170 research outputs found

    A survey among members of the Association of German Allergists (AeDA)

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    Background: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to both inpatient and outpatient care. In order to maintain good care under necessary contact restrictions, especially in the outpatient sector, the use of telemedical applications was demanded and promoted. The exploratory survey among members of the Association of German Allergists (AeDA) was intended to show how these were received among allergists in private practice. Methods: The survey was restricted to actively practising members of the AeDA who had previously given their consent to receive such surveys (n = 437). They were invited by email to participate in a survey on the topic of "Telemedicine in everyday clinical practice in allergology". The survey included quantitative and qualitative questions on the use of telemedicine services before and during the pandemic and was conducted anonymously on the SoSci Survey platform. Participation was possible in the period from June to August 2020. Results: In all, 76 specialists with additional qualification in allergology took part in the survey. Of these, 71 completed the full questionnaire. Before the start of the pandemic-related contact restrictions, 46.5% (33/71) stated that they had used telemedicine in their clinical practice. This number increased to 73.2% (52/71) after 31 January 2020. The largest increase (4.3% vs. 15.6%) was seen in the area of video consultations. Furthermore, 43/76 participants can imagine integrating telemedicine services into their daily clinical routine in the future. Conclusion: The use of telemedical services, especially video consultations, increased significantly during the SARS-CoV‑2 pandemic in Germany. The majority of respondents perceive the implementation as positive and can imagine continuing to use telemedical methods after the end of the pandemic

    The first, holistic immunological model of COVID‐19: Implications for prevention, diagnosis, and public health measures

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    The natural history of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 is extremely variable, ranging from asymptomatic or mild infection, mainly in children, to multi-organ failure, eventually fatal, mainly in the eldest. We propose here the first model explaining how the outcome of first, crucial 10-15 days after infection, depends on the balance between the cumulative dose of viral exposure and the efficacy of the local innate immune response (natural IgA and IgM antibodies, mannose-binding lectin). If SARS-CoV-2 runs the blockade of this innate immunity and spreads from the upper airways to the alveoli in the early phases of the infections, it can replicate with no local resistance, causing pneumonia and releasing high amounts of antigens. The delayed and strong adaptive immune response (high-affinity IgM and IgG antibodies) that follows, causes severe inflammation and triggers mediator cascades (complement, coagulation, and cytokine storm), leading to complications often requiring intensive therapy and being, in some patients, fatal. Low-moderate physical activity can still be recommended. However, extreme physical activity and oral breathing with hyperventilation during the incubation days and early stages of COVID-19 facilitates re-inhalation and early direct penetration of high numbers of own virus particles in the lower airways and the alveoli, without impacting on the airway's mucosae covered by neutralizing antibodies ("viral auto-inhalation" phenomenon). This allows the virus to bypass the efficient immune barrier of the upper airway mucosa in already infected, young, and otherwise healthy athletes. In conclusion, whether the virus or the adaptive immune response reaches the lungs first is a crucial factor deciding the fate of the patient. This "quantitative and time-/sequence-dependent" model has several implications for prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of COVID-19 at all ages

    The impact of a digital wheeze detector on parental disease management of pre-school children suffering from wheezing—a pilot study

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    Background: Viral airway infections are a major reason for doctor's visits at pre-school age, especially when associated with wheezing. While proper treatment requires adequate recognition of airway obstruction, caretakers are often struggling with this judgment, consequently leading to insufficient or late treatment and an unnecessary discomfort of the patient. Digital technologies may serve to support parental decision taking. The aim of the present pilot study is to acquire data on the feasibility of recruitment and observation procedures for a randomized controlled trial on the impact of a digital wheeze detector in a home management setting of pre-school wheezing. Methods: This single-armed pilot study enrolled patients with a doctor's diagnosis of wheezing aged 9 to 72 months. Participants were asked to use a digital wheeze detector (WheezeScan, Omron Healthcare, Japan) 2x/day for 30 days and record the child's respiratory symptoms, detection of wheezing, and medication intake via an electronic diary (eDiary) app. Demographic and clinical data were collected at the recruitment visit. The asthma control test and the Parent Asthma Management Self-Efficacy Scale (PAMSES) were assessed both, at recruitment and follow-up. Results: Twenty families were recruited and completed the monitoring. All but one completed the follow-up after 30 days. The recruitment procedures were feasible, and adherence to daily monitoring reached an average of 81%. The use of the wheeze detector was rated as uncomplicated. Parents detected wheezing without digital support in only 22/708 (3.1%) of the recorded events. By contrast, the wheeze detector indicated an airway obstruction in 140/708 (19.8%) of the recordings. Conclusion: In parallel to feasible recruitment procedures, we observed good usability of the wheeze detection device and high adherence to eDiary recording. The positive outcomes show that the WheezeScan may empower parents by increasing their capacity for wheeze detection. This deserves to be investigated in a larger randomized controlled trial

