15 research outputs found

    Effect of hyperthermia after neutron irradiation on chromosomal aberration frequency in human peripheral blood lymphocytes

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    از آنجا که امروزه در درمان سرطان ها توجه خاصی به روش های درمانی مرکب می شود در این تحقیق اثر اعمال هیپرترمی بعد از تابش نوترون در فراوانی آسیب های کروموزومی در لنفوسیت های خون محیطی انسان بررسی شد. نمونه های خون ابتدا تحت تابش 10 سانتی گری (cGy) نوترون قرار گرفتند. سپس با فاصله زمانی یک ساعت بطور جداگانه در درجه حرارت 41.5 درجه سانتی گراد به مدت 60 دقیقه یا 43 درجه سانتی گراد به مدت 30 دقیقه واقع شدند. پس از تهیه گسترش و رنگ آمیزی لام ها، انواع آسیب های کروموزومی در مرحله متافاز سلولی شمارش شدند. بررسی نتایج نشان می دهد تعداد آسیب های کروموزومی در نمونه هایی که پس از تابش نوترون تحت تاثیر هیپرترمی قرار گرفتند از سایر نمونه ها بیشتر است و این افزایش در 43 درجه سانتی گراد چشمگیرتر می باشد (

    Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda suicidnära patienter

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    Suicid är ett folkhälsoproblem som utöver förlusten av människoliv leder till omfattande psykiskt lidande och försämrad hälsa hos anhöriga och andra berörda. Sjuksköterskan spelar en viktig roll i att förhindra suicid. Genom att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda suicidnära patienter kan brister i deras kunskap och bemötande identifiera och åtgärda

    The impact of employee empowerment on service quality and customer satisfaction in service organizations: a case study of Länsförsäkringar bank AB : The impact of employee empowerment

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    COURSE: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15ECTS AUTHOURS:Peters Silvia Chigozirim. Elham Mazdarani. Flugsnappargatan 6, 3tr. Nybohovsbacken 99, 9tr. 72472, Västerås. 11764, Stockholm 0737225113. 0709391923 SUPERVISOR: LEIF SANNER TOPIC: The impact of employee empowerment on service quality and customer satisfaction: a case study of Länsförsäkringar AB. BACKGROUND: Considering the nature of service delivery and particularly intangible-dominant services, employee empowerment becomes a very important issue to organizations producing services. In that, the customers and the employees are, engaged simultaneously in the production of the service. This inseparability is what is considered by the organization in choosing how best to serve its customers, either by the traditional method or through the empowerment approach. The inability of the management to control the service encounter makes the employees responsible for the quality of service delivered to the customers. In order for the management to trust that the employees are successful in dealing with their customers, the management has to give the employees the authority and necessary support to succeed at it, which is referred to as employee empowerment. The practice of which can directly affect the quality of services delivered, and customer satisfaction. PURPOSE: The purpose of this research is to ascertain the extent to which Länsförsäkringar Bank AB practices employee empowerment in their organization and how it impacts on service quality and customer satisfaction. RESEARCH METHOD: This research is based on a qualitative study. The authors’ have used both primary and secondary data to make a qualitative analysis, since this is a single-case study to enable them to fulfill the purpose of the research. CONCLUSION: Based on this research, the authors have found out that employee empowerment practices at LFB enable the employees to influence customers’ perception of service quality positively, due to their control over the service delivery process, which leads to customers’ satisfaction. Moreover, LFB extensively practices employee empowerment through the actions and practices of human resource management and top management. The nature of the organizational structure also influence the character of the services delivered through their employees regarding the free flow of information all around the bank

    Colonization and antifungals susceptibility patterns of Candida species isolated from hospitalized patients in ICUs and NICUs

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    Background: Several studies have shown that there are an increasing in invasive candidiasis during 2-3 last decades. Although, Candida albicans is considered as the most common candidiasis agents, other non-albicans such as C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis were raised as infectious agents. Resistance to fluconazole among non-albicans species is an important problem for clinicians during therapy and prophylaxis. Objectives: The aim of current study was to detect the Candida species from hospitalized neonatal and children in intensive care units (ICUs) and neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). In addition, the susceptibility of isolated agents were also evaluated against three antifungals. Materials and Methods: In the present study 298 samples including 98 blood samples, 100 urines and 100 swabs from oral cavity were inoculated on CHROMagar Candida. Initial detection was done according to the coloration colonies on CHROMagar Candida. Morphology on cornmeal agar, germ tube formation and growth at 45°C were confirmed isolates. Amphotericin B, fluconazole and terbinafine (Lamisil) were used for the susceptibility tests using microdilution method. Results: In the present study 21% and 34% of urines and swabs from oral cavity were positive for Candida species, respectively. The most common species was C. albicans (62.5%) followed by C. tropicalis (15.6%), C. glabrata (6.3%) and Candida species (15.6%). Our study indicated that the most tested species of Candida, 70.3% were sensitive to fluconazole at the concentration of ≤8 μg/mL. Whereas 9 (14.1%) of isolates were resistant to amphotericine B at ≥8 μg/mL. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the importance of species identification and antifungals susceptibility testing for hospitalized patients in ICUs and NICUs wards


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    ABSTRACT Since the beginning of livestock domestication in Near East in Neolithic era, human communities have benefited from goat (Capra hircus). Central Zagros has been identified as an independent center of Neolithization and goat domestication. The aim of this study was to assess the molecular analysis of five ancient goat samples belonged to East Chia Sabz, Central Zagros, Iran. Control region (HV1) of mitochondrial DNA was partially amplified and sequenced to compare the Neolithic goat haplotypes with modern goat haplotypes. In phylogenetic analysis, the five Neolithic sequences were grouped into A haplogroup which shows the early population expansion of dominant A lineage within Zagros in 9 th millennium BC