2,218 research outputs found

    An examination of the self-perceptions of the physical environment and psychological health of Latina women living in the St. Columbia neighborhood of Newark, New Jersey

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    A correlation between perceptions of environmental quality and psychological health has been established in a sample of Latina women. Three psychological scales exist to measure psychological constructs such as learned helplessness, hopelessness, and selfesteem. These three scales have been used in conjunction with an environmental survey designed to capture the perceptions of the sample to their physical environment. The mean of scores for each psychological construct in the Latina sample were compared to the mean of scores for these constructs in independent samples of oncology, hemodialysis, and spinal cord injured patients being treated for depression. This comparison yields the following information: the Latina sample displays similar levels of learned helplessness with the samples of oncology and hemodialysis patients; the Latina sample displays similar levels of hopelessness with the oncology, hemodialysis, and spinal cord injured sample; and the Latina sample displays similar levels of selfesteem as the sample of hemodialysis patients and spinal cord injured patients, and possibly, the sample of oncology patients

    The Responsibilities Between Providing Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage and Protecting Marine Environment: A Case in Republic of Indonesia

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    State responsibility in international law is only charged to an independent state. Such responsibility can be created due to the rules of international law regarding the state responsibility and numerous important agreement signatories. Part XII of LOSC 1982 clearly states that “States have the obligation to protect and preserve the marine environment”. On the other hand, agreement might cause the issue of state responsibility, such as archipelagic sea-lanes in Indonesia. The obvious issue has raised serious problem, for instance, overlapping responsibility handled by the government of Indonesia under its implementation. On one side, Indonesia must preserve the marine environment by setting the marine protected areas (MPA). At the same time, Indonesia must ensure the existence of archipelagic sea lanes (ASLs), including its legality for international shipping. This make Indonesia face a dilemma, since its territorial seas also lies withincoral triangle. The recent solution undertaken by the government is prioritizing the existence of ASLs amongst with the rights of cross voyage, taking into account that ASLshave been set out prior to MPAs as well as the recognition of the sovereignty of archipelagic state created at the same time with the obligation of guaranteeing the right of crossing the ASLs. Thus, a plan for designating environmental protection area withASLs, the assignment should not interfere with it. Therefore, to accommodate both interests, The Indonesian government must immediately deliver to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regarding the condition of marine environment in which ASLP is closely confronted with MPAs to regulate special arrangements when the ships cross the are


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    Recognition of the archipelagic concept accommodated in chapter IV United Nations Conventions Law of The Sea (LOSC) 1982. The implication of this recognition is archipelagic states have sovereignty for their marine space. There are 3 zonation in sea sovereignty, that are inland water, territorial waters and archipelagic water. However, only in inland water that archipelagic states has full sovereignty such as on land, while another zone, it has followed by other states rights, One of which is right of passage. The right of another state passage is consisted by right of innocent passage, right of archipelagic sealine passage and there is also right of transit passage, which one all of that right of passage are depending on zones depending on the zone that is crossed. Talked about archipelagic sea-lanes passage (ASLP), Indonesia has to determine 3 archipelagic sea lanes passage and the consequence that all foreign ships should pass over that routes. For that reason, in this paper will discuss Indonesian sea sovereignty zone and right another state inside, along with implications for Indonesia after determination of archipelagic sealine passage

    Supported diagnosis of ADHD from EEG signals based on Hidden Markov Models and Probability Product Kernels

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    As a neuropsychiatric disorder, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity (ADHD) onsets on childhood inducing learning problems, low self-esteem, and substance use in adolescence.1 Usually, ADHD diagnosis relies on information collected by family members, teachers, and clinical observation. However, the analysis depends on the specialist expertise, leading to high misdiagnosis rates.2 To find a more specific and sensitive diagnosis, strategies integrating biomarkers and regular scientific assessments are required.3 In an attempt to describe reliable biomarkers for ADHD identification, current researches rely on the brain physiological responseassessed through electroencephalography (EEG) to better understand neuropathologies.4 For instance, the Theta-Beta power ratio (TBR) contrasts slow waves (4-7 Hz) and fast waves (13-30 Hz), under the assumption of more powerful slow waves in ADHD than in controls on resting state. Another proposed physiologically interpretable EEG feature corresponds to the P300 that expects a latency larger than the typical 300 ms after a stimulus is presented with lower amplitudes in ADHD subjects. Also, the error-related negativity (ERN) wave, evoked between 50-100 milliseconds at the frontal-central region when incorrect responses occur, has been considered to characterize ADHD children based on the impulsivity symptom.5 Despite their physiological ground, recent works challenge the robustness and significance of TBR, P300, and ERN as ADHD biomarkers under the non-stationary and non-linear temporal dependencies of the EEG..

    La enseñanza y trasmisión escrita del budismo tibetano en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 1983 y 2017

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    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar los cambios en el uso de fuentes y textos escritos, utilizados para la trasmisión del Buddhismo Tibetano (Vajrayāna) y el Bön en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 1983, cuando se fundó la primera comunidad de Buddhismo tibetano en la ciudad, y 2017, año en el que iniciamos esta investigación. El Vajrayāna es una de las tres grandes ramas del Buddhismo, desarrollada a partir de la entrada del Buddhismo Mahāyāna y de la tradición del Tantra, procedentes de India alrededor del siglo vii en el Tíbet, y el proceso de sincretismo con la tradición propia de esa región, el Bön, constituyéndose así en una particular tradición vigente hoy en Tíbet, Mongolia, Nepal, Bután, Sikkim (India) y algunas escuelas particulares de Japón y Rusia (Kalmukia).Nos enfocamos en el estudio de las fuentes y materiales escritos utilizados en la trasmisión del Buddhismo tibetano en Buenos Aires considerando sus cuatro escuelas, y el Bön, desde la perspectiva de quienes lo trasmiten y sus practicantes. Este informe referencia los avances obtenidos en la primera etapa de investigación, que se ha centrado en el trabajo de revisión bibliográfica y en la realización de gran parte del trabajo de campo a través de entrevistas a miembros de diferentes sanghas o centros de práctica y a maestros residentes de las diferentes escuelas.Hemos corroborado que en el caso de nuestro país, el estudio y la práctica del Buddhismo Vajrayāna ha ido creciendo tanto en el número de interesados y practicantes como en el de diferentes centros de práctica y enseñanza de las escuelas tibetanas fundadas en la ciudad. A diferencia de lo que ha sucedido con otras tradiciones dentro del Buddhismo, como las escuelas chinas o japonesas, el Vajrayāna no se ha practicado a partir de comunidades tibetanas residentes en nuestro territorio (ya que no hay migrantes tibetanos en Argentina), sino a partir de la invitación realizada a diferentes maestros tibetanos, que vienen con periodicidad y trasmiten sus enseñanzas a argentinos interesados en esta tradición.A modo de conclusiones, hemos avanzado en constatar que en nuestro contexto la trasmisión ha dependido de traducciones: en la mayoría de los centros se utilizan traducciones del inglés u otras lenguas occidentales. No obstante, hay un grupo de textos que se han empezado a traducir en el país desde sus originales tibetanos al español directamente, siendo importantes no solo para el contexto nacional sino para el hispanohablante en general. Dentro de estos primeros centros que han realizadotraducciones directas del tibetano, debemos señalar al Jardín del Buddhismo Mahāyāna, KagyuTekchen Chöling y a sus maestros residentes los Lamas Sangye Dorye y Rinchen Kandro. Hemosrealizado 17 entrevistas semiestructuradas a diferentes participantes y relevado información públicabrindada por los diferentes centros de práctica. En la próxima etapa, se avanzará en la revisióny análisis de los materiales y datos reunidos

    Beyond discipline:Discipline and lenience in religious practice. Introduction.

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    Questions of discipline are, today, no less ubiquitous than when under Foucault’s renowned scrutiny, but what does ‘discipline’ in diverse religious systems actually entail? In this article, we take ‘lenience’ rather than discipline as a starting point and compare its potential, both structural and ideological, in religious contexts where disciplinary flexibility shores up greater encompassing projects of moral perfectionism as opposed to those contexts in which disciplinary flexibility is a defining feature in its own right. We argue that lenience provides religious systems with a vital flexibility that is necessary to their reproduction and adaptation to the world. By taking a ‘systems’ perspective on ethnographic discussions of religious worlds, we proffer fresh observations on recent debates within the anthropology of religion on ‘ethics’, ‘failure’, and the nature of religious subjects