50 research outputs found

    Alternativa aktiemarknaden - ett konkurrenskraftigt alternativ eller en språngbräda mot större marknadsplatser?

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    Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda vilka faktorer som ligger bakom ett företags beslut att ansluta sig till en mindre finansiell marknadsplats och hur dessa faktorer påverkat valet av marknadsplats. Vi vill även komma till insikt om vad som påverkar besluten om att stanna kvar respektive lämna marknadsplatsen i fråga, för att på så sätt kunna se tendenser till om det finns ett behov av alternativa finansiella marknadsplatser. Vi har använt oss utav teorier som huvudsakligen speglar omständigheter kring noteringar, vilka visar på för- och nackdelar med att genomföra en sådan. Genom våra intervjuer och enkäter har vi undersökt hur vårt studieobjekt Alternativa aktiemarknaden upplevs av sina kunder det vill säga de företag som är eller har varit anslutna till marknadsplatsen. Alternativa finansiella marknadsplatser, såsom Alternativa aktiemarknaden, uppfyller delar av ett företags behov vid planer på en notering. Vi har även funnit att dessa marknadsplatser lämpar sig bäst som språngbrädor och skolor inför framtida eventuella noteringar på större marknadsplatser

    Immunity and immunosuppression in the tumor-host interaction

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    With the advent of new methods in molecular biology and in peptide isolation, a number of tumor-associated antigens and their epitopes have been identified and characterized. However, tumors often grow progressively evolving different mechanisms of immune escape, resulting in resistance to MHC class I-restricted tumor-specific T cells. This thesis addresses the recognition of tumor cells by both NK cells and tumor-specific, MHC class Irestricted T cells. Moreover, I describe the mechanisms by which the cytokines interleukin 10 (IL-10) and IFN-gamma (IFN-[gamma]) can modulate MHC class I expression and the recognition by tumor specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) and NK cells. In my attempts to study tumor specific T-cell responses I have used two model systems. In the first one, naturally processed peptides were eluted from RMA lymphoma cells and then tested for their ability to restore the sensitivity to CTLs of the processing/presentation defective mutant line RMA-S. This allowed identification of one peptide fraction carrying a tumor antigen recognized by autologous anti-RMA CTLs. Isolated fractions loaded onto RMA-S cells could be used to induce anti-tumor CTLs in vivo. In the second system, autologous CTLs were generated against methylcholanthrene (MC)-induced mouse sarcomas. These tumors are known to carry unique tumor-specific antigens, and CTLs against one specific tumor will not react against another. Tumor specificity was confirmed in TNF-[alpha] release assays, concurring with in vivo rejection tests. Peptides eluted from MC sarcomas were fractionated by rpHPLC. Only one and unique HPLC fraction from each of the three different tumor-derived peptide eluates capacitated RMA-S to induce TNF-[alpha] release by the specific CTLs. Further, these unique antigenic fractions were all H-2K b restricted. In conclusion, my data indicate that CTL responses against MC induced sarcomas focus on one MHC class I presented antigenic peptide, distinct for each tumor. The first tumor model system allowed me to dissect a novel T-cell immune escape mechanism which is based on the immunosuppresive effect of the T helper 2 cytokine IL-10. 1 showed that IL-10 converts RMA lymphoma cells to a CTL-resistant, NK-sensitive phenotype with low but peptide-inducible MHC class I expression. IL-10 is the first cytokine reported to have these effects. This finding was also confirmed in human melanoma cells when treatment with rIL-10 resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of CTL-mediated, HLA-A2. I -restricted, tumor-specific lysis and enhanced cytotoxic activity by NK cells. When IL-10 was expressed in the RMA lymphoma this was found to inhibit TAP-dependent translocation of peptides to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), resulting in accumulation of immature MHC-I in the ER and subsequently low levels of MHC class I at the cell surface. Furthermore I have found that constitutive IL-10 production accounts for the high NK sensitivity, low MHC-I expression and poor TAP1/2 function in the prototype NK target YAC-1. I have also determined that a T cell independent in vivo mechanisms can revert this ability of YAC-1 cells to produce IL-10, thus restoring the MHC-I expression and TAP 1/2 function of these cells. Interferons are cytokines which can enhance tumor cell expression of MHC class 1, thereby making tumors less sensitive to NK cells. In an experimental model of metastasis I used the B 16 mouse melanoma. Pre-treatment of the melanoma cells with IFN-gamma enhanced their metastatic potential and their MHC class I expression concomitantly with protecting these tumor cells from NK lysis. Thus, IL-10 is the first cytokine shown to affect TAP expression/function and thereby MHC class I expression, which results in increased sensitivity to natural killer cells and reduced/loss of sensitivity to cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In addition, IFN-[gamma] apper to have the reversed effects on these parameters. Through an increased knowledge of the antigens expressed on tumors and of the mechanisms tumors use to evade the immune system, novel aproaches could be developed and introduced in the treatment of cancer

    Design of test equipment for capability

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    This report covers the work carried out in cooperation with Kongsberg Automotive AB during the thesis work performed by all third year students at Jönköping University. During the project a measurement equipment for testing the capacity of the fans, I.E their flow and pressure, was to be generated and examples for constructions given. The fans which were to be tested has the function to vent the car seats. Similar products are already on the market and this work was how to find new innovative solutions to simplify the construction, installation, and improve the design of the product to meet the employer's requirements. In addition to Kongsberg’s requirements the equipment had to be designed after an ANSI standard to meet Kongsberg’s customers’ demands. This report will examine the steps taken to generate new solutions through various concept generating methods and how these are then screened out to find the best concept. In connection with this a detailed specification of requirements which the development of test equipment is based on was created. The report then describes the design process of the product which was carried out. The work was based also on several different theories about materials and the choice of production method and will be described in the early stages of the report. As this work does not include the physical manufacturing of the prototype, only the steps leading up to a final concept drawings and selection of the purchased components required is described.

