29 research outputs found

    Competitiveness dogma concerning the sustainability utopia: critical analysis of the developmentalist and economistic ethos

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    A través del análisis de discursos y la dialéctica, este artículo tiene como objetivo argumentar de manera crítica el ethos que orienta la apuesta por la competitividad. Se encuentra que como dogma, fruto de una sociedad mercantilizada y de una visión economizada del mundo y de la vida, la competitividad desconoce las bases epistemológicas de la economía, pone todas las apuestas bajo la óptica de la maximización del beneficio y el aumento de la rentabilidad, no tiene en cuenta la ética, confunde valor con precio, y se ha extendido a todas las áreas de la sociedad poniendo en peligro de diversidad biológica y cultural. En contraste al dogma, se presentan alternativas emergentes a la competitividad, como la cooperación y la colaboración, enmarcadas dentro de los nuevos caminos más allá del desarrollo, como el buen vivir las epistemologías del Sur, el poscapitalismo y la sustentabilidad.By analyzing discourses and dialects, this article aims to argue, in a critical manner the ethos that orients the bet on competitiveness. A dogma is found as fruit of a merchant society and, in a economized vision of the world and of life, competitiveness in not aware of the epistemological bases of the economy, sets all the bets under the profit maximization scope and profit increase, doesn´t bare in mind ethics, confuses value with price, has extended to all areas of society jeopardizing biological and cultural diversity. In contrast to the dogma, emerging strategies arise that challenge competitiveness, such as cooperation and collaboration, framed within the new paths that go further than development. For good-living, epistemologies from the south, post capitalism and sustainability.Através da análise de discursos e a dialética, este artigo tem como objetivo argumentar de maneira crítica o ethos que orienta a aposta pela competitividade. Se encontra que como dogma fruto de uma sociedade mercantilizada e, de uma visão economizada do mundo e da vida, a competitividade desconhece as bases epistemológicas da economia, põe todas as apostas sob a ótica da maximização do beneficio e o aumento da rentabilidade, não tem em conta a ética, confunde valor com preço, se há estendido a todas as áreas da sociedade pondo em perigo de diversidade biológica e cultural. Em contraste ao dogma, se apresentam alternativas emergentes à competitividade, como a cooperação e a colaboração, demarcadas dentro dos novos caminhos mais além do desenvolvimento, como o bom viver as epistemologias do sul, o pós-capitalismo e a sustentabilidade

    The Shallow or the Deep Ecological Economics Movement?

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    Ecological economics and its policy recommendations have become overwhelmed by economic valuation, shadow pricing, sustainability measures, and squeezing Nature into the commodity boxes of goods, services and capital in order to make it part of mainstream economic, financial and banking discourses. There are deeper concerns which touch upon the understanding of humanity in its various social, psychological, political and ethical facets. The relationship with Nature proposed by the ecological economics movement has the potential to be far reaching. However, this is not the picture portrayed by surveying the amassed body of articles from this journal or by many of those claiming affiliation. A shallow movement, allied to a business as usual politics and economy, has become dominant and imposes its preoccupation with mainstream economic concepts and values. If, instead, ecological economists choose a path deep into the world of interdisciplinary endeavour they will need to be prepared to transform themselves and society. The implications go far beyond the pragmatic use of magic numbers to convince politicians and the public that ecology still has something relevant to say in the 21st Century. (author's abstract)Series: SRE - Discussion Paper