96 research outputs found

    Performance of Nellore Cattle under Two Grazing Management Systems

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grazing intensification on birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW, standartized to 205 days), average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADG), and gestation length (GL) of calves, cow weight at calving (CWC) and at weaning (CWW), cow condition score at calving (CCC) and at weaning (CCW), and BW/CWC (BWR), WW/CWC (WWRC) and WW/CWW (WWRW) ratios. One hundred and sixty eight Nellore calves born in 1998 and 1999, out of dams maintained in two grazing management systems were evaluated: an extensive 1.0 animal unity (AU). ha-1 system on unfertilized Brachiaria decumbens pasture (SR); and an intensive rotational 5.0 AU. ha-1 system on fertilized Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and cow-calf feed supplementation during dry season (SI). Analyses of variance showed a significant (P\u3c .01) system effect on CWW and CCW, independently of year of birth of calf, a significant (P\u3c .05 and P\u3c .01) year of birth x system interaction effect on WW, ADG, BWR, WWRC and WWRW, and no effect at all on BW, CWC, CCC and GL. Results suggest that benefits of intensification were through improving production per hectare and not per animal

    Manual do extensionista.

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    Relatório de estágio em ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: A Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada desenvolveu-se no Jardim de Infância (JI) Lordelo do Ouro protocolado com a ESE/IPP, numa das salas da valência da Educação Pré-Escolar, tendo como intenção formativa potenciar a construção de competências profissionais consignadas no Perfil Geral e Específico de Desempenho do Educador de Infância. Assim, a mestranda iniciou a construção do eu profissional por meio do compromisso e responsabilização progressiva pela ação docente, norteada pelo ciclo de investigação-ação Observar, planificar, agir, refletir, comunicar e articular. As estratégias de ação emanadas na espiral do ciclo de investigação-ação foram, assim, transversais às várias fases do processo educativo sustentadoras de uma ação docente reflexiva. A metodologia de trabalho centrou-se numa relação dialógica entre os seminários e o estágio, sendo que os primeiros permitiram a construção de um quadro concetual e metodológico sustentador das ações desenvolvidas na Prática Pedagógica. Munidas de todas as informações recolhidas, ora através da observação direta, ora por meio de entrevistas e análise documental, as mestrandas proporcionaram momentos de aprendizagem ajustados à singularidade do grupo de crianças. Privilegiou-se, portanto, a pedagogia da escuta e a pedagogia de projeto concretizadas por meio da Assembleia de grupo. Este espaço reflexivo e comunicativo permitiu que a criança se desenvolvesse a partir de atividades que a própria planeou e sobre as quais refletiu em cooperação e negociação. Salientou-se, assim, o currículo negociado, não centrado na criança nem dirigido pelo professor mas originado na criança e enquadrado pelo professor ─ Reggio Emilia (Maia, 2008, p.40). Assim, surgiram as atividades mistério que mobilizaram os interesses que iam sendo manifestados. Conferindo uma maior intencionalidade educativa à ação pedagógica, recorreu-se a uma panóplia de estratégias formativas: planificações, narrativas colaborativas, guiões de pré-observação, diário de bordo, grelhas e reuniões de avaliação. Estes permitiram um conhecimento cada vez mais profícuo das crianças sendo propulsores do desenvolvimento dos projetos “Os Cinco Sentidos”, “Reino dos Dentes” e “Os Seres Vivos”. O início e término dos projetos foram determinados pelo grau de motivação das crianças, convocando estratégias pedagógicas diferenciadas, capazes de dar resposta à diversidade dos atores, numa perspetiva equitativa da educação. Aliada a estas linhas pedagógicas, apostou-se numa “cultura da colaboração [considerando que esta] é o substrato básico intelectual e afetivo para enfrentar a incerteza e o risco do fracasso” (Gómez, citado por Santos, 2000, p.22). A ação pedagógica foi influenciada por aspetos relativos à especificidade do contexto, tendo as mestrandas de conciliar as suas crenças com culturas profissionais distintas. Acredita-se que a ação pedagógica da mestranda contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da generalidade das crianças no que concerne “(…) ao saber, ao saber fazer [, ao saber estar], e ao saber ser (…) (Peterson, 2003, p.67)”. Assistiu-se à sua evolução relativa à fluência e coerência do discurso, respeito pelas regras inerentes à vivência democrática, autonomia na gestão de conflitos e capacidade de reflexão, competências estas que se realçaram como lacunas no início da prática pedagógica. Como corolário desta evolução e da integração no contexto de ação do educador de infância, edificou-se o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais na futura profissional da educação. Desenvolveu, sobretudo, a sua capacidade de indagação autorreflexiva, sistemática e colaborativa a par do desenvolvimento de competências inerentes à planificação da ação pedagógica. Compreendeu, assim, que na realidade educativa, complexa e multifacetada, a intuição não é suficiente para dar resposta a situações educativas inesperadas. Todavia, apesar de se ter desenvolvido estratégias coerentes com a evolução e interesses do grupo de crianças, considera-se que, no domínio da ação, não se conseguiu promover, na sua plenitude, o envolvimento da família no processo de ensino e aprendizagem das crianças, tendo este sido, indubitavelmente, condicionado pelas caraterísticas do meio sociocultural.Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: The supervised pedagogical practice has been developed in Lordelo do Ouro kindergarten filed with ESE/IPP in a preschool education classroom and the main goal was to potentiate the construction of professional skills that are mentioned in the general and specific profile of the kindergarten teacher. This way, the master’s began the construction of her professional self by means of progressive commitment and responsibility with teacher action guided by investigation-action – observing, planning, acting, reflecting, communicating and articulating. The work methodology has focused in a dual relation between seminars and training practice. The seminars provided the construction of a conceptual and methodological framework that helped the developed actions in training practice. The strategies of action emanating from the spiral of action research cycle were thus cutting across the various phases of the educational process of sustaining an action reflective teacher. The methodology focussed on a dialogical relationship between the stage and seminars, and the first allowed the construction of a Conceptual and methodological framework