42 research outputs found

    Epigenetic and transcriptional analysis supports human regulatory T cell commitment at the CD4+CD8+thymocyte stage

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    The natural CD25 + FOXP3 + regulatory T cell (Treg) population is generated as a distinct lineage in the thymus, but the details of Treg development in humans remain unclear, and the timing of Treg commitment is also contested. Here we have analyzed the emergence of CD25 + cells at the CD4 + CD8 + double positive (DP) stage in the human thymus. We show that these cells share T cell receptor repertoire with CD25 + CD4 single-positive thymocytes, believed to be committed Tregs. They already have a fully demethylated FOXP3 enhancer region and thus display stable expression of FOXP3 and the associated Treg phenotype. Transcriptome analysis also grouped the DP CD25 + and CD4 CD25 + thymocytes apart from the CD25 - subsets. Together with earlier studies, our data are consistent with human Treg commitment already at the DP thymocyte stage. We suggest that the most important antigens and signals necessary for human Treg differentiation may be found in the thymic cortex.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of human T cell receptor repertoire data in eight thymus samples and four related blood samples

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    T cell receptor (TCR) is a heterodimer consisting of TCR alpha and TCR beta chains that are generated by somatic recombination of multiple gene segments. Nascent TCR repertoire undergoes thymic selections where non-functional and potentially autoreactive receptors are removed. During the last years, the development of high-throughput sequencing technology has allowed a large scale assessment of TCR repertoire and multiple analysis tools are now also available. In our recent manuscript, Human thymic T cell repertoire is imprinted with strong convergence to shared sequences [1], we show highly overlapping thymic TCR repertoires in unrelated individuals. In the current Data in Brief article, we provide a more detailed characterization of the basic features of these thymic and related peripheral blood TCR repertoires. The thymus samples were collected from eight infants undergoing corrective cardiac surgery, two of whom were monozygous twins [2]. In parallel with the surgery, a small aliquot of peripheral blood was drawn from four of the donors. Genomic DNA was extracted from mechanically released thymocytes and circulating leukocytes. The sequencing of TCR alpha and TCR beta repertoires was performed at ImmunoSEQ platform (Adaptive Biotechnologies). The obtained repertoire data were analysed applying relevant features from immunoSEQ (R) 3.0 Analyzer (Adaptive Biotechnologies) and a freely available VDJTools software package for programming language R [3]. The current data analysis displays the basic features of the sequenced repertoires including observed TCR diversity, various descriptive TCR diversity measures, and V and J gene usage. In addition, multiple methods to calculate repertoire overlap between two individuals are applied. The raw sequence data provide a large database of reference TCRs in healthy individuals at an early developmental stage. The data can be exploited to improve existing computational models on TCR repertoire behaviour as well as in the generation of new models. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    Human thymic T cell repertoire is imprinted with strong convergence to shared sequences

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    A highly diverse repertoire of T cell antigen receptors (TCR) is created in the thymus by recombination of gene segments and the insertion or deletion of nucleotides at the junctions. Using next-generation TCR sequencing we define here the features of recombination and selection in the human TCR alpha and TCR beta locus, and show that a strikingly high proportion of the repertoire is shared by unrelated individuals. The thymic TCRa nucleotide repertoire was more diverse than TCR beta, with 4.1 x 10(6) vs. 0.81 x 10(6) unique clonotypes, and contained nonproductive clonotypes at a higher frequency (69.2% vs. 21.2%). The convergence of distinct nucleotide clonotypes to the same amino acid sequences was higher in TCRa than in TCR beta repertoire (1.45 vs. 1.06 nucleotide sequences per amino acid sequence in thymus). The gene segment usage was biased, and generally all individuals favored the same genes in both TCR alpha and TCR beta loci. Despite the high diversity, a large fraction of the repertoire was found in more than one donor. The shared fraction was bigger in TCR alpha than TCR beta repertoire, and more common in in-frame sequences than in nonproductive sequences. Thus, both biases in rearrangement and thymic selection are likely to contribute to the generation of shared repertoire in humans.Peer reviewe

