88 research outputs found

    Psycho-Social Conception of National Identity and Collective Self-Esteem

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    This paper deals with the phenomenon of national identity as well as with its connection to personal and collective self-esteem. National identity and associated phenomena have so far mainly been investigated as part of sociology, anthropology and political science, since psychology was less engaged in the issue. The national identity out of all kinds of social identity had the greatest influence on historical events. The consequences for the human race, through history, have been both positive and negative. Understanding the importance of this phenomenon has not only theoretical but also practical value for encouraging international tolerance. In recent years, national identity is a topic of interest for many researchers, mainly because of political events and frequent conflicts that are associated with ethnicity. This concept is especially important for Bosnian citizens who are still struggling with consequences from the recent conflicts in this multiethnic country. Most previous scientific papers explain their results within one of three theoretical frameworks: the social identity theory, theories of acculturation and cultural conflict, and the development of the theory of identity formation. Due to geopolitical changes in Europe, the growing interest of psychology to national identity is present, and thus the number of diverse research in this area. In many of them, there is a question about whether reinforces strong identification with the national group as a positive self-image and self-esteem contributes to it


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    The objective of this paper is to explore externality and the tendency for comparing with others as the determinants of self-esteem in athletes. The research sample was comprised of 125 athletes, with the average age of 24 (M= 23,84; SD=4,3). The respondents included 99 male athletes (79,2%) and 26 female athletes (20,8%). The average time spent in performing the different sport activities is 12 years (M=11,62; SD=5,2). The instruments used in this research include: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Externality Questionnaire, The Scale of Tendency for Comparing with Others and socio-demographic characteristics questionnaire. The results show that the athletes possess the relatively high levels of self-confidence and externality, and distinct tendency to compare themselves to other people. The significant differences between male and female athletes regarding analyzed components were not found. Externality variable and the tendency to compare with others variable have a significant contribution to the prediction of the dependant self-esteem variable (Beta = .328, .289, p < 0,05). The model (Tendency to compare with others and externality) both explain the self-esteem variable with 42,7% (R=0, 427,  p<0,05).Key words: self-esteem, externality, tendency to compare with other

    Numerical Simulation of River Inflows in Rijeka Bay Coastal Area

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    In this paper, a model of water flow in the Porto Baroš has been developed, which is the part of the Rijeka coastal area, for the purpose of its renovation and conversion. For numerical simulation purposes, the depth of the seabed of Port was previously performed, based on which the geometry and numerical domain of Port were made. By conducting the flow simulation, the analysis was carried out, after which the analyses of the conceptual solutions with the introduction of the pipe discharge were performed with the aim of reducing the water pollution of the Porto Baroš area. Port geometry will be made in commercial SMS software and numerical domains and simulations in OpenFOAM open-source software

    Smjernice operativnog postupanja pri vertikalnoj komunikaciji rukovoditelja prema policijskim službenicima

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    Obavljanje policijske službe postavlja pred policijske službenike visoke zahtjeve zbog svakodnevno prisutnih stalnih izvora stresa (fizička ugroženost, smjenski ritam rada, socijalna obilježenost, odgovornost, nošenje oružja, posebne ovlasti i dr.), a to podrazumijeva i visoke zahtjeve na njihove rukovoditelje. Zbog hijerarhijske strukture i moći koje imaju, kao i zbog činjenice da svaki policijski službenik raspolaže oružjem, rukovoditelji imaju i viši stupanj odgovornosti jer, osim što odgovaraju za svoje postupke, odgovorni su i za postupke svojih podređenih, a to uključuje i odgovornost za njihovo zdravstveno stanje, socijalnu skrb, motivaciju, moral i disciplinu. Stoga je jedan od važnih čimbenika uspješnog rukovođenja dostatna i primjerena komunikacija s djelatnicima koja će osigurati informiranost i uključenost rukovoditelja u možebitne probleme te omogućiti njihovu prevenciju. ("Dobar menadžer predvidi problem, a loš se njime bavi.") U dosadašnjoj praksi uočeno je da se u nekim ustrojstvenim jedinicama kroz duže vremensko razdoblje zbog nedovoljne i neprimjerene komunikacije rukovoditelja sa svojim djelatnicima, a ponekad čak i zbog izbjegavanja razgovora s njima, javljaju i ponavljaju štetne posljedice kao što su: nezadovoljstvo djelatnika, smanjena motivacija za rad, učestala bolovanja i kršenje radne discipline. Dugoročno izostanak kvalitetne komunikacije dovodi do poremećaja međuljudskih odnosa i loše radne atmosfere, u kojoj je neminovna smanjena ili nedovoljna učinkovitost u radu. Rukovoditelj ne može izbjeći odgovornost i za neuspjeh i za uspjeh svoje ustrojstvene jedinice – uspješne od neuspješnih rukovoditelja u najvećoj mjeri razlikuje vještina ophođenja s ljudima. Stoga je upravo edukacija i stručno usavršavanje rukovoditelja ključno za razvoj i unaprjeđenje komunikacijskih vještina

