311 research outputs found

    Efeito de níveis de sombreamento no teor e composição química do óleo essencial de folhas de Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miquel

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    Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miquel, is a medicinal species that belong to the Piperaceae family and commonly called "pariparoba" and "caapeba". It grows in regions rich in humus, humidity and under the shade of trees, which contribute for its best growth as it is considered a species sciophyte. The effect of shade on the yield and chemical composition of essential oil of Pothomorphe umbellata (Piperaceae) leaves was evaluated. Nine-month-old seedlings were planted in October 2002 and subjected to three shade levels (30%, 50%, 70%) and full sun; the experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four treatments and six replications, in split-plot in time scheme. Two harvests of aerial part were made (05/2003 and 05/2004). Essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and chemically analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The highest essential oil yield was observed in the second harvest and plants under 30% shade. Twenty-six chemical substances were identified, of which trans-nerolidol was predominant.Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miquel é uma espécie medicinal brasileira, pertencente à família Piperaceae e popularmente conhecida como pariparoba e capeba. Desenvolve-se em regiões ricas em húmus, umidade e abaixo das sombras de árvores, que contribuem para seu melhor desenvolvimento, é considerada uma espécie esciófita. Avaliou-se o efeito do sombreamento no teor e composição química do óleo essencial de folhas Pothomorphe umbellata (Piperaceae). Mudas com nove meses foram levadas para campo em outubro de 2002 e submetidas a três níveis de sombreamento (30%, 50%, 70%) e a pleno sol, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo. Foram realizadas duas colheitas da parte aérea (05/2003 e 05/2004). O óleo essencial foi extraído por hidrodestilação e sua análise química realizada através de CG-EM. O maior teor de óleo essencial ocorreu na segunda colheita em plantas com 30% de sombreamento. Foram identificadas 26 substâncias químicas, sendo o trans-nerolidol, majoritário

    Avaliação dos constituintes voláteis, exsudação de resina e ocorrência de galhas em Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand

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    Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand [sin Icica aracouchini Aubl.], which occurs in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, in the Brazilian Amazon, was evaluated for the presence of galls, for resin exudation and the composition of the essential oils from the aerial parts and the resin. The experiment to stimulate the exudation of resin from the trunk was conducted using a 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid solution. The resin produced after 40 days and the aerial parts had their essential oils extracted in a Clevenger apparatus and the volatile chemical constituents were analyzed using GC/MS. The non-oxygenated sesquiterpenes α-copaene (21.15%) and α-gurjunene (13.69%), in addition to the oxygenated sesquiterpene spathulenol (10.32%), were detected as the majority constituents of the essential oil of the leaves, and a concentration similar to that of α-gurjunene was found in the branches (13.28%). The resin essential oil showed a high concentration of hydrocarbon monoterpenes (76.49%) with a predominance of α-pinene (17.57%) and limonene (46.11%). Four gall morphotypes were found associated with this species. The present study reports for the first time information on the volatile constituents and the resinous potential of P. aracouchini, and registers the morphotypes of the galls that help in the taxonomy of the species.Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand [sin Icica aracouchini Aubl.] ocorrente na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Amazônia Brasileira foi avaliada quanto a presença de galhas, a exsudação de resina e composição dos óleos essenciais das partes aéreas e resina. O experimento para estímulo à exsudação de resina no tronco foi conduzida utilizando-se uma solução de ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico. A resina produzida após 40 dias e as partes aéreas foram submetidas à extração de óleos essenciais em Clevenger e os constituintes químicos voláteis analisados por CG/EM. Os sesquiterpenos não oxigenados, α-copaeno (21,15%) e α-gurjuneno (13,69%), além do sesquiterpeno oxigenado espatulenol (10,32%), foram detectados como os constituintes majoritários no óleo essencial das folhas, concentração similar ao α-gurjuneno foi encontrada nos galhos (13,28%). O óleo essencial da resina mostrou alta concentração de hidrocarbonetos monoterpênicos (76,49%) predominando o α-pineno (17,57%) e o limoneno (46,11%). Quatro morfotipos de galhas foram encontrados associadas a esta espécie. O presente estudo relata, pela primeira vez, o conhecimento sobre os constituintes voláteis e o potencial resinífero de P. aracouchini bem como registra os morfotipos das galhas que auxiliam na taxonomia da espécie

