2,662 research outputs found

    Similarity of percolation thresholds on the hcp and fcc lattices

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    Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations were performed in order to determine the precise values of the critical thresholds for site (pc,Shcp=0.1992555±0.0000010p^{hcp}_{c,S} = 0.199 255 5 \pm 0.000 001 0) and bond (pc,Bhcp=0.1201640±0.0000010p^{hcp}_{c,B} = 0.120 164 0 \pm 0.000 001 0) percolation on the hcp lattice to compare with previous precise measuremens on the fcc lattice. Also, exact enumeration of the hcp and fcc lattices was performed and yielded generating functions and series for the zeroth, first, and second moments of both lattices. When these series and the values of pcp_c are compared to those for the fcc lattice, it is apparent that the site percolation thresholds are different; however, the bond percolation thresholds are equal within error bars, and the series only differ slightly in the higher order terms, suggesting the actual values are very close to each other, if not identical.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    Why Worry about How Many Species and Their Loss?

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    We are astonishingly ignorant about how many species are alive on earth today, and even more ignorant about how many we can lose yet still maintain ecosystem services that humanity ultimately depends upon. Mora et al.'s paper is important in offering an imaginative new approach to assessing total species numbers, both on land and in the sea

    Ideas in ecology

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    Journal ArticleThe word "ecology" means different things to different people. For example, during the last 25 years or so the word has been used to label attitudes, life-styles, consumer goods, political parties, and college courses. In the 1960s one university renamed its "Home Economics" course "Home Ecology." (But our own biology department reacted to the growing visibility of its conventional "Ecology" course by renaming it "Population Biology.") It is often said that Thoreau coined the word "ecology." He certainly ought to have done so, given the Rousseauesque yearnings that surround the word, and this may be why the myth lives on, even though it stems from a 1958 misreading of the word "geology" as "ecology" in one of his letters (James 1985). The German biologist Haeckel was actually the first to use the word "Oecologie," in 1866

    Neutron Tunneling in 3He(3He,2p)4He

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    We investigate the possibility that in the astrophysically interesting energy range (i.e., well below the Coulomb barrier), the reaction 3He(3He,2p)4He proceeds predominantly by a neutron tunneling mechanism. Rough calculations of the magnitude and energy dependence of the total cross-section and of the shape of the proton differential cross-section are made on this basis. The results are in moderate agreement with recent experiments, and tend to justify a smooth extrapolation of these laboratory results down to the lower energies of astrophysical significance

    Correlated interaction fluctuations in photosynthetic complexes

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    The functioning and efficiency of natural photosynthetic complexes is strongly influenced by their embedding in a noisy protein environment, which can even serve to enhance the transport efficiency. Interactions with the environment induce fluctuations of the transition energies of and interactions between the chlorophyll molecules, and due to the fact that different fluctuations will partially be caused by the same environmental factors, correlations between the various fluctuations will occur. We argue that fluctuations of the interactions should in general not be neglected, as these have a considerable impact on population transfer rates, decoherence rates and the efficiency of photosynthetic complexes. Furthermore, while correlations between transition energy fluctuations have been studied, we provide the first quantitative study of the effect of correlations between interaction fluctuations and transition energy fluctuations, and of correlations between the various interaction fluctuations. It is shown that these additional correlations typically lead to changes in interchromophore transfer rates, population oscillations and can lead to a limited enhancement of the light harvesting efficiency

    Inverted orbital polarization in strained correlated oxide films

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    Manipulating the orbital occupation of valence electrons via epitaxial strain in an effort to induce new functional properties requires considerations of how changes in the local bonding environment affect the band structure at the Fermi level. Using synchrotron radiation to measure the x-ray linear dichroism of epitaxially strained films of the correlated oxide CaFeO3, we demonstrate that the orbital polarization of the Fe valence electrons is opposite from conventional understanding. Although the energetic ordering of the Fe 3d orbitals is confirmed by multiplet ligand field theory analysis to be consistent with previously reported strain-induced behavior, we find that the nominally higher energy orbital is more populated than the lower. We ascribe this inverted orbital polarization to an anisotropic bandwidth response to strain in a compound with nearly filled bands. These findings provide an important counterexample to the traditional understanding of strain-induced orbital polarization and reveal a new method to engineer otherwise unachievable orbital occupations in correlated oxides
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