9,164 research outputs found

    A kinetic model describing the processivity of Myosin-V

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    The precise details of how myosin-V coordinates the biochemical reactions and mechanical motions of its two head elements to engineer effective processive molecular motion along actin filaments remain unresolved. We compare a quantitative kinetic model of the myosin-V walk, consisting of five basic states augmented by two further states to allow for futile hydrolysis and detachments, with experimental results for run lengths, velocities, and dwell times and their dependence on bulk nucleotide concentrations and external loads in both directions. The model reveals how myosin-V can use the internal strain in the molecule to synchronize the motion of the head elements. Estimates for the rate constants in the reaction cycle and the internal strain energy are obtained by a computational comparison scheme involving an extensive exploration of the large parameter space. This scheme exploits the fact that we have obtained analytic results for our reaction network, e.g., for the velocity but also the run length, diffusion constant, and fraction of backward steps. The agreement with experiment is often reasonable but some open problems are highlighted, in particular the inability of such a general model to reproduce the reported dependence of run length on ADP concentration. The novel way that our approach explores parameter space means that any confirmed discrepancies should give new insights into the reaction network model

    Interlayer coherent composite Fermi liquid phase in quantum Hall bilayers

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    Composite fermions have played a seminal role in understanding the quantum Hall effect, particularly the formation of a compressible `composite Fermi liquid' (CFL) at filling factor nu = 1/2. Here we suggest that in multi-layer systems interlayer Coulomb repulsion can similarly generate `metallic' behavior of composite fermions between layers, even if the electrons remain insulating. Specifically, we propose that a quantum Hall bilayer with nu = 1/2 per layer at intermediate layer separation may host such an interlayer coherent CFL, driven by exciton condensation of composite fermions. This phase has a number of remarkable properties: the presence of `bonding' and `antibonding' composite Fermi seas, compressible behavior with respect to symmetric currents, and fractional quantum Hall behavior in the counterflow channel. Quantum oscillations associated with the Fermi seas give rise to a new series of incompressible states at fillings nu = p/[2(p \pm 1)] per layer (p an integer), which is a bilayer analogue of the Jain sequence.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Phase Diagram for a 2-D Two-Temperature Diffusive XY Model

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we determine the phase diagram of a diffusive two-temperature XY model. When the two temperatures are equal the system becomes the equilibrium XY model with the continuous Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) vortex-antivortex unbinding phase transition. When the two temperatures are unequal the system is driven by an energy flow through the system from the higher temperature heat-bath to the lower temperature one and reaches a far-from-equilibrium steady state. We show that the nonequilibrium phase diagram contains three phases: A homogenous disordered phase and two phases with long range, spin-wave order. Two critical lines, representing continuous phase transitions from a homogenous disordered phase to two phases of long range order, meet at the equilibrium the KT point. The shape of the nonequilibrium critical lines as they approach the KT point is described by a crossover exponent of phi = 2.52 \pm 0.05. Finally, we suggest that the transition between the two phases with long-range order is first-order, making the KT-point where all three phases meet a bicritical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Halo detection via large-scale Bayesian inference

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    We present a proof-of-concept of a novel and fully Bayesian methodology designed to detect halos of different masses in cosmological observations subject to noise and systematic uncertainties. Our methodology combines the previously published Bayesian large-scale structure inference algorithm, HADES, and a Bayesian chain rule (the Blackwell-Rao Estimator), which we use to connect the inferred density field to the properties of dark matter halos. To demonstrate the capability of our approach we construct a realistic galaxy mock catalogue emulating the wide-area 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey, which has a median redshift of approximately 0.05. Application of HADES to the catalogue provides us with accurately inferred three-dimensional density fields and corresponding quantification of uncertainties inherent to any cosmological observation. We then use a cosmological simulation to relate the amplitude of the density field to the probability of detecting a halo with mass above a specified threshold. With this information we can sum over the HADES density field realisations to construct maps of detection probabilities and demonstrate the validity of this approach within our mock scenario. We find that the probability of successful of detection of halos in the mock catalogue increases as a function of the signal-to-noise of the local galaxy observations. Our proposed methodology can easily be extended to account for more complex scientific questions and is a promising novel tool to analyse the cosmic large-scale structure in observations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS following moderate correction

    Algebraic vortex liquid theory of a quantum antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice

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    There is growing evidence from both experiment and numerical studies that low half-odd integer quantum spins on a kagome lattice with predominant antiferromagnetic near neighbor interactions do not order magnetically or break lattice symmetries even at temperatures much lower than the exchange interaction strength. Moreover, there appear to be a plethora of low energy excitations, predominantly singlets but also spin carrying, which suggest that the putative underlying quantum spin liquid is a gapless ``critical spin liquid'' rather than a gapped spin liquid with topological order. Here, we develop an effective field theory approach for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with easy-plane anisotropy on the kagome lattice. By employing a vortex duality transformation, followed by a fermionization and flux-smearing, we obtain access to a gapless yet stable critical spin liquid phase, which is described by (2+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED3_3) with an emergent SU(8)\mathrm{SU}(8) flavor symmetry. The specific heat, thermal conductivity, and dynamical structure factor are extracted from the effective field theory, and contrasted with other theoretical approaches to the kagome antiferromagnet.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    In-situ measurements of the optical absorption of dioxythiophene-based conjugated polymers

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    Conjugated polymers can be reversibly doped by electrochemical means. This doping introduces new sub-bandgap optical absorption bands in the polymer while decreasing the bandgap absorption. To study this behavior, we have prepared an electrochemical cell allowing measurements of the optical properties of the polymer. The cell consists of a thin polymer film deposited on gold-coated Mylar behind which is another polymer that serves as a counterelectrode. An infrared transparent window protects the upper polymer from ambient air. By adding a gel electrolyte and making electrical connections to the polymer-on-gold films, one may study electrochromism in a wide spectral range. As the cell voltage (the potential difference between the two electrodes) changes, the doping level of the conjugated polymer films is changed reversibly. Our experiments address electrochromism in poly(3,4-ethylene-dioxy-thiophene) (PEDOT) and poly(3,4-dimethyl-propylene-dioxy-thiophene) (PProDOT-Me2_2). This closed electrochemical cell allows the study of the doping induced sub-bandgap features (polaronic and bipolaronic modes) in these easily oxidized and highly redox switchable polymers. We also study the changes in cell spectra as a function of polymer thickness and investigate strategies to obtain cleaner spectra, minimizing the contributions of water and gel electrolyte features

    Collapse of a Molecular Cloud Core to Stellar Densities: The First Three-Dimensional Calculations

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    We present results from the first three-dimensional calculations ever to follow the collapse of a molecular cloud core (~ 10^{-18} g cm^{-3}) to stellar densities (> 0.01 g cm^{-3}). The calculations resolve structures over 7 orders of magnitude in spatial extent (~ 5000 AU - 0.1 R_\odot), and over 17 orders of magnitude in density contrast. With these calculations, we consider whether fragmentation to form a close binary stellar system can occur during the second collapse phase. We find that, if the quasistatic core that forms before the second collapse phase is dynamically unstable to the growth of non-axisymmetric perturbations, the angular momentum extracted from the central regions of the core, via gravitational torques, is sufficient to prevent fragmentation and the formation of a close binary during the subsequent second collapse.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press (will appear in Nov 20 issue; available from the ApJ Rapid Release web page). 7 pages, incl. 5 figures. Also available at http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/theory/bat