71 research outputs found

    Detrital zircon records of Late Cretaceous syn-rift sedimentary sequences of New Caledonia: an Australian provenance questioned

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    International audienceThe Late Cretaceous clastic coastal sediments of New Caledonia are contemporaneous with the latest stages of the eastern Australian marginal rifting. As such, they record the erosion of basement terranes located on uplifted and tilted blocks and a contemporaneous volcanic activity. Detrital zircon populations contain two major components, the younger of which is Early Cretaceous, and the older Early Paleozoic and Precambrian. Following recent advances in the knowledge of detrital zircon content of basement terranes, and at variance with previous interpretations, that hypothesised a possible direct Australian provenance for Precambrian zircons, the detrital zircon record of these syn-rift sediments allows a local recycled provenance to be established. In consequence, this new evidence confirms that New Caledonia was already isolated from Australia as early as Coniacian time (ca. 89-85 Ma) a fact consistent with the development of faunal and floral endemism at that period. The prominent abundance of Early Cretaceous detrital zircons also establishes the importance of a previously unrecorded Early Cretaceous magmatism in the area

    The metamorphic sole of New Caledonia ophiolite: 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb, and geochemical evidence for subduction inception at a spreading ridge

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    Amphibolite lenses that locally crop out below the serpentinite sole at the base of the ophiolite of New Caledonia (termed Peridotite Nappe) recrystallized in the high-temperature amphibolite facies and thus sharply contrast with blueschists and eclogites of the Eocene metamorphic complex. Amphibolites mostly display the geochemical features of MORB with a slight Nb depletion and thus are similar to theyoungest (Late Paleocene–Eocene) BABB components of the allochthonous Poya Terrane. Thermochronological data from hornblende (40Ar/39Ar), zircon, and sphene (U-Pb) suggest that these mafic rocks recrystallized at ~56 Ma. Using various geothermobarometers provides a rough estimate of peak recrystallization conditions of ~0.5 GPa at ~80–95°C. The thermal gradient inferred from the metamorphic assemblage (~60°C km-1), geometrical relationships, and geochemical similarity suggest that these mafic rocks belong to the oceanic crust of the lower plate of the subduction/obduction system and recrystallized when they subducted below young and hot oceanic lithosphere. They were detached from the down-going plate and finally thrust onto unmetamorphosed Poya Terrane basalts. This and the occurrence of slab melts at ~53 Ma suggest that subduction inception occurred at or near to the spreading ridge of the South Loyalty Basin at ~56 Ma

    Contrôle karstique de minéralisations nickélifères de Nouvelle-Calédonie

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    International audienceFracturing associated with the nickeliferous mineralisations of New Caledonia has been successively considered as pre-dating and then post-dating the metallogenic processes. On the basis of a study of the dynamics of karst contemporaneous with lateritisation, a new emplacement model is proposed for the mineralisation: a network of hydraulic fractures of the crack-seal type governs the emplacement of mineralisation, associated with a network of normal faults that controls the sinking and evacuation of the karst productsLa fracturation associée aux minéralisations nickélifères de Nouvelle-Calédonie a successivement été considérée comme antérieure, puis postérieure, au processus métallogénique. À la suite d'une étude des processus dynamiques du karst contemporain de la latéritisation, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de mise en place des minéralisations. Dans ce modèle, la minéralisation se met en place par l'intermédiaire d'un réseau de fractures hydrauliques de type crack-seal, associé à un réseau de failles normales qui guident l'enfoncement et l'évacuation des produits du karst

    Syn-tectonic, meteoric water-derived carbonation of the New Caledonia peridotite nappe

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    International audienceExceptional outcrops recently exposed in the Koniambo massif allow the study of the serpentine sole of the peridotite nappe of New Caledonia (southwest Pacific Ocean). Many magnesite veins are observed, with characteristics indicating that they were emplaced during pervasive top-to-the-southwest shear deformation. The oxygen isotope composition of magnesite is homogeneous (27.4‰ < δ18O < 29.7‰), while its carbon isotope composition varies widely (−16.7‰ < δ13C < −8.5‰). These new data document an origin of magnesite from meteoric fluids. Laterization on top of the peridotite nappe and carbonation along the sole appear to represent complementary records of meteoric water infiltration. Based on the syn-kinematic character of magnesite veins, we propose that syn-laterization tectonic activity has enhanced water infiltration, favoring the exportation of leached elements like Mg, which has led to widespread carbonation along the serpentine sole. This calls for renewed examination of other magnesite-bearing ophiolites worldwide in order to establish whether active tectonics is commonly a major agent for carbonation

    Paramétrisation du potentiel de ruissellement des bassins versants au moyen de la Télédétection et des systèmes d'Informations Géographiques. Application à des bassins versants du Pays de Caux

