39 research outputs found

    Experimental tests on a hybrid timber-frame wall system

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    This paper presents an innovative lateral load-resisting wall system, which is an evolution of the light-timber frame (LTF) shear walls currently available on the market. In comparison to traditional LTF walls, the novelty aspect is the use of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) beams and studs instead of solid timber elements. Thanks to this \u2018hybrid\u2019 approach, this new system combines some peculiar aspects of LTF structures (such as the limited weight and the high dissipative behaviour) with the potentials of CLT. Moreover, the use of CLT elements limits the issues due to the compressive deformations on bottom beams and permits to employ some innovative connections with high mechanical properties. Cyclic shear tests are carried out on two configurations of interest, assembled by considering different layouts of the load-bearing elements. Test results are compared to the experimental data obtained on similar LTF systems and differences are critically discussed

    Thick disk kinematics from RAVE and the solar motion

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    Radial velocity surveys such as the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) provide us with measurements of hundreds of thousands of nearby stars most of which belong to the Galactic thin, thick disk or halo. Ideally, to study the Galactic disks (both thin and thick) one should make use of the multi-dimensional phase-space and the whole pattern of chemical abundances of their stellar populations. In this paper, with the aid of the RAVE Survey, we study the thin and thick disks of the Milky Way, focusing on the latter. We present a technique to disentangle the stellar content of the two disks based on the kinematics and other stellar parameters such as the surface gravity of the stars. Using the Padova Galaxy Model, we checked the ability of our method to correctly isolate the thick disk component from the Galaxy mixture of stellar populations. We introduce selection criteria in order to clean the observed radial velocities from the Galactic differential rotation and to take into account the partial sky coverage of RAVE. We developed a numerical technique to statistically disentangle thin and thick disks from their mixture. We deduce the components of the solar motion relative to the Local Standard of Rest (LSR) in the radial and vertical direction, the rotational lag of the thick disk component relative to the LSR, and the square root of the absolute value of the velocity dispersion tensor for the thick disk alone. The analysis of the thin disk is presented in another paper. We find good agreement with previous independent parameter determinations. In our analysis we used photometrically determined distances. In the Appendix we show that similar values can be found for the thick disk alone as derived in the main sections of our paper even without the knowledge of photometric distances.Comment: accepted on A&A, please see companion paper "THIN disk kinem...

    The GCC repeat length in the 5'UTR of MRP1 gene is polymorphic: a functional characterization of its relevance for cystic fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: Among the members of the ATP binding cassette transporter superfamily, MRPs share the closest homology with the CFTR protein, which is defective in CF disease. MRP1 has been proposed as a potential modifier gene and/or as novel target for pharmacotherapy of CF to explain the clinical benefits observed in some CF patients treated with the macrolide AZM. The 5'UTR of the MRP1 gene contains a GCC triplet repeat that could represent a polymorphic site and affect the activity of the promoter. METHODS: The MRP1 5' flanking region was amplified by PCR from 36 CF patients and 100 non-CF subjects and the number of GCC triplets of each allele was determined by sequence and electrophoretic analysis. We performed gene reporter studies in CF airway epithelial cells 16HBE14o-AS3, in basal conditions and in the presence of AZM. RESULTS: We found that the GCC repeat is polymorphic, ranging from 7 to 14 triplets either in CF or in non-CF subjects. Our data are preliminary and have to be confirmed on a larger population of CF subjects. The transcriptional activity of the proximal MRP1 5' regulatory region revealed no statistically significant correlations between the number of repeats and treatment with AZM. CONCLUSION: We identified a novel polymorphism in the 5'UTR of MRP1 gene that provides multiple alleles in a gene relevant for multidrug resistance as well as for CF, determining that this region is transcriptionally active and that this activity does not appear to be influenced by AZM treatment

    Ruolo di sitemi redoz nell'attivazione intracellulare di farmaci e tossine

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    Lo stato d\u2019ossidoriduzione (\u201credox buffer\u201d) della cellula \ue8 regolato principalmente da due sistemi: Glutatione Reduttasi /Glutaredossina Tioredossina Reduttasi / Tioredossina La tioredossina reduttasi (TrxR) e la glutatione reduttasi (GR) appartengono alla famiglia delle piridin nucleotide-disolfide ossidoreduttasi a cui sono ascritti anche enzimi come la lipoamide deidrogenasi, tripanitione reduttasi e la ione-mercurio reduttasi. Essi sono inoltre dei flavoenzimi, in quanto ciascun monomero di cui si compone l\u2019omodimero che li costituisce, contiene come gruppo prostetico una molecola di FAD. Il sito attivo contiene anche un sito di binding per il NADPH. Durante la catalisi gli equivalenti riducenti sono trasferiti dal NADPH al substrato attraverso una molecola di FAD. Il sistema tioredossinico, quindi, \ue8 composto dalla tioredossina (Trx) e dalla tioredossina reduttasi (TrxR) e gioca un ruolo importante nella regolazione dello stato redox della cellula [Holmgren, 1985]. Un substrato classico di tioredossina reduttasi \ue8 costituito da tioredossina (Trx). In questo sistema enzimatico, il flusso degli elettroni va dalla molecola di NADPH alla Trx. Tioredossina ridotta \ue8 quindi in grado di ridurre il proprio substrato (figura 1). Il sistema TrxR/Trx \ue8 largamente distribuito tra i procarioti e gli eucarioti ed \ue8 coinvolto in molti processi cellulari quali la sintesi di desossiribonucleotidi [Laurent et al., 1964], il controllo redox di numerosi fattori di trascrizione, protezione contro stress ossidativo [Nakamura et al., 1997], crescita cellulare e cancro.not availabl

    Ensemble Kalman Filter vs Particle Filter in a Physically Based Coupled Model of Surface-Subsurface Flow (Invited)

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    Data assimilation (DA) has recently received growing interest by the hydrological modeling community due to its capability to merge observations into model prediction. Among the many DA methods available, the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and the Particle Filter (PF) are suitable alternatives for applications to detailed physically-based hydrological models. For each assimilation period, both methods use a Monte Carlo approach to approximate the state probability distribution (in terms of mean and covariance matrix) by a finite number of independent model trajectories, also called particles or realizations. The two approaches differ in the way the filtering distribution is evaluated. EnKF implements the classical Kalman filter, optimal only for linear dynamics and Gaussian error statistics. Particle filters, instead, use directly the recursive formula of the sequential Bayesian framework and approximate the posterior probability distributions by means of appropriate weights associated to each realization. We use the Sequential Importance Resampling (SIR) technique, which retains only the most probable particles, in practice the trajectories closest in a statistical sense to the observations, and duplicates them when needed. In contrast to EnKF, particle filters make no assumptions on the form of the prior distribution of the model state, and convergence to the true state is ensured for large enough ensemble size. In this study EnKF and PF have been implemented in a physically based catchment simulator that couples a three-dimensional finite element Richards equation solver with a finite difference diffusion wave approximation based on a digital elevation data for surface water dynamics. We report on the retrieval performance of the two schemes using a three-dimensional tilted v-catchment synthetic test case in which multi-source observations are assimilated (pressure head, soil moisture, and streamflow data). The comparison between the results of the two approaches allows to discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses, both physical and numerical, of EnKF and PF and to learn the implications related to the choice of the statistics used to build the ensemble of realizations

    Una nueva propuesta de propulsor con eje vertical

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    A new vertical axis propulsion system with orbital paddles (called Bivortix system) is currently under review and in the experimental stage; this system is constituted by a pair of contra-rotating impellers, which provide directional thrust to 360°, allowing in each case a central thrust to axis, avoiding parasitic components. The system has been patented worldwide and so far n.2 working prototypes have been made, which have been tested in the towing tank of Trieste University and at the Vienna Model Basin. A boat, called Proteus, has been built and the first propeller prototype has been installed and tested at full scale; the results obtained showed very advanced capabilities concerning the maneuverability, the crash stop test and the good efficiency as regards the thrust. The results obtained as regards the efficiency were better than expected and the prototypes are currently being optimized. The system proves suitable to inland waterways, possessing a limited height of the blades outside the hull, the absence of rudders and the ability to perform maneuvers to 360°. Also the use in offshore activities can be suggested for its high efficiency and its maneuver capabilities. In the paper its functioning principles, the experimental processes carried out during the investigations and some significant results will be presented and discussed.Un nuevo sistema de propulsión a eje vertical con palas orbitales (llamado sistema Bivortix) está actualmente siendo evaluado y se encuentra en etapa experimental; este sistema está constituido por un par de rotores contro-rotantes, que dan empuje direccional a 360°, permitiendo en cada caso un empuje central al eje, evitando componentes parasíticos. El sistema ha sido patentado alrededor del mundo y hasta ahora se han hecho dos (2) prototipos que funcionan, y que han sido probados en el canal de remolque de la Universidad de Trieste y en el canal de ensayos de Viena. Un bote, llamado Proteus, ha sido construido y el primer prototipo de propulsor ha sido instalado y probado a escala real; los resultados obtenidos demostraron capacidades muy avanzadas con respecto a la maniobrabilidad, las pruebas “crash stop test” y una buena eficiencia con respecto al empuje. Los resultados obtenidos concernientes a la eficiencia fueron mejores de lo que se esperaba y los prototipos están siendo optimizados actualmente. El sistema demuestra ser adecuado para la navegación interna, al tener una altura limitada de las palas fuera del casco, la ausencia de timones y la habilidad para realizar maniobras a 360°. Además, el uso en actividades offshore puede ser sugerido por su alta eficiencia y sus capacidades de maniobrabilidad. En el artículo los principios de funcionamiento, los procesos experimentales llevados a cabo durante las investigaciones y algunos resultados significantes serán presentados y discutidos

    A New Proposal of a Vertical Axis Propeller

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    A new vertical axis propulsion system with orbital paddles (called Bivortix system) is currently under review and in the experimental stage; this system is constituted by a pair of counter-rotating impellers, which provide directional thrust to 360\ub0, allowing in each case a central thrust to axis, avoiding parasitic components. The system has been patented worldwide and so far have been made n.2 working prototypes, which have been tested in the towing tank of Trieste University and at the Vienna basin. A boat, called Proteus, has been built and the first propeller prototype has been installed and tested at full scale; the results obtained showed very advanced capabilities concerning the maneuverability, the stop and crash test and the good efficiency as regards the thrust. The results obtained as regards the efficiency were better than expected and the prototypes are currently being optimized. The system proves suitable to inland waterways, possessing a limited height of the blades outside the hull, the absence of rudders and the ability to perform maneuvers to 360\ub0. Also the use in offshore activities can be suggested for its high efficiency and its maneuver capabilities. In the paper its functioning principles, the experimental processes carried out during the investigations and some significant results will be presented and discussed

    Improving Groundwater Modeling by Coupled HydroGeophysical Data Assimilation

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    A sequential Bayesian approach for joint assimilation of hydrological and geophysical data in a variably saturated flow model is presented. The study aims to improve simulation results and system understanding by assimilation of multiple type data using a Monte Carlo approach and avoiding the inversion of the geophysical measurements. A SIR based particle filter data assimilation is implemented in a 3D variably saturated flow model. Point measurements are directly assimilated in time while spatial information are blended in the simulation by assimilating Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) measurements. To avoid the inversion of the latter, a forward 3D model of electrical current distribution is implemented as the measurements model in the data assimilation algorithm. The connection with the hydrological parameters occurs via the Archie's law. A synthetic test case is used to test the assimilation of pressure data, ERT data and the joint assimilation of pressure and ERT data. Performance of the proposed modelling approach are evaluated in terms of predicton efficiency and parameter estimation. Perspectives and limitations of coupled hydrogeophysical data assimilation are discussed

    Extraction of Defeasible Proofs as Explanations

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    peer reviewedHoudini is a Defeasible Deontic Logic reasoner that has been recently developed in Java. The algorithm employed in Houdini follows the proof conditions of the logic to conclude propositional and deontic literals, and is an efficient solution that provides the full extension of a theory. This computation is made in a forward-chaining complete way. Effectiveness is a fundamental property of the adopted approach, but we are also interested in providing an explicit reference to the reasoning that is employed to reach a conclusion. This reasoning is a proof that corresponds to an explanation for that conclusion, and such a proof is less natural to identify in a non-monotonic framework like Defeasible Logic than it would be in a classical one. Depending on the formalism and on the algorithm, the process of reconstructing a proof from a derived conclusion can be cumbersome. Intuitively, a proof consists of a support argument in favour of a literal to be concluded. However, it is necessary also to show that this argument is strong enough, either because the are no arguments against it, or because those arguments are weaker than it. In this paper, with a slight modification of the algorithm of Houdini, we show that it is possible to extract a proof for a defeasible literal in polynomial time, and that such a proof results minimal in its depth