    Heterogeneity of linalool chemotypes of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br., based on clonal half-sib progenies

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    Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. is an aromatic and medicinal shrub native to the American continent. Despite its potential as a source of essential oil for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, few selection and genetic improvement studies have been carried out. The aim of this study was to provide genetic information on this species for breeding programs, showing its selection potential, by investigating clonal half-sib progenies. The following characteristics were evaluated per plant: leaf dry mass (LDM), total dry mass (TDM), leaf yield (LY), essential oil yield (EOY) and oil production (OP). Estimates were made for the several genetic parameters including absolute genetic gain at 30% selection intensity, correlations and relative contribution of additive and environmental effects to phenotypic correlation. Two experimental trials on 30 progenies were conducted: one in Campinas, state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, with two harvests of the aerial part, and one in Monte Alegre do Sul, SP, Brazil, with only one harvest. The trials were conducted in a randomized block design consisting of subplots with three replications, each plot (progeny) consisting of 8 to 15 clonally-replicated plants with subplot harvesting. Variations were detected between progenies and harvests, as well as progeny/harvest interactions in the split plot experiment. High heritability and genetic gains were obtained at both sites for LDM, TDM and OP. The lowest variations among progenies were obtained for LY and EOY, highlighting selection problems. Negative additive genetic correlations were obtained for EOY × LDM, EOY × TDM, LY × TDM and LY × LDM. Selection for LDM resulted in increased oil production per plant (OP), even where there was a negative correlation between LDM × EOY

    Desempenho da erva-cidreira (Lippia alba) para características relacionadas à produção de óleos essenciais

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    A Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) é um arbusto produtor de óleo essencial com importantes atividades biológicas, farmacológicas e aromatizantes. Visando o cultivo sustentado de uma nova espécie com potencial econômico, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o desempenho da L. alba para massa de folha fresca (MF), massa de folha seca (MS), sintomas de vírus (SV - Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV), rendimento de óleo essencial (RE) e composição química do óleo (CQ), e avaliar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade fenotípica para o caráter MS. Dez genótipos pertencentes a quatro grupos químicos foram testados em seis experimentos instalados no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, com delineamento em blocos ao acaso e duas plantas por parcela. Em Monte Alegre do Sul e Pindorama, foi utilizado espaçamento de 2,0 x 0,4 x 1,6 m e em Campinas, foram instalados quatro experimentos 1,0 x 0,4 x 0,6 m sob condições distintas de adubação e irrigação. O efeito de genótipo foi significativo para todas as características avaliadas, revelando elevada produtividade de folhas do IAC-16 (citral), RE Yamamoto et al. superior dos quimiotipos linalol e limoneno/carvona e susceptibilidade deste último ao CMV. As oscilações no desempenho dos genótipos nos diferentes experimentos foram de baixa magnitude para os caracteres fitoquímicos (RE e CQ) e nenhuma variação qualitativa foi observada para CQ. Os genótipos IAC-2 (linalol) e IAC-13 (limoneno/carvona) apresentaram-se estáveis para MS e com ampla adaptabilidade, e são recomendados para o início do cultivo da espécie. A presente pesquisa fornece subsídios também para o início de programas de melhoramento genético em L. alba.Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) is a shrub whose essential oil has important biological, pharmacological, and aromatizing properties. To reach the sustained cultivation of new species with economic potential, the present study aimed to evaluate L. alba performance for fresh leaf matter (FM), leaf dry matter (DM), virus symptoms (VS - Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV), oil yield (OY), and oil chemical composition (OC), and to evaluate DM stability and adaptability. Ten genotypes of four chemical groups (chemotypes) were evaluated in six experiments designed as randomized blocks with two plants per plot, over the whole State of São Paulo, Brazil. A 2.0 x 0.4 x 1.6 m spacing was used in Monte Alegre do Sul and Pindorama, while a 1.0 x 0.4 x 0.6 m spacing was used in Campinas, where four experiments were established under different irrigation and fertilization conditions. The genotype effect was significant (p < 0.05) for all traits evaluated, with high leaf productivity of IAC-16 (citral chemotype), best OY means in the linalool and limonene/carvone chemotypes, and susceptibility of the latter chemotype to CMV. The genotype performance oscillations in the six environments were significant for FM and DM, and despite their significance for phytochemical traits (OY and OC), they were of low magnitude. No qualitative variation was detected for OC. The IAC-2 (linalool) and IAC-13 (limonene/carvone) genotypes showed high stability and wide adaptability, and are recommended to establish initial cultivations of this species. This research also indicated genetic sources to start Lippia alba genetic breeding programs

