43 research outputs found


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    We studied surface expression of trigger receptor, expressed by myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) on various subpopulations of monocytes before direct revascularization of myocardium with artificial blood flow and in early postoperative period. We registered that various expression of TREM-1 on the surface corresponds to subpopulations of monocytes, and the highest level is observed on CD14hiCD16+ monocytes. By the 1st day of postoperative period elevation of surface expression of TREM-1 occurs on all subpopulations of monocytes, testifying to enlargement of their proinflammatory potential


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    Described here are the results of glicoproteid isolation from the fixed rabies virus, strain «Moscow 3253», using non-ionic detergent with subsequent chromatographic purification. The obtained antigen was demonstrated to be applicable as immunoreagent for construction of diagnosticum, by means of conjugation with colloid gold nanoparticles. The diagnosticum is meant for detection of specific antibodies in immune sera of horsesproducers, and in the preparation of anti-rabies immunoglobulin, in dot-immunoassay


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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is now widely distributed worldwide and in theRussian Federation, it is an important medical and social problem in connection with the development of serious, disabling complications. Some of these complications could make changes in the brain which are accompanied by cognitive impairments that decrease quality of life and worsening disease compensation. The diagnosis of these disorders to date, possible by using modern methods of magnetic resonance imaging, which describe not only the morphological changes of the brain, but also the metabolism of nervous tissue. The study of the brain, namely structural and metabolic manifestations of diabetes, is one of the priority problem of modern medical science.The aim of the study was to evaluate dynamics in the different techniques of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of brain changes in patients with T1DM.Research methods included physical examination, in accordance with the diagnostic algorithm of patients with T1DM, a neurologist consultation, an assessment of cognitive function, analysis of brain changes using standard magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Statistical processing was performed using software package R-system. This publication presents a clinical case of a patient with T1DM and severe cognitive impairments are associated with changes in the brain, diagnosed using standard magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. The study shows the positive role of correction of carbohydrate metabolism in improving cognitive function in a patient with T1DM.In addition, the process analysis revealed the absence of dynamic changes in the brain of a patient with T1DM according to standard magnetic resonance imaging. This required the use of additional techniques – magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which revealed changes of metabolism in the thalamus N-acetyl aspartate, choline and creatinine.Сахарный диабет (СД) 1-го типа (СД-1) в настоящее время широко распространен как во всем мире, так и в Российской Федерации, и является важной медико-социальной проблемой в связи с развитием серьезных инвалидизирующих осложнений. К таким осложнениям относятся изменения головного мозга, которые сопровождаются когнитивными нарушениями, значительно снижающими качество жизни и ухудшающими компенсацию заболевания. Диагностика и выявление этих нарушений на сегодняшний день возможны с помощью современных методик магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ), которые описывают не только морфологические изменения головного мозга, но и метаболизм нервной ткани. Исследование структурных и метаболических изменений головного мозга на фоне СД является одной из приоритетных задач современной медицинской науки.Цель исследования – оценить изменения головного мозга с помощью различных методик магнитно-резонансной томографии у пациента с СД-1 и когнитивной дисфункцией.Материал и методы. Проведены общеклиническое обследование в соответствии с алгоритмом диагностики больных СД-1, консультация невролога, оценка когнитивной функции, анализ изменений головного мозга с помощью стандартной МРТ и спектроскопии.В данной публикации представлен клинический случай пациента с СД-1 и выраженными когнитивными нарушениями, а также с изменениями головного мозга, диагностированными с помощью стандартной МРТ и спектроскопии.Результаты. Выявлены нарушение углеводного обмена и наличие когнитивной дисфункции у пациента с СД-1. Кроме того, в процессе анализа обнаружены неспецифические изменения головного мозга у пациента с СД-1 по данным стандартной МРТ. Это потребовало использования дополнительной методики – магнитно-резонансной спектроскопии, с помощью которой удалось выявить изменения метаболизма в таламусе N-ацетиласпартата, холина и креатина

