432 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics of n-hexane: A quasi-elastic neutron scattering study on the bulk and spatially nanochannel-confined liquid

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    We present incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering measurements in a wavevector transfer range from 0.4 AA^{-1} to 1.6AA^{-1} on liquid n-hexane confined in cylindrical, parallel-aligned nanochannels of 6 nm mean diameter and 260 micrometer length in monolithic, mesoporous silicon. They are complemented with, and compared to, measurements on the bulk system in a temperature range from 50K to 250K. The time-of-flight spectra of the bulk liquid can be modeled by microscopic translational as well as fast localized rotational, thermally-excited, stochastic motions of the molecules. In the nano-confined state of the liquid, which was prepared by vapor condensation, we find two molecular populations with distinct dynamics, a fraction which is immobile on the time scale of 1ps to 100ps probed in our experiments and a second component with a self-diffusion dynamics slightly slower than observed for the bulk liquid. No hints of an anisotropy of the translational diffusion with regard to the orientation of the channels' long axes have been found. The immobile fraction amounts to about 5% at 250K, gradually increases upon cooling and exhibits an abrupt increase at 160K (20K below bulk crystallization), which indicates pore freezingComment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Kinetic Scalar Curvature Extended f(R)f(R) Gravity

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    In this work we study a modified version of vacuum f(R)f(R) gravity with a kinetic term which consists of the first derivatives of the Ricci scalar. We develop the general formalism of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity and we emphasize on cosmological applications for a spatially flat cosmological background. By using the formalism of this theory, we investigate how it is possible to realize various cosmological scenarios. Also we demonstrate that this theoretical framework can be treated as a reconstruction method, in the context of which it is possible to realize various exotic cosmologies for ordinary Einstein-Hilbert action. Finally, we derive the scalar-tensor counterpart theory of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity, and we show the mathematical equivalence of the two theories.Comment: NPB Accepte

    Концепция формирования государственной финансово-кредитной политики в инвестиционной сфере

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    У статті обґрунтовано необхідність формування в Україні єдиної фінансово-кредитної політики в інвестиційній сфері. Запропоновано концепцію формування такої політики, яка містить принципи, пріоритетні цілі, завдання, заходи та інструменти для активізації інвестиційного процесу в кризових умовах. Упровадження цієї концепції дасть змогу забезпечити сприятливі умови для збільшення фінансово-кредитного потенціалу інвестиційної діяльності в Україні.The unfavourable macroeconomic situation in Ukraine that has resulted in a decline of investment activity causes an immediate need for establishing an efficient state financial & credit policy the impact vectors of which should be directed to the expansion of business entities’ financial potential for the purpose of making capital investment in modernization of the economy that has been also destroyed by events in the east of the country. Purpose of the article is at grounding the conceptual principles of forming the integrated state financial & credit policy in the investment sphere capable of stimulating investment activities of economic entities under crisis conditions. Methods. The research is based on methodology of complex systems and dialectics of the modern world integrity and contradictions. General scientific and specific cognition methods have been used. Among them are: systematic approach, dialectical method, scientific methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, logical method, qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. Results. The real sector of Ukrainian economy will gain the greatest effect only in case if the state builds an integrated coordinated financial & credit policy able to stimulate the investment activities of all economic entities in different sectors, industries and regions. The author proposes to approve the Concept of state financial & credit policy in the investment sphere which is methodologically based on the synergy of relationship and contradictions between finance and investment. The Concept’s mission is to form the financial & credit mechanism able to provide the growth of capital investments in the real economic sector, and it’s goal consists in creating favorable conditions for financial and credit support of economic entities’ investment activity at the micro- and macrolevel as it is a prerequisite for raising competitiveness of Ukraine’ economy and its integration into the global economic space. Conclusion. In order to improve financial and credit support of economic entities’ investment activity it has been proposed to approve the Concept of forming an integrated state financial & credit policy in the investment sphere which should be aimed at providing the growth of capital investments in the real economic sector. The expected results of such a policy should be: raise of the volume and efficiency of budget investment; expansion of financial potential for enterprises’ investment activity; stimulation of institutional investors’ activity, as well as expansion of financial institutions’ financial and credit potential.В статье обоснована необходимость формирования в Украине единой финансово-кредитной политики в инвестиционной сфере. Предложена концепция формирования такой политики, которая включает принципы, приоритетные цели, задачи, меры и инструменты для активизации инвестиционного процесса в кризисных условиях. Внедрение этой концепции позволит обеспечить благоприятные условия для увеличения финансово-кредитного потенциала инвестиционной деятельности в Украине