    Long-term outcome after treatment of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect : nationwide study of 109 patients born in 1970-2007

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    OBJECTIVES: Treatment of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (PA + VSD) has evolved during recent decades, but it still remains challenging. This study evaluated 41-year experience of outcome, survival and treatment of PA + VSD patients. METHODS: Patient records and angiograms of 109 patients with PA + VSD born in Finland between 1970 and 2007, and treated at the Children's Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital, were retrospectively analysed in this nationwide study. RESULTS: Of the 109 patients, 66 (61%) had simple PA + VSD without major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs). Although we observed no difference in overall survival between those with or without MAPCAs, the patients without MAPCAs had better probability to achieve repair (64 vs 28%, P <0.0003). Only 3 patients were treated by compassionate care. Overall survival was affected by the size of true central pulmonary arteries on the first angiogram (P = 0.001) and whether repair was achieved (P <0.0001). After successful repair, the survival rate was 93% at 1 year, 91% from the second year, and functional capacity as assessed by New York Heart Association (NYHA) I-II remained in 85% of patients alive at the end of follow-up. Palliated patients at 1, 5, 10 and 20 years of age had Kaplan-Meier estimated survival rates of 55, 42, 34 and 20%, respectively. Patients who underwent repair attempts but were left palliated with right ventricle (RV)-pulmonary artery connection and septal fenestration had better survival than the rest of the palliated patients (P = 0.001). Further, the McGoon index improved after implementation of a systemic-pulmonary artery shunt in the overall PA + VSD population (P <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that achievement of repair and initial size of true central pulmonary arteries affect survival of patients with PA + VSD. Although the overall survival of patients with MAPCAs showed no difference compared with simple PA + VSD patients, they had a higher risk of remaining palliated. However, palliative surgery may have a role in treatment of PA + VSD because the size of pulmonary arteries increased after placement of systemic-pulmonary artery shunt. In addition, subtotal repair by a RV-pulmonary artery connection and septal fenestration improved survival over extracardiac palliation.Peer reviewe

    Perinatal and perioperative factors associated with mortality and an increased need for hospital care in infants with transposition of the great arteries : A nationwide 11-year population-based cohort

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    Introduction Newborn infants with transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) need immediate care for an optimal outcome. This study comprised a nationwide 11-year population-based cohort of d-TGA infants, and assessed whether the implementation of a nationwide systematic fetal screening program, or other perinatal, or perioperative factors, are associated with mortality or an increased need for hospital care. Material and methods The national cohort consisted of all live-born infants with simple d-TGA (TGA +/- small ventricular septal defect, n = 127) born in Finland during 2004-2014. Data were collected from six national registries. Prenatal diagnosis and perinatal and perioperative factors associated with mortality and length of hospitalization were evaluated. Results Preoperative mortality was 7.9%, and the total mortality was 8.7%. The prenatal detection rate increased after introducing systematic fetal anomaly screening from 5.0% to 37.7% during the study period (P <.0001), but the total mortality rate remained unchanged. All prenatally diagnosed infants (n = 27) survived. Lower gestational age (odds ratio 0.68,P = .012) and higher maternal age at birth (odds ratio 1.16,P = .036) were associated with increased mortality in multivariable analysis. Older infant age at time of operation (P = .002), longer aortic clamp time (P <.001), and higher maternal body mass index (P = .027) were associated with longer initial hospital stay. An extended need for hospital care during the first year of life was multi-factorial. Conclusions In our cohort, none of the prenatally diagnosed d-TGA infants died. As a result of the limited prenatal detection rates, however, the sample size was insufficient to reach statistical significance. The d-TGA infants born with lower gestational age and to older mothers had increased mortality.Peer reviewe

    Identifying the inheritable component of human thymic T cell repertoire generation in monozygous twins

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    We have analyzed T cell receptor repertoires in a unique set of thymus samples from a pair of monozygotic twins. While genetics affect the V(D)J rearrangement and generation of junctional sequences, the thymic selections seem largely stochastic and import no detectable inheritable effect at clonal level.Non peer reviewe

