8 research outputs found

    Desafios da Gestão do Orçamento Público da Secretaria de Saúde: Um Estudo no Município de Jales

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    O estudo disponibiliza informações a cerca do orçamento da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Jales/SP, para o exercício de 2011. A pesquisa, de cunho bibliográfico, tem embasamento no Plano Plurianual, na Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias e no Orçamento Anual para a saúde, em consonância com o Plano Municipal de Saúde de Jales. Considera-se sobre esses instrumentos legais de planejamento orçamentário, quanto à existência das respectivas aprovações pelo Poder Legislativo Municipal para as três peças orçamentárias e da aprovação e deliberação do Conselho Municipal de Saúde, para o Plano Municipal de Saúde. Os pontos positivos quanto a legalidade das peças orçamentárias referente ao ano de 2011, mas identifica pontos fracos na elaboração e dificuldades técnicas na execução orçamentária. Identifica-se também, a existência de um modelo de gestão centralizadora que prejudica a eficiência e a eficácia dos investimentos, das prioridades e das ações de promoção de saúde que envolveria outras secretarias, como educação e promoção social. Por fim, revela os gastos com saúde acima do mínimo legal permitido e apresenta fatores suspeitos que podem ser melhor trabalhados por seus Gestores.DOI: 10.5585/rgss.v1i1.

    Permanent education as an inalienable responsibility of health councils: the current scenario in the Unified Health System

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify whether health councils in Brazil carry out permanent education activities for municipal, state and federal district councilors. METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study with secondary data collection in the Health Council Monitoring System (Sistema de Acompanhamento dos Conselhos de Sau´ de – Siacs) from May to August 2017. The Siacs is publicly accessible and available on the internet. It provides data from thousands of health councils throughout Brazil. Analysis and interpretation of the data were based on the literature and the enacted legislation, particularly Resolution 453/2012 and the National Policy of Permanent Education for Social Control in the Unified Health System (Polı´tica Nacional de Educac¸a˜o Permanente para o Controle Social no Sistema U´ nico de Sau´ de). RESULTS: Despite the fact that Resolution 453/2012 establishes the deliberation, elaboration, support and promotion of permanent education for social control as functions of the councils (in accordance with the guidelines of the National Policy of Permanent Education), approximately 40% of councils do not carry out permanent education. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to strengthen the role of health councils in the elaboration of educational initiatives across the national territory. This includes the allocation of financial resources to increase access to and participation in these initiatives, which would strengthen social control in the Unified Health System. This study emphasizes that the discussion of permanent education is not given sufficient attention in the agendas and routines of health councils. This compromises the effectiveness of councils’ monitoring and deliberation of public health policy

    Diagnosis of Brazilian school teachers about the prevention and use of crack by the new communication technologies

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    This article presents a study on awareness about the use of illicit drugs, more specifically crack, first seen as a health problem, allowing a reflection on the possibilities of improvement in the training process for professionals in the area of education, with emphasis on the public network. Based on the information obtained by the research carried out with a sample of teachers, the massive availability of databases and scientific journals is a salutary alternative to the dissemination of scientific and systematized knowledge. The populations studied are part of a region concentrated around centers of excellence in research and dissemination of information through Information and Communication Technologies as innovative tools at the service of educational institutions in this multidisciplinary initiative. The study leads to a worrying reality, considering the importance of the professionals studied in the prevention and care to the drug user in the figure of the student

    A importância da informática em saúde na educação superior nos cursos da área da saúde

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    A Informática em Saúde no Brasil é uma área que desponta no horizonte acadêmico-científico de maneira promissora e atraindo profissionais de diversos segmentos acadêmicos e que busca em cursos de capacitação uma formação ampla e que lhe confira competência de atuação. Este estudo é de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica realizada com base na análise e interpretação de artigos, dissertações e teses. A presente pesquisa objetiva verificar a importância da informática em saúde e sua aplicação para processo de ensino e aprendizagem nos cursos de ensino superior nas Instituições Públicas. Conclui-se que há uma necessidade de investimentos e aplicação destes cursos em outras regiões do Brasil, e que a iniciativa de oferecer tais cursos a distancia propicia um melhor acesso a esses cursos

    Desafios da Gestão do Orçamento Público da Secretaria de Saúde: Um Estudo no Município de Jales

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    O estudo disponibiliza informações a cerca do orçamento da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Jales/SP, para o exercício de 2011. A pesquisa, de cunho bibliográfico, tem embasamento no Plano Plurianual, na Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias e no Orçamento Anual para a saúde, em consonância com o Plano Municipal de Saúde de Jales. Considera-se sobre esses instrumentos legais de planejamento orçamentário, quanto à existência das respectivas aprovações pelo Poder Legislativo Municipal para as três peças orçamentárias e da aprovação e deliberação do Conselho Municipal de Saúde, para o Plano Municipal de Saúde. Os pontos positivos quanto a legalidade das peças orçamentárias referente ao ano de 2011, mas identifica pontos fracos na elaboração e dificuldades técnicas na execução orçamentária. Identifica-se também, a existência de um modelo de gestão centralizadora que prejudica a eficiência e a eficácia dos investimentos, das prioridades e das ações de promoção de saúde que envolveria outras secretarias, como educação e promoção social. Por fim, revela os gastos com saúde acima do mínimo legal permitido e apresenta fatores suspeitos que podem ser melhor trabalhados por seus Gestores.DOI: 10.5585/rgss.v1i1.

    Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Health and Education Professionals

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    The training of health and education professionals is by various sources of information and specific actions. The content analysis that focus on knowledge of these professionals to empower themselves reveals very encouraging results, as the knowledge they possess. With this, the objective is to consider the information sources in the context of information and communication technologies as tools to aid health professionals and education in their professional training. From this context, the quick access to the right information for these professionals is one of the most efficient ways to combat drugs and its consequences. The text describes the influence of Information and Communication Technologies in the universe of health and education. This presence is decisive for the process of professional training

    Thyroid cancer burden and economic impact on the Brazilian public health system

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Recent data indicates an increasing incidence of thyroid cancer not accompanied by a proportional increase in mortality, suggesting overdiagnosis, which may represent a big public health problem, particularly where resources are scarce. This article aims to describe and evaluate the procedures related to investigation of thyroid nodules and treatment and follow-up of thyroid cancer and the costs for the Brazilian public health system between 2008 and 2015. Materials and methods: Data on procedures related to investigation of thyroid nodules and treatment/follow-up of thyroid cancer between 2008 and 2015 in Brazil were collected from the Department of Informatics of the Brazilian Unified Health System (Datasus) website. Results: A statistically significant increase in the use of procedures related to thyroid nodules investigation and thyroid cancer treatment and follow-up was observed in Brazil, though a reduction was noted for procedures related to the treatment of more aggressive thyroid cancer, such as total thyroidectomy with neck dissection and higher radioiodine activities such as 200 and 250 milicuries (mCi). The procedures related to thyroid nodules investigation costs increased by 91% for thyroid ultrasound (p = 0.0003) and 128% in thyroid nodule biopsy (p < 0.001). Costs related to treatment and follow-up related-procedures increased by 120%. Conclusion: The increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in Brazil is directly associated with an increased use of diagnostic tools for thyroid nodules, which leads to an upsurge in thyroid cancer treatment and followup-related procedures. These data suggest that substantial resources are being used for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of a potentially indolent condition