18 research outputs found

    Geologische Untersuchungen an Sedimenten des indisch-pakistanischen Kontinentalrandes (Arabischs Meer)

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    From the R./V. "Meteor" and the Pakistan F./V. "Machhera" sediments from the Indian-Pakistan continental margin habe been investigated in order to delineate the facies distribution of the recent deposits. One of the several objectives of this study was to find out how far the suspended matter of the Indus River is being transported into the Arabian Sea. A close genetic relationship was recognised between the oceanographic conditions of the water masses (chemistry and currents) and the characteristics of the sediments. The activity of the monsoons is reflected by the rhythmic lamination of the sediments of the upper continental slope. The suspended matter from the Indus River can be traced far into the Arabian Sea. The clay minerals show the following tendenciey from litoral to abyssal regions and from the top ot the cores downward: detrital clay minerals (chlorite, muscovite, illite) - degraded clay minerals (montmorillonite, mixed-layer minerals) - "re-formational" minerals (illite). The biostratigraphic investigations of the sedimentds combined with several C14-dates results in sedimentation rates from >50 cm/1000 years at the upper continental slope decreasing to about 1 cm/1000 years inhe faunal composition proves the existende of a climatic optimum during part of the Holocene. The geochemical investigation of the recent pore fluids demonstrates that their composition very soon assumes the characteristics of fossil inerstitial waters (cf. V. Marchig, in this vol.). The results will be published in Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse, Reihe C

    Abendland und Wirtschaftswunder. Zur kulturkritischen Physiognomie der westdeutschen Romanprosa zwischen 1945 und 1959

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    This study in the field of literature deals with seven novels of early Western German postwar-literature: Hermann Kasack, Die Stadt hinter dem Strom (1946); Ernst Kreuder, Die Unauffindbaren (1048); Hans Werner Richter, Die Geschlagenen (1949); Arno Schmidt, Schwarze Spiegel (1951); Wolfgang Koeppen, Tauben im Gras (1951), Das Treibhaus (1953); Heinrich Böll, Billard um halb zehn (1959). The general thesis says that in these representative texts the intellectual Gestalt of holds a key position. Despite of the rhetorics of the (1945) and the self-understandig of the authors as left-wing progressives the novels cling to an intellectual tradition of pre-war Germany that is linked to the anti-dmocratic right-wing opponents of the so-called . The critique of the and the complimentary emphasis of the wirter / intellectual as a leading figure in society are anti-Western issues which are continually re-installed through the authors' concepts of history and their claim of intellectual superiority. Developing a broad concept of analysis combining tools from hermeneutics and the social sciences (), the study points out in neat interpretations how this persistent scheme from the tradition of cultural criticism is working in various layers of the texts. There are detailed readings of the modelling of society, space and characters (esp. female ones); the study takes an additional look on essayistic and poetological passages as well as on Gnostic aspects of the involved cultural criticism

    Modelluntersuchungen zur Wirkung organischer und metallorganischer Schadstoffe auf das Mikrogefuege und die Rueckhaltewirkung von Tongesteinen. T. 1 Analyse des Mikrogefueges der Tone. Schlussbericht

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    The study aimed to the detection and characterisation of the microstructure of claystones forming the ground of waste disposal sites and its alteration under the influence of pollutants which may affect the sealing properties. Basing on computer tomography and radiometric density determination methods have been developped to analyse rock samples prior to experimental study without damaging the microfabric. In addition to primary carbonates secondary ancerite phase were verified indicating a mobility of the cations involved which exceeds the diffusive transport. The retention capacity of the rock relative to heavy metalls is to a large extend determined by properties, amount and distribution of carbonate phases. By SEM/EDX analyses these parameters could be made visible and were quantifies. Diffusion experiments with heavy metall solutions verified matrix diffusion from microfissures into the adjacent rock. Percolation experiments with organic and metalorganic pollutants led to a pronounced honeycomb and house-of-cards like structure. The extent of these alterations could be quantified by porosity measurements. Percolation tests with KD device on artificial clay samples showed that the clay fabric under special conditions can be altered by controlled addition of ions. Such simple systems are fundamental for modelling processes of pollutant transport. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F96B892+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Beziehungen zwischen Mikrogefuege und dem mechanischen Verhalten bei tonigen Sedimenten Abschlussbericht

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    SIGLETechnische Informationsbibliothek Hannover: AC 5796. / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman