391 research outputs found

    INOVASI LAYANAN (Studi Kasus Call Center SPGDT 119 Sebagai Layanan Gawat Darurat Pada Dinas Kesehatan Provinisi DKI Jakarta)

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    : Service Innovation (Case Studies Call Center SPGDT 119 as Emergency Services at Health Department Province DKI Jakarta). In improving the quality of health care, Jakarta Provincial Government launched the service innovation Call Center SPGDT 119. This study aims to analyze the innovation and the quality of Call Center SPGDT 119 service. This study used a qualitative-descriptive approach with an interactive model. The results showed that the Call Center SPGDT 119 is an innovation in emergency services to the public because it provides new ways of delivering it services. This service has a good quality. In addition, this service has advantages compared to other services, namely ease of access to the service by calling directly to the number 119 and the process of service delivery 24 hours for 7 days. Advice given is the need to make the Call Center SPGDT 119 as a national emergency system by cooperating with the Police and Fire Department, and maintain the quality of services through performance evaluation once every two weeks

    Implementasi Model Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (Mbs) Pada Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Tpi Tanjung Putus

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    This research aims to find out how the implementation of school-based management model (MBS). The research was conducted at the Cape End TPI MTsS This study used a qualitative research. It is based on the consideration that this study revealed the implementation model of school-based management (SBM). Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words - words written or spoken of - people whose behavior can be understood. The subject of research directed to the search data from principals, vice-principals, teachers, and staff at the Cape End MTsS TPI. The data collection was obtained by observation, interview and document research. The findings of this study as follows: 1) the perception of the principal on MBS model application. 2) the pattern of school leadership in MBS. 3) application of management functions in the activities - activities pendidikan.4) MBS models in the improvement of education management

    The Capital Structure of Venture Capital Firms in Indonesia

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    Venture capital (VC) is an important fund source for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start up, particularly to deliver its main product of equity participation. Therefore, capital structure and factors that affect it are very crucial. This study aims to analyze the capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia using econometric model of panel data regression. This study utilizes secondary data of six years period (2009-2014) monthly financial statements of 27 samples out of 58 VC firms to form 1,944 observations. The study reveals that capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia is dominated by debt/loan rather than capital with DER on average is 136.95%. In addition, the research confirms that VC firms\u27 capital structure is affected simultaneously by financial aspects which are asset size, profitability, liquidity, asset/investment quality, and earning asset structure. The attentions to financial aspects that affect the VC firms\u27 capital structure as well as other initiatives related to capital increases are necessary so that the VC firms could carry out its role effectively

    3D-FDTD Method for Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Loaded with Anisotropic Dielectric Material

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    One of the most popular techniques to solve electromagneticproblems numerically is using finite-difference timedomain(FDTD) method. The method has been successfullyapplied to an extremely wide variety of electromagnetic problems.The essential reason resides in the fact that the FDTD methoditself is extremely simple even for analyzing in a three-dimensional(3D) system. In this paper, the analysis of resonant frequencyfor a rectangular waveguide which is loaded with anisotropicdielectric material is numerically investigated based on 3D-FDTDmethod. The wave equations and modes that appear in thewaveguide are analyzed theoretically in which the results areapplied to validate the numerical result obtained from 3D-FDTDmethod. For comparison, an empty rectangular waveguide anda rectangular waveguide fully loaded with isotropic dielectricmaterial are also analyzed both theoretically and numerically.From the result, it shows that a good agreement has been achievedbetween theoretical calculation and 3D-FDTD numerical resultswith their discrepancies of 0.26–2.32%

    Analisa Dampak Konvergensi Ifrs Ke Dalam PSAK 13, 16, Dan 30 Terhadap Aktivitas Perdagangan Saham Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The application of PSAK has been revised in reference with the IAS in the convergence of IFRS perspective. The objective of the research is to elaborate influence of this application on Trading Volume Activity (TVA) companies that implement it. This research uses quantitative method that focus to a single incident within a certain period of publication an annual financial statements of 56 companies who implemented PSAK 13, 16, and 30 revised in 2007. This study indicates that the publication of financial statements has not give a significant influence on the TVA despite there is an increase in trading activity at the time after publication.JEL Classification : M 41, L5

    Type of Gold Hydrothermal Deposits on Metamorphic Rock District Buru, Province Maluku

