9 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sitotoksisitas fraksi ekstrak kloroform gabungan organ vegetatif Vanda hasil persilangan terhadap kanker payudara cell line T47D dan kanker serviks cell line HeLa. Organ vegetatif dari tanaman tersebut diekstrak dan difraksinasi. Hasil fraksinasi dengan profil yang sama digabungkan. Fraksi gabungan diuji sitotoksisitasnya terhadap cell line T47D dan cell line HeLa menggunakan metode MTT Assay. Analisis data untuk penentuan IC50 dihitung dengan analisis probit dalam SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian menunjukan fraksi C yang paling baik dalam menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara cell line T47D dan sel kanker serviks cell line HeLa

    Climate Village Adaptation in Sindang Jaya Village and South Manokwari Waroser

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    The purpose of writing is to compare the implementation of climate village program adaptation activities in Sindang Jaya and Waroser villages, South Manokwari Regency. This study uses a descriptive method with multiple regression analysis to determine the factors that most influence the implementation of adaptation activities in these two adjacent villages. This study indicates that in Kampung Sindang Jaya and Kampung Waroser, there are several adaptation activities, including drought, flood, and landslide control, actions to increase food security, and disease control activities. The age variable is a value that partially negatively affects climate change adaptation activities in Sindang Village. In contrast, for Waroser Village, age, education, and information media variables significantly affect people's attitudes towards climate change adaptation activities

    Climate Village Adaptation in Sindang Jaya Village and South Manokwari Waroser

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    The purpose of writing is to compare the implementation of climate village program adaptation activities in Sindang Jaya and Waroser villages, South Manokwari Regency. This study uses a descriptive method with multiple regression analysis to determine the factors that most influence the implementation of adaptation activities in these two adjacent villages. This study indicates that in Kampung Sindang Jaya and Kampung Waroser, there are several adaptation activities, including drought, flood, and landslide control, actions to increase food security, and disease control activities. The age variable is a value that partially negatively affects climate change adaptation activities in Sindang Village. In contrast, for Waroser Village, age, education, and information media variables significantly affect people's attitudes towards climate change adaptation activities

    Regenerasi Tegakan Araucaria Hunsteinii K. Schum. pada Hutan Pendidikan Anggori Manokwari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat intensitas kehadiran tegakan Araucaria hunstenii pada tingkat semai yang tumbuh pada blok tanam dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah kehadiran tegakan semai di bawah tegakan Araucaria hunsteinii di Hutan Pendidikan Anggori, Manokwari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus pada seluruh individu dengan teknik survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 154 individu pada tingkat semai dalam luasan blok tanam 2.275 m2 atau 0,23 ha. (kerapatan 0,06). Dari 25 plot yang diobservasi, 23 plot ditumbuhi individu tingkat semai jenis A. hunsteinii (frekuensi 0,92). Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kehadiran semai Araucaria hunsteinii adalah intensitas cahaya dan ketebalan serasah. Kedepannya, perlu menerapkan pemeliharaan intensif terhadap tegakan A. hunsteinii dengan cara pembersihan terutama lantai hutan sehingga memudahkan proses perkecambahan benih dan pertumbuhan anakan baru jenis A. hunsteinii

    Daemonorops komsaryi (Arecaceae)—a new rattan from the Bird’s Head Peninsula, Indonesian New Guinea.

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    Daemonorops komsaryi (Arecaceae), a new species of rattan from the Bird’s Head Peninsula in West Papua, Indonesia, is described and illustrated. This species closely resembles D. calapparia, but is distinguished by having more than 60 leaflets on each side of the leaf rachis, and in having slender, rigid, long blackish-brown spines and long petioles

    Nilai Konservasi Tinggi Kawasan Hutan Bagi Pelestarian Spesies Mamalia di Supiori, Papua

