19 research outputs found

    Estudo da correlação dos índices de placa e gengival em mães e filhos

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    This study aimed to compare the periodontal condition between plaque and gingival indexes in 30 pairs of mother and child with mixed dentition, as well as to correlate the findings with some of their social and oral hygiene habits. Mother's and child's plaque and gingival indexes were recorded during clinical examination. Periapical and bitewing radiographs were taken in order to assess the presence of any pathologic bone loss. Questionnaires answered by the mothers were used to collect information regarding the mother's and the child's habits of tooth hygiene and the mother's job, instruction level and family income. The data collected from the mothers' group and from the children's group were statistically analyzed both separately and with the two groups together. From the statistical analyses (Pearson correlation test, student test and Covariance analysis), it was possible to conclude that there was a greater correlation between the plaque and gingival indexes in the mothers' group than in the children's group. No significant correlation between plaque and gingival indexes could be found between the pairs. Also, bone loss and plaque and gingival indexes in the children did not show any correlation. The mothers' plaque indexes increased with age and decreased when they flossed everyday and when they had a job. The children's plaque indexes were lower when they had their tooth hygiene done by their mothers, when the latter had declared that they flossed their children's teeth everyday, and also when the mothers had a job. Children's gingival indexes increased with age and decreased when they brushed their teeth more often, when their mothers had a job and when their mothers declared they are used to flossing every day.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a condição periodontal em 30 pares de mães e crianças com dentição mista, através dos índices de placa e gengival, bem como verificar sua correlação com alguns aspectos sociais e hábitos de higiene oral. No exame clínico foram registrados o índice de placa (IP) e índice gengival (IG) e, em seguida, foram realizadas tomadas radiográficas periapicais e interproximais que possibilitaram avaliar a possível presença de perdas ósseas em mães e crianças. Através de questionários, foram colhidas informações a respeito dos hábitos de higiene oral das mães e crianças, nível de escolaridade da mãe, se a mãe trabalhava fora e a renda familiar. Após análise estatística (Teste de Correlação de Pearson; test t de Student; Análise de Covariância), concluiu-se que houve maior correlação entre os índices de placa e gengival composto por adultos do que no grupo de crianças. Não foi encontrada correlação significante entre os índices de placa e gengival nos pares de mães e crianças. Não foi encontrada nenhuma correlação significante entre perda óssea e os índices de placa ou gengival dos pares. O índice de placa total das mães aumentou a idade e diminuiu quando a mãe utilizava fio dental diariamente e quando esta trabalhava fora. O índice gengival total das mães também foi reduzido quando elas trabalhavam fora. Houve redução no índice de placa total da criança quando a mãe a auxiliava durante a escovação, quando a mãe utilizava fio dental diariamente e quando esta trabalhava fora. O índice gengival total da criança foi maior com o aumento da idade e foi reduzido com aumento da sua freqüência de escovação, quando a mãe utilizava fio dental diariamente e quando a mãe trabalhava fora

    Viral DNA genomes in sera of farrowing sows with or without stillbirths

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    A study was conducted to investigate the serum virome of sows with and without stillbirths after farrowing. Sera from sows with at least one stillbirth or with normal litters were collected immediately after farrowing. Viral DNA was extracted from serum pools and submitted to high throughput sequencing. No differences in the proportion of virus-related reads were found in both groups (p > 0.05). A variety of viral DNA genomes were identified, mostly representative of three viral families: Anelloviridae, Circoviridae and Smacoviridae. Besides, a number of novel unclassified circular Rep-encoding single stranded DNA (CRESS DNA) viruses were also identified. These findings suggest that the presence of such viral genomes in sows’ sera bears no correlation with stillbirths’ occurrence; it seems likely that these constitute part of the normal serum microbiome of sows at farrowing

    Use of chewing gum containing 15% of xylitol and reduction in mutans streptococci salivary levels

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    Frequent use of Xylitol may decrease the S. mutans levels. However, very little is known about whether this effect on the levels of cariogenic bacteria is maintained after the interruption of short-term usage of xylitol. This study aimed at evaluating changes in mutans streptococci (MS) salivary levels after using a chewing gum containing xylitol. Twelve volunteers harboring &gt; 10(5) CFU MS/ml saliva levels were asked to chew Happydent-xylit® for 5 minutes, 5 X/day, for 30 days. Saliva samples were collected at baseline, at 30 days after xylitol usage began, and at 30 days beyond its interruption. MS salivary levels were estimated. The average salivary levels of MS in the ten subjects who completed the study were 13.17 (NL-CFU) at baseline (A). After the 30 days experimental period (B), this average decreased to 9.45 (NL-CFU). Nine of ten subjects studied showed a reduction in MS salivary levels in relation to baseline, whereas salivary levels were maintained in the remaining subject. At thirty days beyond the interruption of xylitol usage (C), the average levels of MS were still reduced to 10.31 (NL-CFU). Multiple sample comparison using the Bonferroni test revealed that the decrease in MS levels observed from baseline (A) to the time immediately after 30 days of xylitol usage (B) was statistically significant (p < 0.05), and those levels were still decreased between baseline and 30 days beyond the interruption of xylitol usage (C). So, the use of xylitol induced a reduction in MS salivary levels after a short period of usage which persisted beyond its interruption

    Virulence factors of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans: other putative factors

