50 research outputs found

    Violenza domestica: quali competenze e conoscenze dell’infermiere in emergenza?

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    Il fenomeno della violenza domestica e le condotte di approccio a questo problema assumono una particolare rilevanza sia sociale che sanitaria. Lo scopo della ricerca è quello di misurare le conoscenze e le competenze degli infermieri che prestano servizio nelle realtà operative di ED (Emergenza Dipartimento) rispetto alla gestione in urgenza della donna che ha subito violenza domestica. E’ stato effettuato uno studio osservazionale trasversale che ha coinvolto gli infermieri del servizio di emergenza intraospedaliera (EDI) e Extraospedaliera (EDE) in tre ambiti territoriali afferenti ad una Azienda Sanitaria del nord Italia. Il campione è di tipo non probabilistico. Il questionario scelto è stato Help– Knowledge and Attitudes of Gender – Based Violence. Si evidenzia un risultato con un range di risposte corrette che vanno dal 72,6% al 99%. La comparazione fra gli infermieri dell’EDE e quelli dell’EDI ha evidenziato una maggiore comprensione del fenomeno dell’IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) da parte di questi ultimi; ciò con molta probabilità può essere dovuto, da un lato, al fatto che i secondi possiedono più strumenti e tempo per riconoscere i segni di maltrattamento, mentre la donna, dall’altro, ha la possibilità di ricercare maggiore empatia, un sostegno psicologico e una guida ai servizi che possano aiutare la propria famiglia. Le correlazioni provano, inoltre, una notevole sensibilità che il personale di ED ha sulle diverse tipologie di maltrattamenti, non solo fisiche, ma anche psicologiche, economiche e sessuali. Con molta probabilità tali conoscenze sono legate all’esperienza sul campo in quanto il 56,6% (n=56) del campione ha un’anzianità di servizio che va dagli 11 ai 30 anni. Le phénomène de la violence conjugale et les différentes approches à ce problème sont particulièrement importants sur les plans social et sanitaire. Le but de cette recherche est d’évaluer les compétences et les connaissances des infirmiers travaillant aux services d’urgence (ED) et qui assurent la prise en charge des femmes victimes de violence conjugale. Une étude par observation a été menée impliquant les infirmiers des services d’urgence intrahospitaliers (EDI) et extrahospitaliers (EDE) de trois territoires liés à une unité de soins du nord de l’Italie. Il s’agissait d’un échantillon non probabiliste et le questionnaire choisi était le Help–Knowledge and Attitudes of Gender–Based Violence. Le résultat a été globalement positif et les réponses correctes allait de 72,6 % à 99 % selon les questions. La comparaison entre infirmiers de l’EDE et de l’EDI a montré que ces derniers ont une meilleure connaissance du phénomène de la violence d’un partenaire intime (IPV – Intimate Partner Violence) par rapport aux premiers. Cela est peut-être dû au fait que, d’un côté, les infirmiers EDI ont davantage d’outils et de temps pour reconnaître les signes d’abus, tandis que la femme, de l’autre, a la possibilité de recevoir davantage d’empathie, un soutien psychologique et un guide aux services du territoire pour aider sa famille. En outre, les corrélations démontrent que le personnel ED est très conscient des différentes formes de maltraitance, qui ne concernent pas seulement le cadre physique, mais aussi les domaines psychologiques, économiques et sexuels. Il est fort probable que ces connaissances soient liées à leur expérience car 56,6 % des personnes interrogées travaillent dans ce secteur depuis au moins 11 ans. The phenomenon of domestic violence and the different approaches to this are especially important both from a social and health point of view. The aim of the survey is to measure the skills and knowledge of the nurses who work in Emergency Departments providing medical care to women who are victims of domestic violence. An observational study was implemented involving the nurses of the Intra-hospital Emergency Services (EDI) and of the Extra-hospital Emergency Services (EDE) of three territories linked to a Northern Italian healthcare unit. The sample is a non-probabilistic one. The title of the administered questionnaire is Help-Knowledge and Attitudes of Gender–Based Violence. There was a positive result overall with a range of correct answers ranging from 72.6% to 99% depending on the question. The comparison between EDE and EDI nurses showed a better understanding of the IPV phenomenon (Intimate Partner Violence) amongst the latter. This may be due to the fact, on the one hand, that EDI nurses have more tools and time in order to recognize the signs of abuse, while women, using the other services, have the possibility to get more empathy and psychological support along with information about assistance provided by territorial services available for families. Correlations demonstrate, moreover, that EDI staff have a strong awareness of the various kinds of abuse, not only physical but also psychological, economical and sexual ones. This particular knowledge is most likely linked to their experience because 56.6% of respondents have been working in this field for 11 to 30 years

    Development and cross‑national investigation of a model explaining participation in WHO‑recommended and placebo behaviours to prevent COVID‑19 infection

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    To protect themselves from COVID-19, people follow the recommendations of the authorities, but they also resort to placebos. To stop the virus, it is important to understand the factors underlying both types of preventive behaviour. This study examined whether our model (developed based on the Health Belief Model and the Transactional Model of Stress) can explain participation in WHO-recommended and placebo actions during the pandemic. Model was tested on a sample of 3346 participants from Italy, Japan, Poland, Korea, Sweden, and the US. It was broadly supported: objective risk and cues to action showed both direct and indirect (through perceived threat) associations with preventive behaviours. Moreover, locus of control, decision balance, health anxiety and preventive coping moderated these relationships. Numerous differences were also found between countries. We conclude that beliefs about control over health and perceived benefits of actions are critical to the development of interventions to improve adherence to recommendations


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    Placebo and Nocebo Effect

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    Mattarozzi et al 2017

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    Memoria IV Parte_Deficit

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    Comunicazione di Informazioni

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    Memoria II Parte

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