750 research outputs found

    Ownership Transformations of State-owned Enterprises with Special Consideration of Direct Privatisation in Poland in the Years 2004-2008

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    The main goal of this article is defining the present state of the process of ownership transformations in Polish state-owned enterprises and progress in this process during the last five years. The main research hypothesis formulated in the article was verified by means of an analysis of data published by the Central Statistical Office concerning the number of state-owned enterprises covered by ownership transformations. The accepted scope of this article encompassed: concepts, objectives and methods of ownership transformation in Polish state-owned enterprises, as well as different issues connected with direct privatization by means of passing state-owned enterprises for use against payment to employee-owned companies.Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest określenie bieżącego stanu procesu przekształceń własnościowych polskich przedsiębiorstw państwowych oraz jego przebiegu w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat. Weryfikacja sformułowanej w opracowaniu głównej hipotezy badawczej została dokonana w oparciu o analizę danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego dotyczących liczby przedsiębiorstw państwowych objętych procesem przekształceń własnościowych. W kontekście przyjętego zakresu tematycznego przedstawiono pojęcie, cele i metody przekształceń własnościowych polskich przedsiębiorstw państwowych oraz problematykę związaną z prywatyzacją bezpośrednią realizowaną w drodze oddania przedsiębiorstwa państwowego do odpłatnego korzystania spółce pracowniczej

    The Lower Odra enclave of the Corded Ware Culture of the

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    The present project has taken two spatial dimensions: regional and pan-regional. As far the regional dimension is concerned, I focused on the region of the lower Oder river. The main objective of this project was to create the fundamentals of taxonomic-chronological systematics of Corded Ware Culture materials for this region as well as summarise and verify previous achievements of studies on the aforementioned issue. However, as regards the pan-regional dimension, I attempted at discussing this region against the background of a wider communicative community– the circum-Baltic circle of Corded Ware Culture

    Microorganisms as Direct and Indirect Sources of Alternative Fuels

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    The industrialization and economic growth during the XXth century had been supported by fossil fuels, but it is clear that they are limited and they cannot sustain the growing energy needs. There is urgency in finding renewable and efficient fuels. The solar energy is obviously the solution in long-term but without suitable methods of storage, it is impossible to use it as a primary source of energy. One of the most important form of solar energy capturing is biomass itself, including the cell mass of microorganisms. The potential of microbes in alternative fuels and energy production is still unexploited. There are several possible routes for using a single-celled organisms to harvest energy

    Presentation and Assessment of Provisions of Strategic Documents in the Context of Possibilities of Achieving Key Objectives as Well as the Vision and Mission of the Social Insurance Institution

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    Traditional approach to management based on administration does not guarantee full achievement of its goals, nor is it satisfactory to service recipients. The focus on the widely understood stakeholders of the public domain is of the utmost value within the public sector. Thus, modern approach to management in public administration requires to abandon bureaucracy and improve the quality of services, customer satisfaction, and openness to new technologies. The article focuses on presenting and assessing the essence of changes in the Social Insurance Institution management which are supposed to ensure that the status of a modern public institution will be achieved. The process of transformations was conducive to developing a new model of management which is based on management by objectives, employs process-oriented management, and whose aim is to increase customer satisfaction.Traditional approach to management based on administration does not guarantee full achievement of its goals, nor is it satisfactory to service recipients. The focus on the widely understood stakeholders of the public domain is of the utmost value within the public sector. Thus, modern approach to management in public administration requires to abandon bureaucracy and improve the quality of services, customer satisfaction, and openness to new technologies. The article focuses on presenting and assessing the essence of changes in the Social Insurance Institution management which are supposed to ensure that the status of a modern public institution will be achieved. The process of transformations was conducive to developing a new model of management which is based on management by objectives, employs process-oriented management, and whose aim is to increase customer satisfaction

    Organizational Resistance as the Next Phase of Improving and Building Up Competitive Advantage

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    Theoretical background: The article explores the concept of organizational resistance on the example of Supreme Energy LLC. The growing importance of company’s resistance and adaptability urged the author to examine a case of the medium-sized enterprise.Purpose of the article: The main purpose of the study is to present a set of actions, which have influence on building up company’s resistance to the surrounding turbulences. However, the detailed aim of the paper is to point out those actions, which – according to the respondents – contribute the most to building up the resistance of Supreme Energy LLC (in short, known under the name of SE), one of the fastest growing and developing companies in the sector of renewable energy sources (in short, known under the name of RES) in Poland.Research methods: In order to achieve the goal that was chosen in the study, the author decided to make use of monographic method as well as source materials, which were made available by the subject under research. Additionally, it should be noted that the author applied the original questionnaire form and the scenario of direct interview.Main findings: The results showed the fundamental role of partnership in cooperation and the degree of motivation in building up the resistance of company to change. The research analyzes the resistance of company to the surrounding turbulences by making use of the original sales scripts prepared by SE LLC for internal use

    Forecasting the euro/dollar changes using predicted values of stock index: selected econometric models and multilayer perceptron

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    In the paper, we discuss the results of euro-dollar exchange rate prediction. Forecasts are made on the basis of the dynamic econometric model and multilayer perceptron. Forecasting is provided in a two-stage procedure. In the first step Dow Jones STOXX 50 Index is predicted applying ARMA model constructed for the rates of return of this variable. In the second stage the predicted values of Dow Jones STOXX 50 Index are introduced to the econometric and neural network models, that are constructed for the eurodollar rate of returns. Then the forecasts obtained are transformed into euro-dollar exchange rate. Data included in the analysis covers the period from 5th January 1999 to 13th July 2001. However, the estimation is made for the period till 29th June 2001 and the forecasts are made for the next ten sessions.exchange rate, stock index, a dynamic econometric model, artificial neural networks

    Differences between determinants of men and women monthly wages across fourteen European Union states

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    Research background: There is a broad discussion in the literature on the situation of men and women in the labour market, especially about the differences in their remuneration. Due to the fact that females constitute a slightly different group of employees, certain factors have different impacts on the level of their remuneration in comparison to male employees. Hence, the question arises which factors cause these differences and how large the dissimilarities are. Purpose of the article: The aim of the presented study is to diagnose and evaluate differences in the impact of designated determinants on the level of monthly wages of women and men in selected European Union member states. The novelty of our approach consists in both comparison of the intensity of influence examined factors to men?s and women?s earnings, and a global approach to the remuneration of male and female employees. Methods: Due to the nature of the dependent variable (remuneration decile, which is a variable measured on an ordinal scale), the ordered logit model is applied in the analysis. The data comes from the Eurostat?s Labour Force Survey. Findings & value added: Presented results indicate that many factors have significantly different intensity of impact on the level of men and women wages. However, significant differences between parameters estimated for both genders are visible for the group of family variables the most often, then for variables describing the condition of work, the human capital variables, and characteristics of the workplace. This paper adds to the empirical literature a new approach to measure the intensity of factors influencing men and women wages. In addition, our investigation is a cross-country analysis

    Autoxidation of Fuels During Storage

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