604 research outputs found

    Revenue generating in the NHL: Multiple regression analysis on generating revenue in the National Hockey League

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    This thesis aims to explain the differences between different National Hockey League teams generated revenues. This is done by analyzing the previous researches on different major sports leagues in the Northern America and comparing them with the findings from the NHL. By the data available, different regression models are constructed and further evaluated to analyze the different factors affecting revenue generating in the NHL. Scope of this research is from season 2005/2006 to season 2014/2015. From recent seasons, only a relatively small amount of data was available, thus the season 2014/2015 is the latest season of interest in this research. The data used to build the regression models was first collected in Excel, and then imported to Stata, which was used to build the models. After testing and analysis, a fixed effects model proved out to be the preferred model. Further analysis of the results pointed out the importance of competitive balance in the league to maximize the profitability between teams. In addition, the geographical features of a team, such as population in the area a team is located, proved out to be important when analyzing the generated revenues. Compared with the previous researches, the results had similarities, but as expected, some differences appeared as well. The most noticeable difference from the previous researches was that the regular season success of a team did not appear as a significant factor in any of the models presented. In addition, some earlier studies suggested that pricing of the tickets would be a significant factor in generating revenue, but surprisingly models used in this research did not provoke similar results. Overall, the results indicate that modeling the revenue generating of a NHL team is complicated, but definitely achievable. Further research on the topic should be done, as the financial side of the NHL still remains underexplored

    Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Insurance Markets : Evidence on Entrepreneurs in Finland

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    This thesis focuses on the investigation of adverse selection and moral hazard in the Finnish entrepreneurial insurance system. The thesis builds upon previous research on moral hazard and adverse selection in insurance markets, but focuses specifically on the social insurance market for entrepreneurs within sickness and parental allowances. This topic is of interest as mandating social insurance for entrepreneurs is vital, but often lacking due to the flexible nature of entrepreneurial activity. As a result, the social insurance systems may be subject to adverse selection and moral hazard. Rich panel data on insurance contributions of entrepreneurs in Finland allows me to measure the extent of asymmetric information both overall and dynamically. To test the former, I use a positive correlation test. In particular, the test looks at the probability of sickness or having a child in relation to insurance contributions. The results indicate a slight positive correlation between sickness risk and insurance contributions as well as the probability of having a child and insurance contributions. A more significant result is found for the risk of having children in a dynamic sense, showing a strong indication of a rise in insurance contributions around the time of receiving parental allowance. However, the results are more ambiguous in the case of sick pay. These results are robust to several controls as well as two separate identification strategies. Due to the endogeneity of illness or choosing to have children, causal conclusions cannot be drawn from the results

    Carbon footprint calculators for public procurement

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    There is growing interest in public organizations to take into account the climate impacts of the products and services they procure. Furthermore, in Finland a Government Resolution  exists that provides a framework and sets aims for sustainable public procurement. Several municipalities in the Helsinki region together with the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority and several expert organizations initiated an EU Life project, JULIA2030, to develop calculators for different sectors in municipalities. Our subproject deals with the procurement of products, and we developed carbon footprint calculators for six product groups: office and tissue paper, laptop computers, office seating solutions, incontinence products, and outdoor lighting products. The developed calculators are intended for use in tender calls, as attachments that the bidders must deliver together with their bid. The carbon footprint would be used as an award criterion. The results of the sub-project include: this report, calculators, instructions for each calculator, a guidebook on climatically sound public procurement, and an internet-site: www.hsy.fi/julia2030/en

    Precision calculations of dark matter relic abundance

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    The dark matter annihilation channels sometimes involve sharp resonances. In such cases the usual momentum averaged approximations for computing the DM abundance may not be accurate. We develop an easily accessible momentum dependent framework for computing the DM abundance accurately and efficiently near such features. We apply the method to the case of a singlet scalar dark matter s interacting with SM through higgs portal lambda(hs)S(2)h(2) and compare the results with different momentum averaged methods. The accuracy of the latter depend strongly on the strength of the elastic interactions and corrections are large if WIMP has negligible interactions beyond the main annihilation channel. In the singlet scalar model however, the standard model scatterings induce an efficient kinetic equilibrium that validates the momentum averaged computation to 20 per cent accuracy. We update the current extent of the allowed region in the light singlet scalar dark matter to m(s) is an element of [56, 62.5] GeV.Peer reviewe