    Óleos essenciais, estimulação química de resina e ocorrência de galhas de três espécies amazônicas de Protium

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    Protium is the most frequent genus of Burseraceae in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve (Manaus, Amazonas), which is where its species were previously identified and mapped and this has favored various studies of this central Amazon forest. A number of P. divaricatum Engl., P. opacum Swart and P. strumosum Daly trees were selected with the objective of providing information about their chemical and biological aspects. Resin exudation was stimulated with the use of ethephon and the essential oils from the aerial parts and the resin were evaluated using GC. The occurrence of galls was also registered. The hydrocarbon sesquiterpene ß-caryophyllene was detected in high percentages in the essential oils of leaves and twigs of P. divaricatum (52.75% and 14.74%) and P. opacum (39.55% and 17.86%), respectively. The predominant oxygenated sesquiterpenes were spathulenol in the leaves (19.52%) and twigs (31.29%) of P. divaricatum, in addition to khusimone (32.36%) in the twigs of P. opacum. Monoterpenes were identified in the essential oils of the P. strumosum resin, with p-cymene (58.97%) predominating in the naturally exuded resin, limonene (61.45%) and p-cimen-8-ol (53.92%) in the resin of the first and second extraction with ethephon, respectively. On the trees, galls were identified that will help in the identification of the three species.Protium é o gênero mais frequente de Burseraceae da Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke (Manaus, Amazonas), onde as suas espécies foram previamente identificadas e mapeadas favorecendo os vários estudos dessa floresta da Amazônia Central. Selecionamos algumas árvores de P. divaricatum, P. opacum e P. strumosum como o objetivo de fornecer informações sobre seus aspectos químicos e biológicos. Estimulamos à exsudação de resina com o uso de ethephon e avaliamos por CG os seus óleos essenciais das partes aéreas e resina. Registramos também a ocorrência de galhas. O sesquiterpeno hidrocarboneto ß-caryophyllene foi detectado em altos percentuais nos óleos essenciais de folhas e galhos de P. divaricatum (52.75% e14.74%) e P. opacum (39.55% e 17.86 %), respectivamente. Os sesquiterpenos oxigenados predominantes foram o espatulenol de folhas (19.52%) e galhos (31.29%) of P. divaricatum além da khusimona (32.36%) dos galhos de P. opacum. Nos óleos essenciais da resina de P. strumosum foram identificados monoterpenos, predominando o p-cymene&nbsp;(58.97%) na resina exsudada naturalmente, limonemo (61.45%) e p-cimen-8-ol (53.92%) na resina da primeira e segunda extração com ethephon, respectivamente. Nas árvores, foram identificadas galhas que auxiliarão na identificação das três espécies

    Biofilter aquaponic system for nutrients removal from fresh market wastewater

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    Aquaponics is a significant wastewater treatment system which refers to the combination of conventional aquaculture (raising aquatic organism) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. This system has a high ability in removing nutrients compared to conventional methods because it is a natural and environmentally friendly system (aquaponics). The current chapter aimed to review the possible application of aquaponics system to treat fresh market wastewater with the intention to highlight the mechanism of phytoremediation occurs in aquaponic system. The literature revealed that aquaponic system was able to remove nutrients in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus