885 research outputs found

    Endotoxin induced peritonitis elicits monocyte immigration into the lung: implications on alveolar space inflammatory responsiveness

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    BACKGROUND: Acute peritonitis developing in response to gram-negative bacterial infection is known to act as a trigger for the development of acute lung injury which is often complicated by the development of nosocomial pneumonia. We hypothesized that endotoxin-induced peritonitis provokes recruitment of monocytes into the lungs, which amplifies lung inflammatory responses to a second hit intra-alveolar challenge with endotoxin. METHODS: Serum and lavage cytokines as well as bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells were analyzed at different time points after intraperitoneal or intratracheal application of LPS. RESULTS: We observed that mice challenged with intraperitoneal endotoxin developed rapidly increasing serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytokine and chemokine levels (TNFα, MIP-2, CCL2) and a nearly two-fold expansion of the alveolar macrophage population by 96 h, but this was not associated with the development of neutrophilic alveolitis. In contrast, expansion of the alveolar macrophage pool was not observed in CCR2-deficient mice and in wild-type mice systemically pretreated with the anti-CD18 antibody GAME-46. An intentional two-fold expansion of alveolar macrophage numbers by intratracheal CCL2 following intraperitoneal endotoxin did not exacerbate the development of acute lung inflammation in response to intratracheal endotoxin compared to mice challenged only with intratracheal endotoxin. CONCLUSION: These data, taken together, show that intraperitoneal endotoxin triggers a CCR2-dependent de novo recruitment of monocytes into the lungs of mice but this does not result in an accentuation of neutrophilic lung inflammation. This finding represents a previously unrecognized novel inflammatory component of lung inflammation that results from endotoxin-induced peritonitis

    DancingLines: An Analytical Scheme to Depict Cross-Platform Event Popularity

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    Nowadays, events usually burst and are propagated online through multiple modern media like social networks and search engines. There exists various research discussing the event dissemination trends on individual medium, while few studies focus on event popularity analysis from a cross-platform perspective. Challenges come from the vast diversity of events and media, limited access to aligned datasets across different media and a great deal of noise in the datasets. In this paper, we design DancingLines, an innovative scheme that captures and quantitatively analyzes event popularity between pairwise text media. It contains two models: TF-SW, a semantic-aware popularity quantification model, based on an integrated weight coefficient leveraging Word2Vec and TextRank; and wDTW-CD, a pairwise event popularity time series alignment model matching different event phases adapted from Dynamic Time Warping. We also propose three metrics to interpret event popularity trends between pairwise social platforms. Experimental results on eighteen real-world event datasets from an influential social network and a popular search engine validate the effectiveness and applicability of our scheme. DancingLines is demonstrated to possess broad application potentials for discovering the knowledge of various aspects related to events and different media

    C/NOFS Measurements of Stormtime Magnetic Perturbations in the Low-latitude Ionosphere

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    The Vector Electric Field Investigation suite on the C/NOFS satellite includes a fluxgate magnetometer to monitor the Earth's magnetic fields in the low-latitude ionosphere. Measurements yield full magnetic vectors every second over the range of +/- 45,000 nT with a one-bit resolution of 1.37 nT (16 bit AID) in each component. The sensor's primary responsibility is to support calculations of both VxB and ExB with greater accuracy than can be obtained using standard magnetic field models. The data also contain information about large-scale current systems, that, when analyzed in conjunction with electric field measurements, promise to significantly expand understanding of equatorial electrodynamics. We first compare in situ measurements with the POMME (POtsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth) model to establish in-flight sensor "calibrations" and to compute magnetic residuals. At low latitudes the residuals are predominately products of the stormtime ring current. Since C/NOFS provides a complete coverage of all local times every 97 minutes, magnetic field data allow studies of the temporal evolution and local-time variations of stormtime ring current. The analysis demonstrates the feasibility of using instrumented spacecraft in low-inclination orbits to extract a timely proxy for the provisional Dst index and to specify the ring current's evolution

    Conformational rearrangements in and twisting of a single molecule

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    Single molecule spectroscopy is used to obtain detailed information on the photophysical properties of immobilized perylenediimide-based molecules, substituted in the bay positions. The fluorescence spectra recorded for numerous single molecules show a clear bimodal distribution of the peak position. Within the low energy component of the distribution, two different vibronic shapes of the emission spectrum can be seen, which can be correlated to different decay times. We show that former observation can be explained by conformational changes of the bay substituents while the latter are related to twisting of the single molecule around the central perylenediimide long axis

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, June 1965

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    President\u27s Page Officers and Committee Chairmen Financial Report Hospital and School of Nursing Report Student Activities Annual Report Students Activities Annual Report Student Activities Annual Report Jefferson Expansion Program Psychiatric Unit Progress of the Alumnae Association Nightingale Pledge Resume of Alumnae Meetings Nursing Service Staff Association Scholarship Program Sick and Welfare Social Committee Report Bulletin Membership- WHY JOIN? Private Duty Report Annual Giving Report - 1964 PIT Alumnae Day Notes Building Fund Report - 1965 Vital Statistics IN MEMORIAM Class News Affiliated Institutions Notice

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, June 1964

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    President\u27s Message Officers and Committee Chairmen Financial Report Hospital and School of Nursing Report Student Activities Jefferson Expansion Program Resume of Alumnae Meetings Staff Nurses Private Duty Social Committee Reports Program Scholarship Bulletin Committee Report Annual Luncheon Notes Membership and Dues Units in Jefferson Expansion Program Center Annual Giving Drive 1963 Report of Ways and Means Committee Jefferson Building Fund Contributions Annual Giving Contributions 1964 Jefferson Building Fund Report Help the Building Fund Committee! Vital Statistics Class News Notice

