2,711 research outputs found
See and Read: Detecting Depression Symptoms in Higher Education Students Using Multimodal Social Media Data
Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety have been increasing at
alarming rates in the worldwide population. Notably, the major depressive
disorder has become a common problem among higher education students,
aggravated, and maybe even occasioned, by the academic pressures they must
face. While the reasons for this alarming situation remain unclear (although
widely investigated), the student already facing this problem must receive
treatment. To that, it is first necessary to screen the symptoms. The
traditional way for that is relying on clinical consultations or answering
questionnaires. However, nowadays, the data shared at social media is a
ubiquitous source that can be used to detect the depression symptoms even when
the student is not able to afford or search for professional care. Previous
works have already relied on social media data to detect depression on the
general population, usually focusing on either posted images or texts or
relying on metadata. In this work, we focus on detecting the severity of the
depression symptoms in higher education students, by comparing deep learning to
feature engineering models induced from both the pictures and their captions
posted on Instagram. The experimental results show that students presenting a
BDI score higher or equal than 20 can be detected with 0.92 of recall and 0.69
of precision in the best case, reached by a fusion model. Our findings show the
potential of large-scale depression screening, which could shed light upon
students at-risk.Comment: This article was accepted (15 November 2019) and will appear in the
proceedings of ICWSM 202
Quantum Bayesian implementation
Bayesian implementation concerns decision making problems when agents have
incomplete information. This paper proposes that the traditional sufficient
conditions for Bayesian implementation shall be amended by virtue of a quantum
Bayesian mechanism. In addition, by using an algorithmic Bayesian mechanism,
this amendment holds in the macro world.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure
Polarised epithelial monolayers of the gastric mucosa reveal insights into mucosal homeostasis and defence against infection
Objective Helicobacter pylori causes life-long colonisation of the gastric mucosa, leading to chronic inflammation with increased risk of gastric cancer. Research on the pathogenesis of this infection would strongly benefit from an authentic human in vitro model. Design Antrum-derived gastric glands from surgery specimens served to establish polarised epithelial monolayers via a transient air–liquid interface culture stage to study cross-talk with H. pylori and the adjacent stroma. Results The resulting ‘mucosoid cultures’, so named because they recapitulate key characteristics of the gastric mucosa, represent normal stem cell-driven cultures that can be passaged for months. These highly polarised columnar epithelial layers encompass the various gastric antral cell types and secrete mucus at the apical surface. By default, they differentiate towards a foveolar, MUC5AC-producing phenotype, whereas Wnt signalling stimulates proliferation of MUC6-producing cells and preserves stemness—reminiscent of the gland base. Stromal cells from the lamina propria secrete Wnt inhibitors, antagonising stem-cell niche signalling and inducing differentiation. On infection with H. pylori, a strong inflammatory response is induced preferentially in the undifferentiated basal cell phenotype. Infection of cultures for several weeks produces foci of viable bacteria and a persistent inflammatory condition, while the secreted mucus establishes a barrier that only few bacteria manage to overcome. Conclusion Gastric mucosoid cultures faithfully reproduce the features of normal human gastric epithelium, enabling new approaches for investigating the interaction of H. pylori with the epithelial surface and the cross-talk with the basolateral stromal compartment. Our observations provide striking insights in the regulatory circuits of inflammation and defence.</p
A mission concept of Phobos/Deimos exploration
We have been designing the concept of Phobos/Deimos mission using the Japanese H-2 rocket as a first step in asteroid exploration. In planning the mission concept, we focused on development of methods to characterize the materials of Phobos/Deimos. The development of such methods will contribute to both scientific and resource explorations of asteroids. Here we report the preliminary concept of the mission
IL-8 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in nephrotic patients
IL-8 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in nephrotic patients. We studied the interleukin 8 (IL-8) gene expression by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and the IL-8 serum concentration in patients with idiopathic minimal lesion nephrotic syndrome (IMLNS) and other glomerulopathies. PBMC from eight of the nine (IMLNS) patients in relapse demonstrated the presence of IL-8 mRNA. All three IMLNS patients in remission (P = 0.0026 when compared to patients in relapse) and the two patients with nephrotic syndrome with other glomerulopathies failed to elicit an IL-8 mRNA response. Eleven of the 12 IMLNS patients in relapse showed IL-8 serum concentration above the level of detection. Only one of the seven patients in remission had detectable serum levels of IL-8 (P = 0.0033 when compared to levels from IMLNS patients in relapse). IL-8 serum levels were not detectable in three patients with nephrotic syndrome and other glomerulopathies. Supernatants of PBMC cultures from IMLNS patients in relapse increased the 35sulfate uptake by rat GBM. This effect was abolished by the addition of anti-IL-8 neutralizing antibody to the culture media and reproduced by the addition to the media of IL-8 in concentrations found in the serum of IMLNS patients in relapse. Finally, the effect of IL-8 on the 35sulfate turnover of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) sulfated compounds was evaluated in vitro. A significant decrease in the percentage of residual 35sulfate incorporated in the GBM (41 ± 5, mean ± sem) was observed in cultures treated with IL-8 as compared to those that were not treated with IL-8 (58 ± 8, P < 0.01). Because IL-8 affects the metabolism of GBM compounds that may play a role in glomerular permeability, this lymphokine may have a potential pathogenic role in the proteinuria of IMLNS