    The Potential of Clinical Decision Support Systems for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Monitoring of Allergic Diseases

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    Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) aid health care professionals (HCP) in evaluating large sets of information and taking informed decisions during their clinical routine. CDSS are becoming particularly important in the perspective of precision medicine, when HCP need to consider growing amounts of data to create precise patient profiles for personalized diagnosis, treatment and outcome monitoring. In allergy care, several CDSS are being developed and investigated, mainly for respiratory allergic diseases. Although the proposed solutions address different stakeholders, the majority aims at facilitating evidence-based and shared decision-making, incorporating guidelines, and real-time clinical data. We offer here an overview on existing tools, new developments and novel concepts and discuss the potential of digital CDSS in improving prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of allergic diseases

    Digital allergology: Towards a clinical decision support system for allergen immunotherapy

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    Mobile health is the "medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants, and other wireless devices." For example, mobile apps (such as MASK-Air, Allergy.Monitor, Pollen, and others) have proven useful in the management of patients with allergic rhinitis. These apps can be used in the context of broader clinical decision support systems (CDSS) for enhancing allergy-related decisions and actions with pertinent, organized clinical knowledge and patient information to improve allergy care. A CDSS targeted to control rhinitis with drugs and other interventions guiding the patient in his/her self- and doctor-driven management is currently being produced and investigated by the MACVIA network. Another one, called @IT-2020, is targeted to support etiologic diagnostics and allergen immunotherapy (AIT) prescriptions for patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Intensive investigation is necessary to better define the advantages and limitations of mobile-health technology in allergology and establish guidelines for their proper use in daily practice in the context of a rapidly evolving European regulatory environment

    Molecular profiling of allergen-specific antibody responses may enhance success of specific immunotherapy

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    Background: House dust mites (HDMs) are among the most important allergen sources containing many different allergenic molecules. Analysis of patients from a double-blind, placebo-controlled allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) study indicated that patients may benefit from AIT to different extents depending on their molecular sensitization profiles. Objective: Our aim was to investigate in a real-life setting whether stratification of patients with HDM allergy according to molecular analysis may enhance AIT success. Methods: Serum and nasal secretion samples from patients with HDM allergy (n = 24) (at baseline, 7, 15, 33, and 52 weeks) who had received 1 year of treatment with a well-defined subcutaneous AIT form (Alutard SQ 510) were tested for IgE and IgG reactivity to 15 microarrayed HDM allergen molecules with ImmunoCAP Immuno-solid-phase Allergen Chip technology. IgG subclass levels to allergens and peptides were determined by ELISA, and IgG blocking was assessed by basophil activation. In vitro parameters were related to reduction of symptoms determined by combined symptom medication score and visual analog scale score. Results: Alutard SQ 510 induced protective IgG mainly against Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) 1 and Der p 2 and to a lesser extent to Der p 23, but not to the other important allergens such as Der p 5, Der p 7, and Der p 21, showing better clinical efficacy in patients sensitized only to Der p 1 and/or Der p 2 as compared with patients having additional IgE specificities. Conclusion: Stratification of patients with HDM allergy according to molecular sensitization profiles and molecular monitoring of AIT-induced IgG responses may enhance the success of AIT

