68 research outputs found


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    The work is devoted to the development of cars with hybrid power plant. There is now a significant increase in their use, justified by high economic and environmental indicators. Environmental - reduction of exhaust gas emissions due to use of converted and accumulated electric energy. Economic indicators are achieved by recovery of kinetic energy, thereby increasing fuel efficiency. With the active development of cars with hybrid power plant, including on the territory of Russia, it is necessary to create conditions to ensure their technically serviceable condition.Objective – determination of rational layout schemes of hybrid power plant.Method or methodology of work: the article uses methods of analysis of literary sources.Results: a promising arrangement of hybrid power plant for the car has been revealed.Field of application: the results obtained are useful for improving the fuel efficiency of automobiles and reducing the toxicity of exhaust gas emissions.Работа посвящена вопросу развития и компоновке автомобилей с гибридной силовой установкой. В настоящее время наблюдается значительный рост их использования, который обосновывается высокими экономическими и экологическими показателями. Экологические показатели достигаются путем снижением выбросов отработавших газов за счет применения преобразованной и накопленной электрической энергии. Экономические показатели достигаются путем рекуперации кинетической энергии, тем самым повышая топливную эффективность. При активном развитии автомобилей с гибридной силовой установкой, в том числе на территории России, требуется создание дополнительных условий для обеспечения их технически исправного состояния.Цель – определение рациональных схем компоновки гибридной силовой установки.Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье использованы методы анализа литературных источников.Результаты: выявлена перспективная компоновка гибридной силовой установки для автомобиля.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты целесообразно применять для повышения топливная экономичности автомобилей и снижения токсичности выбросов отработавших газов


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    The dynamic model of technological mode with two rotating masses is considered: rim and bus of the driving wheel and speed mass of the technological module. Tire of driving wheel of t-nological module is characterised by coefficients of circumferential gesture-bone and damping. The procedure of optimization of the characteristics of the pneumatic tire of the driving wheel of the process module is presented taking into account the spectral density of the input load of the process module. Spectral density dispersion is taken as an index of efficiency of bus damping of driving wheels of technological-biological module. Resonance effect is determined by presence of marked extremes (peaks) at the curve of spectral density of oscillations of output process of technological module.The rational values of stiffness and damping coefficients of the bus of the driving wheels of the process module during MTA with TM of the process operation are taken as their values corresponding to the minimum value of the target function.Objective – determination of rational parameters of pneumatic tires of process module wheels by minimum value of target function.Method or methodology of work: the article uses methods of statistical dynamics and theory of random processes.Results: increased smoothness of tractor travel by damping of traction force oscillations due to elasticity of pneumatic tires of wheels and inertia of translational mass of process module.Field of result application: оobtained results are expedient to be used for improvement of tractor smooth motion and vibration protection of tractor driver.Рассмотрена динамическая модель технологического модуля с двумя вращающимися массами: обода и шины ведущего колеса и поступательной массы технологического модуля. Шина ведущего колеса технологического модуля характеризуется коэффициентами жесткости и демпфирования. Приведена методика оптимизации характеристики пневматической шины ведущего колеса технологического модуля с учетом спектральной плотности выходной нагрузки технологического модуля. За показатель эффективности демпфирования шины ведущих колес технологического модуля принята дисперсия спектральной плотности. Резонансный эффект определяется по наличию у кривой спектральной плотности колебаний выходного процесса технологического модуля явно выраженных экстремумов (пиков).За рациональные значения коэффициентов жесткости и демпфирования шины ведущих колес технологического модуля при выполнении технологической операции МТА с ТМ приняты их значения, соответствующие минимальному значению целевой функции.Цель – определение рациональных параметров пневматических шин колес технологического модуля по минимальному значению целевой функции.Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье использованы методы статистической динамики и теории случайных процессов.Результаты: повышена плавность хода трактора демпфированием колебаний тягового усилия за счет подбора рациональных значений эластичности пневматических шин колес и инерционности поступательной массы технологического модуля.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты целесообразно применять для повышения плавности хода трактора и виброзащищенности тракториста

