12,869 research outputs found

    Point-source detection system rejects spatially extended radiation sources

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    System employing digital space correlation to suppress false target signals in a point-target tracking device is a reliable method for discriminating a distant target from false targets in the field of view of an infrared detection system or tracking device

    Morphologic studies of the Moon and planets

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    The impact, volcanic, and tectonic history of the Moon and planets were investigated over an eight year period. Research on the following topics is discussed: lunar craters, lunar basins, lunar volcanoes, correlation of Apollo geochemical data, lunar geology, Mars desert landforms, and Mars impact basins

    The determination of measures of software reliability

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    Measurement of software reliability was carried out during the development of data base software for a multi-sensor tracking system. The failure ratio and failure rate were found to be consistent measures. Trend lines could be established from these measurements that provide good visualization of the progress on the job as a whole as well as on individual modules. Over one-half of the observed failures were due to factors associated with the individual run submission rather than with the code proper. Possible application of these findings for line management, project managers, functional management, and regulatory agencies is discussed. Steps for simplifying the measurement process and for use of these data in predicting operational software reliability are outlined

    Optimum Enterprise Combinations for Representative Farms in Seven Counties of Southwestern Utah, 1967

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    Resources available for agricultural production were ascertained and trends in their use were studied for seven counties of southwestern Utah. Special consideration was given to cropland, irrigation water, and operating capital as resource restrictions for a linear programming model. Budget data were obtained for crop and livestock enterprises by interviewing farmers and ranchers in the area. Budgets for four representative farm types representing climatic and irrigation differences were made to study crop possibilities. Acreage minimums or maximums for selected crops were established as conservation measures. Budgets were prepared for farm livestock enterprises to use with crop budgets for each representative farm. Results provided profit maximizing enterprise combinations for each representative farm

    Comment on "Plasma ionization by annularly bounded helicon waves" [Phys . Plasmas 13, 063501 (2006)]

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    The neoclassical calculation of the helicon wave theory contains a fundamental flaw. Use is made of a proportional relationship between the magnetic field and its curl to derive the Helmholtz equation describing helicon wave propagation; however, by the fundamental theorem of Stokes, the curl of the magnetic field must be perpendicular to that portion of the field contributing to the local curl. Reexamination of the equations of motion indicates that only electromagnetic waves propagate through a stationary region of constant pressure in a fully ionized, neutral medium.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Phys. Plasmas, http://link.aip.org/link/?PHPAEN/16/054701/

    Constraint on the Low Energy Constants of Wilson Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    Wilson chiral perturbation theory (WChPT) is the effective field theory describing the long- distance properties of lattice QCD with Wilson or twisted-mass fermions. We consider here WChPT for the theory with two light flavors of Wilson fermions or a single light twisted-mass fermion. Discretization errors introduce three low energy constants (LECs) into partially quenched WChPT at O(a^2), conventionally called W'_6, W'_7 and W'_8 . The phase structure of the theory at non-zero a depends on the sign of the combination 2W'_6 + W'_8, while the spectrum of the lattice Hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator depends on all three constants. It has been argued, based on the positivity of partition functions of fixed topological charge, and on the convergence of graded group integrals that arise in the epsilon-regime of ChPT, that there is a constraint on the LECs arising from the underlying lattice theory. In particular, for W'_6 = W'_7 = 0, the constraint found is W'_8 \le 0. Here we provide an alternative line of argument, based on mass inequalities for the underlying partially quenched theory. We find that W'_8 \le 0, irrespective of the values of W'_6 and W'_7. Our constraint implies that 2W'_6 > |W'_8| if the phase diagram is to be described by the first-order scenario, as recent simulations suggest is the case for some choices of action.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    The Performance Assessment of a Small Lighter-Than-Air Vehicle for Earth Science Remote Sensing Missions

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    This summer, a lighter-than-air (LTA) drone was tested in Alaska to measure glacier bedrock fracture density and orientation. Five flights were made in low wind conditions, and the directional stability of the airship made it too challenging to control in flight to realistically acquire useful image sets. The directional stability of the airship, when compared to an actively stabilized consumer-grade quadcopter was inferior. Flight logs and GPS data from the GPS on the LTA drone were analyzed and a quantitative assessment of the observed instability was made. The yaw axis and pitch were analyzed, and the yaw axis instability was greater than the pitch axis instability. The source of this instability included the excessive sensitivity of the yaw thruster, and the inherent yaw instability of the blimp shape. An attempt was made to reduce the yaw instability by reducing the yaw motor size. The observed instability may have also resulted from external sources like wind gusts and the glacier microclimate. The analysis informed modifications of the LTA drone to make it more stable for glacier research, which were implemented and tested. The thrust output of the tail motor was reduced by 59%. This change was associated with a reduction in median heading variability of 47% between test flights before and after modification. The reduction was proven statistically significant at a 99% confidence interval. Also, recommendations for further modifications include the implementation of autonomous flight control and envelope optimization