177 research outputs found
Effects of direct drilling on Fusarium DNA levels
We have found a highly significant correlation between Fusarium graminearum DNA and deoxynivalenol (DON) levels in Finnish oats, barle and spring wheat. Fusarium poae DNA levels were higher in plots with tillage (including ploughing) as compared to those without tillage (direct drilling) in 2005 and 2006 in both oats and barley; the difference was greater a few weeks before harvesting than during it
Value of Information Systems and Products: Understanding the Usersâ Perspective and Values
Developers aim at providing value through their systems and products. However, value is not financial only, but depends on usage and usersâ perceptions of value. In this paper, we clarify the concept of value from the usersâ perspective and the role of user involvement in providing value. First, theories and approaches of psychology, marketing and human-computer interaction are reviewed. Secondly, the concept of âuser valuesâ is suggested to clarify the concept of value from the userâs point of view and a category framework of user values is presented to make them more concrete and easier to identify. Thirdly, the activities and methods for adopting user values in development work are discussed. The analysis of the literature shows that value has been considered in multiple ways in development. However, usersâ perspectives have received less attention. As a conclusion, we draw future research directions for value-centered design and propose that user involvement is essential in identifying user values, interpreting the practical meaning of the values and implementing them in development work
Midbiotics : conjugative plasmids for genetic engineering of natural gut flora
ABSTRACTThe possibility to modify gut bacterial flora has become an important goal, and various approaches are used to achieve desirable communities. However, the genetic engineering of existing microbes in the gut, which are already compatible with the rest of the community and host immune system, has not received much attention. Here, we discuss and experimentally evaluate the possibility to use modified and mobilizable CRISPR-Cas9-endocing plasmid as a tool to induce changes in bacterial communities. This plasmid system (briefly midbiotic) is delivered from bacterial vector into target bacteria via conjugation. Compared to, for example, bacteriophage-based applications, the benefits of conjugative plasmids include their independence of any particular receptor(s) on host bacteria and their relative immunity to bacterial defense mechanisms (such as restriction-modification systems) due to the synthesis of the complementary strand with host-specific epigenetic modifications. We show that conjugative plasmid in association with a mobilizable antibiotic resistance gene targeting CRISPR-plasmid efficiently causes ESBL-positive transconjugants to lose their resistance, and multiple gene types can be targeted simultaneously by introducing several CRISPR RNA encoding segments into the transferred plasmids. In the rare cases where the midbiotic plasmids failed to resensitize bacteria to antibiotics, the CRISPR spacer(s) and their adjacent repeats or larger regions were found to be lost. Results also revealed potential caveats in the design of conjugative engineering systems as well as workarounds to minimize these risks.Peer reviewe
Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifoliorum) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland
We investigated the composition og fungal isolates in red clover roots and the susceptibility of red clover cultivars to Sclerotinia trifoliorum, which causes the important disease clover rot. In leaf experiments, the cultivars Jokioinen and Ilte were more susceptible to one of the S. trifoliorum isolates than Betty and Bjursele, while all of them were equally susceptible to two other S. trifoliorum isolates
Luomukasvistuotannon kannattavuus ja tarjontaketjujen toimivuus Suomessa
Suomen luomukasvistuotannossa viljelypinta-alaltaan eniten tuotetaan ruokaperunaa (256 ha), porkkanaa (60,1 ha) ja sipulia (32,8 ha). ViljelmistÀ valta osa on pienehköjÀ alle 0,5 ha:n viljelmiÀ. Pienten tilojen lukuisa mÀÀrÀ ja isojen tilojen vÀhÀinen mÀÀrÀ onkin kuvaavaa Suomen nykyisessÀ luomukasvistuotannossa.
Mallilaskelmien perusteella luomusipulin ja -perunantuotanto oli kannattavaa. Porkkanalla luomutuotanto oli suurella tilakoolla kannattavaa, mutta ei pienellÀ. Yleisesti ottaen kannattavuus oli suurella tilakoolla parempi kuin pienellÀ. HyvÀ sato, hÀvikin hallinta, sopivan koneistus ja työmenekin hallinta ovat tÀrkeimmÀt tekijÀt kannattavaan luomutuotantoon.
TÀllÀ hetkellÀ luomukasvisten korkea hinta ja alhainen jalostusaste ohjaavat tuotteet pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti kuluttajamarkkinoille, jossa on tapahtunut jakaantumista kahteen toimintatapaan; suoramarkkinointiin ja markkinointiin tukkujen kautta. KerÀÀmÀmme haastatteluaineiston perusteella tuottajien kokoluokalla nÀyttÀisikin olevan vaikutusta tuottajan luomukasvisten markkinointi- ja jakelukanavien valintaan. Pienet toimijat (tuotantopinta-ala alle 1 ha) suosivat suorajakelua ja myyntiÀ paikallisella tasolla: torimyynti, vÀhittÀiskaupan myyntipisteet, pienet ammattikeittiöt (koulut, pÀivÀkodit, ravintolat), ruokapiirit tai tilamyynti. TÀmÀn tyyppinen toiminta edellyttÀÀ, ettÀ tuottaja itse hoitaa markkinoinnin, hintaneuvottelut, yhteydenpidon ostajaan sekÀ tuotteiden kuljetukset. Suorissa toimituksissa tuotteille asetetaan harvoin tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksia.
