781 research outputs found

    IVIg dose increase in multifocal motor neuropathy: A prospective six month follow-up

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    In this prospective, non-randomized 6-month observational study we evaluated the efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) dose increase in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). Diagnosis according to AAEM criteria, repetitive IVIg treatment for at least one year, persistent paresis and conduction block, stable symptoms and findings for at least six months were inclusion criteria. Nine patients (7 men) were identified and approved to standardized increase of IVIg dose. Patients were monitored using clinical scores and electrophysiological studies. Dose was increased from a baseline of 0.5 g/kg per month [mean, range: 0.1-1.1], given at variable intervals [4-12 weeks] to 1.2 g/kg per month given over 3 consecutive days planned for 6 cycles. If the patients' motor function did not improve after two cycles they entered step two: Dose was increased to 2 g/kg per month given over 5 consecutive days. The increased dose was maintained for 6 months. Assessments were performed by the same investigator, not involved in the patient's management, at baseline, after 2 and after 6 months. Following dose increase, motor function significantly improved in 6 patients (p = 0.014), 2 patients entered step two, 1 patient withdrew due to absent efficacy. Higher doses of IVIg caused more side effects, however, transient and rarely severe (p = 0.014). IVIg dose increase may improve motor functions in patients with stable MMN on long-term IVIg therapy independent of baseline dose. Improvement of motor function was associated with shorter disease duration (p = 0.008), but not with degree of muscle atrophy (p = 0.483). The treatment strategy to try to find the lowest effective dose and the longest tolerated interval might lead to underdosing in the long-term in many patient

    Enhanced granular medium-based tube press hardening

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    Active and passive control strategies of internal pressure for hot forming of tubes and profiles with granular media are described. Force transmission and plastic deformation of granular medium is experimentally investigated. Friction between tube, granular medium and die as also the external stress field are shown to be essential for the process understanding. Wrinkling, thinning and insufficient forming of the tube establishes the process window for the active pressure process. By improving the punch geometry and controlling tribological conditions, the process limits are extended. Examples for the passive pressure process reveal new opportunities for hot forming of tubes and profiles.Comment: 4 pages, 11 figure

    Profiling of the Microbiome Associated With Nitrogen Removal During Vermifiltration of Wastewater From a Commercial Dairy

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    Vermifiltration is a biological treatment process during which earthworms (e.g., Eisenia fetida) and microorganisms reduce the organic load of wastewater. To infer microbial pathways responsible for nutrient conversion, past studies characterized the microbiota in vermifilters and suggested that nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria play a significant role during this wastewater treatment process. In contrast to previous studies, which were limited by low-resolution sequencing methods, the work presented here utilized next generation sequencing to survey in greater detail the microbiota of wastewater from a commercial dairy during various stages of vermifiltration. To complement sequence analysis, nitrogenous compounds in and gaseous emissions from the wastewater were measured. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene profiles from untreated wastewater, vermifilter influent, and vermifilter effluent suggested that members of Comamonadaceae, a family of the Betaproteobacteria involved in denitrification, increased in abundance during the vermifiltration process. Subsequent functional gene analysis indicated an increased abundance of nitrification genes in the effluent and suggested that the nitrogen removal during vermifiltration is due to the microbial conversion of ammonia, a finding that was also supported by the water chemistry and emission data. This study demonstrates that microbial communities are the main drivers behind reducing the nitrogen load of dairy wastewater during vermifiltration, providing a valuable knowledge framework for more sustainable and economical wastewater management strategies for commercial dairies

    Transition from van-der-Waals to H Bonds dominated Interaction in n-Propanol physisorbed on Graphite

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    Multilayer sorption isotherms of 1-propanol on graphite have been measured by means of high-resolution ellipsometry within the liquid regime of the adsorbed film for temperatures ranging from 180 to 260 K. In the first three monolayers the molecules are oriented parallel to the substrate and the growth is roughly consistent with the Frenkel-Halsey-Hill-model (FHH) that is obeyed in van-der-Waals systems on strong substrates. The condensation of the fourth and higher layers is delayed with respect to the FHH-model. The fourth layer is actually a bilayer. Furthermore there is indication of a wetting transition. The results are interpreted in terms of hydrogen-bridge bonding within and between the layers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Myocardial tagging for the analysis left ventricular function