    Energetic Map Data Imputation: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Despite a rapid increase of public interest for electric mobility, several factors still impede Battery Electric Vehicles’ (BEVs) acceptance. These factors include their limited range and inconvenient charging. For mitigating these limitations to users, certain BEV-specific services are required. Therefore, such services provide a reliable range prediction and routing, including charging-stop planning. The basis of these services is a precise and reliable Energy Demand (ED) prediction. For that matter, aggregated fleet-vehicle data combined with map-specific data (e.g., road slope) form an energetic map, which can serve for precise ED predictions. However, data coverage is paramount for these predictions, more specifically regarding gapless energetic maps. This work aims to eliminate the energetic map’s gaps using two Machine Learning (ML) approaches: regression and classification. The proposed ML solution builds upon the synergy between map-information and crowdsourced driving profiles of 4.6 million kilometres of training and test traces. For evaluation, two test-scenarios capture the models’ performance for the analysed problem in two perspectives. First, we evaluate our ML models, followed by the problem-specific energetic evaluation perspective for better interpretability. From the latter, the results indicate energetic map data imputation performs promisingly better when using the regression instead of the classification model

    Автоматическое распознавание паралингвистических характеристик говорящего: способы улучшения качества классификации

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    The ability of artificial systems to recognize paralinguistic signals, such as emotions, depression, or openness, is useful in various applications. However, the performance of such recognizers is not yet perfect. In this study we consider several directions which can significantly improve the performance of such systems. Firstly, we propose building speaker- or gender-specific emotion models. Thus, an emotion recognition (ER) procedure is followed by a gender- or speaker-identifier. Speaker- or gender-specific information is used either for including into the feature vector directly, or for creating separate emotion recognition models for each gender or speaker. Secondly, a feature selection procedure is an important part of any classification problem; therefore, we proposed using a feature selection technique, based on a genetic algorithm or an information gain approach. Both methods result in higher performance than baseline methods without any feature selection algorithms. Finally, we suggest analysing not only audio signals, but also combined audio-visual cues. The early fusion method (or feature-based fusion) has been used in our investigations to combine different modalities into a multimodal approach. The results obtained show that the multimodal approach outperforms single modalities on the considered corpora. The suggested methods have been evaluated on a number of emotional databases of three languages (English, German and Japanese), in both acted and non-acted settings. The results of numerical experiments are also shown in the studyСпособность искусственных систем распознавать паралингвистические характеристики говоря- щего, такие как эмоциональное состояние, наличие и степень депрессии, открытость человека, является полезной для широкого круга приложений. Однако производительность таких систем далека от идеальных значений. В этой статье мы предлагаем подходы, применение которых позволяет существенно улучшить производительность систем распознавания. В работе описы- вается метод построения адаптивных эмоциональных моделей, позволяющих использовать ха- рактеристики конкретного человека для построения точных моделей. В статье представлены алгоритмы выявления наиболее значимых характеристик речевых сигналов, позволяющие одно- временно максимизировать точность решения поставленной задачи и минимизировать количе- ство используемых характеристик сигнала. Наконец, предлагается использовать комбинирован- ные аудио визуальные сигналы в качестве входов для алгоритма машинного обучения. Указанные подходы были реализованы и проверены на 9 эмоциональных речевых корпусах. Результаты прове- денных экспериментов позволяют утверждать, что предложенные в статье подходы улучшают качество решения поставленных задач с точки зрения выбранных критерие

    Regression/eradication of gliomas in mice by a systemically-deliverable ATF5 dominant-negative peptide.

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    Malignant gliomas have poor prognosis and urgently require new therapies. Activating Transcription Factor 5 (ATF5) is highly expressed in gliomas, and interference with its expression/function precipitates targeted glioma cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. We designed a novel deliverable truncated-dominant-negative (d/n) form of ATF5 fused to a cell-penetrating domain (Pen-d/n-ATF5-RP) that can be intraperitoneally/subcutaneously administered to mice harboring malignant gliomas generated; (1) by PDGF-B/sh-p53 retroviral transformation of endogenous neural progenitor cells; and (2) by human U87-MG xenografts. In vitro Pen-d/n-ATF5-RP entered into glioma cells and triggered massive apoptosis. In vivo, subcutaneously-administered Pen-d/n-ATF5-RP passed the blood brain barrier, entered normal brain and tumor cells, and then caused rapid selective tumor cell death. MRI verified elimination of retrovirus-induced gliomas within 8-21 days. Histopathology revealed growth-suppression of intracerebral human U87-MG cells xenografts. For endogenous PDGF-B gliomas, there was no recurrence or mortality at 6-12 months versus 66% mortality in controls at 6 months. Necropsy and liver-kidney blood enzyme analysis revealed no adverse effects on brain or other tissues. Our findings thus identify Pen-d/n-ATF5-RP as a potential therapy for malignant gliomas