    Reunalla vai ytimessä? : Suomen EU-politiikan muutos ja jatkuvuus

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    Euron kriisistä alkanut EU:n politisoituminen toimi vedenjakajana Suomen Eurooppa-politiikassa. Aiemmin suljettujen ovien takana käydyt keskustelut ovat saaneet tehdä tilaa julkisille puoluepoliittisille vastakkainasetteluille. Samalla hallituksemme liikkumatila Brysselin pöydissä on kaventunut. Suomi on ollut unionin jäsen yli kaksi vuosikymmentä. Olemmeko vielä samanlainen ”mallioppilas” kuin jäsenyyden alkuvuosina? Mitkä jäsenvaltiot ovat Suomen läheisimpiä kumppaneita EU-neuvotteluissa? Miten kansalaiset ja puolueet suhtautuvat unioniin? Reunalla vai ytimessä? tarkastelee Suomen EU-linjan kehitystä politiikan eri alueilla talouspolitiikasta ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikkaan. On tärkeää ymmärtää eri jäsenmaiden poliittisia valintoja, sillä vaikka tiedotusvälineet korostavat usein unionia repiviä kiistoja, lopulta EU perustuu jäsentensä vapaaehtoiseen yhteistyöhön.Julkaistu yhteistyössä Gaudeamuksen kanssa. Vertaisarvioitu

    Development of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Antibodies Against Vascular Homograft Donor in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients

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    Background: The appearance of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies after solid organ transplantation predisposes recipients to graft dysfunction. In theory, vascular homografts, which are widely used in children with congenital heart defects, may cause allosensitization. Material/Methods: In this single-center retrospective study, the presence of pre-existing HLA antibodies in pediatric heart trans- plant (HTx) recipients with a vascular homograft was evaluated in a cohort of 12 patients. HLA antibodies were screened before and after HTx and positive screening results were confirmed and identified using the Luminex (R) single antigen bead method. Endomyocardial biopsies (EMB) and coronary angiography studies were re-evaluated to assess the prevalence of acute rejections and coronary artery change in these patients. Results: At the time of HTx, 8 patients (67%) had HLA antibodies detected by the Luminex assay, none of which were heart donor specific (DSA). All patients had negative leukocyte crossmatch. One patient developed DSAs against homograft donor prior to HTx. After the HTx, 5 patients (42%) developed DSAs against the heart donor and 4 patients (40%) against the homograft donor. In 2 patients (17%), the antibodies were against both heart and homograft donors. The rejection rate or prevalence of coronary artery vasculopathy did not differ significantly between the homograft cohort and our historical controls. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the prevalence of DSAs against homograft donor prior to HTx is relatively rare. However, almost half of the patients developed DSAs against homograft post-HTx. The clinical importance of these antibodies warrants further studies.Peer reviewe

    Systematic reviews of observational studies of Risk of Thrombosis and Bleeding in General and Gynecologic Surgery (ROTBIGGS) : introduction and methodology