    Integration of a sensor system into microfluidic chips

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    There have been considerable developments in the field of potentiometric sensors in recent years mainly with respect to lowering detection limits and making sensors smaller, solid-state, robust and less expensive.[1, 2] In potentiometric measurements two electrodes are needed, an indicator or ion-selective electrode (ISE) and a reference electrode. However, recent progress in the design and characteristics of the indicator electrodes cannot be exploited without similar progress in the design of the reference electrodes. In this paper we present development of chips with fully integrated solid-contact reference (SC-RE) and ion-selective (SC-ISEs) electrodes. In these electrodes, a conducting polymer (CP) (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)) is used as the solid contact ion-to-electron transducer[3]. The conducting polymer is deposited using galvanostatic electropolymerization.[4, 5] The ability to produce reliable miniaturized reference electrodes, has given us the opportunity to develop several prototype versions of miniature, solid-contact sensor systems (i.e. with fully integrated ion-selective and reference electrodes) that can be further integrated into microfluidic platforms. We have prepared microchips using different designs to test for the best accommodation of the sensors and to optimise the sensor-chip platform characteristics. Our initial goal is to prepare Pb-ISEs suitable for use as a chemo-sensing component in a widely distributed wireless sensor network (WSN) for monitoring the quality of a fresh water system, together with advanced diagnostics to evaluate the on-going functionality of the sensors using simple electronic signals.[5, 6

    Kahdeksasluokkalaisten seksuaaliterveyden edistäminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli koota nuorille luotettavaa ja ajankohtaista tietoa seksuaaliterveydestä. Tavoitteena oli järjestää seksuaaliterveysoppitunti Taavetin koulun kahdeksasluokkalaisille. Oppitunnin sisältö koostui seksuaalioikeuksista, sukupuolitaudeista, ehkäisymenetelmistä ja Suomen Punaisen Ristin kondomiajokortista. Kondomiajokortilla tarkoitetaan nuorten seksuaaliterveysvalistuksessa käytettävää toiminnallista menetelmää. Ajokortti muistuttaa jokaista nuorta kondomin käytön tärkeydestä, vastuullisesta seksikäyttäytymisestä ja turvaseksistä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena. Oppitunnit pidettiin Taavetin koulun tiloissa neljälle 8. luokan ryhmälle. Materiaalin esittämisessä käytettiin hyväksi PowerPoint-esitystä, sekä asioita havainnollistettiin kuvin ja näyttämällä kondomin asettaminen turvallisesti apuvälineiden avulla. Tunnit suunniteltiin terveystiedonopettajan toiveiden pohjalta. Raportti koostuu teoriasta ja toiminnallisesta osuudesta. Teoriaosiossa paneuduttiin seksuaaliterveyden merkitykseen hoitotyössä. Tekijöiden asettamat tavoitteet saavutettiin ja tuntien toteutus onnistui hyvin. Opinnäytetyöprosessin arviointi koostuu lähinnä tekijöiden omista näkemyksistä koko prosessin onnistumisen suhteen. Oppilailta saatiin kirjallinen palaute, mutta sitä ei juurikaan analysoitu, koska palautteet olivat lyhyitä ja pääasiallisesti positiivisia. Suurin osa oppilaista vastasi palautekyselyyn, mutta osa jätti tyhjän kyselylomakkeen, ja joukossa oli myös muutama asiaton palaute. Tekijät painottavat tällaisten oppituntien ja tapahtumien merkitystä sekä hyödyllisyyttä nuorten oppimisen kannalta. Tekijöiden saaman palautteen mukaan nuoret itsekin kokevat tiedonsaannin ja ohjaamisen tärkeiksi. Seksuaalisuudesta pitää keskustella nuorten kanssa ja kertoa heille oikeaa ja asianmukaista tietoa. Jatkotutkimuksena olisi hyvä tulevaisuudessakin järjestää nuorille seksuaaliterveyden edistämiseen liittyviä toiminnallisia päiviä.The purpose of this thesis was to collect reliable and timely information about the sexual health of young people. The objective was to arrange a sexual health lecture for the 8th graders in the Taavetti Secondary School. The contents of the lecture included sexual rights, venereal diseases, contraception, and a “Condom Driving License”. The ”Condom Driving License”, from the Finnish Red Cross (2008) uses functional methods in young people’s sexual health education to re-mind them about the importance of using condoms, responsible sexual behavior, and safe sex. The thesis was carried out as lectures in the Taavetti school for four groups of 8th grade students. The material was presented using a Power Point presentation and subjects were illustrated with pictures and by showing how to place the condom safely with auxiliary means. The lectures were planned based upon the wishes of the health care lecturer. The report consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part focused on significance of sexual health in nursing. The goals set by the authors were achieved and the lectures were successful. The evaluation of the thesis process consisted mainly of the authors’ own opinions concerning the success of the whole process. Pupils gave written feedback, but this was not analysed thoroughly as the feedback notes were short and mainly positive. The majority of the pupils returned the questionnaire but some empty or inappropriate forms were found. The authors emphasize the significance of such lectures and events and usefulness for teaching young people. According to the feedback received, the pupils feel the importance of receiving information and guidance. Sexuality must be discussed with young people, and it might be good as further study to arrange sexual health promotion activity days for such groups

