106 research outputs found

    The natural capital accounting opportunity: Let s really do the numbers

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    This work was conducted as a part of the “Accounting for U.S. Ecosystem Services at National and Subnational Scales” working group supported by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center under funding received from the National Science Foundation (grant no. DBI-1052875) and the US Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis (grant no. GX16EW00ECSV00)

    The Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS): mobile apps and collaboration for optimizing climate change investments

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    Massive investments in climate change mitigation and adaptation are projected during coming decades. Many of these investments will seek to modify how land is managed. The return on both types of investments can be increased through an understanding of land potential: the potential of the land to support primary production and ecosystem services, and its resilience. A Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) is being developed and implemented to provide individual users with point-based estimates of land potential based on the integration of simple, geo-tagged user inputs with cloud-based information and knowledge. This system will rely on mobile phones for knowledge and information exchange, and use cloud computing to integrate, interpret, and access relevant knowledge and information, including local knowledge about land with similar potential. The system will initially provide management options based on long-term land potential, which depends on climate, topography, and relatively static soil properties, such as soil texture, depth, and mineralogy. Future modules will provide more specific management information based on the status of relatively dynamic soil properties such as organic matter and nutrient content, and of weather. The paper includes a discussion of how this system can be used to help distinguish between meteorological and edaphic drought

    Synthesis of air‐stable, odorless thiophenol surrogates via Ni‐Catalyzed C−S cross‐coupling

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    Thiophenols are versatile synthetic intermediates whose practical appeal is marred by their air sensitivity, toxicity and extreme malodor. Herein we report an efficient catalytic method for the preparation of S-aryl isothiouronium salts, and demonstrate that these air-stable, odorless solids serve as user-friendly sources of thiophenols in synthesis. Diverse isothiouronium salts featuring synthetically useful functionality are readily accessible via nickelcatalyzed C-S cross-coupling of (hetero)aryl iodides and thiourea. Convenient, chromatography-free isolation of these salts is achieved via precipitation, allowing the methodology to be translated directly to large scales. Thiophenols are liberated from the corresponding isothiouronium salts upon treatment with a weak base, enabling an in situ release / S-functionalization strategy that entirely negates the need to isolate, purify or manipulate these noxious reagent

    Interactions of melatonin with mammalian mitochondria. Reducer of energy capacity and amplifier of permeability transition.

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    Melatonin, a metabolic product of the amino acid tryptophan, induces a dose-dependent energy drop correlated with a decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation process in isolated rat liver mitochondria. This effect involves a gradual decrease in the respiratory control index and significant alterations in the state 4/state 3 transition of membrane potential (Δι). Melatonin, alone, does not affect the insulating properties of the inner membrane but, in the presence of supraphysiological Ca2+, induces a Δι drop and colloid-osmotic mitochondrial swelling. These events are sensitive to cyclosporin A and the inhibitors of Ca2+ transport, indicative of the induction or amplification of the mitochondrial permeability transition. This phenomenon is triggered by oxidative stress induced by melatonin and Ca2+, with the generation of hydrogen peroxide and the consequent oxidation of sulfydryl groups, glutathione and pyridine nucleotides. In addition, melatonin, again in the presence of Ca2+, can also induce substantial release of cytochrome C and AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor), thus revealing its potential as a pro-apoptotic agent