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    8. Conclusions: Based on our measurements following observations were made: (1) The left ventricle performs a systolic wringing motion which occurs mainly during isovolumic contraction. (2) Diastolic untwisting is found predominantly during isovolumic relaxation and occurs opposite to systolic rotation. (3) After myocardial infarction regional shortening is reduced in infarcted and remote regions. Predominantly diastolic untwisting is delayed and prolonged. (4) In patients with aortic stenosis apical rotation is enhanced, whereas diastolic untwisting is significantly inhibited, which explains the diastolic dysfunction in these patients. Myocardial tagging makes an accurate regional wall motion analysis and the assessment of cardiac rotation possible and, thus, allow new insight into the mechanical function of the hear

    Characterizing Approaches to Digital Transformation: Development of a Taxonomy of Digital Units

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    Confronted with the imperatives of an increasingly digital world, organizations are challenged to maintain the exploitation of existing revenue sources while simultaneously exploring novel paths for a digital future. One option to manage this organizational ambidexterity and to foster innovation activities within the companies is to implement digital units. However, although the introduction of digital units has increasingly become common practice for organizations, a high uncertainty about the nature of such units remains. Therefore, we develop a taxonomy to characterize digital units by building on pertinent literature in the fields of digital transformation, organizational ambidexterity, and organizational design. In combination with employing a qualitative-empirical research approach, we contribute to existing literature by offering an initial characterization of digital units and a first empirical application of our taxonomy. We also provide descriptive findings on digital units in practice and offer insights for companies that consider to implement such specific units

    Nature of topological protection in photonic spin and valley Hall insulators

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    Recent interest in optical analogs to the quantum spin Hall and quantum valley Hall effects is driven by the promise to establish topologically protected photonic edge modes at telecommunication and optical wavelengths on a simple platform suitable for industrial applications. While first theoretical and experimental efforts have been made, these approaches so far both lack a rigorous understanding of the nature of topological protection and the limits of backscattering immunity. We here use a generic group theoretical methodology to fill this gap and obtain general design principles for purely dielectric two-dimensional topological photonic systems. The method comprehensively characterizes possible two-dimensional hexagonal designs and reveals their topological nature, potential, and limits

    Perspektiven der ethnographischen Grenzregimeforschung: Grenze als Konfliktzone

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    In den vergangenen Jahren wurden wir Zeug*innen einer verstärkten Wiederkehr nationaler und regionaler Grenzapparaturen auf dem europäischen Kontinent: Zäune, Gräben, Wachtürme, Lager und weitere technologische Apparate sowie gezielte Rechtsverletzungen prägen die derzeitigen Stabilisierungsversuche des europäischen Grenzregimes nach dem ›langen Sommer der Migration‹ 2015. Im Zuge dessen werden die unterschiedlichen Regierungstechnologien und Paradigmen, welche den konfliktiven Aushandlungsprozess des EU-europäischen Grenzregimes in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten geformt haben, einem Wandel unterzogen und neu justiert. Mit Blick auf diesen Prozess des europäischen ›Re-Borderings‹ widmet sich der vorliegende Beitrag zunächst der Frage, wie die Grenze in Bezug auf die Migrationskontrolle in den internationalen ›border studies‹ in den vergangenen Jahren gedacht wurde. Mit den Ausführungen zur These der ›Autonomie der Migration‹ und dem Verständnis von Migration als konstitutive Kraft für gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse zeigt der Beitrag weiter, wie uns die Perspektive der Migration bereits Anfang der 2000er Jahre dazu brachte, die Analytik und Methodologie der ethnographischen Grenzregimeanalyse zu konzipieren. Perspectives of Ethnographic Border Regime Research: Border as Conflict Zone In recent years we have witnessed an increased recurrence of national and regional border apparatuses on the European continent: fences, ditches, watchtowers, camps, and other technological devices as well as deliberate legal violations characterize the current attempts of stabilizing the European border regime after the long summer of migration in 2015. During these, the different governmental technologies and paradigms that have shaped the conflictive negotiation process of the EU-European border regime over the past decades, are modified and readjusted. Regarding this process of European re-bordering, this article will first address the question of how the border has been conceived in relation to migration control within the international border studies in recent years. Referring to the thesis of the ›autonomy of migration‹ and the understanding of migration as a constitutive force for social transformation processes, the article further shows how the perspective of migration inspired us to conceive the analytics and methodology of ethnographic border regime analysis back in the early 2000s
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