232 research outputs found

    九州4地点の依頼談話における配慮表現と積極的言語行動 : 九州における方言談話の特徴と分布

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    別府大学Beppu University井上(編)(2014)は,電話による4つの場面のペア入れ替え式ロールプレイ会話で,首都圏の高年層と若年層の談話比較を行った結果と分析である。調査は日本各地で行われたが,本研究ではその中の九州4地点の高年層ペアの依頼談話を比較した。その結果,談話構造はAの依頼→Bの断り→Aの説得(→Bの事情説明→Aの説得)→Bの受諾→AあるいはBの調整→Aの対人配慮・念押しと,ほぼ共通していることがわかった。構造内部の「依頼の話段」の中でAがどのような配慮表現をするか,「説得の話段」ではBに受諾させるための提案や再度の依頼をするか否か,そして,全体的に配慮や念押し等の言語行動,定型表現の使用についても比較した。その結果,都市性の比較的高い熊本県熊本市・鹿児島県(日置市他)では,「配慮性」につながる特徴が優勢で,都市性の低い大分県(由布市)・熊本県人吉市では,「積極性」につながる特徴が優勢であることがわかった。依頼談話におけるこのような特徴の分布は,「働きかけに対する姿勢」の異なりを明らかにしたといえ,地方発の方言文法現象等の発生のしくみを解明する手掛かりになると考える。Fumiko Inoue (2014) compared and analyzed the discourse of seniors and young people in the Tokyo metropolitan area in a pair-replacement role-play conversation of four telephone scenes. The survey was conducted at several locations in Japan. In this study, I compared "the seniors\u27 discourses in the scene of request" at four locations in Kyushu. As a result, the discourse structure was as follows: Request by A → Refusal by B → Persuasion by A (→ Explanation of the circumstances by B → Persuasion by A) → Acceptance by B → Adjustment by A or B → Interpersonal consideration and Reminder of request by A. The discourse structure was found to be fairly common. Next, I compared the kinds of consideration expression A gives in "the paragraph of the request," "the paragraph of the persuasion," whether to make another suggestion, whether to re-request, and overall language behaviors such as care and reminders and the use of set phrase. Results show that Kumamoto City and Kagoshima Prefecture ( Hioki City and the other) is highly urbanized among the group: "Consideration" is dominant. In Oita Prefecture (Yufu City) and Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, where urbanity is low, "Positiveness" is dominant. The distribution of features in "the seniors\u27 discourses in the scene of request" will likely be a key to elucidating the mechanism of spread, such as new dialect grammar phenomena originating in local areas

    トラウマ ノ コウゾウカ カイジ ガ シンシン キノウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ : ガイショウゴ セイチョウ ノ ケントウ

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    The purpose of this study was to examine effects of the structured disclosure of trauma on physical and mental function, and posttraumatic growth (PTG). In this study, we revised structured disclosure to promote confrontation to traumatic memory. Participants were 26 undergraduates at 9 or more scores of Impact of Event Scale (IES) which measures posttraumatic stress reactions (PTSR). They were randomly assigned into three groups: the structured disclosure group (n=10), the free disclosure group (n=6), and the control group (n=10). Participants in the structured disclosure group were asked to write adaptive thought of the event. The free disclosure group wrote the deepest emotion and thought about the trauma freely. The control group wrote their plan after the experiment without emotion. All the participants were asked to write for 20 minutes on 3 days. Results showed that all groups revealed significantly improvement in PTSR from pre assessment to 3 month follow-up assessment. Although the biggest effect size (ES ) was calculated in the structured disclosure group, significant difference with the control group was not found. Though neither significant main effect nor interaction was found in PTG, result of comparison of the ES of PTG showed that the free disclosure group had a medium ES . It is suggested that confrontation and cognitive reappraisal are necessary together in written disclosure

    Open-ended Commonsense Reasoning with Unrestricted Answer Scope

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    Open-ended Commonsense Reasoning is defined as solving a commonsense question without providing 1) a short list of answer candidates and 2) a pre-defined answer scope. Conventional ways of formulating the commonsense question into a question-answering form or utilizing external knowledge to learn retrieval-based methods are less applicable in the open-ended setting due to an inherent challenge. Without pre-defining an answer scope or a few candidates, open-ended commonsense reasoning entails predicting answers by searching over an extremely large searching space. Moreover, most questions require implicit multi-hop reasoning, which presents even more challenges to our problem. In this work, we leverage pre-trained language models to iteratively retrieve reasoning paths on the external knowledge base, which does not require task-specific supervision. The reasoning paths can help to identify the most precise answer to the commonsense question. We conduct experiments on two commonsense benchmark datasets. Compared to other approaches, our proposed method achieves better performance both quantitatively and qualitatively.Comment: Findings of EMNLP 202

    トラウマ ニ カンレン スル ハンスウ ト シンニュウ シコウ ノ カンレン オヨビ デキゴト カラ ノ キョリカ オ ソクシン スル ヨウ コウゾウカ サレタ ヒッキ ノ コウカ ノ ケントウ

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    The purposes of this study were to examine the relationship between trauma-related rumination and intrusive thinking, and the effects of structured disclosure to facilitate distancing from the event on the trauma-related rumination, posttraumatic stress reactions (PTSR). In Study I, 38 undergraduates who maintain 9 or more scores of Impact of Event Scale (IES) for one month responded broad-trauma related rumination scale (BTRRS) and IES two times. Regression analysis revealed that there was association with the scores on changes of both factors of BTRRS (broad trauma-related rumination and degree of distancing from the broad trauma) and the scores on changes of intrusion factor of IES(R2=.162,p=.007;R2=.253,p=.001). In Study II, participants in the Study I were randomly assigned into three groups: the structured disclosure group(n=8), the free disclosure group(n=7) and the control group(n=8). The structured disclosure group was asked to write the event to facilitate distancing from it. In particular, they wrote the event, and after that wrote it again from the other person's perspective. The free disclosure group wrote the event and the event-related emotion freely. The control group wrote their behavior on the day before and before experiment, and the plan after experiment without emotion. Results showed that the structured disclosure increased short-term distancing more than other groups, but did not increase long-term one and decrease the rumination. Although all participants in groups decreased PTSR and the distress about the event after one month of disclosure, the differences on groups were not significant. Results of this study were discussed from the theoretical standpoints

    BioCaster: detecting public health rumors with a Web-based text mining system

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    Summary: BioCaster is an ontology-based text mining system for detecting and tracking the distribution of infectious disease outbreaks from linguistic signals on the Web. The system continuously analyzes documents reported from over 1700 RSS feeds, classifies them for topical relevance and plots them onto a Google map using geocoded information. The background knowledge for bridging the gap between Layman's terms and formal-coding systems is contained in the freely available BioCaster ontology which includes information in eight languages focused on the epidemiological role of pathogens as well as geographical locations with their latitudes/longitudes. The system consists of four main stages: topic classification, named entity recognition (NER), disease/location detection and event recognition. Higher order event analysis is used to detect more precisely specified warning signals that can then be notified to registered users via email alerts. Evaluation of the system for topic recognition and entity identification is conducted on a gold standard corpus of annotated news articles