94 research outputs found

    Validating Knowledge and Technology Effects to Operative Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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    Purpose: This paper aims to present a fresh idea on how to model and examine the level of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) with and without knowledge and /technology (K/T) effects in a case company’s operation by taking the manufacturing strategy’s development directions and the efficiency of resource allocation among its attributes into consideration. Design/Methodology/approach: In this paper, questionnaires are filled by two different managerial groups, company’s management team (G1) and company’s global directors (G2). The analyses based on G1, G2 and G1-G2 (mixed results) are performed and examined as well as the effect of knowledge and /technology rankings to observe the differences on how they effect on company’s operations strategy and what kind of strategy type that decision makers might follow. Besides, the effects of knowledge/technology rankings on SCA risk levels are examined on different case companies to perceive the similarities and differences with our case company. In this case study, the objectives are achieved based on several methodologies: manufacturing strategy index (MSI) [1] and sense and respond (S&R) methodology [2]. Findings: The achieved results through the model are found to be promising corresponding to the feedback from the respondents. Research limitations/implications: The model is applied only in a big sized B2B global company that produces power electronics products. Therefore, further tests need to be applied to the model in case of multiple companies from different sizes and areas to figure out the best formula in case of validation of strategic direction (MAPE, RSME or MAD). Practical implications: As a result of its wide applicability and its ease in arrangement the model has an enormous potential for strategic decision-making process and strategic analysis. Originality/Value: The model can provide a more dependable possibility of sustainable improvement to the corporate operational excellence and strategy.© 2013 The author(s). The article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Smes’ Performance Evaluation and Optimization Based on DEA and CFI

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    It is a core content of enterprise performance research evaluating and comparing enterprise performance in dynamic environment. In allusion to this problem, a variety of enterprise performance assessment methods and indexes systems are proposed. Data envelopment analysis(DEA) is a kind of effective mathematical model which is used for comparing the performance among enterprises or different units inside an enterprise, based on the real-world data.Through comparing the performance, DEA can evaluate the enterprise performance from scale effectiveness and technological effectiveness, and then get the performance optimization goals. Critical Factor Index (CFI) is a new enterprise performance assessment method proposed in recent years. This method, based on the performance perception of business leaders or staffs, evaluates the enterprise performance in different dimensions, and then gets the optimization strategy of enterprise resource allocation to improve integrated enterprise performance. This paper has structured a new evaluation and optimization system for performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which combine properly the DEA and CFI method to evaluate and optimize the SMEs’ performance comprehensively, and has confirm this system with data of 5 Finnish SMEs.© The Authors. CC BY 4.0fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Using Sustainable Competitive Advantages to Measure Technological Opportunities

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    The goal of this paper is to help small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to find operative competitive advantage. This paper introduces a new method which applies critical factor analysis, risk and opportunities analysis to measure and propose resource allocation for companies in couple of next years. this research shows Knowledge/Technology (K/T) Calculation effect on (Balanced) Critical Factor Index (CFIs) depending on the proportions allocated among the different technological levels (Basic,Core or Spearhead) for each attribute separately. Moreover it helps firms to take balance in resource allocation for each attribute in changing environments on the basis of different level of technology. This paper presents the ’first in the world’ case study on operative sustainable competitive advantage and corresponding risk levels by taking into account technology and knowledge effects for 7 SME companies.© 2013 The author(s). The article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    MikroyrittÀjien työhyvinvointi

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    Early stages of technology intensive companies

