87 research outputs found

    Ways to Enhance Lymphocyte Trafficking into Tumors and Fitness of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes

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    The tumor is a hostile microenvironment for T lymphocytes. Indeed, irregular blood flow, and endothelial cell (EC) anergy that characterize most solid tumors hamper leukocyte adhesion, extravasation, and infiltration. In addition, hypoxia and reprograming of energy metabolism within cancer cells transform the tumor mass in a harsh environment that limits survival and effector functions of T cells, regardless of being induced in vivo by vaccination or adoptively transferred. In this review, we will summarize on recent advances in our understanding of the characteristics of tumor-associated neo-angiogenic vessels as well as of the tumor metabolism that may impact on T cell trafficking and fitness of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. In particular, we will focus on how advances in knowledge of the characteristics of tumor ECs have enabled identifying strategies to normalize the tumor-vasculature and/or overcome EC anergy, thus increasing leukocyte-vessel wall interactions and lymphocyte infiltration in tumors. We will also focus on drugs acting on cells and their released molecules to transiently render the tumor microenvironment more suitable for tumor infiltrating T lymphocytes, thus increasing the therapeutic effectiveness of both active and adoptive immunotherapies

    iNKT Cells Control Mouse Spontaneous Carcinoma Independently of Tumor-Specific Cytotoxic T Cells

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    CD1d-restricted invariant NKT (iNKT) cells are a subset of T lymphocytes endowed with innate effector functions that aid in the establishment of adaptive T and B cell immune responses. iNKT cells have been shown to play a spontaneous protective role against experimental tumors. Yet, the interplay between iNKT and tumor-specific T cells in cancer immune surveillance/editing has never been addressed. The transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (TRAMP) is a realistic model of spontaneous oncogenesis, in which the tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response undergoes full tolerance upon disease progression.We report here that lack of iNKT cells in TRAMP mice resulted in the appearance of more precocious and aggressive tumors that significantly reduced animal survival. TRAMP mice bearing or lacking iNKT cells responded similarly to a tumor-specific vaccination and developed tolerance to a tumor-associated antigen at comparable rate.Hence, our data argue for a critical role of iNKT cells in the immune surveillance of carcinoma that is independent of tumor-specific CTL

    Invariant NKT cells contribute to chronic lymphocytic leukemia surveillance and prognosis

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by the expansion of malignant CD5(+) B lymphocytes in blood, bone marrow and lymphoid organs. CD1d-restricted invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) cells are innate-like T lymphocytes strongly implicated in tumor surveillance. We investigated the impact of iNKT cells in the natural history of the disease both in EΌ;-Tcl1 (Tcl1) CLL mouse model and 68 CLL patients. We found that Tcl1-CLL cells express CD1d and iNKT cells critically delay the disease onset, but become functionally impaired upon disease progression. In patients, disease progression correlates also with high CD1d expression on CLL cells and impaired iNKT cells. Conversely, disease stability correlates with negative/low CD1d expression on CLL cells and normal iNKT cells, suggesting an indirect leukemia control. iNKT cells indeed hinder CLL survival in vitro by restraining CD1d-expressing Nurse Like Cells, a relevant pro-leukemia macrophage population. Finally, multivariate analysis identifies iNKT cell frequency as independent predictor of disease progression. Together, these results support iNKT cell contribution to CLL immune-surveillance and highlight iNKT cell frequency as prognostic marker for disease progression

    Boosting Interleukin-12 Antitumor Activity and Synergism with Immunotherapy by Targeted Delivery with isoDGR-Tagged Nanogold.

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    AbstractThe clinical use of interleukin‐12 (IL12), a cytokine endowed with potent immunotherapeutic anticancer activity, is limited by systemic toxicity. The hypothesis is addressed that gold nanoparticles tagged with a tumor‐homing peptide containing isoDGR, an αvÎČ3‐integrin binding motif, can be exploited for delivering IL12 to tumors and improving its therapeutic index. To this aim, gold nanospheres are functionalized with the head‐to‐tail cyclized‐peptide CGisoDGRG (Iso1) and murine IL12. The resulting nanodrug (Iso1/Au/IL12) is monodispersed, stable, and bifunctional in terms of αvÎČ3 and IL12‐receptor recognition. Low‐dose Iso1/Au/IL12, equivalent to 18–75 pg of IL12, induces antitumor effects in murine models of fibrosarcomas and mammary adenocarcinomas, with no evidence of toxicity. Equivalent doses of Au/IL12 (a nanodrug lacking Iso1) fail to delay tumor growth, whereas 15 000 pg of free IL12 is necessary to achieve similar effects. Iso1/Au/IL12 significantly increases tumor infiltration by innate immune cells, such as NK and iNKT cells, monocytes, and neutrophils. NK cell depletion completely inhibits its antitumor effects. Low‐dose Iso1/Au/IL12 can also increase the therapeutic efficacy of adoptive T‐cell therapy in mice with autochthonous prostate cancer. These findings indicate that coupling IL12 to isoDGR‐tagged nanogold is a valid strategy for enhancing its therapeutic index and sustaining adoptive T‐cell therapy

    Bimodal CD40/Fas-Dependent Crosstalk between iNKT Cells and Tumor-Associated Macrophages Impairs Prostate Cancer Progression

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    Heterotypic cellular and molecular interactions in the tumor microenvironment (TME) control cancer progression. Here, we show that CD1d-restricted invariant natural killer (iNKT) cells control prostate cancer (PCa) progression by sculpting the TME. In a mouse PCa model, iNKT cells restrained the proangiogenic and immunosuppressive capabilities of tumor-infiltrating immune cells by reducing proangiogenic TIE2+, M2-like macrophages (TEMs), and sustaining pro-inflammatory M1-like macrophages. iNKT cells directly contacted macrophages in the PCa stroma, and iNKT cell transfer into tumorbearing mice abated TEMs, delaying tumor progression. iNKT cells modulated macrophages through the cooperative engagement of CD1d, Fas, and CD40, which promoted selective killing of M2-like and survival of M1-like macrophages. Human PCa aggressiveness associate with reduced intra-tumoral iNKT cells, increased TEMs, and expression of pro-angiogenic genes, underscoring the clinical significance of this crosstalk. Therefore, iNKT cells may control PCa through mechanisms involving differential macrophage modulation, which may be harnessed for therapeutically reprogramming the TME

    Nitric Oxide Confers Therapeutic Activity to Dendritic Cells in a Mouse Model of Melanoma

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    Susceptibility of dendritic cells (DCs) to tumor-induced apoptosis reduces their efficacy in cancer therapy. Here we show that delivery within exponentially growing B16 melanomas of DCs treated ex vivo with nitric oxide (NO), released by the NO donor (z)-1-[2-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETA-NO), significantly reduced tumor growth, with cure of 37% of animals. DETA-NO-treated DCs became resistant to tumor-induced apoptosis because DETA-NO prevented tumor-induced changes in the expression of Bcl-2, Bax, and Bcl-xL; activation of caspase-9; and a reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential. DETA-NO also increased DC cytotoxic activity against tumor cells and DC ability to trigger T-lymphocyte proliferation. All of the effects of DETA-NO were mediated through cGMP generation. NO and NO-generating drugs may therefore be used to increase the anticancer efficacy of DCs

    Multicenter survey on emergency nurses’ perception of Numerical Rating Scale reliability at triage time in adult Emergency Department patients

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    Since pain perception is highly subjective and culturally mediated, its objective evaluation remains difficult. Nevertheless, pain measurement should ideally be a part of the assessment of patients in order to plan adequate pain relief. Several scales have been proposed for pain measurement, being the numerical rating scale (NRS) the most widely used, often at triage time. NRS have demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity, in post-operative medicine and in oncologic pain, but data in the Emergency Departments (EDs) are poor. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Emergency Nurses’ (ENs) perception about the reliability of NRS in the triage process. A questionnaire based on 11 items was designed and subsequently administered to a large number of ENs in several EDs in Northern and Central Italy. 301 questionnaires were filled out and returned. The majority declares using NRS scale to measure pain (item 2, mode = 4, mean = 3.8), and attributing priority code based on NRS value (item 3, mode = 4, mean = 3.4). In general, triage nurses believe that NRS is only indicative and that their judgement matters (item 4, mode = 4, mean = 3.2). The vast majority of triage nurses do believe that the patients will indicate a fake higher NRS value with the aim to get a more urgent code (item 5, mode = 5, mean = 4), while only a small minority expects that patients would underestimate their NRS for fear of penalizing more urgent patients. Very few believe that such scale underestimates the patients’ condition, while the majority is ambivalent about whether such scale overestimates it. In conclusion, NRS confirms to be a potentially valuable tool for pain evaluation at triage time, but many nurses express some doubts on its reliability, and will attribute the triage code mainly basing on their own judgement

    The SPTLC1 p.S331 mutation bridges sensory neuropathy and motor neuron disease and has implications for treatment

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    Aims SPTLC1-related disorder is a late onset sensory-autonomic neuropathy associated with perturbed sphingolipid homeostasis which can be improved by supplementation with the serine palmitoyl-CoA transferase (SPT) substrate, l-serine. Recently, a juvenile form of motor neuron disease has been linked to SPTLC1 variants. Variants affecting the p.S331 residue of SPTLC1 cause a distinct phenotype, whose pathogenic basis has not been established. This study aims to define the neuropathological and biochemical consequences of the SPTLC1 p.S331 variant, and test response to l-serine in this specific genotype. Methods We report clinical and neurophysiological characterisation of two unrelated children carrying distinct p.S331 SPTLC1 variants. The neuropathology was investigated by analysis of sural nerve and skin innervation. To clarify the biochemical consequences of the p.S331 variant, we performed sphingolipidomic profiling of serum and skin fibroblasts. We also tested the effect of l-serine supplementation in skin fibroblasts of patients with p.S331 mutations. Results In both patients, we recognised an early onset phenotype with prevalent progressive motor neuron disease. Neuropathology showed severe damage to the sensory and autonomic systems. Sphingolipidomic analysis showed the coexistence of neurotoxic deoxy-sphingolipids with an excess of canonical products of the SPT enzyme. l-serine supplementation in patient fibroblasts reduced production of toxic 1-deoxysphingolipids but further increased the overproduction of sphingolipids. Conclusions Our findings suggest that p.S331 SPTLC1 variants lead to an overlap phenotype combining features of sensory and motor neuropathies, thus proposing a continuum in the spectrum of SPTLC1-related disorders. l-serine supplementation in these patients may be detrimental
