264 research outputs found

    Animal Evolution: Once upon a Time

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    SummaryThe evolutionary relationships between the earliest branches of the animal kingdom – bilaterians, cnidarians, ctenophores, sponges and placozoans – are contentious. A new phylogenomic analysis suggests a return to old ideas

    Evidence for the derivation of the Drosophila fushi tarazu gene from a Hox gene orthologous to lophotrochozoan Lox5

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    AbstractThe DNA-binding homeobox motif was first identified in several Drosophila homeotic genes but also in fushi tarazu, a gene found in the Hox cluster yet involved in segmentation, not anteroposterior patterning [1]. Homeotic transformations are not seen in insect ftz mutants, and insect ftz genes do not have Hox-like expression except within the nervous system [2,3]. Insect ftz homeobox sequences link them to the Antp-class genes and Tribolium and Schistocerca orthologs have Antp-class YPWM motifs amino-terminal to the homeobox [2,3]. Orthologs of ftz cloned from a centipede and an onychophoran [4] show that it predates the emergence of the arthropods, but the inability to pinpoint non-arthropodan orthologs suggested that ftz is the product of a Hox gene duplication in the arthropod ancestor [4,5]. I have cloned ftz orthologs from a mite and a tardigrade, arthropod outgroups of the insects [6]. Mite ftz is expressed in a Hox-like pattern, confirming its ancestral role in anteroposterior patterning. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that arthropod ftz genes are orthologous to the Lox5 genes of lophotrochozoans (a group that includes molluscs) [7] and, possibly, with the Mab-5 genes of nematodes and Hox6 genes of deuterostomes and would therefore have been present in the triploblast ancestor

    Genome assembly of the polyclad flatworm Prostheceraeus crozieri

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    Polyclad flatworms are widely thought to be one of the least derived of the flatworm classes and, as such, are well placed to investigate evolutionary and developmental features such as spiral cleavage and larval diversification lost in other platyhelminths. Prostheceraeus crozieri, formerly Maritigrella crozieri, is an emerging model polyclad flatworm that already has some useful transcriptome data but, to date, no sequenced genome. We have used high molecular weight DNA extraction and long read PacBio sequencing to assemble the highly repetitive (67.9%) P. crozieri genome (2.07 Gb). We have annotated 43,325 genes, with 89.7% BUSCO 26 completeness. Perhaps reflecting its large genome, introns were considerably larger than other free-living flatworms, but evidence of abundant transposable elements suggests genome expansion has been principally via transposable elements activity. This genome resource will be of great use for future developmental and phylogenomic research

    The mitochondrial genome structure of Xenoturbella bocki (phylum Xenoturbellida) is ancestral within the deuterostomes

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    Mitochondrial genome comparisons contribute in multiple ways when inferring animal relationships. As well as primary sequence data, rare genomic changes such as gene order, shared gene boundaries and genetic code changes, which are unlikely to have arisen through convergent evolution, are useful tools in resolving deep phylogenies. Xenoturbella bocki is a morphologically simple benthic marine worm recently found to belong among the deuterostomes. Here we present analyses comparing the Xenoturbella bocki mitochondrial gene order, genetic code and control region to those of other metazoan groups

    Uncertainty in the Timing of Origin of Animals and the Limits of Precision in Molecular Timescales

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    The timing of divergences among metazoan lineages is integral to understanding the processes of animal evolution, placing the biological events of species divergences into the correct geological timeframe. Recent fossil discoveries and molecular clock dating studies have suggested a divergence of bilaterian phyla >100 million years before the Cambrian, when the first definite crown-bilaterian fossils occur. Most previous molecular clock dating studies, however, have suffered from limited data and biases in methodologies, and virtually all have failed to acknowledge the large uncertainties associated with the fossil record of early animals, leading to inconsistent estimates among studies. Here we use an unprecedented amount of molecular data, combined with four fossil calibration strategies (reflecting disparate and controversial interpretations of the metazoan fossil record) to obtain Bayesian estimates of metazoan divergence times. Our results indicate that the uncertain nature of ancient fossils and violations of the molecular clock impose a limit on the precision that can be achieved in estimates of ancient molecular timescales. For example, although we can assert that crown Metazoa originated during the Cryogenian (with most crown-bilaterian phyla diversifying during the Ediacaran), it is not possible with current data to pinpoint the divergence events with sufficient accuracy to test for correlations between geological and biological events in the history of animals. Although a Cryogenian origin of crown Metazoa agrees with current geological interpretations, the divergence dates of the bilaterians remain controversial. Thus, attempts to build evolutionary narratives of early animal evolution based on molecular clock timescales appear to be premature