Lung adenocarcinoma with giant cyst formation showing a variety of histologic patterns: a case report
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Lung cancer with large cyst formation is relatively rare. This is a case report of a patient with lung cystic adenocarcinoma with multiple histologic patterns. This type of lung adenocarcinoma is believed to be the first reported case in English language medical literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 60-year-old Japanese woman was admitted to hospital complaining of dyspnea and died of respiratory failure. She had been suffering from lung cancer with pleural effusion for five years. Autopsy analysis revealed lung adenocarcinoma with large cyst formation showing a variety of histologic patterns.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Autopsy analysis of this atypical case of lung cancer may provide insight and lead to a better understanding of the heterogeneity and clonal expansion of lung adenocarcinoma.</p
Distance perception in a natural outdoor setting: is there a developmental trend to overconstancy?
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate whether in natural environment, using very large physical distances, there is a trend to overconstancy for distance estimates during development. One hundred and twenty-nine children aged 5 to 13 years old and twenty-one adults (in a control group), participated as observers. The observer’s task was to bisect egocentric distances, ranging from 1.0 to 296.0 m, presented in a large open field. The analyses focused on two parameters, constant errors and variable errors, such as measuring accuracy and precision, respectively. A third analysis focused on the developmental pattern of shifts in constancy as a function of age and range of distances. Constant error analysis showed that there are two relevant parameters for accuracy, age, and range of distances. For short distances, there are three developmental stages: 5-7 years, when children have unstable responses, 7-11, underconstancy, and 13 to adulthood, when accuracy is reached. For large distances, there is a two-stage development: 5-11 years, with severe underconstancy, and beyond this age, with mild underconstancy. Variable errors analyses indicate that precision is noted for 7 year-old children, independently of the range of distances. The constancy analyses indicated that there is a shift from constancy (or slightly overconstancy) to underconstancy as a function of physical distance for all age groups. The age difference is noted in the magnitude of underconstancy that occurs in larger distances, where adults presented lower levels of underconstancy than children. The present data were interpreted as due to a developmental change in cognitive processing rather than to changes in visual space perception.El principal objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si en un medio natural, empleando distancias fÃsicas muy grandes, hay una tendencia a sobre-constancia para las estimaciones de distancias durante el desarrollo evolutivo. Participaron como observadores 129 niños de edades entre 5 y 13 años y 21 adultos (en un grupo control). La tarea de los observadores consistió en biseccionar unas distancias egocéntricas, que variaban entre 1,0 y 296,0 m, presentadas en un gran campo abierto. El análisis se centró en dos parámetros, error constante y error variable, de la exactitud y precisión de medida, respectivamente. Un tercer análisis se centró en el patrón evolutivo de cambios en la constancia en función de la edad y el rango de distancias. El análisis de los errores constantes mostró que hay dos parámetros relevantes para la precisión, edad y rango de distancias. Para distancias cortas, hay tres fases evolutivas: 5-7 años, cuando los niños dan respuestas inestables, 7-11, infra-constancia, y 13 años hasta la adultez, cuando alcanzan la exactitud (constancia). Para las distancias largas, hay un desarrollo de dos fases: 5-11 años, con infra-constancia severa, y más allá de esta edad, con ligera infraconstancia. El análisis del error variable indica que se alcanza precisión a partir de 7 años, con independencia del rango de distancias. En análisis de la constancia indica que existe un cambio desde la constancia (o una ligera sobre-constancia) a infra-constancia en función de la distancia fÃsica para todos los grupos de edad. La diferencia de edad se nota en la magnitud de la infra-constancia que ocurre en las distancias más largas, donde los adultos presentaban niveles menores de infra-constancia que los niños. Estos datos se interpretan como debidos a un cambio evolutivo en el procesamiento cognitivo más que a cambios en la percepción visual del espacio
One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Studies of the Exocentric Distance Estimates in Frontoparallel Plane, Virtual Space, and Outdoor Open Field
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