59 research outputs found

    Molecular-genetic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains spread in different patient groups in St.Petersburg (Russia)

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    Molecular epidemiological features of M.tuberculosis strains spread among different patient groups in Russia is not studied well. The aim of our study was to compare genotypes of M.tuberculosis strains circulating among TB patients from different groups: homeless, HIV-infected, prisoners and general population of St.Petersburg citizens. 
One hundred fifty M.tuberculosis complex isolates from different TB patient groups were studied using spoligotyping method. 
The majority of studied M.tuberculosis isolates in all groups belonged to Beijing family (56% among homeless; 77% among HIV-infected; 60% among general population; 83% among prisoners). There were no significant difference in Beijing family prevalence among homeless patients, HIV/TB co-infected and general population of TB patients. The lowest genetic diversity of the pathogen was detected among imprisoned patients. 
Results of our study demonstrate that M.tuberculosis strains circulating among homeless and HIV-infected people are also spread among general population of St.Petersburg citizens. Thus, we have investigated participation of high-risk groups in the TB infection spread in the city

    Studium disrupcí plazmatu v tokamaku COMPASS

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    Title: Studies of plasma disruptions in the COMPASS tokamak Author: Ekaterina Matveeva Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Milan Tich'y, Dr.Sc., Univerzita Karlova, Katedra fyziky povrch˚u a plazmatu Abstract: Plasma disruption in a tokamak is an important physical phenomenon, when there is a sudden loss of plasma confinement and rapid drop of plasma current. During the disruptions, there is significant mechanical stress on the construc- tional structures of the tokamak and thermal stress on the first wall. Allowable number of disruptions with the maximum plasma parameters in the ITER toka- mak (international thermonuclear experimental reactor under construction) will be very limited. Therefore, investigation of disruptions and their consequences is a key problem for sustainable operation of tokamak devices. The thesis focuses on studies of current quench phase and related currents flow- ing in the vacuum vessel at the COMPASS tokamak. An extensive disruption database was collected and critical disruptions' parameters were determined. Plasma current was measured at 5 toroidal position as a consequence of data acquisition system improvement that allowed reliable measurements by magnetic coils without analogue integrators. Special divertor tiles were installed in or- der to...Název: Studium disrupcí plazmatu v tokamaku COMPASS Autor: Ekaterina Matveeva Katedra: Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatu Vedoucí: RNDr. Milan Tichý, Dr.Sc., Univerzita Karlova, Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatu Abstrakt: Disrupce plazmatu v tokamaku jsou důležitým fyzikálním jevem, kdy dochází k náhlé ztrátě udržení plazmatu a k prudkému poklesu proudu v plazmatu. Během disrupcí dochází k výraznému mechanickému namáhání konstrukčních struktur tokamaku a k tepelnému zatížení první stěny. Přípustný počet disrupcí při maximálních parametrech plazmatu bude v tokamaku ITER (mezinárodní termonukleární experimentální reaktor ve výstavbě) velmi omezený. Vyšetřování disrupcí a jejich následků je proto klíčovým problémem pro udržitelný provoz zařízení typu tokamak. Tato práce se zaměřuje na studium fáze poklesu proudu a souvisejících proudů tekoucích ve vakuové komoře na tokamaku COMPASS. Byla shromážděna rozsáhlá databáze disrupcí a byly stanoveny kritické parametry disrupcí. Proud plazmatu byl měřen v 5 toroidálních polohách díky vylepšenému systému sběru dat, který umožnil spolehlivá měření magnetickými cívkami bez analogových integrátorů. Byly instalovány speciální divertorové desky, aby bylo možné...Department of Surface and Plasma ScienceKatedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatuFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    The circular economy model and the role of solvates in regional innovative development (the case of Russian regions)