    The ultrastructure of the apical organ of the MĂŒller's larva of the tiger flatworm Prostheceraeus crozieri

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    The tiger flatworm Prostheceraeus crozieri (Polycladida) develops via an eight-lobed, and three-eyed planktonic MĂŒller's larva. This larva has an apical organ, ultrastructural details of which remain elusive due to a scarcity of studies. The evolution and possible homology of the polyclad larva with other spiralian larvae is still controversial. Here, we provide ultrastructural data and three-dimensional reconstructions of the apical organ of P. crozieri. The apical organ consists of an apical tuft complex and a dorso-apical tuft complex. The apical tuft complex features a central tuft of five long cilia, which emerge from four or five individual cells that are themselves encircled by two anchor cells. The necks of six multibranched gland cells are sandwiched between ciliated tuft cell bodies and anchor cells. The proximal parts of the ciliated cell bodies are in contact with the lateral brain neuropil via gap junctions. Located dorsally of the apical tuft complex, the dorso-apical tuft complex is characterized by several long cilia of sensory neurons, these emerge from an epidermal lumen and are closely associated with several gland cells that form a crescent apically around the dorsal anchor cell, and laterally touch the brain neuropil. Such ciliated sensory neurons emerging from a ciliated lumen are reminiscent of ampullary cells of mollusc and annelid larvae; a similar cell type can be found in the hoplonemertean decidula larva. We hypothesize that the ampullary-like cells and the tuft-forming sensory cells in the apical organs of these spiralian larvae could be homologous

    TranslatorX: multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences guided by amino acid translations

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    We present TranslatorX, a web server designed to align protein-coding nucleotide sequences based on their corresponding amino acid translations. Many comparisons between biological sequences (nucleic acids and proteins) involve the construction of multiple alignments. Alignments represent a statement regarding the homology between individual nucleotides or amino acids within homologous genes. As protein-coding DNA sequences evolve as triplets of nucleotides (codons) and it is known that sequence similarity degrades more rapidly at the DNA than at the amino acid level, alignments are generally more accurate when based on amino acids than on their corresponding nucleotides. TranslatorX novelties include: (i) use of all documented genetic codes and the possibility of assigning different genetic codes for each sequence; (ii) a battery of different multiple alignment programs; (iii) translation of ambiguous codons when possible; (iv) an innovative criterion to clean nucleotide alignments with GBlocks based on protein information; and (v) a rich output, including Jalview-powered graphical visualization of the alignments, codon-based alignments coloured according to the corresponding amino acids, measures of compositional bias and first, second and third codon position specific alignments. The TranslatorX server is freely available at http://translatorx.co.uk

    Ecdysozoan mitogenomics: evidence for a common origin of the legged invertebrates, the Panarthropoda

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    Ecdysozoa is the recently recognized clade of molting animals that comprises the vast majority of extant animal species and the most important invertebrate model organisms—the fruit fly and the nematode worm. Evolutionary relationships within the ecdysozoans remain, however, unresolved, impairing the correct interpretation of comparative genomic studies. In particular, the affinities of the three Panarthropoda phyla (Arthropoda, Onychophora, and Tardigrada) and the position of Myriapoda within Arthropoda (Mandibulata vs. Myriochelata hypothesis) are among the most contentious issues in animal phylogenetics. To elucidate these relationships, we have determined and analyzed complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two Tardigrada, Hypsibius dujardini and Thulinia sp. (the first genomes to date for this phylum); one Priapulida, Halicryptus spinulosus; and two Onychophora, Peripatoides sp. and Epiperipatus biolleyi; and a partial mitochondrial genome sequence of the Onychophora Euperipatoides kanagrensis. Tardigrada mitochondrial genomes resemble those of the arthropods in term of the gene order and strand asymmetry, whereas Onychophora genomes are characterized by numerous gene order rearrangements and strand asymmetry variations. In addition, Onychophora genomes are extremely enriched in A and T nucleotides, whereas Priapulida and Tardigrada are more balanced. Phylogenetic analyses based on concatenated amino acid coding sequences support a monophyletic origin of the Ecdysozoa and the position of Priapulida as the sister group of a monophyletic Panarthropoda (Tardigrada plus Onychophora plus Arthropoda). The position of Tardigrada is more problematic, most likely because of long branch attraction (LBA). However, experiments designed to reduce LBA suggest that the most likely placement of Tardigrada is as a sister group of Onychophora. The same analyses also recover monophyly of traditionally recognized arthropod lineages such as Arachnida and of the highly debated clade Mandibulata