    Calculations of greenhouse gas emissions of waste sector and F-gases for policy scenarios in Finland

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    The UN’s climate agreement and European Union necessitate evaluation of the policy sectors, the implementation of policy measures, and the achievement of the set goals. Last reporting about policies and measures for EU was done in 2011. In this report the emission impact calculations of policies and measures targeting on waste sector and F-gases are described. Policy measures of these sectors fall in the remit of ministry of environment in Finland. The procedure of calculations in waste sector is explained in detail from methods and required input data. The calculations include emissions related to solid wastes, waste waters and composting. The scenario calculations are done with the aid of Excel-spreadsheet at the Finnish Environment Institute. In addition, the report discusses briefly the economical assessment of waste sector that has been identified as a target for development. In the second part of the report, the data collection, calculation and reporting process of the F-gases are explained. More detailed explanation of emission scenario calculations has been documented in two reports written at the Finnish Environment Institute. This report presents briefly the main sources in sub-sector emission scenarios and gives and overview about the calculations

    Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers: Case Studies of the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

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    This CaseStudy reports that over the years, many aspects of cash and voucher transfers have been analysed and studied, however, there has not been a substantive amount of study specifically devoted to protection and gender implications - both positive and negative - of such programming. In response, in October and November 2011, WFP conducted a literature review of previous studies of cash and voucher transfers to investigate whether cash and voucher transfers were working towards improving protection of, or at minimum doing no further harm to, beneficiaries, as well as what impacts they could have on gender and community dynamics. In addition, WFP headquarters sent a short questionnaire to their field offices to gather their observations on the impacts of cash and voucher transfers on protection and gender within their own programming

    Gambling in Digital Games and Esports: A Scoping Review

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    The convergence of gaming and gambling has become increasingly prominent in recent years, most notably in the context of esports. Consequently, there has been a recent surge of literature investigating this phenomenon. This convergence is often driven by the commercial advantages it offers, yet there are concerns over the effects of mixing gambling with gaming, both in relation to the quality of experiences, and possible ethical problems. In this scoping review of the related corpus, we explore the development of work addressing the presence of gambling associated with digital games; examining methodologies, research topics, the specific gambling activities addressed, and identifying gaps present in the field. The body of literature reviewed consists of peer-reviewed, English language publications (n=132). Our findings indicate a sharp increase in yearly publications in the late 2010s, attributed partly due to rising interest in novel gambling activities, such as loot boxes. We recommend future research incorporates both qualitative and mixed methods research to provide the field with results unavailable at current time