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    As the definitive regency, Supiori has been separated from Biak Numfor Regency, since 2003. Most of the Supiori Regency area is the Mount Supiori Nature Reserve Area which was stipulated according to the Decree of the Minister of Forestry 525/Kpts/Um/7/82 dated 21 July 1982. In line with the development plan in Supiori, conflicts of interest over the utilisation of forest areas are unavoidable. This has an impact on the condition of existing biodiversity, especially mammalian taxa which are at high risk of being threatened with extinction. Therefore, an assessment of the existence mammalian taxa and their interaction with the potential of forest areas has been carried out using the High Conservation Value - HCV concept approach. Observations were made directly and indirectly on the presence of this mammal species during October 2018. This study succeeded in identifying 16 (sixteen) mammal species belonging to 8 (eight) families that were observed and detected signs of their presence. In accordance with the HCV1 criteria, the forest area in Supiori, both primary forest and secondary forest that has been converted into community plantations, is able to create new habitats for mammal species because there is sufficient food availability there. According to the HCV2 criteria, the observed forest area is still relatively good in supporting the presence of a number of animal species, including groups of mammals. Meanwhile, based on the HCV3 criteria, the karst cave spot in the area is not only a source of water but also a habitat for bats (Emballonura beccarii, Aselliscus tricuspidatus). Considering that most of the area is the area of CA Supiori, the regional development plan for Supiori Regency should provide options for rationalization and changing the status of the area. Therefore, intensive studies need to be carried out to determine which areas in and around the area will be utilized for development activities, and other areas that will be maintained by changing the status of protected areas for the purpose of conserving endemic flora and fauna with high conservation value

    Tipologi Pemanfaatan dan Pengelolaan Jenis Bambu di Distrik Rasiei Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

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    Salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu adalah jenis bambu yang memiliki manfaat nilai ekonomi dan ekologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis bambu, pola pemanfaatan dan model atau system pengelolaan bambu oleh masyarakat lokas di Distrik Rasiei sebagai produk unggulan yang dikembangkan di Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei dan wawancara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 9 jenis bambu. Bentuk pemanfaatan jenis bambu adalah sebagai bahan makanan, konstruksi, kerajinan, alat berburu, alat kesenian, dan perabot rumah tangga. Hasil analisis pengelolaan bambu digunakan analisis SWOT yang pengelolaannya meliputi luas wilayah potensi bambu, desain produk, ijin usaha pengelolaan, modal usaha, sumberdaya manusia dan sarana prasarana

    Etnoteknokonservasi Pemanfaatan Palem sebagai Bahan Pembuatan Bubu Tradisonal Suku Maybrat

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    Traditional knowledge and local wisdom related to the utilization of natural resources of the forest developed as a multi-disciplinary in the study of ethnobiology, ethnoecology, ethnoforestry, to ethno-conservation. Unfortunately, in ethnobotany studies, there are publicity gaps in documenting ecological (biological) and cultural (social) aspects in Papua related to community-based conservation management. Therefore, it is important to conduct a study related to the documentation of community-based conservation knowledge in West Papua. The purpose of this research study is to construct ethno-noconstruction of palm plants as material for making traditional bubu by the Maybrat tribe in West Papua. The results of scoping of local knowledge of bubu making and sero making techniques of the Maybrat are part of cognitive symbols that are classified as individual life skills where the conditions are highly dependent on the state of the environment in which they live and the potential of forest resources. The use of palm trees as natural resources and the local knowledge construction process of making traditional bubu as a manifestation of the Maybrat etnotecnoconservation are closely related to people's livelihoods as active and passive fishermen. Local knowledge in the use of palm trees in the process of its formation is not merely a cognitive dimension, but also the dimension of local conservation values ​​in maintaining an environmentally friendly and sustainable fish capture system that should need to be maintained

    Status Kawasan Hutan dan Potensi Ekowisata Pantai Syari di Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan

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    Pantai syari merupakan salah satu objek wisata di Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan berada di poros Jalan Trans Papua Barat yang menghubungakan antara Kabupaten Manokwari, Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan dan Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni. Ekowisata Pantai Syari merupakan jasa lingkungan yang unik, dimana dalam hutan dataran rendah terdapat tiga tipe hutan dalam suatu kawasa hutan yaitu, hutan rawa, hutan mangrove dan hutan pantai. Tidak hanya hutan dataran rendah saja yang dimiliki ekowisata Pantai Syari namun ada destinasi wisata lain yaitu destinasi wisata religi yang berada di pantai ini. Kawasn hutan Pantai Syari menurut SK 783/Menhut-II/2014 terdiri dari Kawasan Hutan Areal Penggunaan Lain  dan Hutan Produksi yang dapat dikonvesi, sehingga ada beberapa mekanisme yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengelola ekowisata Pantai Syari secara optimal