62 research outputs found

    The Degree of Coconvex Multi Polynomial Approximation

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    Structural, Morphological Properties of ZnO Nano Powders

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    Nano-powders of zinc oxide (ZnO) have been prepared by high energy ball-milling for various spans of mill time (1-18 h). The crystal structure, surface morphology of the prepared ZnO nano powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. Keywords: zinc oxide ZnO; ball-milling, crystal structure, surface morphology

    Study of Structural and electrical Properties of WO3 as Thin Films

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    Three thin films were prepared by PVD starting from WO3 powder with thicknesses    ( 998.7, 1620, 2240 nm ) respectively on glass substrates under limited thermal and pressure conditions, studied their I-V characteristics and calculated the sensitivity for 100 ppm of ethanol vapor adsorption (The temperature of the films have been changed from 25°C to 350°C).       A comparison among them was achieved at 300 °C as an operating degree and found that the 1620 nm WO3 has more sensitivity and has more power to adsorb for ethanol vapor on it. The crystal structure of the prepared WO3 thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, then the comparison of the development which happened on the crystal structure reasons of deposition were studied. the crystal size has been calculated from patterns X-ray diffraction depended Scherrer Equation Keywords: Tungsten Oxide WO3, Ethanol Vapor, Sensing properties, thin film

    A New Operational Matrix of Derivative for Orthonormal Bernstein Polynomial's

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    New Operational Matrices of Seventh Degree Orthonormal Bernstein Polynomials

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    Based on analyzing the properties of Bernstein polynomials, the extended orthonormal Bernstein polynomials, defined on the interval [0, 1] for n=7 is achieved. Another method for computing operational matrices of derivative and integration D_b and R_(n+1)^B respectively is presented. Also the result of the proposed method is compared with true answers to show the convergence and advantages of the new method

    Calculation of the atomic properties of excited states for B-atom using Hartree Fock approximation

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    In this paper were studied some atomic properties for Boron atom and like ions such as ( C+1 and N+2) for different excited states( where nequal (3,4,5). This system consists of five electron : two electron each in(1S,2S-Level) with same quantum number except spin component ,where the first electron with spin up (α)and the other down(β) and the Fifth electron puts in(n S-Level)with spin up(α).using Hartree Fock approximation in position spaceand electron density at the nucleus Ï(0) have been calculated for these states of the same atom

    Whitney Multiapproximation

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    برهنا في هذا البحث نظرية  وتني  لأفضل تقريب متعدد للدالة  التي تنتمي إلى الفضاء  بواسطة متعددة الحدود الجبرية متعددة المتغيرات  من الدرجة اقل أو تساوي  .In this article we  prove  that Whitney  theorem  for  the  value of the  best  multiapproximation of a function   by algebraic multipolynomial  of degree

    Synthesis, characterization and analytical study of tellurated Schiff base of bis[2-(3-nitrobenzylideneamino)-5-nitrophenyl]telluride and its complexation reactions with Mn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) ions

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    Reaction of 2-amino-5-nitrophenylmercuric chloride with 3-nitro benzaldehyde gave 2-(3-nitrobenzylideneamino)-5-nitrophenylmercuric chloride (1). Reaction of the mercurated Schiff bases 1 with tellurium tetrabromide in 2:1 mole ratio gave the tellurated Schiff bases, bis[2-(3-nitrobenzylidineamino)-5-nitrophenyl] tellurium dibromide (2). Reduction of compound 2 by hydrazine hydrate gave the corresponding telluride, bis[2-(3-nitro benzylideneamino)-5-nitrophenyl]telluride (3). Complexation reactions of equilibrium mole ratios compound 3 with MnCl2.4H2O, CoCl2.6H2O and NiCl2.6H2O gave the corresponding complexes, i.e compounds 4-6, respectively. All the prepared compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurements and 1H and 13C NMR, FT-IR and UV-visible spectroscopic data. These data suggested that the compound 3 coordinate with metal ions as tridentate ligand. The molar conductivity study indicated compounds 1-3 are neutral and behave as non-electrolytes in DMSO solvent at room temperature while compounds 4-6 behave as 1:1 electrolytes in the same conditions. The molar ratio method was used to determine metal-ligand ratio, which was found as 1:1, metal: ligand. The thermal analysis of compounds 2 and 3 were also investigated and discussed

    Context based clearing procedure: A niching method for genetic algorithms

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    AbstractIn this paper we present CBC (context based clearing), a procedure for solving the niching problem. CBC is a clearing technique governed by the amount of heterogeneity in a subpopulation as measured by the standard deviation. CBC was tested using the M7 function, a massively multimodal deceptive optimization function typically used for testing the efficiency of finding global optima in a search space. The results are compared with a standard clearing procedure. Results show that CBC reaches global optima several generations earlier than in the standard clearing procedure. In this work the target was to test the effectiveness of context information in controlling clearing. A subpopulation includes a fixed number of candidates rather than a fixed radius. Each subpopulation is then cleared either totally or partially according to the heterogeneity of its candidates. This automatically regulates the radius size of the area cleared around the pivot of the subpopulation

    Collocation Orthonormal Berntein Polynomials method for Solving Integral Equations

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    In this paper, we use a combination of Orthonormal Bernstein functions on the interval  for degree ,and 6 to produce anew approach implementing Bernstein Operational matrix of derivative as a method for the numerical solution of linear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind and Volterra integral equations. The method converges rapidly to the exact solution and gives very accurate results even by low value of m. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the technique and convergence of method to the exact solution. Keywords: Bernstein polynomials, Operational Matrix of Derivative, Linear Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second  Kind and Volterra Integral Equations