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    Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans está implicado como o agente etiológico da periodontite juvenil localizada. Este organismo possui inúmeros fatores de virulência que podem interferir no reparo tissular. 50 isolados de A. actinomycetemcomitans de pacientes com periodontite foram examinados para avaliar outros possíveis fatores de virulência. Neste estudo, foi avaliada a produção de cápsula, DNase, coagulase, fibrinolisina, atividade proteolítica, hemolisina e bacteriocina, assim como hemaglutinação, sensibilidade ao soro, aderência às células epiteliais, hidrofobicidade e virulência de A. actinomycetemcomitans. Todos os isolados foram resistentes para todos os tipos de soro utilizados. 70% a 94% dos isolados foram alfa-hemolíticos e aglutinaram todos os tipos sanguíneos. A maioria dos isolados produziu substâncias antagonistas e apresentaram baixa hidrofobicidade. Nenhum dos isolados foi patogênico para camundongos. Pouco se sabe, sobre a ação e como esses fatores podem agir no desenvolvimento da doença periodontal, sendo necessários estudos adicionais para uma aplicação em termos de sistemática e de patogênese.Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is implicated as the causative agent of localized juvenile periodontitis. This organism possesses a large number of virulence factors with a wide range of activities and also interfere with tissue repair. Fifty isolates of A. actinomycetemcomitans from 20 periodontal patients were examined to evaluate other putative virulence factors. In this study, the capsule, DNase, coagulase, fibrinolysin, proteolytic, haemolysin and bacteriocin production, haemagglutination, serum sensitivity, epithelial cells attachment, hydrophobicity and virulence of the A. actinomycetemcomitans isolates were evaluated. All the isolates were resistant to the different tested sera. 70% to 94% were alpha-haemolytics and agglutinated all blood types. Most of isolates produced antagonistic substances and they had a low hydrophobicity. None of the isolates was pathogenic for mice. Little is known as to wether these factors may act in the development of periodontal disease, and further studies are required for an application in pathogenic and systematic terms

    Effect of hBD-3 and LL-37 alone and in combination on the secretion of G-CFS (A), GRO-α (B), IP-10 (C), IL-6 (D), IL-8 (E), and MCP-1 (F) by the LPS-stimulated 3D co-culture model.

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    <p>Results are expressed as means ± standard deviation of triplicate assays from two independent experiments. <sup>#</sup>, significantly higher than the unstimulated (LPS) negative control (<i>p</i><0.01); *, significantly lower than the untreated (hBD-3, LL-37) positive control (<i>p</i><0.05); §, synergistic effect of the peptides; significantly lower than the sum of the inhibitory values of each peptide alone (<i>p</i><0.05) compared to the two peptides in combination.</p

    Schematic representation of the 3D co-culture model.

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    <p>The model is composed of gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1) embedded in a collagen matrix overlaid with gingival epithelial cells (OBA-9) and is a modification of the model described by Gursoy et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0106766#pone.0106766-Gursoy2" target="_blank">[42]</a>.</p

    Light microscopic observations of the individual cell lines and the 3D co-culture model.

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    <p>A: Collagen-gingival fibroblast (HGF-1) gel; B: Gingival epithelial cells (OBA-9) seeded on the collagen gel; C and D: 3D co-culture model composed of gingival fibroblasts embedded in a collagen matrix overlaid with gingival epithelial cells. The epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and 3D co-culture model were stimulated with <i>A. actinomycetemcomitans</i> LPS (1 µg/mL) for 24 h at 37°C in a 5% CO<sub>2</sub> atmosphere. Panels A, B, and C (4× magnification). Panel D (10× magnification).</p

    Effect of hBD-3 and LL-37 alone (A) and in combination (B) on the viability of LPS-stimulated gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1) and gingival epithelial cells (OBA-9).

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    <p>Untreated cells were assigned a value of 100%. All the other stimulations were compared to the control. Results are expressed as means ± standard deviation of duplicate assays from two independent experiments. No statistical significance was observed using ANOVA.</p

    Correlation study of plaque and gingival indexes of mothers and their children

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    This study aimed to compare the periodontal condition between plaque and gingival indexes in 30 pairs of mother and child with mixed dentition, as well as to correlate the findings with some of their social and oral hygiene habits. Mother's and child's plaque and gingival indexes were recorded during clinical examination. Periapical and bitewing radiographs were taken in order to assess the presence of any pathologic bone loss. Questionnaires answered by the mothers were used to collect information regarding the mother's and the child's habits of tooth hygiene and the mother's job, instruction level and family income. The data collected from the mothers' group and from the children's group were statistically analyzed both separately and with the two groups together. From the statistical analyses (Pearson correlation test, student test and Covariance analysis), it was possible to conclude that there was a greater correlation between the plaque and gingival indexes in the mothers' group than in the children's group. No significant correlation between plaque and gingival indexes could be found between the pairs. Also, bone loss and plaque and gingival indexes in the children did not show any correlation. The mothers' plaque indexes increased with age and decreased when they flossed everyday and when they had a job. The children's plaque indexes were lower when they had their tooth hygiene done by their mothers, when the latter had declared that they flossed their children's teeth everyday, and also when the mothers had a job. Children's gingival indexes increased with age and decreased when they brushed their teeth more often, when their mothers had a job and when their mothers declared they are used to flossing every day