14 research outputs found

    Generation of 3D virtual model of the karst cave from terrestrial laser scaner data

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    The present work presents principle of generating the 3D virtual model of the karst cave from data acquisition to the final model. Long range terrestrial laser scaner Riegl LMS-Z420i and the enclosed software RiSCAN PRO, which is used for scaner controlling and data capture monitoring are presented as well. The method of scanning and tranforming data from multiple scans into one well-defined project coordinate system is described. The work also presents fundamentals of 3D modelling and visualisation, basic principles of internet and it's features, and shortly describes VRML. The whole data processing and modelling was accomplished in RiSCAN PRO. The animated model suitable for presentations was generated. In addition to animated model, a generalised virtual model in VRML format was prepared

    Physical, geographical, technical, and economic potential for optimal configuration of photovoltaic systems using digital images of the area

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    Doktorska disertacija obravnava fotonapetostni potencial izbranega območja. Pri tem je uporabljena metoda, ki fotonapetostni potencial določi v štirih kategorijah: kot fizični, geografski, tehnični in ekonomski potencial. Doktorska disertacija fotonapetostni potencial obravnava celostno, to je tako s tehničnega kot tudi z ekonomskega vidika. Posamezni potenciali so se določili na osnovi 20 letnega povprečja meritev gostote globalnega in difuznega sončnega sevanja na vodoravno površino v bližini obravnavanega območja. Ekonomski potencial je bil določen ob upoštevanju urnega gibanja cen električne energije za obdobje sedmih let. Pokazan je vpliv orientacije in naklona površin na fotonapetostni potencial za vsako kategorijo potenciala. Na osnovi rezultatov izračunov maksimalne vrednosti potencialov ob spreminjanju konfiguracije površine je bila določena optimalna konfiguracija fotonapetostnega sistema za vsak posamezen potencial. Poleg te metode je predstavljena tudi optimizacijska metoda diferenčna evolucija, ki določi optimalno konfiguracijo na inovativen in hiter način. Za vsak posamezen potencial je na digitalnem modelu površja, generiranem iz podatkov LiDAR prikazano, katera območja imajo največji potencial. Poudarek je na strehah. Iz površin, ki bi bile potencialno primerne za inštalacijo fotonapetostnega sistema, je izračunan posamezni potencial za vsak mesec v letu, za celotno leto in letno povprečje. Pri tem je upoštevano tudi senčenje okolice. Ugotovljeno je, da ima cena električne energije na ekonomski potencial fotonapetostnega sistema velik vpliv. To ima za posledico tudi spremembo parametrov optimalne konfiguracije v primerjavi z metodo, ki za določitev optimalnih parametrov konfiguracije fotonapetostnih sistemov upošteva zgolj maksimalno proizvodnjo električne energije oz. tehničnega potenciala.The doctoral dissertation deals with the photovoltaic potential of the selected area. A method is used to determine the photovoltaic potential in four categories: physical, geographical, technical and economic potential. The doctoral dissertation deals with the photovoltaic potential holistically, ie from both a technical and economic point of view. Individual potentials were determined on the basis of a 20-year average of measurements of the density of global and diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface in the vicinity of the considered area. The economic potential was determined taking into account the hour electricity price trends for a period of seven years. The influence of surface orientation and inclination on the photovoltaic potential for each potential category is shown. Based on the results of calculations of the maximum value of potentials when changing the surface configuration, the optimal configuration of the photovoltaic system for each individual potential was determined. In addition to this method, the optimization method differential evolution is also presented, which determines the optimal configuration in an innovative and fast way. For each individual potential, the digital surface model generated from the LiDAR data shows which areas have the greatest potential. The emphasis is on roofs. From the areas that would be potentially suitable for the installation of a photovoltaic system, the individual potential for each month of the year, for the whole year and the annual average is calculated. The shading of the surroundings is also taken into account. It has been found that the price of electricity has a major impact on the economic potential of a photovoltaic system. This also results in a change in the parameters of the optimal configuration compared to the method, which to determine the optimal configuration parameters of photovoltaic systems takes into account only the maximum production of electricity or. technical potential

    User experience in project management

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    This thesis describes one of the most recommended ways of integration user experience and its designers in the process of project management. The first part describes the domain of the user experience, what user experience is, which are the current and upcoming trends, describes the fields of user experience, along with recommendations and advices on its planning. The first part ends with an indication of the most used methods in designing the user experience. The second part describes best practices of user experience integration in to project management. First I describe the most common problems faced in project management. Then I present two project management methodologies: Waterfall and Scrum. The first one is presented as a bad example of the methodology, in which user experience experts are, without modification of methodology, hard to operate and integrate in the process of project management. On the other hand Scrum methodology is presented as a good example of this integration, along with its main elements. This part ends with presentation of advantages and challenges that this methodology brings to the user experience designers. The end of thesis contains a survey and its results. Survey included 10 Slovenian companies involved in web production

    The influence of foliar fertilisers on the development and quality of grapes in the ‘Welschriesling’ wine variety

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    V letu 2010 smo na Univerzitetnem centru za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo proučevali vpliv foliarnih gnojil Agrovit F in Herbagreen na razvoj in kakovost grozdja pri sorti \u27Laški rizling\u27. Foliarno gnojene trse smo primerjali s kontrolnim obravnavanjem, kjer trsi niso bili foliarno gnojeni. Obe foliarni gnojili sta vplivali na vsebnost sladkorja v groznem soku, a je bila pri Agrovitu vsebnost sladkorja večja za 1,2 ˚Oe, pri Herbagreenu pa za 2 ˚Oe v primerjavi s kontrolo. Tudi masa stotih jagod je bila večja, in sicer od 20 do 30 g v primerjavi s kontrolo. V intenzivnosti zelene barve listov (p ≤ 0,05) ni bilo signifikantnih razlik. Tudi pri ostalih parametrih nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih razlik.In 2010, we studied the influence of the foliar fertilizers Agrovit F and Herbagreen on the development and quality of grapes in the \u27Welschriesling\u27 variety at the University Centre of Viticulture and Enology Meranovo. The vines, which were treated with the foliar fertilizers, were compared to the control treatment vines, where the vines were not fertilized in the same way. Both foliar fertilizers influenced the content of sugar, but with Agrovit the content of sugar was higher by 1.2 °Oe, and with Herbagreen it was higher by 2 °Oe in comparison with the control vines. The mass of one hundred berries was higher as well, namely 20 to 30 g higher compared to the control vines. There were no significant differences in the colour of the leaves (p ≤ 0.05). We did not find any statistically significant differences in any other parameters

    User experience in project management

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    Simplified method for analyzing the availability of rooftop photovoltaic potential

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    This paper presents a new simplified method for analyzing the availability of photovoltaic potential on roofs. Photovoltaic systems on roofs are widespread as they represent a sustainable and safe investment and, therefore, a means of energy self-suffciency. With the growth of photovoltaic systems, it is also crucial to correctly evaluate their global effciency. Thus, this paper presents a comparison between known methods for estimating the photovoltaic potential (as physical, geographic and technical contributions) on a roof and proposes a new simplified method, that takes into account the economic potential of a building that already has installed a photovoltaic system. The measured values of generated electricity of the photovoltaic system were compared with calculated photovoltaic potential. In general, the annual physical, geographic, technical and economic potentials were 1273.7, 1253.8, 14.2 MWh, and 279.1 Wh, respectively. The analysis of all four potentials is essential for further understanding of the sustainable and safe investment in photovoltaic systems