41 research outputs found

    Modeling dynamical ejecta from binary neutron star mergers and implications for electromagnetic counterparts

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    In addition to the emission of gravitational waves (GWs) the coalescence and merger of two neutron stars will produce a variety of electromagnetic (EM) signals. In this work we combine a large set of numerical relativity simulations performed by different groups and we present fits for the mass, kinetic energy, and the velocities of the dynamical ejected material. Additionally, we comment on the geometry and composition of the ejecta and discuss the influence of the stars' individual rotation. The derived fits can be used to approximate the luminosity and lightcurve of the kilonovae (macronovae) and to estimate the main properties of the radio flares. This correlation between the binary parameters and the EM signals allows in case of a GW detection to approximate possible EM counterparts when first estimates of the masses are available. After a possible kilonovae observation our results could also be used to restrict the region of the parameter space which has to be covered by numerical relativity simulations.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Gravitational waves and mass ejecta from binary neutron star mergers: Effect of the stars' rotation

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    We present new (3+1) dimensional numerical relativity simulations of the binary neutron star (BNS) mergers that take into account the NS spins. We consider different spin configurations, aligned or antialigned to the orbital angular momentum, for equal and unequal mass BNS and for two equations of state. All the simulations employ quasiequilibrium circular initial data in the constant rotational velocity approach, i.e. they are consistent with Einstein equations and in hydrodynamical equilibrium. We study the NS rotation effect on the energetics, the gravitational waves (GWs) and on the possible electromagnetic (EM) emission associated to dynamical mass ejecta. For dimensionless spin magnitudes of χ∼0.1\chi\sim0.1 we find that spin-orbit interactions and also spin-induced-quadrupole deformations affect the late-inspiral-merger dynamics. The latter is, however, dominated by finite-size effects. Spin (tidal) effects contribute to GW phase differences up to 5 (20) radians accumulated during the last eight orbits to merger. Similarly, after merger the collapse time of the remnant and the GW spectrogram are affected by the NSs rotation. Spin effects in dynamical ejecta are clearly observed in unequal mass systems in which mass ejection originates from the tidal tail of the companion. Consequently kilonovae and other EM counterparts are affected by spins. We find that spin aligned to the orbital angular momentum leads to brighter EM counterparts than antialigned spin with luminosities up to a factor of two higher.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    Numerical relativity simulations of neutron star merger remnants using conservative mesh refinement

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    We study equal and unequal-mass neutron star mergers by means of new numerical relativity simulations in which the general relativistic hydrodynamics solver employs an algorithm that guarantees mass conservation across the refinement levels of the computational mesh. We consider eight binary configurations with total mass M=2.7 M⊙M=2.7\,M_\odot, mass-ratios q=1q=1 and q=1.16q=1.16, and four different equation of states (EOSs), and one configuration with a stiff EOS, M=2.5M⊙M=2.5M_\odot and q=1.5q=1.5. We focus on the post-merger dynamics and study the merger remnant, dynamical ejecta and the postmerger gravitational wave spectrum. Although most of the merger remnants form a hypermassive neutron star collapsing to a black hole+disk system on dynamical timescales, stiff EOSs can eventually produce a stable massive neutron star. Ejecta are mostly emitted around the orbital plane; favored by large mass ratios and softer EOS. The postmerger wave spectrum is mainly characterized by non-axisymmetric oscillations of the remnant. The stiff EOS configuration consisting of a 1.5M⊙1.5M_\odot and a 1.0M⊙1.0M_\odot neutron star shows a rather peculiar dynamics. During merger the companion star is very deformed; about~∼0.03M⊙\sim0.03M_\odot of rest-mass becomes unbound from the tidal tail due torque; and the merger remnant forms stable neutron star surrounded by a massive accretion disk ∼0.3M⊙\sim0.3M_\odot. Similar configurations might be particularly interesting for electromagnetic counterparts. Comparing results obtained with and without the conservative mesh refinement algorithm, we find that post-merger simulations can be affected by systematic errors if mass conservation is not enforced in the mesh refinement strategy. However, mass conservation also depends on grid details and on the artificial atmosphere setup. [abridged]Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure

    Numerical Relativity Simulations of Precessing Binary Neutron Star Mergers

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    We present the first set of numerical relativity simulations of binary neutron mergers that include spin precession effects and are evolved with multiple resolutions. Our simulations employ consistent initial data in general relativity with different spin configurations and dimensionless spin magnitudes ∼0.1\sim 0.1. They start at a gravitational-wave frequency of ∼392\sim392~Hz and cover more than 11 precession period and about 15 orbits up to merger. We discuss the spin precession dynamics by analyzing coordinate trajectories, quasi-local spin measurements, and energetics, by comparing spin aligned, antialigned, and irrotational configurations. Gravitational waveforms from different spin configuration are compared by calculating the mismatch between pairs of waveforms in the late inspiral. We find that precession effects are not distinguishable from nonprecessing configurations with aligned spins for approximately face-on binaries, while the latter are distinguishable from a nonspinning configurations. Spin precession effects are instead clearly visible for approximately edge-on binaries. For the parameters considered here, precession does not significantly affect the characteristic postmerger gravitational-wave frequencies nor the mass ejection. Our results pave the way for the modeling of spin precession effects in the gravitational waveform from binary neutron star events.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, comments are welcom