    Alcohol on sporting events : A quantitative study on the relationship between adults' alcohol consumption at sporting events and upper secondary school youths' attitude to alcohol

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    The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relation between sporting events, where alcohol is served, and the attitude towards alcohol among adolescents. We conducted a survey with 195 respondents, all of whom was students of Swedish upper secondary school. The respondents were between 15 and 18 years of age. The data were analyzed using theories of attitudes and norms. We also analyzed the data using previous research. Results indicated that there is a connection between visiting sports events where alcohol is served and the attitude towards alcohol among these youths. Those who had been on these sporting events in the last year had a more positive attitude towards and more frequently consumed alcohol than those who hadn't been on any of these sporting events

    ”Slå ihop eländet!” : En kvantitativ undersökning av sportens utveckling i tidningarna Arbetarbladet, Gefle Dagblad, Länstidningen Östersund & Östersunds–Posten

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    I och med lokalpressens sinande upplagor är den här studien genomförd för att se hur sportens utrymmesutveckling i tidningarna ser ut i jämförelse med annat utrymme. De fyra tidningar som ingår i undersökningen är gävletidningarna Arbetarbladet och Gefle Dagblad samt östersundstidningarna Länstidningen Östersund och Östersunds–Posten. Undersökningen har genomförts med en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod där sammanlagt 144 tidningar, 5354 sidor, 15117 artiklar och 6660 bilder ingår. För att resultatet inte ska påverkas av vinter- eller sommarsport undersöktes en vecka på våren och en vecka på hösten. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att övrigt redaktionellt material i tidningarna har minskatmedan sporten mer eller mindre har bestått, och i vissa fall fått ökat utrymme. Alla fyra tidningar har ökat andelen övriga sidor,som annons- och tevesidor, påfallande mycket under undersökningsperioden. Studien visar att den ökningen inte påverkar sportens utrymme i tidningen. Samtidigt visar undersökningen att sporten i gävletidningarna har fått större andel av tidningarnas totala redaktionella material. I östersundstidningarna är fördelningen ungefär densamma i dag som åren 1972/1973 och 1992/1993. Resultatet belyser också att tidningar i en ort med framstående elitidrottsatsar mer på bevakningen av lokalsport, än tidningar i en ort utan framstående elitidrott på lokalnivå

    Redovisning, efterlevnad och upplysning inom VA-branschen : En kartläggning av VA-redovisning

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    Abstract  The Swedish municipalities have an overall responsibility for water and sewage services. The appointed organizations for this obligation holds a monopoly position which is regulated by a prime cost principle. This essay seeks to analyze and describe accounting in these organizations. This has been done via three main themes. These are good and bad examples from the above mentioned organizations accounting, compliance with laws and standards and finally if the financial reports enlightens its users. The empirical evidence has been mapped with a survey and analysis of the annual reports. We have mapped following accounting areas: depreciation times, valuation basis, residual value, component depreciation, impairment, work rutine on period of use decisions on tangible assets and component division, the organizations view on generally accounting principles (GAAP) and true and fair view, interest, key financial ratios and finally fixed and variable costs for the organizations subscribers. In the analysis we discuss these accounting areas via our main themes and from previous research. The study has discovered low compliance and enlightment in some areas of accounting while others were better. The study has also shown lack of standardization and is treating some explanatory factors such as competence and active ownership, collaboration and organizational form, population and finally fee level.

    Redovisning, efterlevnad och upplysning inom VA-branschen : En kartläggning av VA-redovisning

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    Abstract  The Swedish municipalities have an overall responsibility for water and sewage services. The appointed organizations for this obligation holds a monopoly position which is regulated by a prime cost principle. This essay seeks to analyze and describe accounting in these organizations. This has been done via three main themes. These are good and bad examples from the above mentioned organizations accounting, compliance with laws and standards and finally if the financial reports enlightens its users. The empirical evidence has been mapped with a survey and analysis of the annual reports. We have mapped following accounting areas: depreciation times, valuation basis, residual value, component depreciation, impairment, work rutine on period of use decisions on tangible assets and component division, the organizations view on generally accounting principles (GAAP) and true and fair view, interest, key financial ratios and finally fixed and variable costs for the organizations subscribers. In the analysis we discuss these accounting areas via our main themes and from previous research. The study has discovered low compliance and enlightment in some areas of accounting while others were better. The study has also shown lack of standardization and is treating some explanatory factors such as competence and active ownership, collaboration and organizational form, population and finally fee level.