    Implementation of the multidimensional schemas integration method ORE

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    The goal of the project is the implementation of the semi-automatic method, named ORE, for creating multidimentional schemas for data warehouses by integrating information requirements in an iterative way


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of attitudes toward the future of education in the conditions, when it is practically not considered as priorities for further socio-economic development. However, Russians do not consider education to symbols of national prestige, including taking into account the structure of the employed in the economy according to the criteria received specialty. At the same time, the vast majority of the population sees and evaluates the impact of science and technology on life. Accordingly, the rationale behind the necessity of forming a new system of economic relations, adequate to the requirements of the knowledge society


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    In modern conditions the agrarian sector of Ukraine to update its material and technical base, introduction of innovative technologies, building new facilities increasingly requires long-term financial resources. Credit facilities are so far no alternative source of financing, but the poor financial state of many farm enterprises, lack of liquid collateral for a loan, which require banks, absence of positive credit history make it difficult, and in some cases make it impossible to obtain bank loans, particularly in the long term. Therefore, the article looks at the current state of the agricultural sector providing enterprise banking investment loans highlights the main problems that hinder effective investment process crediting agricultural enterprises and provided their suggestions for improving the process in modern conditions.В современных условиях аграрный сектор экономики Украины для обновления своей материально-технической базы, внедрение инновационных технологий, строительства новых объектов все больше нуждается в долгосрочных финансовых ресурсов. Кредитные средства остаются пока безальтернативным источником финансирования, но неудовлетворительное финансовое состояние многих аграрных предприятий, отсутствие ликвидного залога по кредиту, которой требуют банки, отсутствие положительной кредитной истории затрудняют, а в отдельных случаях делают невозможным получение банковских кредитов, особенно на длительный срок. Поэтому, в статье рассматривается современное состояние обеспечения предприятий аграрной сферы банковскими инвестиционным кредитам, выделены основные проблемы, препятствующие эффективному процессу инвестиционного кредитования сельскохозяйственных предприятий, а также предоставлено собственные предложения по улучшению данного процесса в современных условиях.В сучасних умовах аграрний сектор економіки України для оновлення своєї матеріально-технічної бази, впровадження інноваційних технологій, будівництва нових об'єктів дедалі більше потребує довгострокових фінансових ресурсів. Кредитні кошти залишаються поки що безальтернативним джерелом фінансування, але незадовільний фінансовий стан багатьох аграрних підприємств, відсутність ліквідної застави за кредитом, якої вимагають банки, відсутність позитивної кредитної історії ускладнюють, а в окремих випадках унеможливлюють отримання банківських кредитів, особливо на довготривалий строк. Тому, у статті розглядається сучасний стан забезпечення підприємств аграрної сфери банківськими інвестиційними кредитами, виділено основні проблеми, що перешкоджають ефективному процесу інвестиційного кредитування сільськогосподарських підприємств , а також надано власні пропозиції стосовно покращення даного процесу  в сучасних умовах

    Study of Gasdynamic Effect Upon the Weld Geometry When Concumable Electrode Welding

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    The paper considers the ways of weld geometry controlling when consumable electrode welding under single-jet and double-jet gas shielding. The authors provide comparative results of experimental studies on the effects of shielding gas supply upon the weld geometry in weld joints produced from construction carbon steel 45. It has been established that gas-dynamic effect of the shielding gas has a significant impact upon shaping and weld geometry when consumable electrode welding under double-jet gas shielding