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    Relevance. Recent practice has convincingly tested the fact that the transition to a circular economy is an important goal for society and individual companies, especially in resource-intensive manufacturing industries.Research objective. The purpose of the study is to develop a theoretical and methodological basis for the creation of innovative solvates in regional industry, based on the concept of circular economy. Data and methods. The research methodology is represented by the convergence of system-synergetic, resource-efficient and cluster approaches, which makes it possible to identify regions where integrating industrial enterprises and related fields of activity form conditions and produce values in the concept of the circular economy.Results. The theoretical and methodological basis for the creation of new structures for the innovative development of regional industry on the platform of circularity, principles of inclusiveness, resilience and environmental friendliness has been formed; a new concept - innovative solvates has been introduced into scientific circulation. Based on the cluster analysis, the zones of localization of innovative solvates in the regions of Russia were identified. This made it possible to single out a cluster group with a high scientific and innovative potential, as well as a cluster of regions with the potential to localize innovative solvates, which included regions of industrial and resource specialization.Conclusions. The article presents the directions of solving the problem of achieving the conditions imposed by the circular economy in the innovative solvates of the industrial sector of the region. The study is motivated by several considerations. The first is the formation of an integral conceptual and terminological apparatus, theoretical and methodological basis of research. The second is the establishment of partnerships necessary for the implementation of circularity conditions in an innovative solvate, and the analysis of ways in which a solvate can switch to a circular economy


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    In this article the content of information and analytic support for small businesses is disclosed, the specifics of using information and analytic instruments such as consulting, training, expert support, event-monitoring are described, and improvement of the provision of information and analytic services through remote and complex rendering of these instruments in the form of online support. The purpose of this article is to develop practical recommendations for improving the support for small business in the business incubation process taking into account the trends in the formation of the information economy. One of the most effective institutions for supporting small business is the formation of a network of business incubators. The problem of absence or the complexity of obtaining information and analytic services due to weak interaction between a small enterprises and a business incubators was investigated. We propose to develop an IT complex, which includes a database of existing business incubators and relevant information and analytic instruments for support small enterprises. This complex is based on the remote interaction of small enterprises and business incubators. Getting a remote information analytic service can be considered as a logistical process of delivering a service to the small enterprise. Remote application of a complex of information and analytic instruments will contribute to the following results: improving the quality of providing infrastructure support; expanding the cooperation of the business incubator with scientific organizations; development of a positive image of the business incubator; improving the interaction of small enterprises and business incubators

    Program-modular approach to the coordination of interests of participants of regional water markets (the case of southern regions of Russia)

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    Relevance. The efficiency of water management is determined by the quality of managerial decision-making. These decisions should ensure the balance of interests of all the actors in regional water markets. At present, in Russia, however, the balance of interests is considered only in macro-level strategies, which leads to the inefficiency of water distribution in regions. The study of the issues of rational distribution of water resources and their use in various industries and spheres of activity is, therefore, particularly relevant.Research objective. This article aims to propose methodology for maintaining the optimal balance between the interests of economic actors in regional water markets.Data and methods. This article proposes a program-modular approach to building a more efficient water management system. It is shown how the proposed methodology based on the incremental model of management can be used for balancing the interests of economic agents (suppliers and consumers of water resources). Results. It is proved that the plurality and divergence of interests of economic agents makes it difficult to manage them and thus precludes social and economic development of territories. The structural-functional analysis of the incremental model reveals various types of connections between the water-retaining capacity of gross regional product and indexes of industrial production for regions of the South Federal District.Conclusions. The prospects of development of water management in regions are associated with ensuring the balance of interests of the water market’s participants. The program-modular approach proposed by the authors combines the administrative and resource potential of regional water management and aligns the goals on the regional level with the more general goals of hydropower modernization. The novelty of our research is that it relies on the incremental model, which, unlike other models of management, leads to an incremental achievement of the desired through certain iterations

    Legal and regulatory institutions integration in environmental policy of the Russian Federation