supportive of the actions developed in Pedagogical Practice. Having all the collected information, through direct observation, interviews and documental analysis, the masters provided learning moments adjusted to the specific group of children. They gave privilege to listening pedagogy and project pedagogy materialised by group work. This reflective and communicative space allowed the child to develop himself/ herself through activities he/she has actually planned and reflected about in cooperation and negotiation. So, it is important to highlight the negotiated curriculum, not centred on the child nor directed by the teacher but with its origin on the child and framed by the teacher ─ Reggio Emilia (Maia, 2008, p.40). Thus, mistery activities have emerged that mobilised the interests that were being shown. To assure a bigger educational intention to the pedagogical action, it was resorted to a variety of instruments to regulate teacher action, such as planning, collaborative narratives, pre-observation scripts, a logbook, grids and evaluation/ assessment meetings. All these instruments provided a fruitful knowledge of the children and they propelled the development of projects like “The five sense”, “The teeth kingdom” and “Living beings”. The beginning and the end of these projects was determined by the level of motivation of the children and different pedagogical strategies were used to give answers to the different children involved in them, in an equitable view of education. Together with these pedagogical lines, a “colaboration culture was implemented, considering that it is an intellectual and affective basic substract to face uncertainty and the risk of failure” (Gómez, quoted by Santos, 2000, p.22). The pedagogical action was influenced by aspects related to the specific context and the masters had to reconcile their beliefs with different professional cultures. It is believed that the action of the graduate student teaching contributed to the development of all children with respect “(...) to learn, to learn to do [, to learn to be], and how to be (...)” (Peterson, 2003, p. 67). There has to developments on the fluency and coherence of speech, respect for the rules inherent in the democratic experience, autonomy in conflict management and capacity for reflection, which emphasized skills such as gaps in the early educational practice. As a corollary of this development and integration of action in the context of the kindergarten teacher, he built up the development of professional skills in the future of education. Developed, especially for his ability to question autorreflexive systematically and collaboratively together with the development of skills inherent in the planning of pedagogical action. Understood, therefore, that the educational reality, complex and multifaceted, intuition is not sufficient to meet the educational unexpected situations. However, despite having developed strategies consistent with the evolution of the group and interests of children, it is considered that, in the field of action, we could not promote, in its fullness, the family's involvement in the process of teaching and learning of children, the latter was undoubtedly conditioned by the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment.Relatório E1CEB - Relatório de estágio em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: A Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada (PPS), nos contextos da Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB), teve lugar em duas escolas da rede de ensino público protocoladas com a Escola Superior de Educação. Ancorado no que foi pré-definido pela escola de formação, o percurso trilhado nesta etapa formativa visou a construção de saberes profissionais implicados na docência. Para concretizar este objetivo, e garantindo o compromisso com uma prática conducente com um ensino de qualidade, a ação pedagógica teve como eixo estruturador a metodologia de investigação-ação. Com vista à amplificação da intencionalidade educativa, a PPS alicerçou-se, ainda, em três grandes eixos teóricos e concetuais: o socioconstrutivismo, a psicologia cultural e a perspetiva ecológica do desenvolvimento humano. Estes eixos refletiram-se nas prioridades de aprendizagem transversais à ação pedagógica: promoção do protagonismo da criança, colocando-a no epicentro do processo de ensino e aprendizagem; valorização da cooperação; primazia da motivação e do envolvimento emocional; estímulo das possibilidades do imaginário e da criatividade; promoção da articulação e integração curricular; partilha dialógica do conhecimento; promoção da diferenciação pedagógica e garantia do bem-estar dos intervenientes. Transversal a todas estas prioridades, enalteceu-se um objetivo fulcral respeitar e valorizar a singularidade de cada criança, mobilizando as motivações e necessidades sentidas pela mesma. Aliada às linhas pedagógicas referenciadas e com vista à (co)construção de competências profissionais, apostou-se numa cultura da colaboração e de participação democrática estendidas à incessante interação dialógica com o par de formação, a supervisora, a orientadora cooperante e, também, com as crianças.Relatório E1CEB - Relatório de estágio em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: The Supervised Teaching Practice (STP), in the contexts of Preschool Education and the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (CBE), took place in two public schools which cooperates with ESE. Anchored in what was pre-defined by the training school, the path followed by this formative stage aimed to develop the professional knowledge involved in teaching. To achieve this goal, and ensuring commitment to a practice which leads to quality education, the pedagogical action had the structural axis of the action-research methodology. In order to increase the educational intention, the STP lays its foundations in three main theoretical concepts: the social constructivism, the cultural psychology and the ecological perspective of human development. These axes were reflected in the learning priorities which are transversal in the pedagogical action: promoting the role of the child, placing it at the heart of teaching and learning, valuing cooperation; giving primacy to motivation and emotional involvement; stimulating the imagery and creativity possibilities; promoting articulation and curriculum integration; dialogical sharing of knowledge, promoting adaptive education and ensuring the welfare of stakeholders. Present in all these priorities is the key objective of respecting and valuing the uniqueness of each child, mobilizing their motivations and needs. Together with pedagogical referenced lines for the (co)construction of professional skills, emphasis was given to the collaboration and democratic participation as well as to the incessant dialogic interaction with the pair of training, the supervisor, the cooperating supervisor and the children

