29 research outputs found
Vegetais como índices de relações ameríndias
Este artigo pretende explicitar como os araweté – falantes de uma língua tupi-guarani que habitam a região do Médio Xingu, na Amazônia brasileira – concebem e acessam os vegetais, tendo como referência dinâmicas relacionais e sistemas de significados que os envolvem. Para abordar essa discussão serão privilegiados os marcadores plantado e não plantado e a noção de maestria.This article aims to make explicit how the Araweté – speakers of a Tupi-Guarani language inhabiting in the Middle Xingu region of the Brazilian Amazon – conceive and access vegetable elements, with reference to relational dynamics and meaning systems involving them. To address this discussion, the planted and non-planted markers, as well as the notion of mastery, will be explored
Dois elos da mesma corrente: os rituais da Corrida do Imbu e da Penitência entre os Pankararu
This article intends to contribute tothe understanding of the Pankararu ritual systemby focusing especially on “Corrida do Imbu” and“Penitência”, which are cyclic rituals conducted si-multaneously. This study explores the relationshipbetween humans and super-humans, the system ofreciprocity, and the network of cooperation and ag-gression present in this context. The mechanisms ofcommunication and the connections established withthe supernatural world – based on the system of pro-mises and requests and concerning mainly the cureof illnesses – are daily elements of mediation in thisrelationship. The Pankararu are located in the SãoFrancisco river region, in the state of Pernambuco,northeastern Brazil, and in the Greater Sao Paulo area,southeastern Brazil. Migration has occurred since the1950s. The Pankararu have been classed as acculturedand have gone through forced contact, intermarriagewith other groups and loss of their native language.Este artigo pretende contribuir parao entendimento do sistema ritual Pankararu, prin-cipalmente a Corrida do Imbu e a Penitência, ri-tuais cíclicos, realizados em um mesmo períodotemporal. O estudo foi direcionado à compreensãoda relação entre os humanos e os sobre-humanos,o sistema de prestações e a rede de cooperação eagressão que envolve este universo. Os mecanismosde comunicação e os vínculos estabelecidos com omundo sobrenatural, baseados no sistema de pro-messas e pedidos, relativos principalmente à cura dedoenças, são os elementos cotidianos de mediaçãodessa relação. Os Pankararu encontram-se na regiãodo submédio São Francisco, estado de Pernambuco,e na Grande São Paulo, e estão em processo de mi-gração desde a década de 1950. São um povo querecebe a qualificação de aculturados e que passoupor imperativas relações de contato, intercasamen-tos com outros grupos e perda da língua materna
Packaging from renewable sources with antimicrobial properties: development and applications
A large amount of packaging has been used and discarded daily, and most of them are discarded in the nature and require many years to decompose. The use of synthetic polymers, due to its advantages and processability, is widely diffused industrially on the development of packaging, however raw materials from renewable sources are an attractive alternative for this purpose. Polymers from renewable sources in the production of packaging results in a product capable of degrading in a shorter period of time when compared to traditional ones, therefore influencing for a greater sustainability in the world. Several chemical compounds exhibit antimicrobial behavior and they can be found in plant extracts or in essential oils. Therefore, in order to confer antimicrobial properties on edible films and coatings, it is possible to add in its composition plant extracts and / or essential oils from various plant species. Thus, this chapter is aimed to describe packaging from renewable sources with antimicrobial properties, antimicrobial agents capable to be added in theses packaging, the incorporation form of those agents and the application of an antimicrobial packaging in food science fieldThe research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 712949 (TECNIOspring PLUS) and from the Agency for Business Competitiveness of the Government of CataloniaPostprint (published version
Hystometric evaluation of nickel chronic exposure effects on large instestine of adult Wistar male rats