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    Funding Information: The Risk of Thrombosis and Bleeding in General and Gynecologic Surgery (ROTBIGGS) project was conducted by the Clinical Urology and Epidemiology (CLUE) Working Group and supported by the Academy of Finland (309387, 340957), Sigrid Jusélius Foundation and Competitive Research Funding of the Helsinki University Hospital (TYH2019321; TYH2020248). The sponsors had no role in the analysis and interpretation of the data or the manuscript preparation, review, or approval. Funding Information: KMA received a research grant from Astra Zeneca, and is consultant for Gedeon Richter, and received reimbursement for attending a scientific meeting from GSK (Tesaro Bio). RMT received reimbursement for attending a scientific meeting from Olympus. LIL, GHG, YL, RC, ALL, VJS, IEJK, PJK, RJC, RLA, KA, KMA, IB-L, MHB, JLC, SC, PJG, HAG-P, FZG, HAG, LH, MLI-K, KMJ, PKK, NK, TPK, AJK, TK, HL, AKM, BTN, TPN, CN, SMO, SP, NP, CBBR, ARR, TS, RMT, RWMV, YW, YX, LY, JH, and KAOT have no financial conflicts of interest. GHG and RC were panel members of the European Association of Urology (EAU) ad hoc Guideline on Thromboprophylaxis in Urological Surgery. KAOT was chair of the European Association of Urology (EAU) ad hoc Guideline on Thromboprophylaxis in Urological Surgery and panel member of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Guideline Panel on Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in Surgical Hospitalized Patients. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background Venous thromboembolism (VTE) and bleeding are serious and potentially fatal complications of surgical procedures. Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis decreases the risk of VTE but increases the risk of major post-operative bleeding. The decision to use pharmacologic prophylaxis therefore represents a trade-off that critically depends on the incidence of VTE and bleeding in the absence of prophylaxis. These baseline risks vary widely between procedures, but their magnitude is uncertain. Systematic reviews addressing baseline risks are scarce, needed, and require innovations in methodology. Indeed, systematic summaries of these baseline risk estimates exist neither in general nor gynecologic surgery. We will fill this knowledge gap by performing a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the procedure-specific and patient risk factor stratified risk estimates in general and gynecologic surgeries. Methods We will perform comprehensive literature searches for observational studies in general and gynecologic surgery reporting symptomatic VTE or bleeding estimates. Pairs of methodologically trained reviewers will independently assess the studies for eligibility, evaluate the risk of bias by using an instrument developed for this review, and extract data. We will perform meta-analyses and modeling studies to adjust the reported risk estimates for the use of thromboprophylaxis and length of follow up. We will derive the estimates of risk from the median estimates of studies rated at the lowest risk of bias. The primary outcomes are the risk estimates of symptomatic VTE and major bleeding at 4 weeks post-operatively for each procedure stratified by patient risk factors. We will apply the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to rate evidence certainty. Discussion This series of systematic reviews, modeling studies, and meta-analyses will inform clinicians and patients regarding the trade-off between VTE prevention and bleeding in general and gynecologic surgeries. Our work advances the standards in systematic reviews of surgical complications, including assessment of risk of bias, criteria for arriving at the best estimates of risk (including modeling of the timing of events and dealing with suboptimal data reporting), dealing with subgroups at higher and lower risk of bias, and use of the GRADE approach. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42021234119Peer reviewe

    Remdesiviiri sairaalahoitoisessa COVID-19-taudissa : pragmaattinen, adaptiivinen, satunnaistettu Solidarity Finland -monikeskustutkimus

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    Lähtökohdat : Remdesiviiriä tutkittiin Solidarity Finland -tutkimuksessa. Menetelmät : COVID-19-taudin takia sairaalahoitoon joutuneet potilaat satunnaistettiin saamaan standardihoitoa tai sen lisäksi remdesiviiriä. Solidarity-tutkimuksessa ja satunnaistettujen ­tutkimusten meta-analyysissä ensisijainen päätetapahtuma oli sairaalahoitoajan kuolleisuus. Tulokset : Rekrytoimme 208 potilasta yhdestätoista sairaalasta. Sairaalahoidon aikana ­remdesiviiriryhmässä (n = 114) kuoli 1 % ja standardihoitoryhmässä (n = 94) 4 %. Invasiiviseen hengityslaitehoitoon joutui 5 % molemmissa ryhmissä. Tehohoitoa sai 11 % remdesiviiri- ja 12 % standardihoitoryhmässä. Maksaentsyymit nousivat merkittävästi 5 %:lla remdesiviiri- ja 2 %:lla standardihoitoryhmässä. Meta-analyysin alaryhmäanalyysissä remdesiviiri vähensi kuoleman riskiä potilailla, jotka eivät sairaalahoidon alkaessa saaneet hengityslaitehoitoa (RR 0,85, 95 % LV 0,75­–0,96). Päätelmät : Suomessa on pandemian aikana mahdollista rekrytoida merkittävä määrä potilaita suuriin, satunnaistettuihin tutkimuksiin, joilla voidaan saada luotettavia tuloksia nopeasti. Remdesiviiristä voi olla apua sairaalahoitoisessa COVID-19-taudissa varhain aloitettuna.publishedVersionPeer reviewe