52 research outputs found

    Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse der automatisierten Verwaltung unstrukturierter Daten im Information Lifecycle Management

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    Ziel von Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) ist die Klassifizierung und kostengünstige Verwaltung von Informationen. Informationen, auf die in einem Unternehmen oft zugegriffen wird, können von Informationen mit geringerer Zugriffshäufigkeit getrennt und den Unternehmensanforderungen entsprechend auf dem jeweils sinnvollsten Speichermedium bereitgestellt und verwaltet werden. Das rasche Datenwachstum, hohe Speicher-, Administrations- und Betriebskosten sowie zahlreiche rechtliche Anforderungen sind die wesentlichen Gründe für die Entstehung von ILM. Zur Analyse des Kosten- und Nutzenverhältnisses, das bei der Implementierung und Anwendung von ILM entsteht, wird in dieser Arbeit ein Verfahren für die Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse zur Verwaltung unstrukturierter Daten im ILM konstruiert, implementiert, demonstriert und evaluiert. Es werden Klassifizierungs-, Verlagerungs- und Kostenfunktionen implementiert, um die Entstehung von Kosten und Kostensenkungspotentialen für verschiedene Nutzungsgrade von Informationen zu simulieren und auszuwerten. Es wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss die automatisierte Klassifizierung und Verwaltung unterschiedlich großer Datenmengen mit variierenden Zugriffshäufigkeiten und Nutzungsgraden auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit des ILM hat. Neben unternehmensinternen Speichermedien wird die Verwaltung von Daten im Cloud Computing in die Betrachtungen einbezogen. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert eine Literaturanalyse zu den Konzepten ILM und Cloud Computing sowie einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag dazu, sowohl rechtliche als auch funktionale und technische Anforderungen an ILM und Cloud Computing zu erörtern. Beendet wird die Arbeit durch eine Zusammenfassung sowie eine kritische Würdigung der Ergebnisse. Ein Ausblick gibt Hinweise und Verbesserungsvorschläge hinsichtlich der Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse unstrukturierter Daten im Information Lifecycle Management.The aim of Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is the classification and cost-effective management of information. Highly accessed information should be separated from information with low access rates with the goal to use enterprise storage according to usage and business needs. The rapid growth of information, increasing storage-, administration- and operating costs as well as legal requirements are the main reasons for the emergence of ILM. To analyze the cost-benefit ratio resulting from implementing and running ILM, a method for the economic analysis for managing unstructured data in ILM is designed, implemented, demonstrated and evaluated. The author is implementing classification, displacement and cost functions to simulate the formation of costs and cost reduction potentials for different access rates and lifecycles of information. Automated classification is used for different volumes of data with varying access frequencies and degrees of utilization. Cloud Computing is included in the considerations as a way to store and manage data in addition to internal enterprise storage. The present study provides a literature review on ILM concepts and cloud computing. Legal, functional and technical requirements for ILM and Cloud Computing are discussed. A summary and a critical assessment of the results is finishing the work. A lookout gives hints and suggestions for improving the economic analysis of unstructured data in Information Lifecycle Management

    Technical Report No. 2006-04, July 2006

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    Ilmenauer Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik Nr. 2006-04 / Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, ISSN 1861-9223 ISBN 3-938940-08-

    PRO B: evaluating the effect of an alarm-based patient-reported outcome monitoring compared with usual care in metastatic breast cancer patients—study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Despite the progress of research and treatment for breast cancer, still up to 30% of the patients afflicted will develop distant disease. Elongation of survival and maintaining the quality of life (QoL) become pivotal issues guiding the treatment decisions. One possible approach to optimise survival and QoL is the use of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to timely identify acute disease-related burden. We present the protocol of a trial that investigates the effect of real-time PRO data captured with electronic mobile devices on QoL in female breast cancer patients with metastatic disease. Methods: This study is a randomised, controlled trial with 1:1 randomisation between two arms. A total of 1000 patients will be recruited in 40 selected breast cancer centres. Patients in the intervention arm receive a weekly request via an app to complete the PRO survey. Symptoms will be assessed by study-specific optimised short forms based on the EORTC QLQ-C30 domains using items from the EORTC CAT item banks. In case of deteriorating PRO scores, an alarm is sent to the treating study centre as well as to the PRO B study office. Following the alarm, the treating breast cancer centre is required to contact the patient to inquire about the reported symptoms and to intervene, if necessary. The intervention is not specified and depends on the clinical need determined by the treating physician. Patients in the control arm are prompted by the app every 3 months to participate in the PRO survey, but their response will not trigger an alarm. The primary outcome is the fatigue level 6 months after enrolment. Secondary endpoints include among others hospitalisations, use of rescue services and overall QoL. Discussion: Within the PRO B intervention group, we expect lower fatigue levels 6 months after intervention start, higher levels of QoL, less unplanned hospitalisations and less emergency room visits compared to controls. In case of positive results, our approach would allow a fast and easy transfer into clinical practice due to the use of the already nationwide existing IT infrastructure of the German Cancer Society and the independent certification institute OnkoZert

    Breaking Bad : a highly praised TV Show

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    Testing the Janzen-Connell model for species diversity in a West African montane forest.