    Quasiuniversal properties of neutron star mergers

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    Binary neutron star mergers are studied using nonlinear 3+1 numerical relativity simulations and the analytical effective-one-body (EOB) model. The EOB model predicts quasiuniversal relations between the mass-rescaled gravitational wave frequency and the binding energy at the moment of merger, and certain dimensionless binary tidal coupling constants depending on the stars Love numbers, compactnesses and the binary mass ratio. These relations are quasiuniversal in the sense that, for a given value of the tidal coupling constant, they depend significantly neither on the equation of state nor on the mass ratio, though they do depend on stars spins. The spin dependence is approximately linear for small spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum. The quasiuniversality is a property of the conservative dynamics; nontrivial relations emerge as the binary interaction becomes tidally dominated. This analytical prediction is qualitatively consistent with new, multi-orbit numerical relativity results for the relevant case of equal-mass irrotational binaries. Universal relations are thus expected to characterize neutron star mergers dynamics. In the context of gravitational wave astronomy, these universal relations may be used to constrain the neutron star equation of state using waveforms that model the merger accurately

    Simulating Binary Neutron Stars with Hybrid Equation of States: Gravitational Waves, Electromagnetic Signatures, and Challenges for Numerical Relativity

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    The gravitational wave and electromagnetic signatures connected to the merger of two neutron stars allow us to test the nature of matter at supranuclear densities. Since the Equation of State governing the interior of neutron stars is only loosely constrained, there is even the possibility that strange quark matter exists inside the core of neutron stars. We investigate how strange quark matter cores affect the binary neutron star coalescence by performing numerical relativity simulations. Interestingly, the strong phase transition can cause a reduction of the convergence order of the numerical schemes to first order if the numerical resolution is not high enough. Therefore, an additional challenge is added in producing high-quality gravitational wave templates for Equation of States with a strong phase transition. Focusing on one particular configuration of an equal mass configuration consistent with GW170817, we compute and discuss the associated gravitational wave signal and some of the electromagnetic counterparts connected to the merger of the two stars. We find that existing waveform approximants employed for the analysis of GW170817 allow describing this kind of systems within the numerical uncertainties, which, however, are several times larger than for pure hadronic Equation of States, which means that even higher resolutions have been employed for an accurate gravitational wave model comparison. We also show that for the chosen Equation of State, quasi-universal relations describing the gravitational wave emission after the moment of merger seem to hold and that the electromagnetic signatures connected to our chosen setup would not be bright enough to explain the kilonova associated to GW170817

    The Radiant Massive Magnetic Dipole

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    We present an exact, time-dependent solution for the Einstein field equations that models the coupling between an anisotropic fluid and a magnetic field in an axially symmetric space-time. By carefully selecting the metric components, we achieve a convenient separation of variables that enables us to solve Einstein's field equations and obtain a solution that evolves into the Gutsunaev-Manko massive magnetic dipole. The analysis of the thermodynamic quantities suggests that this solution may represent a pulse of radiation emitted by a massive object with magnetic properties as for example pulsars or neutron stars

    Towards rapid transient identification and characterization of kilonovae

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    With the increasing sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave detectors, the first joint detection of an electromagnetic and gravitational wave signal from a compact binary merger will hopefully happen within this decade. However, current gravitational-wave likelihood sky areas span ∼100−1000 deg2\sim 100-1000\,\textrm{deg}^2, and thus it is a challenging task to identify which, if any, transient corresponds to the gravitational-wave event. In this study, we make a comparison between recent kilonovae/macronovae lightcurve models for the purpose of assessing potential lightcurve templates for counterpart identification. We show that recent analytical and parametrized models for these counterparts result in qualitative agreement with more complicated radiative transfer simulations. Our analysis suggests that with improved lightcurve models with smaller uncertainties, it will become possible to extract information about ejecta properties and binary parameters directly from the lightcurve measurement. Even tighter constraints are obtained in cases for which gravitational-wave and kilonovae parameter estimation results are combined. However, to be prepared for upcoming detections, more realistic kilonovae models are needed. These will require numerical relativity with more detailed microphysics, better radiative transfer simulations, and a better understanding of the underlying nuclear physics

    Potential flows in a core-dipole-shell system: numerical results

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    Numerical solutions for: the integral curves of the velocity field (streamlines), the density contours, and the accretion rate of a steady-state flow of an ideal fluid with p=K n^(gamma) equation of state orbiting in a core-dipole-shell system are presented. For 1 < gamma < 2, we found that the non-linear contribution appearing in the partial differential equation for the velocity potential has little effect in the form of the streamlines and density contour lines, but can be noticed in the density values. The study of several cases indicates that this appears to be the general situation. The accretion rate was found to increase when the constant gamma decreases.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages, 5 eps figures, CQG to appea