59 research outputs found

    Validation of a FFQ for estimating whole-grain cereal food intake

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    Estimation of whole-grain (WG) food intake in epidemiological and nutritional studies is normally based on general diet FFQ, which are not designed to specifically capture WG intake. To estimate WG cereal intake, we developed a forty-three-item FFQ focused on cereal product intake over the past month. We validated this questionnaire against a 3-d-weighed food record (3DWFR) in thirty-one subjects living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (nineteen female and twelve male). Subjects completed the FFQ on day 1 (FFQ1), the 3DWFR between days 2 and 13 and the FFQ again on day 14 (FFQ2). The subjects provided a fasting blood sample within 1 week of FFQ2. Total cereal intake, total WG intake, intake of individual cereals, intake of different groups of cereal products and alkylresorcinol (AR) intake were calculated from both FFQ and the 3DWFR. Plasma AR, possible biomarkers for WG wheat and rye intake were also analysed. The total WG intake for the 3DWFR, FFQ1, FFQ2 was 26 (sd 22), 28 (sd 25) and 21 (sd 16)g/d, respectively. Mean plasma AR concentration was 55·8 (sd 26·8)nmol/l. FFQ1, FFQ2 and plasma AR were correlated with the 3DWFR (r 0·72, 0·81 and 0·57, respectively). Adjustment for age, sex, BMI and total energy intake did not affect the results. This FFQ appears to give a rapid and adequate estimate of WG cereal intake in free-living subject

    A whole-grain cereal-rich diet increases plasma betaine, and tends to decrease total and LDL-cholesterol compared with a refined-grain diet in healthy subjects

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    Epidemiological studies have repeatedly found that whole-grain (WG) cereal foods reduce the risk of several lifestyle-related diseases, though consistent clinical outcomes and mechanisms are elusive. To compare the effects of a WG-rich diet with a matched refined-grain (RG) diet on plasma biomarkers and bowel health parameters, seventeen healthy subjects (eleven females and six males) completed an exploratory cross-over study with a 2-week intervention diet based on either WG- or RG-based foods, separated by a washout of at least 5 weeks. Both diets were the same except for the use of WG (150g/d) or RG foods. Subjects undertook a 4h postprandial challenge on day 8 of each intervention diet. After 2 weeks, the WG diet tended to decrease plasma total and LDL-cholesterol (both P=0·09), but did not change plasma HDL-cholesterol, fasting glucose, C-reactive protein or homocysteine compared with the RG diet. Plasma betaine and alkylresorcinol concentrations were elevated after 1 week of the WG diet (P=0·01 and P<0·0001, respectively). Clostridium leptum populations in faeces were increased after the WG diet, along with a trend for decreased faecal water pH (P=0·096) and increased stool frequency (P<0·0001) compared with the RG diet. A short controlled intervention trial with a variety of commercially available WG-based products tended to improve biomarkers of CVD compared with a RG diet. Changes in faecal microbiota related to increased fibre fermentation and increased plasma betaine concentrations point to both fibre and phytochemical components of WG being important in mediating any potential health effect


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    BESANCON-BU Médecine pharmacie (250562102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Loi portant ouverture et annulation de crédits sur l'exercice 1890 (service de l'instruction primaire)

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    Carnot Sadi, Rouvier Maurice, Bourgeois Léon. Loi portant ouverture et annulation de crédits sur l'exercice 1890 (service de l'instruction primaire). In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 47 n°898, 1890. pp. 372-374

    Altitudinal variation in fertility and vegetative growth in the invasive plant Rubus alceifolius Poiret (Rosaceae), on Réunion island.

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    International audienceRubus alceifolius Poiret (Rosaceae) was introduced to the island of Réunion in the southeastern Indian Ocean about 1850 and is now highly invasive. This bramble, native from southeastern Asia and Malaysia, has invaded a wide variety of habitats (lowland rainforest, mountain and submountain rainforest, Acacia heterophylla rainforest) from sea level to 1700 m. It is suspected to be monoclonal so, its remarkable success may be due in part to great phenotypic plasticity. On Réunion, bud, flower, fruit and seed production, the duration of the flowering period and the importance of the seed bank were found to be negatively correlated with elevation (50-1500 m a.s.l.). At a lowland site, fruit production in mature stands averaged between 30 and 80 fruits/m2 during 1999 and 2000. No fruit set occurred above 1100 m. This fruit production pattern was similar over two years. Although the number of leaves per unit area is similar along the whole gradient studied, decrease of fruit set in upland areas might be compensated for by an increase in vegetative growth. Temperature variation is very sharp along the elevation gradient and may control the fruit and the seed production. Fruit production allows establishment of new populations all around the island via bird dissemination. Once established, R. alceifolius maintains dense patches that can grow vegetatively. Our results may be relevant for eradication programs that should take into account variation in reproductive strategy in lowland vs. highland habitats

    Décret portant règlement d'administration publique sur l'Administration et la Comptabilité des écoles normales primaires et les prestations en nature à concéder au personnel de ces écoles

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    Carnot Sadi, Bourgeois Léon, Rouvier Maurice, Constans Ernest. Décret portant règlement d'administration publique sur l'Administration et la Comptabilité des écoles normales primaires et les prestations en nature à concéder au personnel de ces écoles. In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 47 n°899, 1890. pp. 420-434

    Alienação fiduciária em garantia no Direito Português e no Direito Brasileiro

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a inserção e as principais atribuições do instituto da alienação fiduciária em garantia no ordenamento jurídico português e brasileiro. Para tanto, revela-se imprescindível principiar pela descrição dos aspetos históricos da fidúcia, a partir da sua origem no direito romano até às novas perspetivas traçadas pela influência do direito germânico, fatores que se apresentam relevantes para a compreensão dos elementos intrínsecos que atualmente caracterizam os denominados negócios fiduciários com função de garantia. Em seguida, é oportuno o desenvolvimento relacionado às questões suscitadas para a admissibilidade dos negócios fiduciários com função de garantia no ordenamento jurídico português, bem como das figuras típicas ou atípicas que apresentem estrutura fiduciária para alienação da propriedade de determinado bem ou titularidade de direito, com a finalidade de assegurar o cumprimento de uma obrigação..

    Décret portant règlement d'administration publique sur les conditions spéciales d'organisation du personnel des écoles normales de la Seine et sur la fixation des traitements

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    Carnot Sadi, Bourgeois Léon, Constans Ernest, Rouvier Maurice. Décret portant règlement d'administration publique sur les conditions spéciales d'organisation du personnel des écoles normales de la Seine et sur la fixation des traitements. In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 47 n°908, 1890. pp. 698-700