The ingestion of considerable amounts of water or food contaminated with nickel can be very toxic. The present work was conducted aiming to evaluate the effects of nickel exposures on ascending colon of adult Wistar male rats at hystometric level. We used 12 animals that were divided in a control (ingested uncontaminated water) and a nickel-contaminated (i.e., 25 mg de nickel/L of water) groups. Nickel chloride was offered in declorinated water and the experiment had a 56 days exposure period. A portion of the ascending colon was removed of the animals and subjected to hystological labelling processes using blue toluidin (for general hystometric description), Alcian Blue (AB, for acid mucins) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) technique (for neutral mucins). The potential differences between groups were desgined by applying the Whitney test and t test (p < 0.05). The crypts were smaller for the nickel-contaminated group, even though these organism exhibited broader and higher crypts. Nickel-contaminated animals exhibited a smaller amount of calyceform cells with AB and PAS positive reactions as well as a less mucus quantities when compared with nickel-uncontaminated animals. Such reductions on the amount of calyceform cells with AB and PAS positive reactions may be related wiht the shallower crypts, which possibly reduced the synthesis and secretion of mucins, compromissing the functional aspects (e.g., lubrification and intestinal mucosa protection) of the nickel-contaminated large intestines. Interestingly, the wider and higher crypts and higher epithelium collumn on the nickel-contaminated animals may represent a relevant trade-off for the intestinal mucosa protection
“Nossa luta é pela vida”: relato de experiência de pesquisa em ambiente virtual sobre a atuação de movimentos sociais no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19 em países da América Latina
This article aims to present an experience report on the research "Mapping the digital actions and initiatives of social movements of vulnerable populations to confront the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador (2020 - 2021)". Given the rise of social research on the internet, the study made use of virtual ethnography to search for the main initiatives digitally embraced by social movements of indigenous and non-indigenous populations in urban contexts in the three countries. The report discusses the process, results and products of this research, with emphasis on the strategic networks adopted by social movements according to their specificities.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un informe de experiencia sobre la investigación "Mapeo de las acciones e iniciativas digitales de movimientos sociales de poblaciones vulnerables para enfrentar la pandemia de COVID-19 en Brasil, México y Ecuador (2020 - 2021)". Ante el crecimiento de la investigación social en internet, el estudio utilizó la etnografía virtual para buscar las principales iniciativas incorporadas digitalmente por movimientos sociales de poblaciones indígenas y no indígenas en un contexto urbano en los tres países. El informe aborda cómo se realizó el estudio, los resultados y los productos, con énfasis en las redes estratégicas adoptadas por los movimientos sociales en función de sus especificidades.O presente artigo pretende apresentar um relato da experiência sobre a pesquisa “Mapeamento das ações e iniciativas digitais dos movimentos sociais de populações vulnerabilizadas para o enfrentamento da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil, México e Equador (2020 - 2021)”. Diante da ascensão da pesquisa social na internet, o estudo fez uso da etnografia virtual para buscar as principais iniciativas encampadas digitalmente por movimentos sociais de populações indígenas e de não indígenas em contexto urbano nos três países. No relato, aborda-se a condução do estudo, resultados e produtos, com ênfase às redes estratégicas adotadas pelos movimentos sociais de acordo com suas especificidades
Zinc sulfate chronic exposure effects on large intestine of adult Wistar rats: a histological evaluation
Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate possible morphological changes in the large intestine of adult Wistar rats submitted to chronic exposure to zinc sulfate at different doses. The animals were divided into three groups: control, treated with 5mg and treated with 20mg of zinc sulfate. The experiment had 56 days of exposure period and after this period the animals were anesthetized and euthanized. After dissection, a fragment of the cranial portion of the ascending colon of each animal was removed, fixed in Karnovsky solution for 24 hours, dehydrated in a growing ethanolic series and included in glycolmethacrylate resin. In a manual microtome, slices of 3μm thickness were obtained and then, stained with blue toluidine, for tissue description and morphometric analysis. The samples were also also submitted to histochemical techniques: Periodic acid of Schiff (PAS) and Alcian Blue (pH 2.5), for marking neutral and acidic mucus producing cells, respectively. The morphological parameters analyzed were: crypt depth, intestinal epithelium height, and number of PAS-positive and Alcian Blue-positive goblet cells. A decrease of neutral mucin-producing cells number and an increase in the height of the intestinal epithelium were observed in the animals treated with 20 mg of zinc sulfate. These results indicate morphological changes in the large intestine due to chronic zinc exposure, indicating a stress condition. Keywords: Toxicity, Zinc, Intestine, Mammal, Morphology.