    Role of CD14 in a Mouse Model of Acute Lung Inflammation Induced by Different Lipopolysaccharide Chemotypes

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    Background: Recognition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is required for effective defense against invading gram-negative bacteria. Recently, in vitro studies revealed that CD14 is required for activation of the myeloid differentiation factor (MyD)88dependent Toll-like receptor (TLR)4 signaling pathway by smooth (S)-LPS, but not by rough (R)-LPS. The present study investigated the role of CD14 in induction of lung inflammation in mice by these different LPS chemotypes. Methodology/Results: Neutrophil accumulation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) release in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were determined 6 hours after intranasal treatment of wild type (WT) and CD14 knock-out (KO) mice with different doses S-LPS or R-LPS. The contribution of CD14 to lung inflammation induced by S-LPS or R-LPS depended on the LPS dose. At low doses, S-LPS and R-LPS induced neutrophil influx in a CD14-dependent manner. Low dose S-LPS-induced cytokine release also depended on CD14. Strikingly, neutrophil influx and TNF release induced by high dose S-LPS or R-LPS was diminished in the presence of CD14. Intranasal administration of sCD14 to CD14 KO mice treated with S-LPS partially reversed the inflammatory response to the response observed in WT mice. Conclusions: In conclusion, CD14 modulates effects of both S-LPS and R-LPS within the lung in a similar way. Except for R-LPS-induced TNF release, S-LPS and R-LPS at low dose induced acute lung inflammation in a CD14-dependent manner


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    O brócolis é uma espécie que vem ganhando cada vez mais importância dentre as hortaliças, pelo seu alto valor nutricional. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho agronômico do brócolis híbrido “Master” mediante a aplicação do fertilizante foliar mineral misto “CULTIVA” e do “BRASSICA” como fontes de macro e micronutrientes. O experimento foi conduzido no setor de Agri I do IFC-Campus Rio do Sul, no período de 21 de outubro a 20 de dezembro de 2021, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 5 repetições, sendo T0 - Testemunha sem aplicação de produtos; T1 - fertilizante foliar misto Cultiva em diluição de 2g/L a cada 15 dias; T2 - fertilizante foliar misto Brassica em diluição de 2g/L a cada 10 dias; T3 - fertilizante foliar misto Brassica em diluição de 2g/L a cada 15 dias; T4 - fertilizante foliar misto Brassica aplicados a cada 10 dias com diferentes doses (1ª e 2ª dose com 1g/L; 3ª e 4ª dose com 2g/L, demais doses com 3g/L). Aos 60 dias após o transplante das mudas, foi realizada a colheita das cabeças de brócolis e determinado a massa fresca de cabeça de brócolis (MFCB), o diâmetro de cabeça (DC), Contagem Haste Oca (CHO) em unidades e Medida da Haste Oca (MHO) em cm no caule na região próximo a inserção da inflorescência. Após a coleta dos dados, foi realizado a tabulação em planilha eletrônica e determinado a média de cada uma das variáveis e aplicados o teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O fertilizante foliar misto CULTIVA e BRASSICA não apresentaram diferença estatística quando comparados a testemunha (T0), sendo a possível causa devido perda de parcela, condução do experimento em DIC e repetições do Tratamento 3 que foram danificadas por ataques de animais. Em valores absolutos, o Tratamento 2 com Cultiva foi superior a testemunha com 1% acima no DC e 10% em MHO, já o Tratamento 3 com Brassica superou a testemunha com 27% em MHO em sem diferença nos demais itens avaliados. Conclui-se que os fertilizantes foliares utilizados são promissores no seu uso para ganho de massa fresca e diâmetro de cabeça, sendo ambas aproveitadas para fins comerciais. Não apresentaram valores absolutos relevantes para haste oca

    Overexpression of cathepsin K in mice decreases collagen deposition and lung resistance in response to bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lung fibrosis is a devastating pulmonary disorder characterized by alveolar epithelial injury, extracellular matrix deposition and scar tissue formation. Due to its potent collagenolytic activity, cathepsin K, a lysosomal cysteine protease is an interesting target molecule with therapeutic potential to attenuate bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. We here tested the hypothesis that over-expression of cathepsin K in the lungs of mice is protective in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wild-type and cathepsin K overexpressing (cathepsin K transgenic; cath K tg) mice were challenged intratracheally with bleomycin and sacrificed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks post-treatment followed by determination of lung fibrosis by estimating lung collagen content, lung histopathology, leukocytic infiltrates and lung function. In addition, changes in cathepsin K protein levels in the lung were determined by immunohistochemistry, real time RT-PCR and western blotting.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cathepsin K protein levels were strongly increased in alveolar macrophages and lung parenchymal tissue of mock-treated cathepsin K transgenic (cath K tg) mice relative to wild-type mice and further increased particularly in cath K tg but also wild-type mice in response to bleomycin. Moreover, cath K tg mice responded with a lower collagen deposition in their lungs, which was accompanied by a significantly lower lung resistance (R<sub>L</sub>) compared to bleomycin-treated wild-type mice. In addition, cath K tg mice responded with a lower degree of lung fibrosis than wild-type mice, a process that was found to be independent of inflammatory leukocyte mobilization in response to bleomycin challenge.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Over-expression of cathepsin K reduced lung collagen deposition and improved lung function parameters in the lungs of transgenic mice, thereby providing at least partial protection against bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis.</p