Suuremmille toimijoille tukut tarjoavat hyvÀn jakelukanavan. Haastatelluista tiloista suuremmat, yli 1 ha:n alalla sipulia ja porkkanaa tuottavat tilat toimittavat tuotteitansa tukkujen kautta. TyypillistÀ on, ettÀ suuremmat toimijat ovat ulkoistaneet tuotteiden markkinoinnin markkinointiyhtiölle tai pakkaamolle. Kaupan keskusliikkeet ja tukut asettavat hyvinkin tarkkoja laatuvaatimuksia tuotteille. Tukut ja keskusliikkeet haluavat toimia ammattimaisten toimijoiden kanssa, jotka tietÀvÀt jo toimintatavat ja
-sÀÀnnöt ja pystyvÀt toimittamaan riittÀviÀ mÀÀriÀ tuotteita.
Suomessa luomukasvisten tuottajahinnat ja tuotantokustannukset ovat selvÀsti korkeampia verrattuna vastaavaan tavanomaiseen tuotteeseen. Tuottajat kokevatkin, ettÀ kotimaisten luomukasviksien hintakilpailukyky verrattuna tavanomaisesti tuotettuihin vastaaviin on sÀilytettÀvÀ. TÀmÀ tarkoittaa sitÀ, ettÀ luomutuotteen hinnan ero vastaavaan tavanomaiseen ei saa olla liian suuri tai pieni. VÀlittÀjÀporras toivoi ns. terveen hintatason sÀilymistÀ, jotta uudet viljelijÀt ja jatkajat kiinnostuisivat tulevaisuudessakin luomusta. Toisaalta luomukasvisten kysynnÀn kasvun kannalta vÀlittÀjÀportaan ja ammattikeittiön nÀkemys oli, ettÀ hinnan tulisi olla lÀhempÀnÀ tavanomaisen vastaavan tuotteen hintaa.
Jalostusta ei yleisesti ottaen pidetty houkuttelevana vaihtoehtona, sillÀ kotimaisen jalostamattoman luomukasviksen tuottajahinta on yleisesti ottaen hyvÀllÀ tasolla. Jalostustoiminta ei ole kiinnostavaa sen työlÀyden, investointivaatimusten ja toisaalta jalosteista maksettavan alhaisen hinnan takia. Jalostus nÀhtiin lÀhinnÀ merkityksellisenÀ hÀvikinhallinnan nÀkökulmasta. Jos hÀvikkiin menevÀ tavara voidaan ohjata jÀrkevÀsti jalostukseen, sillÀ voi olla merkitystÀ tilan tuotannon kannattavuuden parantamisessa. Luomukasvisten alhainen jalostusaste ja korkea hinta vaikeuttavat niiden kÀyttöÀ ammattikeittiösektorilla.
Koska suurimmilla toimijoilla on tĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ toimivat kanavat, olisi Suomessa kehitettĂ€vĂ€ lukumÀÀrĂ€isesti suuren pienten tuottajien joukon ketjuja siten, ettĂ€ niiden tuotteet saavuttavat entistĂ€ helpommin kuluttajan. Lyhyisiin toimitusketjuihin perustuvaa toimintaa olisi kehitettĂ€vĂ€ tuottajien ja asiakkaiden yhteistyössĂ€ â oli sitten asiakas kuluttaja tai ammattikeittiö. Tarvitaan alueellisia rohkeita kokeiluja, yrittĂ€jien verkostoitumista ja tiedon vĂ€littĂ€mistĂ€ kokeiluista laajemmin. Tavoitteeksi voisi asettaa toimivan ja kannattavan luomukasvisketjun rakentaminen niin tuottajan kuin asiakkaan nĂ€kökulmasta. LyhyissĂ€ ketjuissa on panostettava tuotteiden tuoreuteen, laatuun ja makuun
Teachersâ perceptions of the safety competence of process operator students
In the safety-critical process industry, the safety competence of process operators is essential. Process operators are educated at vocational education and training (VET) organizations. The reform of vocational upper secondary education in Finland emphasizes the role of on-the-job learning; thus, the process operator education program has changed. Early adoption of correct safety skills enables them to be followed in the workplace. Thus, it is important to study the safety competence of process operator students and related educational requirements in the current circumstances. Seven teachers from five VET organizations were asked to estimate their studentsâ safety competence using a previously published framework. Overall, the interviewees considered that more safety competences were easy rather than difficult for their students. Knowledge and skills related to production processes, special and high-risk work tasks, exceptional and fault situations, general view, identification of own skills, and proactive mindset were most often viewed as difficult for students.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe
Work ability and physical fitness among aging workers : the Finnish Retirement and Aging Study
Background With advancing age, physical capacity gradually decreases which may lead to decreased work ability, if the physical work requirements remain the same. Examination of the importance of physical fitness for work ability among aging workers will help to find potential strategies to promote work ability in old age. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between physical fitness and work ability among aging workers. Methods Aging workers (n = 288, mean age 62.5, 83% women) from the Finnish Retirement and Aging study underwent cardiorespiratory, muscular fitness and functional testing. Work ability was inquired on a scale 0-10 from poor to excellent. Association between physical fitness indicators and work ability was examined using ordinary least squares regression, taking into account age, gender, occupational status, heavy physical work, body mass index and accelerometer-measured daily total physical activity. Results VO2peak, modified push-up test and maximal walking speed were positively associated with work ability (beta = 0.51, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.29-0.74, beta = 0.46, 95% CI 0.26-0.66 and beta = 0.23, 95% CI 0.07-0.39, respectively), while chair rise test time was inversely associated with work ability (beta = -0.23, 95% CI -0.39--0.06). No associations were found between hand grip strength or sit-up test and work ability. Conclusions Cardiorespiratory fitness, upper body strength, and lower extremity function were positively associated with work ability. Good physical fitness may help to maintain work ability among aging workers.Peer reviewe
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