    Identification of novel soybean microRNAs involved in abiotic and biotic stresses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Small RNAs (19-24 nt) are key regulators of gene expression that guide both transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing mechanisms in eukaryotes. Current studies have demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) act in several plant pathways associated with tissue proliferation, differentiation, and development and in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. In order to identify new miRNAs in soybean and to verify those that are possibly water deficit and rust-stress regulated, eight libraries of small RNAs were constructed and submitted to Solexa sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The libraries were developed from drought-sensitive and tolerant seedlings and rust-susceptible and resistant soybeans with or without stressors. Sequencing the library and subsequent analyses detected 256 miRNAs. From this total, we identified 24 families of novel miRNAs that had not been reported before, six families of conserved miRNAs that exist in other plants species, and 22 families previously reported in soybean. We also observed the presence of several isomiRNAs during our analyses. To validate novel miRNAs, we performed RT-qPCR across the eight different libraries. Among the 11 miRNAs analyzed, all showed different expression profiles during biotic and abiotic stresses to soybean. The majority of miRNAs were up-regulated during water deficit stress in the sensitive plants. However, for the tolerant genotype, most of the miRNAs were down regulated. The pattern of miRNAs expression was also different for the distinct genotypes submitted to the pathogen stress. Most miRNAs were down regulated during the fungus infection in the susceptible genotype; however, in the resistant genotype, most miRNAs did not vary during rust attack. A prediction of the putative targets was carried out for conserved and novel miRNAs families.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Validation of our results with quantitative RT-qPCR revealed that Solexa sequencing is a powerful tool for miRNA discovery. The identification of differentially expressed plant miRNAs provides molecular evidence for the possible involvement of miRNAs in the process of water deficit- and rust-stress responses.</p

    Desempenho preliminar de novos genótipos de aveia e trigo na Depressão Ccentral do RS

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    More than two hundred oat and wheat advanced-lines selected in 1983 were grown in field experiments at Guaíba, RS, Brazil, in 1984. The objective was to quantify, grain yield, 100 grain weight, hectoliter weight, biological yield, heading time, and plant stature. The results were significant for all traits, indicating that selection was efficient in oats; on the other hand, only one wheat-line showed superiority to the best check-variety.Mais de 200 linhagens avançadas de aveia (Avena sativa L.) e trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), selecionadas em 1983, foram avaliadas em dois experimentos, conduzidos em Guaíba, RS, durante o ano de 1984. O objetivo foi testar rendimento de grãos, peso do hectolitro e de 100 grãos, rendimento biológico, ciclo de desenvolvimento e estatura de planta. Os resultados foram significativos para todas as variáveis, indicando que a seleção tem sido eficiente na aveia; por outro lado, em trigo, somente uma linhagem mostrou superioridade em rendimento de grãos sobre a melhor cultivar-padrão

    Expressed sequence tags from Atta laevigata and identification of candidate genes for the control of pest leaf-cutting ants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leafcutters are the highest evolved within Neotropical ants in the tribe Attini and model systems for studying caste formation, labor division and symbiosis with microorganisms. Some species of leafcutters are agricultural pests controlled by chemicals which affect other animals and accumulate in the environment. Aiming to provide genetic basis for the study of leafcutters and for the development of more specific and environmentally friendly methods for the control of pest leafcutters, we generated expressed sequence tag data from <it>Atta laevigata</it>, one of the pest ants with broad geographic distribution in South America.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The analysis of the expressed sequence tags allowed us to characterize 2,006 unique sequences in <it>Atta laevigata</it>. Sixteen of these genes had a high number of transcripts and are likely positively selected for high level of gene expression, being responsible for three basic biological functions: energy conservation through redox reactions in mitochondria; cytoskeleton and muscle structuring; regulation of gene expression and metabolism. Based on leafcutters lifestyle and reports of genes involved in key processes of other social insects, we identified 146 sequences potential targets for controlling pest leafcutters. The targets are responsible for antixenobiosis, development and longevity, immunity, resistance to pathogens, pheromone function, cell signaling, behavior, polysaccharide metabolism and arginine kynase activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from <it>Atta laevigata </it>have provided important genetic basis for future studies on the biology of leaf-cutting ants and may contribute to the development of a more specific and environmentally friendly method for the control of agricultural pest leafcutters.</p