IgG isotype profile is correlated with cardiomegaly in Beagle dogs infected with distinct Trypanosoma cruzi strains.
A systematic study following infection by various strains of the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, and the simultaneous monitoring of the humoral immune response together with the elicited cellular response, could add greatly to our understanding of differences between strains of this important human pathogen. In that sense, acute and chronic infections with distinct T. cruzi strains (Y, Berenice-78 and ABC) in Beagle dogs were studied through a longitudinal evaluation of immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgG1 and IgG2 isotypes (by ELISA and flow cytometry (FC)), as well as measurements of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferation over a 100-week period, and their correlation with cardiomegaly. Our results show that infected animals presenting cardiomegaly showed lower or absent levels of IgG1 during the chronic phase of the infection, when compared to those that did not show an increase in heart weight. In that manner, our results suggest that IgG1 could be used as a marker for cardiac pathogenicity in Chagas disease
Conhecimento tradicional, biodiversidade e repartição de benefícios: o caso dos produtores de óleo de buriti de Palmeira do Piauí
A aplicação do marco legal que dispõe sobre o acesso ao conhecimento tradicional associado e ao patrimônio genético provenientes de comunidades locais e de povos indígenas conecta questões locais e globais e nesta interface encontram-se algumas empresas que tem interesse em realizar bioprospecção e desenvolvimento tecnológico a partir desses campos de pesquisa. Questões como direitos culturais, propriedade intelectual, formas de representação local, continuidade e transformação do conhecimento tradicional e repartição de benefícios estão em pauta nesse contexto. Proponho uma reflexão sobre estes temas a partir do estudo do caso que envolve o acesso ao conhecimento tradicional associado ao patrimônio genético referente ao óleo de buriti conduzido por uma empresa nacional de cosméticos junto a produtores de óleo de buriti em um município no Piauí
TWO LINKS IN THE CHAIN An ethnology of the Imbu Run and the Repentance rituals amongst Pankaruru people
Este estudo apresenta uma etnografia da Corrida do Imbu e da Penitência entre os Pankararu, rituais realizados em um mesmo período temporal, os meses de força" do imbu, isto é, a época de sua frutificação, fevereiro e março, e também, o período da Quaresma, no calendário da Igreja Católica. Os Pankararu encontram-se na região do submédio São Francisco, Estado de Pernambuco, e na Grande São Paulo, e estão em processo de migração, desde a década de 1950. A pesquisa foi direcionada à compreensão da relação entre os homens e os espíritos vivos" e mortos, através da Corrida do Imbu e da Penitência. Os mecanismos de comunicação e os vínculos estabelecidos com o mundo sobrenatural, baseados no sistema de promessas e pedidos, relativos principalmente à cura de doenças, são os elementos cotidianos de mediação dessa relação. Esta etnografia pretende contribuir para o entendimento do sistema ritual de um povo que recebe a qualificação de aculturado e que passou por imperativas relações de contato, intercasamentos com outros grupos e perda da língua materna.This study is a Pankararus Corrida do Imbu and Penitência" ethnography. Corrida do Imbu" and Penitência" are rituals that occur at the same period, during February and March, which are the Imbu harvest months and also during the catholic Lent. The Pankararu are located in the São Francisco river region of Pernambuco in the northeast of Brazil and in the great São Paulo area in the southeast of the country. They have been migrating since the 1950s. This research explores the relationship between man and spirit through the Corrida do Imbu" and Penitência," based on the promise and request system, as the most important elements of this supernatural relationship. Through interracial marriage and loss of their maternal language, the Pankararu are seen as a tribe without a culture. This ethnography intends to contribute to the understanding of this societys ritual system