    Personally-oriented models of development of musically gifted children

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    Introduction. Nowadays, the development of national competitiveness depends on many factors, but the quality of human capital is first of all. One of priority tasks of education system in Russian Federation is search and support of gifted children and teenagers: creation of conditions for their productive education, full upbringing and optimum development of their abilities providing further maximum self-realisation of a person. Today, however, the implementation of these requirements is real only in megalopolises, large regional centers, but not in small cities, which have no sufficient resources and environment conditions, cultivating potential of every gifted child, especially in the case of art talent. The shortage of highly skilled teachers and cultural industry, weak involvement into cultural life (inability to attend concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions, etc.), very limited access to participation in creative competitions, olympiads, competitions – all this negatively affects motivation engage in art activity and can lead to serious personal crises and waste of talent.The aim of the article was to reveal the content of models of work with musically gifted children, who have certain problems that block their creative development.Methodology and research methods. The research was based on personally-oriented and system-based approaches to education of gifted children. The authors considered the ideas of Russian and foreign researchers about the need for pedagogical support of gifted children, who have problems in general and cultural development. The methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and scientific-methodological resources, comparative analysis of the results of practical activity, generalisation, oral and written survey and modeling were employed.Results and scientific novelty. The most common challenges of the development of gifted children, who live in towns, are revealed: lack of motivation for creativity and further development; a low level of general culture; tense atmosphere in family, which is expressed most often in the inattentive relation of parents to interests and abilities of a child. The specialists of Ural Musical College and children’s art schools of the city of Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region developed and approved the models of social and pedagogical support of gifted children to eliminate the causes of their failures in education. According to the classification of problems in the development of gifted children, three types of personally-oriented models are offered: 1) motivation to creative activity, 2) cultural self-enrichment, 3) conditions for creative development of the child in family. The realisation of each model should be based on close cooperation of staff members of specialised centres (e.g. in musical college) for work with musically gifted children, teachers of children’s music schools, teachers of educational institutions of towns, children and their parents. The most effective activities, contributing to the solution of the formulated tasks of each model, are identified: concert-performing, cultural-educational and analytical (fixation and reflection of the results of creative development).Practical significance. The experimental testing of models proved the efficiency and possibility of complete and partial use of their components in Russian schools in order to manage the process of development of musically gifted pupils

    Infectious Complications of Central Venous Catheterization

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    The extensive introduction of invasive diagnosis and treatment methods into medical practice is inseparably linked with the necessity of catheterizing the vessels to monitor patient status and to administer medications and other agents into the vascular bed. This results in increased number of cases of catheter-related blood stream infections, which are more than 60% of hospital-acquired bacteremias and 11—37% of all nosocomial infections in Europe. The association of sepsis with an infected catheter is 20—29 to 55%. No specific clinical manifestations of catheter septicemia (and hence its late diagnosis and delayed treatment) and difficulties in identifying a venous catheter as a source of a septic process make it necessary to pay particular attention to the prevention of infectious complications both when placing a central venous catheter and when applying a venous access. Various preventive measures have been developed to reduce the incidence of infections. The measures decreasing catheter-site or infusion system colonization are most effective. Key words: puncture, catheterization, venous access, central venous catheter, colonization, infection, nosocomial infections, catheter-related blood stream infections, septicemia, catheter sepsis

    Formation of the Individual Learning Path in the Information and Educational School Environment

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    The article shows that if an individual path in the process of teaching high school students an academic subject, firstly, will be formed from the teaching modules focused on an individual content on a subject matter in accordance with the student-significant learning objectives, Second, teaching modules will be presented as a set of recommended electronic educational resources (EER), the mastering of which is carried out after hours on the basis of Smart-technologies, and thirdly, the basis for the development of content for the EER will be based on academic discipline: the principle of correspondence between the content of student-significant learning objectives, correction of dynamic random content and teaching methods principle, the principle of adaptability and customization, it provides in-depth knowledge achievements of students on the subject, high level of motivation to succeed, high level of readiness to use information and educational environment for self-learning

    Formation of the Individual Learning Path in the Information and Educational School Environment

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    The article shows that if an individual path in the process of teaching high school students an academic subject, firstly, will be formed from the teaching modules focused on an individual content on a subject matter in accordance with the student-significant learning objectives, Second, teaching modules will be presented as a set of recommended electronic educational resources (EER), the mastering of which is carried out after hours on the basis of Smart-technologies, and thirdly, the basis for the development of content for the EER will be based on academic discipline: the principle of correspondence between the content of student-significant learning objectives, correction of dynamic random content and teaching methods principle, the principle of adaptability and customization, it provides in-depth knowledge achievements of students on the subject, high level of motivation to succeed, high level of readiness to use information and educational environment for self-learning