1,930 research outputs found

    New bone formation in the mandibular corpus after mucosal healing in a patient with medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw after treatment by bisphosphonates for multiple myeloma: a case report and pictorial review

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    Objective: First cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patient exposed to bisphosphonates were presented in 2003. Bisphosphonates related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) was further extended to medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) to include antiresorptive and anti-angiogenic drugs. Some directives were described for the treatment of this disease in function of its gravity. Treatments of high stage of MRONJ are subject to discussion because of their morbidity. Complete healing is difficult to reach and often needs combination of invasive and non-invasive treatment. Case report: We report and illustrate a clinical case of new bone formation after MRONJ on pamidronate and zoledronate treatment for multiple myeloma. The treatment of choice was sequestrectomy and conservative treatment. Discussion: The consensus to reach a complete healing after MRONJ is not already known. More studies are needed.  Objective: First cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patient exposed to bisphosphonates were presented in 2003. Bisphosphonates related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) was further extended to medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) to include antiresorptive and anti-angiogenic drugs. Some directives were described for the treatment of this disease in function of its gravity. Treatments of high stage of MRONJ are subject to discussion because of their morbidity. Complete healing is difficult to reach and often needs combination of invasive and non-invasive treatment. Case report: We report and illustrate a clinical case of new bone formation after MRONJ on pamidronate and zoledronate treatment for multiple myeloma. The treatment of choice was sequestrectomy and conservative treatment. Discussion: The consensus to reach a complete healing after MRONJ is not already known. More studies are needed. &nbsp

    Notations et écarts de rentabilité : le marché français avant l'euro.

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    L'objectif de cet article est de confronter deux mesures classiques du risque de défaillance de l'émetteur, la notation et l'écart de rentabilité. La première est attribuée par des agences spécialisées dans cette activité (Standard and Poor's et Moody's) alors que la seconde résulte du prix de l'obligation sur le marché financier. Cet article illustre et étudie ce lien sur une période de deux ans pour une quarantaine d'obligations émises en francs. Deux types de mesures de l'écart de rentabilité sont retenus et les résultats obtenus sur la grille de notation complète puis sur une grille de notation réduite montrent la prise en compte très partielle de cette information par les investisseurs sur le marché français.The main task of this paper is to confront two classical measures of default risk of the issuer, the rating and the spread. The first is attributed by agencies specialized in this activity (Standard and Poor's or Moody's) while the second results directly from the market price of the bond. This article studies this link over a period of two years for about forty French denominated bonds. Two measures of the spread are used and the results obtained show the very partial consideration of this information by the investors on the French bond market.default risk; rating; spread; bonds; risque de défaut.; notation; spread de taux; obligations;

    Robust direct acoustic impedance control using two microphones for mixed feedforward-feedback controller

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    This paper presents an acoustic impedance control architecture for an electroacoustic absorber combining both a feedforward and a feedback microphone-based strategies on a current-driven loudspeaker. Feedforward systems enable good performance for direct impedance control. However, inaccuracies in the required actuator model can lead to a loss of passivity, which can cause unstable behaviors. The feedback contribution allows the absorber to better handle model errors and still achieve an accurate impedance, preserving passivity. Numerical and experimental studies were conducted to compare this new architecture against a state-of-the-art feedforward control method

    Gravel-bed river morphodynamics and large wood dynamics

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    International audienceThe gravel-bed rivers of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec (Canada), a coastal drainage system of the St. Lawrence estuary, receive and transport vast quantities of large wood. The rapid rate of channel shifting caused by high-energy flows and noncohesive banks allows wood recruitment that in turn greatly influences the river morphodynamics. The delta of the Saint-Jean River has accumulated wood since 1960, leading to frequent avulsions over that time period. The wood raft in 2014 was more than 3-km long, which is unusual but natural. The jam configuration allows a unique opportunity to estimate a wood budget and to better understand the interactions between river morphodynamics and large wood flux at the basin scale. Airborne and ground photo/video images are used to evaluate channel changes, to determine the wood transport rates and the wood volume introduced by erosion and the wood deposited in the raft. Annual surveys were carried out from 2010 to 2013 to locate and describe more than 1000 jams and 2000 individual pieces of wood along the upstream 60 km long river section. Analysis of the morphodynamic trajectory of the river since 1960 (eroded floodplain, channel width, gravel-bar evolution, stream power…) combined with repeated field surveys allowed defining the morphological characteristics as well as the jam configuration that control wood mobility and deposit. The results indicate that the volumes of woods deposited along the 60 km section are 4 times higher in 2013 than in 2010. Increase in wood amount occurs mainly in upper alluvial sections whereas decrease is observed in the semi-alluvial sections. Wood transport rate and raft lengthening are only partly linked to peak flows so that some threshold conditions can control wood transfer within the basin. The four years analysis of the large woods dynamics in Saint-Jean river can assist river managers and develop management tools and strategies to deal with large wood in medium to large rivers and in rivers of cold areas