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    A major question in ecology is 'why are tropical forests so species diverse?' One hypothesis to explain tropical species diversity is the Janzen-Connell hypothesis. This model assumes high levels of host-specific seed and seedling predation and / or pathogen attack when seedlings occur at high density near to the parent tree; seedlings are more likey to survive and reach maturity the further they are away from parents / conspecific adults. Theoretically this should lead to a random distribution of each species in the forest, which in turn will lead to high species diversity. Here I test the Janzen-Connell hypothesis for the first time in a submontane dry forest in Nigeria, West Africa. Specifically I tested whether or not a) leaf herbivory decreases and b) seedling survival increases with distance from parent / conspecific adult trees. These two components were tested separately on naturally occurring seedlings and on experimentally planted seedlings. I also tested whether or not conspecific adult trees showed clumped distributions by testing if conspecific nearest neighbours were observed more often than would be expected by chance alone. Naturally occurring seedlings of three species, Pouteria altissima, Newtonia buchananii and Isolona pleurocarpa showed significantly greater survival at distances away from parent / conspecific adult trees. Two out of a total of three species (Entandrophragma angolense, Deinbollia pinnata and Sterculia pinnata) of experimentally planted seedlings showed increased survival at distances away from conspecific adult trees, but this trend was non-significant. Leaf herbivory decreased with distance from parent / conspecific adult trees for four out of a total of six study species, but all relationships of leaf herbivory with distance for these six species were non-significant. Of two individual species, Anthonotha noldeae and Carapa procera, and two species groups tested for clumping, all had a greater number of conspecific nearest neighbours than would be expected to occur by chance alone, and this was significant for the two species groups. The decreased survival of seedlings under parent / conspecific adult trees is likely to maintain tree species diversity in West African submontane forests as predicted by the Janzen-Connell model. The role of host specific seedling herbivores in reducing recruitment under parent / conspecific adult trees requires further investigation. Although conspecific adults showed some degree of clumping no conclusion was reached as to whether this was evidence for or against the Janzen-Connell model

    The treatment of infant sleep disturbance by implementing an incremental graduated planned ignoring programme at bedtime-only

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    Infant sleep disturbance has been treated effectively using an incremental graduated planned ignoring programme at bedtime and throughout the night. In partial replication of a study done by Mindell and Durand (1993), this study looked at whether using this programme at bedtime-only would be effective in the treatment infant sleep disturbance. The assumption was that, following the intervention at bedtime-only, either the infant's and/or the parents behaviour would generalise from that used at bedtime to that used during subsequent night wakings. The generalisati was expected to result in a decrease in the problem behaviours that had previously followed night wakings. The use of the incremental graduated planned ignoring programme at bedtime-only involved parents deciding on a set bedtime and bedtime routine. By the end of the bedtime routine the infant was to be awake and in the cot. Parents were to wake for increasing periods of time before attending to their infant i he/she signalled once left to fall asleep in the cot. Parents were able to treat their infant's night wakings in whatever manner they chose. A single subject, multiple baseline design was used to determine the effectiveness of this programme in treating seven infants and their families. Three measures were calculated (1) initial sleep-on delay, (2) frequency of night wakings, and (3) night sleep-onset delay. Results show that the use of the programme at bedtime-only was effective in treating sleep disturb infants. Only the parents' behaviour was seen to generalise following the interventio No generalisation was noted in the infants behaviour. It was concluded that the success of this bedtime-only intervention, in treating both bedtime and night-time problems, rested on the generalisation in the parents' behavior

    Christlicher TrauerSermon/ Als Den 31. Martii des 1647. Jahres ... Johan[n] Dieterichs ... von Taube ... abgeseelter Cörper in der Pfarrkirchen zu Altdorff ... beygesetzet worden

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    Auff Des ... Herrn Claus von Tauben ... Begehren und Verordnung zur Hartha gehalten ... Durch Johannem Matthesium, verordneten Pfarrern zu Schmiedefeld und HarthaFingerprint nach Ex. der GWLB HannoverVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks im Kolophon: Gedruckt zu Dreßdem Bey Gimel Bergens/ Chur-Fürstlicher Durchlauchtigkeit zu Sachsen/ Hofe-Buchdruckers Sel. Erben. Im Jahr/ 1648

    Direct access: what it means

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    Theses De Qualitatibus Primis, De quibus Disputatio secunda instituetur ad diem 4 Martii, hora & loco consuetis

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    THESES DE QUALITATIBUS PRIMIS, DE QUIBUS DISPUTATIO SECUNDA INSTITUETUR AD DIEM 4 MARTII, HORA & LOCO CONSUETIS Theses De Qualitatibus Primis, De quibus Disputatio secunda instituetur ad diem 4 Martii, hora & loco consuetis ([1]r) Titelseite ([1]r) Widmung ([1]v) Thesen ([2]r) Corollaria ([6]r) Beiträge ([6]r