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    International audienceThe increasing number of run-off damages occurring in Pays de Caux is a serious concern for regional authorities. The suggested method aims the assessmenl of run-off parameters using Remote Sensing and GIS. This method allows an objective comparison of the intrinsic and anthropic pressures of cultivated catchment from 1000 to 5000 ha. The potenliaI ron-off characteristics are analysed using land use components increasing or limiting run-off. and their spoliaI distrihulion on three different functional units. The selected parameters are the grassland proportion and compacity around concentrated surficial water channels (80 m wide), the proportion and compacity of the soil surfaces contributive to run-off on the top of catchments and, finally, the simple proportion of grassland and forest upon high sloped areas. The temporal evolution of these indices and the comparison between calchments show the signiflcant recorded changes whÃŽch favour the increase of surfaces contributing la mn-off between 1990 and /997. The interest of Ihese indices is to identify areas sensitive to run-off and to act as a decision supporl tool for a lerritorial management policy aimed al run-off reduclion on catchments. The outlook of this study is to generalize these parameters for regional applications

    Permian rifting and isolation of New Caledonia: evidence from detrital zircon geochronology

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    The island of New Caledonia is the second largest rock exposure of the continent Zealandia. The New Caledonian basement rocks have been interpreted as representing a late Paleozoic to Mesozoic intra-oceanic arc system that was possibly correlative to contemporaneous terranes in eastern Australia and New Zealand. In order to understand tectonic relationships between the basement rocks of New Caledonia and other eastern Gondwanan terranes, we obtained >2200 new U-Pb ages of detrital zircon grains from New Caledonia. Our new results, combined with a synthesis of previously published geochronological data, show abundant pre-Mesozoic zircon ages, but an absence of Early Permian to Middle Triassic ages characteristic of eastern Gondwana magmatism. The results thus suggest that the detritus of the New Caledonian basement was derived from a local Paleozoic continental fragment that was rifted from the margin of Gondwana, most likely in the Early Permian. The results imply that dispersal of the Gondwanan margins started earlier than the Late Cretaceous opening of the Tasman and Coral seas, consistent with the Mesozoic endemism of both New Caledonia and New Zealand

    Pleural Mesothelioma in New Caledonia: Associations with Environmental Risk Factors

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    International audienceBackground: High incidences of malignant mesothelioma (MM) have been observed in New Caledonia. Previous work has shown an association between MM and soil containing serpentinite. Objectives: We studied the spatial and temporal variation of MM and its association with environmental factors. Methods: We investigated the 109 MM cases recorded in the Cancer Registry of New Caledonia between 1984 and 2008 and performed spatial, temporal, and space-time cluster analyses. We conducted an ecological analysis involving 100 tribes over a large area including those with the highest incidence rates. Associations with environmental factors were assessed using logistic and Poisson regression analyses. Results: The highest incidence was observed in the Houaïlou area with a world age-standardized rate of 128.7 per 100,000 person-years [95% confidence interval (CI), 70.41-137.84]. A significant spatial cluster grouped 18 tribes (31 observed cases vs. 8 expected cases; p = 0.001), but no significant temporal clusters were identified. The ecological analyses identified serpentinite on roads as the greatest environmental risk factor (odds ratio = 495.0; 95% CI, 46.2-4679.7; multivariate incidence rate ratio = 13.0; 95% CI, 10.2-16.6). The risk increased with serpentinite surface, proximity to serpentinite quarries and distance to the peridotite massif. The association with serpentines was stronger than with amphiboles. Living on a slope and close to dense vegetation appeared protective. The use of whitewash, previously suggested to be a risk factor, was not associated with MM incidence. Conclusions: Presence of serpentinite on roads is a major environmental risk factor for mesothelioma in New Caledonia

    Etude stratigraphique, pétrologique et structurale de la région de Khorramabad ( Zagros-Iran)

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    This thesis deals with stratigraphical, petrographical and structural problems in the region covered by Khorrambad geologicla quadrangle ( Zagros, western Iran) . This region includes two geologically distinct areas , separated by a zone of major tectonics accidents.Cette thèse traite des problèmes stratigraphiques, pétrographiques et structuraux posés par la région couverte par la feuille géologique de Khorramabad (Zagros, Iran occidentale). Cette région est divisée en deux domaines qui différent par une grande partie de leur histoire géologique et qui sont séparés par une zone d'accidents tectoniques majeurs. Le domaine sédimentaire : Il constitue les montagnes du Zagros et couvre la moitié sud ouest de la feuille ; il appartient à la plaque arabe. On a pu y distinguer également deux zones : - Le Zagros externe (partie sud ouest) montre de puissantes séries de Sédiments à caractère peu profond, sans discordance depuis le Paléozoïque (atteint par forages)) jusqu'au pliocène. - la Crushed zone (partie nord est) a des séries continentales ou de plateforme sans discordance depuis le Cambrien jusqu'au Crétacé supérieur. Le domaine métamorphique : Il couvre toute la partie nord est de la feuille et appartient à la plaque iranienne
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