22 research outputs found

    The Knowledge of Contextual Factors as Triggers of Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Patients With Musculoskeletal Pain: Findings From a National Survey

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    Backgrounds: Contextual factors (CFs) have been recently proposed as triggers of placebo and nocebo effects in musculoskeletal pain. CFs encompass the features of the clinician (e.g. uniform), patient (e.g. expectations), patient-clinician relationship (e.g. verbal communication), treatment (e.g. overt therapy), and healthcare setting (e.g. design). To date, the researchers' understanding of Italian patients' knowledge about the role of CFs in musculoskeletal pain is lacking.Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate attitudes and beliefs of Italian patients with musculoskeletal pain about the use of CFs in clinical practice.Methods: A national sample of Italian patients with musculoskeletal pain was recruited from 12 outpatient private clinics in Italy. An invitation to participate in an online survey was sent to patients: a) exhibiting musculoskeletal pain; b) aged 18-75; c) with a valid e-mail account; and d) understanding Italian language. Survey Monkey software was used to deliver the survey. The questionnaire was self-reported and included 17 questions and 2 clinical vignettes on the patients' behavior, beliefs, and attitudes towards the adoption of CFs in clinical practice. Descriptive statistics and frequencies described the actual number of respondents to each question.Results: One thousand one hundred twelve patients participated in the survey. Five hundred seventy-four participants were female (52%). The average age of patients was 41.7 +/- 15.2 years. Patients defined CFs as an intervention with an unspecific effect (64.3%), but they believed in their clinical effectiveness. They identified several therapeutic effects of CFs for different health problems. Their use was considered ethically acceptable when it exerts beneficial psychological effects (60.4%), but it was banned if considered deceptive (51.1%). During clinical practice, patients wanted to be informed about the use of CFs (46.0%) that are accepted as an addition to other interventions to optimize clinical responses (39.3%). Moreover, patients explained the power of CFs through body-mind connections (37.1%).Conclusion: Patients with musculoskeletal pain had positive attitudes towards the use and effectiveness of CFs when associated with evidence-based therapy. They mostly perceived the adoption of CFs in clinical practice as ethical

    What Physiotherapists Specialized in Orthopedic Manual Therapy Know About Nocebo-Related Effects and Contextual Factors: Findings From a National Survey

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    none10siopenRossettini, Giacomo; Geri, Tommaso; Palese, Alvisa; Marzaro, Chiara; Mirandola, Mattia; Colloca, Luana; Fiorio, Mirta; Turolla, Andrea; Manoni, Mattia; Testa, MarcoRossettini, Giacomo; Geri, Tommaso; Palese, Alvisa; Marzaro, Chiara; Mirandola, Mattia; Colloca, Luana; Fiorio, Mirta; Turolla, Andrea; Manoni, Mattia; Testa, Marc

    Data referring to the paper: Hypothiocyanite and Hypothiocyanite/Lactoferrin Mixture Exhibit Virucidal Activity In Vitro against SARS-CoV-2

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    Abstract: SARS-CoV-2 replicates efficiently in the upper airways during the prodromal stage, resulting in environmental viral shedding from patients with active COVID-19 as well as from asymptomatic individuals. There is a need to find pharmacological interventions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Hypothiocyanite and lactoferrin are molecules of the innate immune sys-tem with a large spectrum cidal activity. The Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency designated the hypothiocyanite and lactoferrin combination as an orphan drug. We report an in vitro study showing that micromolar concentrations of hypothiocyanite exhibit dose- and time-dependent virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2 and that the latter is slightly enhanced by the simultaneous presence of lactoferrin

    Online teaching in physiotherapy education during COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: a retrospective case-control study on students\u2019 satisfaction and performance

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    Background: During COVID-19 pandemic, physiotherapy lecturers faced the challenge of rapidly shifting from face-to-face to online education. This retrospective case-control study aims to compare students' satisfaction and performances shown in an online course to a control group of students who underwent the same course delivered face-to-face in the previous five years. Methods: Between March and April 2020, a class (n = 46) of entry-level physiotherapy students (University of Verona - Italy), trained by an experienced physiotherapist, had 24-hours online lessons. Students exposed to the same course in the previous five academic years (n = 112), delivered with face-to-face conventional lessons, served as a historical control. The course was organized in 3 sequential phases: (1) PowerPoint presentations were uploaded to the University online platform, (2) asynchronous video recorded lectures were provided on the same platform, and (3) between online lectures, the lecturer and students could communicate through an email chat to promote understanding, dispel any doubts and collect requests for supplementary material (e.g., scientific articles, videos, webinars, podcasts). Outcomes were: (1) satisfaction as routinely measured by University with a national instrument and populated in a database; (2) performance as measured with an oral examination. Results: We compared satisfaction with the course, expressed on a 5-point Likert scale, resulting in no differences between online and face-to-face teaching (Kruskal-Wallis 2 = 0.24, df = 1, p = 0.62). We weighted up students' results by comparing their mean performances with the mean performances of the same course delivered face-to-face in the previous five years, founding a statistical significance in favour of online teaching (Wilcoxon rank sum test W = 1665, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Online teaching in entry-level Physiotherapy seems to be a feasible option to face COVID-19 pandemic, as satisfies students as well as face-to-face courses and leading to a similar performance. Entry-level Bachelors in Physiotherapy may consider moving to eLearning to facilitate access to higher education. Universities will have to train lecturers to help them develop appropriate pedagogical skills, and supply suitable support in terms of economic, organizational, and technological issues, aimed at guaranteeing a high level of education to their students. Trial registration: Retrospectively registered

    Barriers in care pathways and unmet mental health needs in LGBTIQ + communities

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    Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer people and minority gender identities and sexualities (LGBTIQĂľ) are often stigmatized and experience discrimination in health care settings, leading to poorer mental health outcomes and unmet needs compared to heterosexual and cisgendered peers. It is thus imperative that mental health providers consider and address structural challenges in order to reduce mental health inequalities of this population. This narrative review assessed the barriers that may prevent access to care and the pathways for care in LGBTIQĂľ communities. PubMed, PsycInfo, Embase, and Scopus were searched for papers published between December 2021 and February 2022. A total of 107 papers were included with studies reflecting five themes: (1) Unmet mental health needs; (2) Young people; (3) Substance abuse and addiction; (4) Barriers and pathways to care; and (5) Interventions. Findings demonstrate that LGBTIQĂľ people experience stigmatization and higher rates of substance misuse and mental ill health, which may lead to barriers in accessing health care services, and fewer tailored interventions being provided. These findings have implications for policy, health care screening, and how specialist services are structured. Substantial gaps in the evidence-base exist, and future research should examine how mental health care providers can challenge social issues that maintain discriminatory and stigmatizing practices, and support LGBTIQĂľ individuals to sustain their resilience

    Hypothiocyanite and Hypothiocyanite/Lactoferrin Mixture Exhibit Virucidal Activity In Vitro against SARS-CoV-2

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    SARS-CoV-2 replicates efficiently in the upper airways during the prodromal stage, resulting in environmental viral shedding from patients with active COVID-19 as well as from asymptomatic individuals. There is a need to find pharmacological interventions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Hypothiocyanite and lactoferrin are molecules of the innate immune system with a large spectrum cidal activity. The Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency designated the hypothiocyanite and lactoferrin combination as an orphan drug. We report an in vitro study showing that micromolar concentrations of hypothiocyanite exhibit dose- and time-dependent virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2 and that the latter is slightly enhanced by the simultaneous presence of lactoferrin


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    Aim of the study: The Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) causes a viral zoonosis that progresses without symptoms in animals, but gives rise to a lethal threat for humans. The CCHFV is a group IV biological hazard and, for this reason, it requires a BSL-4 containment facility to be manipulated, which is a great dampening for conducting any research on it. Anyway, there are different approaches that permit to bypass the BSL-4 restrictions, like using a nonpathogenic pseudotyped virus, where the envelope protein of the heterologous virus (i.e. glycoprotein Gc and Gn of CCHFV) are assembled into the membrane of the nonpathogenic virus. Since it presents only the glycoproteins of CCHFV, it acquires the immunogenicity and the tropism of CCHFV but can be manipulated in a BSL-2 containment facility. Our work focuses on the development of a BSL-2 executable tool for serological studies and the identification of entry inhibitors of the CCHFV. Methods: As viral model we selected a recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (rVSV- \u394G-GFP), in which the glycoprotein gene was replaced with a reporter gene, i.e. in our case this gene was the GFP. The rVSV-\u394G-GFP is characterize by an high profile of biosafety because it is single cycle replication virus. Results and conclusion: First, we have optimized a protocol for the preparation of the rVSV-\u394G-GFP pseudotyped with the CCHFV\u2019s glycoprotein (rVSV-CCHFVG). Human cells HEK293T previously transfected with pC-G, a pCAGGS/MCS plasmid containing the CCHFV-M segment\u2019s cDNA, were infected with the rVSV-\u394G-GFP containing the native G glycoprotein. The pseudotyped viral particles released in the cell culture medium are collected and ultracentrifugated in a sucrose cushion to concentrate and clean the viral stock. Then, the viral stock is titrated by serial dilution and evaluation of the GFP positive cells. Second, the rVSV-CCHFVG has been used in a serum neutralization assay using a panel of sera (collected by people from a non-endemic area) and the serum of a Bulgarian laboratory worker vaccinated for the CCHF, as positive control. The results show that the rVSV-CCHFVG is correctly neutralized only by the serum of the vaccinated worker and the neutralization titer correlate with data published evaluating the efficacy of the Bulgarian vaccine against the CCHFV. Overall, the results support the feasibility of the rVSV-CCHFVG based assay for serological studies