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    An investigation on gold occurrence in Buru island is needed to determine type of deposit in the area. This study aims to analyse mineralisation, alteration and metamorphic facies of metamorphic-hosted gold deposit in Buru area by using petrographic method, x-ray flourescense, x-ray diffraction, and polish section. The results reveral that there are two types of metamorphic rocks: schists and phyllite. Greenschist facies are charecterized by muscovite mineral, quartz, chlorite, biotite, clay mineral, and codierite. Phyllite is in the same genetic condition with schist (medium metamorphism), with formation temperature ranges from 300°C to 450°C with a pressure around 1-8 Kbar through a regional metamorphism process. Alteration in quartz veins indicated the nature of proximal zone to ore zone. Silicic alteration (quartz) is also found intensely, and it is generally associated by propylitic alteration (chlorite) and sericitic (muscovite). Mineralisation follows the direction of the distribution of quartz veins with crustiform banding texture. The quartz vein thickness is from 40 cm to 50 cm. The alteration and mineralisation occurrence of the studied area suggests epithermal gold deposits type

    Dinamika Dalam Suksesi Kepemimpinan Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (Knpi) Provinsi Riau Tahun 2014

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    In this research theres intersting phenomenas in leadership succession at Riau KNPI 2014th. i.e, the leader KNPI choosen by acclamation. The history proving that belongs 3 years of period, this is the first time the election of leader KNPI choosen by acclamation. This because the recession one of candidate of leader KNPI from 2 candidates that pass the verification. The recession was doing by Nasaruddin. The reason of recession was illogical, that he's going vacation to the other towns and thats not ethical if Nasaruddin keep forward in that succesion. Afterward theres an other intersting facts that presence of Pancasila Youth Society Organisation in the forum implementation of DPD KNPI Riau Province XIII. Need to know that Youth Pancasila was not included in the participant invitation or participant observer in forum Riau Province KNPI 2014.Theory (approachability) that the writer using as a analysis tools in this research is the theory about Lobby and authorities. Whereas the method that writer use is qualitatively method and type of research is description, i.e sought to analysis the dynamics and giving explanation data that get from observation result. Which aim to emphasize and substantive an theory so get the information about current situation. The technique collecting data in this research is using interview technique and documentation study.Based on the research results and analysis the writers get three basic conclutions. First, democracy process in period XIII of KNPI 2014 not showing a good process and ideal. Second, KNPI of Riau Province, in this case committee of MUSPROV XIII KNPI Riau Province does not do public transparency to information of actual cause by the Nasaruddin recession from second candidates of election. And third, in leadership succession of Riau KNPI, purely the result of kongkalikong between Ari Nugroho side and Nasaruddin

    Diversity of Waterbirds in the Sebuku Strait Kotabaru, South Kalimantan

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    This research is to determine the diversity of waterbirds in the Sebuku Strait (Pulau Laut Timur and Pulau Sebuku), Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. Communities of waterbirds identified in the mangrove forest (HM); rice paddies and ponds (Sw-Ta); wetlands and ponds (Ra-Te); open land, savannas, and shrublands (LT-PR-SB), beach front and strait (TPT-Se). The Research used point methods or point of abundance and exploration in the habitat types, at 6:00 - 11:00 pm (morning) and 1:00 - 6:00 pm (afternoon) in March until May 2014. Analysis the type of habitat, name of the species, and number of waterbirds were identified. Around the Sebuku Strait were found 28 species of 9 families waterbirds. Diversity of waterbirds around Sebuku Strait was high (H \u27= 3.237). It was found various families of waterbirds, i.e. family of Ardeidae (11 species), Alcedinidae (4 species), Anatidae (2 species), Anhingidae, Ciconiidae, Fregatidae, Rallidae, Recurvirostridae, and Scolopacidae (1 species). Sixteen species protected by government regulations No. 7 of 1999, only one species in Appendix I CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)

    Perancangan Desain Interior Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik Jakarta

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    RingkasanSelain sebagai tempat rekreasi, museum berguna juga sebagai sarana edukasi atau sebagai wadah tempat pembelajaran dan pengetahuan. Museum menurut batasan yang dikeluarkan oleh Internasional Council of Museum (ICOM) adalah sebuah lembaga yang bersifat tetap, tidak mencari keuntungan, melayani masyarakat dan perkembangannya, terbuka untuk umum, memperoleh, merawat, menghubungkan dan memamerkan artefak-artefak perihal jati diri manusia dan lingkungannya untuk tujuan studi, pendidikan dan rekreasi.Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik dirancang untuk menarik minat masyarakat agar mengunjungi serta mempelajari peninggalan sejarah yang ada di museum dengan menggunakan fasilitas yang modern sebagai sarana pemberi informasi dan edukasi yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dengan baik. Desain interior yang sesuai dapat menciptakan suasana yang mendukung tujuan tersebut. Sesuai dengan lokasi berdirinya Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik, yakni di kawasan Kota Tua Batavia, Jakarta, konsep desain interior yang diterapkan pada museum ini mengangkat tema, “Modern Education And Ethnic Betawi”. Hal ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan budaya sekitar dan meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat agar dapat melestarikan peninggalan-peninggalan karya pada zaman dahulu
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