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    Abstract This study aims to clarify the early development stages of technology intensive companies. The current literature does not offer an extensive review of stage perspectives for company growth – the overall picture of the field is somewhat vague. The evolution of this field remains unclear as well as the current state. Further, recent empirical stage models focusing on technology intensive companies have not been delineated. As companies move through their early stages, they face events which contribute to or detract from their aim. A study focusing on these events may provide fresh viewpoints for understanding the management processes. This study seeks to clarify how the literature describes the early stages of technology intensive companies, and what viewpoints are highlighted by the management as a company progresses through these sequences. This retrospective multiple case study clarifies the topic with two meta-analyses and a sequential incident study carried out in ten young technology intensive companies in Finland and Thailand. First, well covered areas, trends, and ideas for fresh approaches are studied through a meta-analysis of the past 60 years of literature focusing on stages of development. Based on recent empirical studies, a sequential self assessment framework is formed. Second, it is studied whether the case study methodology could be utilised to further clarify the early stages of technology intensive companies. Third, the experiences of ten case companies are reflected through the framework in order to test the framework, and to study what viewpoints these cases reveal about the early stages of technology intensive companies. This study provided an extensive review of the research focusing on the stages of development. A four-stage framework was found applicable for a self-assessment of the early stages in technology intensive companies, while ten case studies and cross case analysis provided partial support for the framework. In addition, this study provided many potential fresh viewpoints for a theory related to the early stages of technology intensive companies. These viewpoints are considered here as starting points for further research, which is expected to provide sufficient evidence for further modification of the framework.TiivistelmĂ€ TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selkeyttÀÀ teknologiaintensiivisten yritysten varhaisia kehitysvaiheita. Kirjallisuus ei tarjoa kattavaa katsausta yrityksen kehitysvaiheita kĂ€sittelevĂ€stĂ€ tutkimuksesta – kokonaiskuva aiheesta jÀÀ jokseenkin epĂ€mÀÀrĂ€iseksi samoin kuin alan kehitys ja nykytila. LisĂ€ksi viimeaikaisten empiiristĂ€ aineistoa sisĂ€ltĂ€vien vaihemallien tuloksia ei ole koottu yhteen. Varhaisissa kehitysvaiheissaan yritykset kohtaavat sekĂ€ tavoitteitaan edistĂ€viĂ€ ettĂ€ estĂ€viĂ€ tapahtumia. Tapahtumia tutkimalla on mahdollista nostaa esille tuoreita nĂ€kökulmia varhaisiin vaiheisiin liittyviin johtamisprosesseihin. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus pyrkii selvittĂ€mÀÀn, kuinka teknologiayrityksen varhaiset kehitysvaiheet on kuvattu kirjallisuudessa ja mitĂ€ nĂ€kökulmia varhaisen kehityksen lĂ€pi kĂ€yneiden yritysten johto korostaa. TĂ€mĂ€ takautuva monitapaustutkimus analysoi aihetta kahden meta-analyysin ja vaiheittain toteutetun kriittiset tapahtumat -menetelmĂ€n avulla. Tapaustutkimus suoritettiin kymmenessĂ€ suomalaisessa ja thaimaalaisessa yrityksessĂ€. Ensiksi 60 edeltĂ€vÀÀ vuotta kĂ€sittĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ meta-analyysissĂ€ analysoitiin vaihemallien historia ja nykytila, trendit ja potentiaaliset ideat uusille lĂ€hestymistavoille. Viimeaikaisten empiiristen tutkimusten perusteella muodostettiin synteesi varhaisten kehitysvaiheiden itsearviointikehykseksi. Toiseksi tutkittiin voidaanko tapaustutkimusta hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ edelleen selventÀÀ teknologiaintensiivisten yritysten varhaisia kehitysvaiheita. Kolmanneksi kymmenen tapausyrityksen kokemuksia peilattiin itsearviointikehykseen tarkoituksena testata kehystĂ€ ja analysoida mitĂ€ nĂ€kökulmia tapaukset paljastavat teknologiaintensiivisten yritysten varhaisista vaiheista. Tutkimus tarjosi laajan katsauksen yrityksen kehitysvaiheisiin keskittyvÀÀn tutkimuskenttÀÀn. Nelivaiheinen kehys todettiin soveltuvaksi varhaisten kehitysvaiheiden itsearviointiin teknologiaintensiivisissĂ€ yrityksissĂ€ – kymmenen tapausta ja nĂ€iden vertailu antoi osittaisen tuen tĂ€lle. LisĂ€ksi tutkimus tarjosi useita uusia nĂ€kökulmia teknologiaintensiivisten yritysten varhaisia kehitysvaiheita kĂ€sittelevÀÀn teoriaan. NĂ€mĂ€ nĂ€kökulmat toimivat lĂ€htökohtana jatkotutkimuksille, joiden oletetaan tuovan riittĂ€vĂ€sti todistusaineistoa itsearviointikehyksen edelleenkehittĂ€miseksi

    Review of business growth models:methodology and the assumption of determinism

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    Abstract Numerous configuration models have attempted to clarify management priorities during the early stages of business growth. Earlier reviews have focused on the basic, visible characteristics of these models. Less attention has been paid to research methodology and basic assumptions. This study aims to fill this gap by review of configuration studies conducted over the past six decades. The focused meta-analysis reveals what kinds of research strategies, choices and time horizons, and empirical evidence are utilised for development of the models and what alternative views the models provide in relation to the assumption of deterministic firm growth. The study opens fresh perspectives to methodology and assumptions of the configuration studies and provides guidelines for future research

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    Knowledge as a competitive entrepreneurial asset: concepts and practices by early-stage entrepreneurs in creative industries

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    Industries linked to and built on creativity and design have been described as backbones of a modern economy by the likes of Florida (2002; 2005). Simultaneously, net job creation in advanced economies has been dependent on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and micro-sized companies. These resource-constrained enterprises operate in the context of a knowledge economy that underlines the key role of knowledge as a source of advantage. As Moore (2000) claims, knowledge intensity creates entrepreneurial opportunities and results to offer an advantage. However, the modern volatile era is rendering companies knowledge obsolescence. Despite the key role of a unique knowledge base in micro-sized companies’ and SMEs’ reason for existence and growth, actions on knowledge in this cohort are often implicit and lack processes (Saukkonen and Kreus, 2018). Furthermore, the current view of knowledge management (KM) stretches the realm of KM beyond the ability to create. Action on knowledge contains sub-processes of knowledge creation, maintenance, renewal, organisation, and transference, for example (Wiig, 1997). The paper studies the way entrepreneurs express the nature of knowledge in the enterprise and in relation to their personal entrepreneur role. Light is shed on the principles and practices of KM in entrepreneurial firms. The research is an exploratory and interpretative case study, revealing patterns of thoughts and behaviour in the companies studied. A sample of seven companies whose business activity is based on design and creativity were interviewed in-depth. The collected qualitative case data is thematically content-analysed to constitute a model of companies’ development trajectory in relation to knowledge. The study contributes to academic knowledge both in the areas of entrepreneurial studies as well as in KM. The practical contributions serve creativity-connected industries and early-stage entrepreneurs who can use the results to plan and foresee their KM