    L’approccio agli aneurismi infiammatori iuxtarenali

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    The incidence of inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm (IAAA) in a late review of the literature is estimated about 2-15% overall aortic aneurysms. In our data this type of aneurysm is 3.6 overall aortic aneurysms treated. In the majority of the cases, IAAA is juxtarenal or infrarenal. Ethiopathogenesis of IAAA till today is not certain. Recent hypothesis on IAAA attribute the same ethiopathogenesis in both atherosclerotic and inflammatory aneurysm. The interaction of genetic, environmental and infective factors should be able to determine an autoimmune inflammatory reaction of variable severity. 80% of the patients suffering from IAAA present abdominal or lumbar pain, loss of weight and increase of the RC sedimentation velocity. The IAAA's natural history goes to rupture. Entrapment of nearstanding organs totally involved in the fibrotic process is the most frequent complication. Usually there is a compression of the ureter and the duodenum with consequenced hydroureteronephrosis and bowel obstruction. Preoperative diagnosis is possible; CT scan and MRI guarantee and accuracy about 90%. Intraoperatively the external wall of IAAA appears whitish and translucent and always there are tenacious adhesion given by the avventital wounds inflammation. Confirm is given by the histological examination of the aneurysmatic wall and peravventitial tissues. Our experience and a late review of the literature concorde that surgical indication for the treatment of IAAA is the same for the atherosclerotic one. This conviction is supported by the fact that the diagnostic methodical evolution and the improvement in mininvasive surgical technique lowered perioperating morbility and mortaliy. We prefer, according with many authors, retroperitoneal approach to juxtarenal IAAA, instead of standardized transperitoneal access with xifo-pubical or transversal under costal incision. This approach offers some advantages as easier exposition of aorta, whose postero-lateral wall is hardly ever involved in inflammatory process, little duodenum's and left renal veins manipulation and low incidence of paralytic ileum and respiratory disease. Endovascular surgery hasn't in this moment any role in juxtarenal IAAA treatment because this type of aneurysm has inadequate proximal neck. In the future, probably, endovascular repair will be possible using a new type of endograft with renal legs. Often surgical treatment is inadequate to control retroperitorenal fibrosis and so surgeon has to use perioperating pharmacolocical therapy

    Real World Performance Evaluation of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    Background: The aim of this research is to describe the performance over time of transcatheter aortic valve implantations (TAVIs) in a high-volume center with a contemporary, real-world population. Methods: Patients referred for TAVIs at the University Hospital of Verona were prospectively enrolled. By cumulative sum failures analysis (CUSUM), procedural-control curves for standardized combined endpoints-as defined by the Valve Academic Research Consortium-2 (VARC-2)-were calculated and analyzed over time. Acceptable and unacceptable limits were derived from recent studies on TAVI in intermediate and low-risk patients to fit the higher required standards for current indications. Results: A total of 910 patients were included. Baseline risk scores significantly reduced over time. Complete procedural control was obtained after approximately 125 and 190 cases for device success and early safety standardized combined endpoints, respectively. High risk patients (STS >= 8) had poorer outcomes, especially in terms of VARC-2 clinical efficacy, and required a higher case load to maintain in-control and proficient procedures. Clinically relevant single endpoints were all influenced by operator's experience as well. Conclusions: Quality-control analysis for contemporary TAVI interventions based on standardized endpoints suggests the need for relevant operator's experience to achieve and maintain optimal clinical results, especially in higher-risk subjects