the eigenmode theory. It is found that the ANFIS networks are good tools for simulation and prediction of some parameters that carry most of the information available from the response of the shell. Such parameters may be found from the velocity dispersion of the circumferential waves, since it is directly related to the geometry and to the physical properties of the target

    Implementation of HERS-ST in Iowa and Development / Refinement of a National Training Program

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    The Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS) is an economic model that uses highway performance monitoring system (HPMS) data to project future highway conditions and requirements. HERS is a highly complex model that, at the national level, uses samples of the highway network taken from the HPMS data. As a result, at the national level it is only used for aggregate network-level analysis (planning-level analysis). When the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Asset Management was established in 1999, the office began developing the state version of HERS, or HERS-ST. HERS-ST has since evolved into a model that is specifically crafted for states. A DOS version of HERS-ST was demonstrated at a workshop attended by representatives of several state transportation agencies in 2001. Since then, several improvements have been made to the software, including updates for a Windows environment and the addition of GIS capabilities. The current project will yield a HERS-ST specifically for Iowa, but one that can be used as a model for other states

    Environment Assisted Precision Measurement

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    We describe a method to enhance the sensitivity of precision measurements that takes advantage of a quantum sensor's environment to amplify its response to weak external perturbations. An individual qubit is used to sense the dynamics of surrounding ancillary qubits, which are in turn affected by the external field to be measured. The resulting sensitivity enhancement is determined by the number of ancillas that are coupled strongly to the sensor qubit; it does not depend on the exact values of the coupling strengths and is resilient to many forms of decoherence. The method achieves nearly Heisenberg-limited precision measurement, using a novel class of entangled states. We discuss specific applications to improve clock sensitivity using trapped ions and magnetic sensing based on electronic spins in diamond.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure