449 research outputs found

    Association of LEC and tnpA Helicobacter pylori genes with gastric cancer in a Brazilian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>H. pylori </it>seroprevalence in Brazilians varies and is dependent on socioeconomic status, sanitation conditions and ethnicity; furthermore, <it>H. pylori </it>is not always associated with the incidence of gastric cancer, suggesting the role of more virulent strains. The purpose of this study was to analyze the association of more virulent <it>H. pylori </it>strains with gastric cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNA was extracted from gastric biopsies of thirty-four cases of gastric cancer (11 intestinal-type, 23 diffuse-type), and thirty-four of patients with endoscopic gastritis. The presence of <it>cag</it>PAI genes (<it>cagA</it>, <it>cagA </it>promoter, <it>cagE</it>, <it>cagM</it>, <it>tnpB</it>, <it>tnpA</it>, <it>cagT </it>and the left end of the <it>cag</it>II (LEC)) and <it>babA </it>were analyzed by PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparison of <it>H. pylori </it>isolates from gastric cancer and gastritis patients showed significant associations of <it>tnpA </it>and LEC with gastric cancer (73.5% [OR, 6.66; 95% CI, 2.30-19.25] and 58.8% [OR, 10.71; 95% CI, 3.07-37.28] of cases, respectively). Other <it>cag</it>PAI genes were detected in both groups at similar frequencies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>tnpA </it>and LEC of <it>H. pylori cag</it>PAI were associated with gastric cancer; nonetheless, these results were restricted within this group of patients and further studies are needed to confirm these results in a larger sample and determine their role in gastric carcinogenesis.</p

    Super-radiant light scattering from trapped Bose Einstein condensates

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    We propose a new formulation for atomic side mode dynamics from super-radiant light scattering of trapped atoms. A detailed analysis of the recently observed super-radiant light scattering from trapped bose gases [S. Inouye {\it et al.}, Science {\bf 285}, 571 (1999)] is presented. We find that scattered light intensity can exhibit both oscillatory and exponential growth behaviors depending on densities, pump pulse characteristics, temperatures, and geometric shapes of trapped gas samples. The total photon scattering rate as well as the accompanied matter wave amplification depends explicitly on atom number fluctuations in the condensate. Our formulation allows for natural and transparent interpretations of subtle features in the MIT data, and provides numerical simulations in good agreement with all aspects of the experimental observations.Comment: 24 pages,16 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    The role of self-efficacy as an attribute of principals’ leadership effectiveness in K-12 private and public institutions in Lebanon

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    © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The aim of this study is to explore the role of K-12 school principals’ self-efficacy as an attribute for their leadership effectiveness in Lebanon. The Norwegian principal self-efficacy scale (NPSES) instrument was translated into Arabic and used to collect quantitative data from participants. Internal consistency of factors within this study was checked (24 items; α = 0.73). By comparing private and public schools in Lebanon, all located in the governorate of Mount Lebanon, the researchers revealed the extent to which principals’ self-efficacy plays a role in their leadership. In addition, while no statistical difference was found between self-efficacy levels of private and public principals, females reported higher scores on the majority of the dimensions than their male counterparts in both types of schools. This study highlights the importance of the interaction effect of age and gender on self-efficacy levels. Moreover, it offers knowledge and practice to policy makers when recruiting principals or designing training programs. It also suggests the implementation of an in-house mentoring program to create school-school partnerships. Finally, this paper offers a platform for future researchers interested in principal self-efficacy in similar conflict-affected places with high economic depression. Limitations are further mentioned

    Understanding the relationship between pet owners and their companion animals as a key context for antimicrobial resistance-related behaviours: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Objectives: Drivers of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are diffuse and complex including a range of interspecies behaviours between pet owners and their animals. We employed interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to explore the relationship between pet owners and their companion animals in relation to AMR.Design: Cross sectional, qualitative study.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-three British pet owners, transcribed verbatim and subjected to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA).Results: Three, inter-related Superordinate themes are presented 1) ‘They’re my fur babies’: unconditional love and anthropomorphism; 2) ‘They share everything with you’: affection and transmission behaviours; and 3) ‘We would err on the side of caution’: decision making and antibiotic use’.Conclusions: Affectionate behaviors between companion animals and their owners pose a risk for AMR transmission but they are so deeply treasured that they are unlikely to be amenable to change. In contrast, the promotion of appropriate antibiotic stewardship for pet owners and vets may offer a viable pathway for intervention development, benefitting from synergies with other interventions that target prescribers

    “Estudio de la incidencia del indice de madurez en la calidad química y sensorial de aceites de oliva vírgenes de la provincia de San Juan (Argentina)”

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    La producción de aceites de oliva virgen en Argentina se incrementó en los últimos añosy si bien el consumo interno presenta un paulatino incremento, el principal destino es laexportación. En este trabajo se presentan resultados de los análisis químicos ydescriptores sensoriales de aceites de oliva vírgenes monovarietales de diferentes zonasde la provincia de San Juan, enmarcados dentro de un proyecto de investigación del queparticipan la UCCuyo y la UNS, que abarca dos cosechas consecutivas y diferentesvarietales. En la cosecha 2012, se evaluaron frutos de los varietales Arbequina (6muestras, Índices de Maduración, IM= 2,52-5,22), Coratina (5 muestras, IM=1,60-2,97),Changlot (4 muestras, IM=4,60-5,06) y Maurino (2 muestras, IM=1,76 y 3,55). En lacosecha 2013 se optimizaron los IM con el objeto de obtener aceites de mejor calidad,para los varietales Arbequina (6 muestras, IM=0,32-3,27), Coratina (4 muestras,IM=0,33-1.36) y Changlot (6 muestras, IM=2,53-3,33) y se incorporaron 2 muestras dePicual (IM=0,77 y 2,57). Los aceites fueron obtenidos mediante un equipo decantador dedos fases en similares condiciones de procesamiento (temperaturas de batido=20,0-27,5°C, tiempo de batido= 40 min). Los análisis químico s incluyeron índices de calidad talescomo: acidez, valor de peróxidos, absorción en el UV, Índice de Estabilidad Oxidativa(OSI), fenoles totales, clorofila y carotenos, tocoferoles e índices de pureza como: perfilde ácidos grasos, esteroles y eritrodiol y uvaol. El análisis sensorial fue realizado por elPanel de Cata de la UCCuyo, homologado por el Consejo Oleícola Internacional (COI).En la cosecha 2013, la optimización de los IM de las aceitunas mejoró significativamentela estabilidad oxidativa de los aceites de Arbequina (OSI aumentó desde 8,1-13,8 h en2012 hasta 10,6-19,0 h en 2013), Coratina (20,5-26,0 h en 2012 y 24,6-42,4 h en 2013) yChanglot (6,0-12,1 h en 2012 y 17,2-36,9 h en 2013). Esta mayor estabilidad frente a laoxidación está directamente relacionada con un excelente perfil de ácidos grasosfundamentalmente los ácidos oleico (C18:1), linoleico (C18:2) y linolénico (C18:3). Asípor ejemplo, para los aceites de Arbequina en 2012 se observó un rango 53,9-61,0 % deC18:1 registrándose tres muestras con valores por debajo del rango establecido por elCOI (55,0-83,0%). En 2013 los aceites de Arbequina se ajustaron completamente a lanormativa respecto a ácido oleico elevando su contenido hasta 64,9%. En el caso deChanglot y Coratina, los rangos de C18:1, fueron respectivamente: 72,2-74,5% y 73,5-75,2% para los aceites obtenidos a partir de frutos con IM optimizados. Estos rangosfueron superiores a aquéllos obtenidos en la cosecha 2012. La optimización del IMtambién mejoró los contenidos de los principales compuestos minoritarios conpropiedades antioxidantes tales como biofenoles y tocoferoles. En cuanto al AnálisisSensorial, también se observó una mejora significativa en los aceites de cosecha 2013con el manejo del IM, el cual se adelantó en 20 días, logrando frutados de mayorintensidad, con mayor cantidad de descriptores y matices más verdes, que acentúan lacomplejidad de los mismos. Los resultados de este proyecto se han presentado en tresCongresos Internacionales: VII International Simposium on Olive Growing, ISHS, SanJuan, Argentina en 2012; Congreso Latinoamericano AOCS, Santiago, Chile y Expoliva,Jaen, España en 2013. Se ha publicado además un artículo en la revista La AlimentaciónLatinoamericana y se encuentra en prensa un trabajo en Acta Horticulturae

    Shale gas production: potential versus actual greenhouse gas emissions

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    Estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shale gas production and use are controversial. Here we assess the level of GHG emissions from shale gas well hydraulic fracturing operations in the United States during 2010. Data from each of the approximately 4000 horizontal shale gas wells brought online that year are used to show that about 900 Gg CH[subscript 4] of potential fugitive emissions were generated by these operations, or 228 Mg CH[subscript 4] per well—a figure inappropriately used in analyses of the GHG impact of shale gas. In fact, along with simply venting gas produced during the completion of shale gas wells, two additional techniques are widely used to handle these potential emissions: gas flaring and reduced emission 'green' completions. The use of flaring and reduced emission completions reduce the levels of actual fugitive emissions from shale well completion operations to about 216 Gg CH[subscript 4], or 50 Mg CH[subscript 4] per well, a release substantially lower than several widely quoted estimates. Although fugitive emissions from the overall natural gas sector are a proper concern, it is incorrect to suggest that shale gas-related hydraulic fracturing has substantially altered the overall GHG intensity of natural gas production

    Thermal remote sensing from Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner data in the framework of the SPARC and SEN2FLEX projects: an overview

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    The AHS (Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner) instrument has 80 spectral bands covering the visible and near infrared (VNIR), short wave infrared (SWIR), mid infrared (MIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) spectral range. The instrument is operated by Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (INTA), and it has been involved in several field campaigns since 2004. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; This paper presents an overview of the work performed with the AHS thermal imagery provided in the framework of the SPARC and SEN2FLEX campaigns, carried out respectively in 2004 and 2005 over an agricultural area in Spain. The data collected in both campaigns allowed for the first time the development and testing of algorithms for land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval as well as the estimation of evapotranspiration from AHS data. Errors were found to be around 1.5 K for land surface temperature and 1 mm/day for evapotranspiration

    Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning

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    work has investigated the link between motor learning and sensory function in arm movement control. A number of findings are consistent with the idea that motor learning is associated with systematic changes to proprioception (Haith A, Jackson C, Mial R, Vijayakumar S