5 research outputs found

    Configuración IPTV y QoS

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    Internet Protocolo Televisión (IPTV), Internet Protocolo Televisión se ha convertido en el nombre más común para los sistemas de distribución por suscripción de señales de televisión de pago que utilizan conexiones de banda ancha sobre el protocolo IP. Es posible identificar que el foro abierto cuenta con una gran variedad de prestación de servicios de IPTV tanto en redes gestionadas como en otras que no lo son. En su IPTV global hay una gran variación de servicios que ofrece un proveedor (televisión, texto, audio, datos, video y gráficos) todo esto transmitido a través de una red IP. En su arquitectura nos muestra que comienza con la cabecera de la red, gestión de contenidos, red de distribución, red de acceso y por último, como red cliente de destino. La red de IPTV contiene varios escenarios, todos los cuales son importantes, los nombraré, fuente de contenido, nodo de enrutamiento, red de distribución, tecnologías para acceder al cliente, y finalmente cliente de IPTV. La red IPTV se diferencia con dos tipos de canales, uno es normal o estándar, el SDTV que usa 1.5Mbps y para el otro canal HDTV, donde ofrece una excelente resolución de señal, pide más ancho de banda que 8Mbps. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el protocolo IPTV donde encontraremos que este 1 Protocolo de transporte en tiempo real [RTP] .2 Protocolo de control en tiempo real [RTCP] .3 Protocolo de transmisión en tiempo real [RTSP] .4 Multicast. A través de esta actividad configuraremos servicios multimedia para analizar el servicio de IPTV para un escenario NGN a nivel de simulación, aplicando los conceptos de arquitectura funcional y definiendo políticas de Calidad de Servicio (QoS, Quality of Service).Internet Protocol Televisión (IPTV), Internet Protocol Televisión has become the most common name for subscription distribution systems for pay television signals using broadband connections over the IP protocol. It is possible to identify that the open forum has a great variety of IPTV service provision both in managed networks and others that are not. In its global IPTV is a great variation of services offered by a provider (television, text, audio, data, video and graphics) all this transmitted over an IP network. In its architecture, it shows us that it begins with the head of the network, content management, distribution network, access network and lastly, as a destination client network. The IPTV network contains several scenarios, all of which are important, I will name them, Content source, Routing node, distribution network, Technologies to access the client, and finally IPTV client. The IPTV network differs with two types of channels, one is normal or standard, the SDTV which uses 1.5Mbps and for the other HDTV channel, where it offers an excellent signal resolution, it asks for more bandwidth than 8Mbps. In this work we will focus on the IPTV protocol where we will find that this 1 Realtime Transport Protocol [RTP] .2 Real-time Control Protocol [RTCP] .3 Real Time Streaming Protocol [RTSP] .4 Multicast. Through this activity, we will configure multimedia services to analyze IPTV service for an NGN scenario at the simulation level, applying the concepts of functional architecture and defining Quality of Service (QoS, Quality of Service) policies

    De sitter relativity: foundationss and some physical implications

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    Na presença de uma constante cosmológica, interpretada como uma entidade puramente geométrica, a ausência de matéria é representada pelo espaço de de Sitter. Como consequência, a relatividade especial de Poincaré não é mais válida e deve ser substituída por uma relatividade especial baseada no grupo de de Sitter, o que produz modificações em todas as áreas da física. Nesta tese, vamos estudar os fundamentos da relatividade especial de de Sitter, bem como algumas implicações para o problema da energia escura, para a propagação de raios gama de altíssimas energias e para o espalhamento Compton. Como um subproduto desses estudos, desenvolvemos um novo método de se obter equações de campo com invariância conforme, o qual faz uso dos invariantes de Casimir do grupo de de Sitter. Usando esse novo método, fazemos um estudo crítico das equações que descrevem um campo fundamental de spin-2The presence of a cosmological constant, interpreted as a purely geometric entity, absence of matter ir represented by a de Sitter spacetime. As a consequence, ordinary Poincaré specil relativity is no longer valid and must be replaced by a special relativity based on the de Sitter group, which produces concomitant changes in all areas of physics. In this thesis, we are going to explore the implications for the dark energy problem, for the propagation of ultra high-energy gamma rays, and for the Compton scattering formula. As a byoproduct of these studies, we developed a new method for obtaining conformal invariant fiels equations, which makes use of the Casimir operators of the de Sitter group. Using this new method, we make a critical review of the fiels equations describing a fundamental spin-2 fieldFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Juegos de estrategia mixta : una aproximación desde la dinámica de sistemas y la teoría acumulativa de prospectos

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    En el presente documento se evidenció una oportunidad para aplicar teorías conductuales de toma de decisiones, como la teoría acumulativa de prospectos, que complementan la teoría evolutiva de juegos. El documento muestra un modelo de simulación de dinámica de sistemas para un juego de estrategia de mixta, en el cual el comportamiento de los conductores ha sido redefinido desde la teoría acumulativa de prospectos. Se identificaron las variables clave del modelo de simulación base que explican el comportamiento entre policías y conductores, relacionándolas a través de un diagrama causal

    Short-Term Adverse Effects of the Fourth Dose of Vaccination against COVID-19 in Adults over 40 Years of Age

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    Booster vaccines are a strategy to mitigate the conditions in the health, social, and economic fields that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought. A series of adverse effects have been observed since the first vaccination. The present investigation aims to describe the short-term adverse effects of the fourth dose against COVID-19 in adults older than 40 from a region of Peru. The study population was over 40 years of age at the COVID-19 vaccination center in Trujillo, Peru. A 21-day follow-up was conducted from vaccination with the fourth dose, considering sex, age, body mass index, comorbidities, history of COVID-19 infection, vaccination schedule, and simultaneous vaccination against influenza as variables of interest. Multinomial logistic regression with robust variance was used to estimate the risk ratio (RR). In total, 411 people were recruited, and it was found that 86.9% of the participants presented adverse effects after injection with the fourth dose of the vaccine against COVID-19. Pain at the injection site was the most reported symptom after 3 days. Assessment of adverse effects after 3 days found that age ≥ 60 years was associated with a lower likelihood of adverse effects compared to those younger than 60 years (RRc: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.0.18–0.59), males compared to females were associated with a lower likelihood of adverse effects (RRc: 0.54; 95% CI 0.30–0.98), being overweight (RRc: 2.34; 95% CI: 1.12–4.89), and last vaccine with Pfizer-BioN-Tech (RRc: 0.42; 95% CI: 0.18–0.96). Associated adverse effects are mild to moderate. Injection site pain and general malaise are the most frequent adverse effects

    Academic Plagiarism Detection

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