    Admittance of MIS structures based on graded-gap MBE HgCdTe with Al2O3 insulator

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    The paper presents the results of studies of the admittance of MIS structures based on heteroepitaxial MBE n (p)-Hg0.78Cd0.22Te with insulator coating SiO2/Si3N4 and Al2O3 in the test signal frequency range 10 kHz-1 MHz at temperatures ranging from 8 to 220 K. The main parameters of MIS structures with different insulators were determined. MIS structures with Al2O3 have a large enough insulator capacitance (compared to SiO2/Si3N4), a significant modulation capacitance on the CV characteristics, high dielectric strength and low values of the flat-band voltage. The effective charge density found from the value of the flat-band voltage and slow interface trap density for structures with Al2O3 comparable with the corresponding densities for structures with SiO2/Si3N4

    Impact of the graded-gap layer on the admittance of MIS structures based on MBE-grown n-Hg1-xCdxTe (x = 0.22-0.23) with the Al2O3 insulator

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    The impact of the presence of the near-surface graded-gap layers with an increased content of CdTe on the admittance of MIS structures based on MBE-grown n-Hg1–xCdxTe (x = 0.22–0.23) with the Al2O3 insulating coating has been experimentally studied. It has been shown that the structures with a gradedgap layer are characterized by a deeper and wider capacitance dip in the low-frequency capacitance–voltage (CV) characteristic and by higher values of the differential resistance of the space-charge region than the structures without such a layer. It has been found that the main features of the hysteresis of capacitance dependences typical of the graded-gap structures with SiO2/Si3N4 are also characteristic of the MIS structures with the Al2O3 insulator. The factors that cause an increase in the CV characteristic hysteresis upon formation of the graded-gap layer in structures with SiO2/Si3N4 or Al2O3 are still debatable, although it may be assumed that oxygen plays a certain role in formation of this hysteresis

    Reduction of SPARC protects mice against NLRP3 inflammasome activation and obesity

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    The comprehensive assessment of long-term effects of reducing intake of energy (CALERIE-II; NCT00427193) clinical trial established that caloric restriction (CR) in humans lowers inflammation. The identity and mechanism of endogenous CR-mimetics that can be deployed to control obesity-associated inflammation and diseases are not well understood. Our studies have found that 2 years of 14% sustained CR in humans inhibits the expression of the matricellular protein, secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), in adipose tissue. In mice, adipose tissue remodeling caused by weight loss through CR and low-protein diet feeding decreased, while high-fat diet-induced (HFD-induced) obesity increased SPARC expression in adipose tissue. Inducible SPARC downregulation in adult mice mimicked CR\u27s effects on lowering adiposity by regulating energy expenditure. Deletion of SPARC in adipocytes was sufficient to protect mice against HFD-induced adiposity, chronic inflammation, and metabolic dysfunction. Mechanistically, SPARC activates the NLRP3 inflammasome at the priming step and downregulation of SPARC lowers macrophage inflammation in adipose tissue, while excess SPARC activated macrophages via JNK signaling. Collectively, reduction of adipocyte-derived SPARC confers CR-like metabolic and antiinflammatory benefits in obesity by serving as an immunometabolic checkpoint of inflammation

    An experimental study of the dynamic resistance in surface leakage limited nBn structures based on HgCdTe grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    Mid-wave infrared nBn structures based on HgCdTe grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (013) substrates were fabricated. The composition in the absorbing layer was 0.29, and in the barrier layer it was 0.67. It was shown that the dark currents of the created nBn structures are limited by the surface leakage component. To study the bulk component of the dark current, it was proposed to use the admittance measurements of test metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices based on fabricated nBn structures in the case of the formation of a backward contact to the absorbing layer. It was established that surface leakage does not afect the dynamic resistance of the MIS device barrier. The dependence of the dynamic resistance of the barrier layer (Rb) of the MIS device in the accumulation mode on the area of the front electrode (A), voltage, and temperature was determined. It was shown that, with the exclusion of surface leakage, the values of the RbA product in a temperature range of 230–300 K at forward biases are determined by the difusion current of holes from the contact layer, and at reverse biases, by the difusion current from the absorbing layer. It was found that at temperatures of 210–300 K, RbA values exceeding the values of this parameter determined according to the empirical model Rule 07 were realized in the fabricated structures