    Deliverable D10.4.1

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    This deliverable describes the final status of Task 10.4 of Workpackage 10 of the euHeart project. The aim of this task is to develop a prototype of an endovascular simulator of cardiac radiofrequency ablation. More precisely, its purpose is to simulate the patient-specific catheter navigation and radiofre- quency ablation of ventricular tachycardia. Since deliverable 10.4.1, work on the simulator prototype has focused on the development of a user interface and the integration of two software compo- nents : endovascular simulation and electrophysiology simulation. The first component aims at modeling the deformation of catheters and guidewires inside vessels and to generate a realistic visualization of the vis- ible X-ray images. The second component is focused on the simulation of electrophysiology. We have chosen the Mitchell-Schaeffer phenomenological model to represent the evolution of action potential on the myocardium. The integration of those 2 software components is difficult because they should both run simultaneously in real-time. To this end, we have developed a multi-thread framework allowing to parallelize the computation of the catheter deformation and the cardiac electrophysiology while sharing a minimum num- ber of information. We have also developed a user interface that can display X-ray images, 3D view of the heart and simulated electro-physiology signals measured at the tip of the catheter. An example of simulation is provided starting from the endovascular navi- gation from the veina cava and finishing with the radiofrequency ablation of endocardial tissue inside the right ventricle

    Deliverable D10.4.2

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    This deliverable describes the final status of Task 10.4 of Workpackage 10 of the euHeart project. The aim of this task is to develop a prototype of an endovascular simulator of cardiac radiofrequency ablation. More precisely, its purpose is to simulate the patient-specific catheter navigation and radiofre- quency ablation of ventricular tachycardia. Since deliverable 10.4.1, work on the simulator prototype has focused on the development of a user interface and the integration of two software compo- nents : endovascular simulation and electrophysiology simulation. The first component aims at modeling the deformation of catheters and guidewires inside vessels and to generate a realistic visualization of the vis- ible X-ray images. The second component is focused on the simulation of electrophysiology. We have chosen the Mitchell-Schaeffer phenomenological model to represent the evolution of action potential on the myocardium. The integration of those 2 software components is difficult because they should both run simultaneously in real-time. To this end, we have developed a multi-thread framework allowing to parallelize the computation of the catheter deformation and the cardiac electrophysiology while sharing a minimum num- ber of information. We have also developed a user interface that can display X-ray images, 3D view of the heart and simulated electro-physiology signals measured at the tip of the catheter. An example of simulation is provided starting from the endovascular navi- gation from the veina cava and finishing with the radiofrequency ablation of endocardial tissue inside the right ventricle

    Active Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like System

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    An acoustic dimer composed of two electronically controlled electro-acoustic resonators is presented in view of exploring one-dimensional topological phenomena.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Towards an Interactive Electromechanical Model of the Heart

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    International audienceIn this work, we develop an interactive framework for rehearsal and training in the context of cardiac catheter ablation, and for planning in the context of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT). To this end, an interactive and real-time electrophysiology model of the heart is developed to fit patient-specific data. The proposed interactive framework relies on two main contributions. An efficient implementation of cardiac electrophysiology is first proposed using latest GPU computing techniques. Second, a mechanical simulation is then coupled to the electrophysiological signals to produce realistic motion of the heart. We demonstrate that pathological mechanical and electrophysiological behaviour can be simulated