    Results from the Global Allergy and Asthma Network of Excellence (GA2LEN) Survey

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    Background Fruits and vegetables are rich in compounds with proposed antioxidant, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, which could contribute to reduce the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases. Objective We investigated the association between asthma, and chronic rhino-sinusitis (CRS) with intake of fruits and vegetables in European adults. Methods A stratified random sample was drawn from the Global Allergy and Asthma Network of Excellence (GA2LEN) screening survey, in which 55,000 adults aged 15–75 answered a questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Asthma score (derived from self-reported asthma symptoms) and CRS were the outcomes of interest. Dietary intake of 22 subgroups of fruits and vegetables was ascertained using the internationally validated GA2LEN Food Frequency Questionnaire. Adjusted associations were examined with negative binomial and multiple regressions. Simes procedure was used to control for multiple testing. Results A total of 3206 individuals had valid data on asthma and dietary exposures of interest. 22.8% reported having at least 1 asthma symptom (asthma score ≄1), whilst 19.5% had CRS. After adjustment for potential confounders, asthma score was negatively associated with intake of dried fruits (ÎČ-coefficient −2.34; 95% confidence interval [CI] −4.09, −0.59), whilst CRS was statistically negatively associated with total intake of fruits (OR 0.73; 95% CI 0.55, 0.97). Conversely, a positive association was observed between asthma score and alliums vegetables (adjusted ÎČ-coefficient 0.23; 95% CI 0.06, 0.40). None of these associations remained statistically significant after controlling for multiple testing. Conclusion and clinical relevance There was no consistent evidence for an association of asthma or CRS with fruit and vegetable intake in this representative sample of European adults

    Validation study of a new chemiluminescent singleplex IgE assay in a set of Italian allergic rhinitis patients

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    Background: The measurement of specific IgE to allergenic extracts and molecules in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) is crucial for a precise diagnosis and further immunotherapy. Companies providing in vitro diagnostic methods in allergology continuously strive for the optimization and modernization of such methods. A new generation of automated allergy tests based on chemiluminescence detection and paramagnetic microparticles is now available, with possible advantages in sample volume, cost-effectiveness and avoidance of sample-related interference. Objectives: To test whether sIgE antibody levels obtained with a new singleplex chemiluminescent method have a good agreement with the corresponding results obtained with a "gold standard" test. Methods: We tested sera from 368 AR patients. Specific IgE sera levels (kU/L) to a comprehensive panel of 15 allergen extracts and 6 molecules were tested with ImmunoCAPÂź (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Phadia AB, Uppsala, Sweden) and NOVEOSℱ (HYCORÂź Biomedical, Garden Grove, CA, USA). We evaluated the qualitative and quantitative performance of the new NOVEOS system in matching the outcome of ImmunoCAP to each of the examined allergens. Results: In relation to ImmunoCAP, the overall diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of sIgE tests with NOVEOS were 90.8% (95% CI = 88.6-92.7) and 96.2% (95% CI = 93.9-97.8), respectively. These values were higher when only molecules were considered (sensitivity = 98.7% [95% CI = 96.4%-99.7%]; specificity = 94.2% [95% CI = 88.4%-97.6%]) and lower when only extracts were considered (sensitivity = 87.6% [95% CI = 84.7%-90.2%]; specificity = 97% [95% CI = 94.4%-98.6%]). Spearman's correlation between the data set of both methods for a ≄ 0.1 kU/L cut-off was 0.84 (p < .001). Conclusions: The new singleplex NOVEOS system presented good results for qualitative and quantitative comparisons when testing specific serum IgE antibodies against a range of 21 allergens. This novel immunoassay system using only 4 ”l of sample per test appears to be robust and reliable and can, therefore, be used as an aid in allergy diagnosis

    Hot topics in allergen immunotherapy, 2023: Current status and future perspective

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    The importance of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is multifaceted, encompassing both clinical and quality‐of‐life improvements and cost‐effectiveness in the long term. Key mechanisms of allergen tolerance induced by AIT include changes in memory type allergen‐specific T‐ and B‐cell responses towards a regulatory phenotype with decreased Type 2 responses, suppression of allergen‐specific IgE and increased IgG1_{1} and IgG4_{4}, decreased mast cell and eosinophil numbers in allergic tissues and increased activation thresholds. The potential of novel patient enrolment strategies for AIT is taking into account recent advances in biomarkers discoveries, molecular allergy diagnostics and mobile health applications contributing to a personalized approach enhancement that can increase AIT efficacy and compliance. Artificial intelligence can help manage and interpret complex and heterogeneous data, including big data from omics and non‐omics research, potentially predict disease subtypes, identify biomarkers and monitor patient responses to AIT. Novel AIT preparations, such as synthetic compounds, innovative carrier systems and adjuvants, are also of great promise. Advances in clinical trial models, including adaptive, complex and hybrid designs as well as real‐world evidence, allow more flexibility and cost reduction. The analyses of AIT cost‐effectiveness show a clear long‐term advantage compared to pharmacotherapy. Important research questions, such as defining clinical endpoints, biomarkers of patient selection and efficacy, mechanisms and the modulation of the placebo effect and alternatives to conventional field trials, including allergen exposure chamber studies are still to be elucidated. This review demonstrates that AIT is still in its growth phase and shows immense development prospects