    Legal, Social and Psycho-Medical Effects of Abortion

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    This work deals with the relationship between induced abortion and mental health with a special focus on the area of political controversy.  This article explores the historical background of the abortion and its legislative implications in Europe with special reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina. This work is based on etnographich, analitical and historical aproaches. It explains abortion in medical terms and analyzes the psychological effects of the abortion. This is a significant and challanging topic for those who find themselves facing the moral dilemma of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. Problems of controversy are numerous. Is abortion a murder or not? Is fetus a person or not? When it becomes the one if ever till the birth? If abortion is not morally wrong, that doesn't mean that it's right to have an abortion. If abortion is morally wrong, that doesn't mean that it is always impermissible to have an abortion. The comon dilema is whether having an abortion is less wrong than the alternatives. These are some of the questions this paper deals with.    

    Knits for baby interior

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    V diplomskem delu sta prikazana razvoj pletene odejice za dojenčke in razvoj pletenih dodatkov za notranjo opremo otroške sobe. Na podlagi rezultatov ankete so bila oblikovana in izdelana pletiva z različnimi vzorci in barvami prej ter otroška odejica v standardnih merah. Odejica je bila oblikovana večnamensko, da je uporabna tudi potem, ko jo dojenček preraste. Žakarski vzorec je bil razvit s programom YXENDIS, simulacije odejice so bile izdelane s pomočjo programa Adobe Illustrator, 3D simulacije pa s programom Blender. Realna pletiva so bila napletena na industrijskem pletilniku Shima Seiki SES 122 RT delitve 12E iz ostankov prej različne surovinske sestave. Preskušane so bile temeljne lastnosti prej za izdelavo pletiv: surovinska sestava, dolžinska masa, vitje ter pretržna trdnosti in raztezek. Preskušane so bile lastnosti pletiv: obstojnost proti pilingu, zračna prepustnost in otip. Analiziran je bil tudi tržni potencial pletiv za otroško notranjo opremo: možnost nakupa ekoloških odejic v Sloveniji ter tujih izdelkov za otroško notranjo opremo iz ekoloških materialov, ki so najbolj priljubljeni.The diploma thesis shows the development of knitted baby blankets and knitted accessories for baby interior furnishings. Based on the results of a survey, knits with different patterns and yarn colors as well as a baby blanket in standard size were designed and manufactured. The blanket was designed for multifunctional use even after the baby has outgrown it. The jacquard pattern was developed with YXENDIS knitting CAD program, blanket simulations were made using Adobe Illustrator, and 3D simulations were done with Blender. Real knitted fabrics were produced on an industrial Shima Seiki SES 122 RT gauge 12E knitting machine from yarn residues with different raw material composition. The basic properties of yarns were tested: raw material composition, linear density, twist, breaking strength and elongation. The properties of knitted fabrics were tested: pilling resistance, air permeability and handle. The market potential of knitted products for baby\u27s interior accessories was also analyzed, i.e. the possibility to buy organic blankets in Slovenia and to buy the most popular imported products for baby’s s interior made from organic materials