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    The legal regulation of environmental policy in the Russian Federation is carried out by a number of institutions and organisations, the management process of which in practice proves to be fragmented and uncoordinated. The functioning of this system, which lacks internal unity, leads to larger crises at the social, economic, and international levels. In today's increasingly globalised environment, environmental law seeks new ways of consolidation and international cooperation, which can only be achieved through the internal integration of legal institutions. Examining the shortcomings of the existing legal system, identifying ways to address them, and identifying mechanisms for integration will lead to positive effects in addressing environmental issues, both nationally and internationally

    Understanding of Active and Passive Constructions in 7- to 10-Year-Old Russian-Speaking Children: Reliance on Inflections or Word Order

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    Background. The background of the present study includes analysis of the understanding of active and passive grammatical constructions (GCs) in Russianspeaking aphasic patients and in children aged 3, 4 and 5 years (Akhutina, 1989; Akhutina, Velichkovskiy, & Kempe, 1988). Data regarding the reorganization of the children’s strategies are further compared to GC understanding in children speaking different languages, and their interpretations. Objective. To analyze the variable mechanisms of understanding of reversible GCs in primary-school-age children, namely, to reveal individual differences in reliance on word order or case endings. Design. Ninety-three first-graders, 93 second-graders, and 63 third-graders underwent a neuropsychological assessment and computer-based sentence-topicture test of their understanding of reversible GCs of active/passive voice with direct/reverse word order. The “productivity” of understanding GCs (percent of correct responses) was analyzed through cluster analysis. Results. The cluster analysis divided the children into four clusters. Cluster 1 consisted of eight children with low productivity, who were excluded from further analysis. Cluster 2 was characterized by low productivity in passive direct constructions (Group 1); Cluster 3 comprised children who had low productivity in passive reverse sentences (Group 2). Cluster 4 included children with good understanding of all GCs (Group 3). Between-group differences in productivity and time of correct responses in GCs, as well as neuropsychological indexes, were revealed. Conclusion. The results are consistent with the following hypotheses: (a) Group 1 relies on the rule “The first noun is the agent”, whereas the other two groups use morphological marking; (b) Group 1 is the weakest neuropsychologically, and syntactic understanding processes involve a more diffuse activation of the brain in this group, compared to more successful children; (c) changes in response times from the first to the second grade are under the influence of cerebral changes induced by reading acquisition

    Biomi. Disseny d'interfície i experiència d'usuari d'una plataforma d'aprenentatge mediambiental interactiva per a nens

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    [ES] Diseño de interfaz gráfica y experiencia de usuario de ¿Biomi¿, una plataforma para niños destinada a promover el conocimiento de la ecología del planeta y a concienciar sobre el impacto ambiental del ser humano a través del aprendizaje interactivo, visual y lúdico. La memoria explora el contexto de la educación ambiental y su estado actual, identificando los factores clave para las necesidades y funcionalidades de la plataforma. También, delinea el diseño centrado en el usuario y los fundamentos de usabilidad para niños, e incluye un análisis del mercado y de los usuarios basado en una encuesta realizada. Por último, establece las necesidades de navegación e interacción de la aplicación, la especificación del estilo gráfico, el diseño de la identidad visual, las ilustraciones, los iconos, menús y otros elementos gráficos que finalmente se recogen en un prototipo.[EN] Design of the graphic interface and user experience of ¿Biomi¿, a platform for kids that aims to promote knowledge about the planet¿s ecology and raise awareness on the human environmental impact through interactive, visual and game-based learning. The report explores the context of environmental education and its current state, identifying key factors relevant to the needs and functionalities of the platform. It outlines user-centered design and usability basics for kids and includes a market and user analysis based on a conducted survey. Finally, it establishes the navigation and interaction needs of the application and specifies it¿s graphic style, visual identity design, illustrations, icons, menus and other graphic elements that are then collected in a prototype.Matveeva, E. (2022). "Biomi". Diseño de interfaz y experiencia de usuario de una plataforma de aprendizaje medioambiental interactiva para niños. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/185729TFG