78 research outputs found

    Robert Full

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    E. Virginia Armbrust

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    Dna2 Helicase/Nuclease Causes Replicative Fork Stalling and Double-strand Breaks in the Ribosomal DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    We have proposed that faulty processing of arrested replication forks leads to increases in recombination and chromosome instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and contributes to the shortened lifespan of dna2 mutants. Now we use the ribosomal DNA locus, which is a good model for all stages of DNA replication, to test this hypothesis. We show directly that DNA replication pausing at the ribosomal DNA replication fork barrier (RFB) is accompanied by the occurrence of double-strand breaks near the RFB. Both pausing and breakage are elevated in the early aging, hypomorphic dna2-2 helicase mutant. Deletion of FOB1, encoding the fork barrier protein, suppresses the elevated pausing and DSB formation, and represses initiation at rDNA ARSs. The dna2-2 mutation is synthetically lethal with {Delta}rrm3, encoding another DNA helicase involved in rDNA replication. It does not appear to be the case that the rDNA is the only determinant of genome stability during the yeast lifespan however since strains carrying deletion of all chromosomal rDNA but with all rDNA supplied on a plasmid, have decreased rather than increased lifespan. We conclude that the replication-associated defects that we can measure in the rDNA are symbolic of similar events occurring either stochastically throughout the genome or at other regions where replication forks move slowly or stall, such as telomeres, centromeres, or replication slow zones

    Microarray analysis of the in vivo sequence preferences of a minor groove binding drug

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Minor groove binding drugs (MGBDs) interact with DNA in a sequence-specific manner and can cause changes in gene expression at the level of transcription. They serve as valuable models for protein interactions with DNA and form an important class of antitumor, antiviral, antitrypanosomal and antibacterial drugs. There is a need to extend knowledge of the sequence requirements for MGBDs from <it>in vitro </it>DNA binding studies to living cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe the use of microarray analysis to discover yeast genes that are affected by treatment with the MGBD berenil, thereby allowing the investigation of its sequence requirements for binding <it>in vivo</it>. A novel approach to sequence analysis allowed us to address hypotheses about genes that were directly or indirectly affected by drug binding. The results show that the sequence features of A/T richness and heteropolymeric character discovered by <it>in vitro </it>berenil binding studies are found upstream of genes hypothesized to be directly affected by berenil but not upstream of those hypothesized to be indirectly affected or those shown to be unaffected.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data support the conclusion that effects of berenil on gene expression in yeast cells can be explained by sequence patterns discovered by <it>in vitro </it>binding experiments. The results shed light on the sequence and structural rules by which berenil binds to DNA and affects the transcriptional regulation of genes and contribute generally to the development of MGBDs as tools for basic and applied research.</p

    Somatic expression of LINE-1 elements in human tissues

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    LINE-1 expression damages host DNA via insertions and endonuclease-dependent DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that are highly toxic and mutagenic. The predominant tissue of LINE-1 expression has been considered to be the germ line. We show that both full-length and processed L1 transcripts are widespread in human somatic tissues and transformed cells, with significant variation in both L1 expression and L1 mRNA processing. This is the first demonstration that RNA processing is a major regulator of L1 activity. Many tissues also produce translatable spliced transcript (SpORF2). An Alu retrotransposition assay, COMET assays and 53BP1 foci staining show that the SpORF2 product can support functional ORF2 protein expression and can induce DNA damage in normal cells. Tests of the senescence-associated β-galactosidase expression suggest that expression of exogenous full-length L1, or the SpORF2 mRNA alone in human fibroblasts and adult stem cells triggers a senescence-like phenotype, which is one of the reported responses to DNA damage. In contrast to previous assumptions that L1 expression is germ line specific, the increased spectrum of tissues exposed to L1-associated damage suggests a role for L1 as an endogenous mutagen in somatic tissues. These findings have potential consequences for the whole organism in the form of cancer and mammalian aging

    DNA Demethylation and USF Regulate the Meiosis-Specific Expression of the Mouse Miwi

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    Miwi, a member of the Argonaute family, is required for initiating spermiogenesis; however, the mechanisms that regulate the expression of the Miwi gene remain unknown. By mutation analysis and transgenic models, we identified a 303 bp proximal promoter region of the mouse Miwi gene, which controls specific expression from midpachytene spermatocytes to round spermatids during meiosis. We characterized the binding sites of transcription factors NF-Y (Nuclear Factor Y) and USF (Upstream Stimulatory Factor) within the core promoter and found that both factors specifically bind to and activate the Miwi promoter. Methylation profiling of three CpG islands within the proximal promoter reveals a markedly inverse correlation between the methylation status of the CpG islands and germ cell type–specific expression of Miwi. CpG methylation at the USF–binding site within the E2 box in the promoter inhibits the binding of USF. Transgenic Miwi-EGFP and endogenous Miwi reveal a subcellular co-localization pattern in the germ cells of the Miwi-EGFP transgenic mouse. Furthermore, the DNA methylation profile of the Miwi promoter–driven transgene is consistent with that of the endogenous Miwi promoter, indicating that Miwi transgene is epigenetically modified through methylation in vivo to ensure its spatio-temporal expression. Our findings suggest that USF controls Miwi expression from midpachytene spermatocytes to round spermatids through methylation-mediated regulation. This work identifies an epigenetic regulation mechanism for the spatio-temporal expression of mouse Miwi during spermatogenesis

    Marianne Bronner-Fraser

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    Note from the Editor Educator Highlights for CBE—Life Sciences Education show how professors at different kinds of institutions educate students in life sciences with inspiration and panache. If you have a particularly creative teaching portfolio yourself, or if you wish to nominate an inspiring colleague to be profiled, please e-mail Laura Hoopes at [email protected]

    Phoebe Lostroh

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    Ron Hoy

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