    Numerical Simulation of River Inflows in Rijeka Bay Coastal Area

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    In this paper, a model of water flow in the Porto Baroš has been developed, which is the part of the Rijeka coastal area, for the purpose of its renovation and conversion. For numerical simulation purposes, the depth of the seabed of Port was previously performed, based on which the geometry and numerical domain of Port were made. By conducting the flow simulation, the analysis was carried out, after which the analyses of the conceptual solutions with the introduction of the pipe discharge were performed with the aim of reducing the water pollution of the Porto Baroš area. Port geometry will be made in commercial SMS software and numerical domains and simulations in OpenFOAM open-source software

    Petar Stanković from Barban

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    Petar Stanković/Pietro Stancovich rodio se 24. veljače 1771. u Barbanu. Bio je barbanski kanonik i polihistor Istre, svećenik i pisac, polemičar, znatiželjni istraživač, veliki bibliofil te pristaša fiziokratskih ideja. Rodio se u bogatoj obitelji, što mu je omogućilo školovanje u najboljim ustanovama i u inozemstvu te druženja s uglednim znanstvenicima. Bavio se raznim poslovima kako bi uvećao svoje bogatstvo, prikupljao knjige, minerale, pisao radove, pa sve do stvaranja, tj. izuma agrotehničkih sprava i spisateljstva. Novčano je pomagao barbanskoj djeci i ulagao u školstvo te je zapravo cjelokupan životni rad i djelovanje posvetio odgoju i obrazovanju čovjeka. Prihvatio se zadataka vjeroučitelja te izgradio poseban plan obučavanja svake grupe. Zalagao se za otvorenje prve pučke škole. Također, Stanković je svojim izumima htio pomoći barbanskim poljoprivrednicima kako bi imali učinkovitiju proizvodnju, a time je htio i unaprijediti svoju tada siromašnu Istru. Stanković je bio najplodniji pisac Istre u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća te je objavio 23 knjige u svojem trošku, dok je većina ostala u rukopisima, odnosno neobjavljena. Svoju je bogatu zbirku oporučno ostavio Rovinju te se ona čuva u Zavičajnom muzeju Rovinja pod nazivom Stancoviciana. Petar Stanković je rano imao poteškoća s vidom, a učestalo pisanje i čitanje pogoršavalo je njegovo stanje, te je zadnje godine svoga života proveo u mraku. Umro je u 82. godini života, a pokopan je na barbanskom groblju sv. Križa. Njemu u čast, već sedmu godinu za redom održava se Memorijal Petra Stankovića nazvan „Barban u srcu“, koji okuplja brojne povjesničare, profesore, ekonomiste i druge znanstvenike. Također ispred gornje škole i u dvorištu crkve postavljena je skulptura Petra Stankovića.Petar Stanković/Pietro Stancovich was born on 24th February 1771 in the town Barban. He was the canon, polymath, priest, writer, polemicist, curious researcher, true bibliophile and a supporter of the physiocratic ideas. He was born in a wealthy family which provided him the schooling in the best institutions in the country and abroad. He was also spending his time with prominent scientists. Stanković was doing a variety of jobs in order to increase his wealt; he was collecting books, minerals, wrote the expert works, including the invention of agronomic devices and literature. He assisted the children financially, was investing in the education system and in fact he dedicated his entire lifework and activity to human's education. He served the mission of a catechist , and he created a special schooling plan for each group. He pleaded for the opening of the first primary school. Stanković also wanted to help the farmers in order to reach more efficient production offering them his inventions, and thereby he wanted to elevate the poor region of Istria. Stanković was the most prolific Istrian writer in the first half of the 19th century and has published 23 books at his expense, while most of the other books hadn't been published and remained in the form of a manuscript. He left his rich collection testamentary to the city of Rovinj and today it is kept at the Native Museum under the name Stancoviciana. Petar Stanković had vision difficulties, so the frequent writing and reading had worsened his condition, and consequently, the last years of his life he spent in the dark. He died at the age of 82, and was buried at the Town Barban Cemetery named the Holy Cross. In his honour, for seven years already, is being held the Petar Stanković Memorial called "Barban in the heart," which brings together a number of historians, professors, economists and other scientists. In front of the upper school and in the Church yard, you can find the sculpture of Petar Stanković