27 research outputs found

    Analysis of the P. lividus sea urchin genome highlights contrasting trends of genomic and regulatory evolution in deuterostomes

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    Sea urchins are emblematic models in developmental biology and display several characteristics that set them apart from other deuterostomes. To uncover the genomic cues that may underlie these specificities, we generated a chromosome-scale genome assembly for the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and an extensive gene expression and epigenetic profiles of its embryonic development. We found that, unlike vertebrates, sea urchins retained ancestral chromosomal linkages but underwent very fast intrachromosomal gene order mixing. We identified a burst of gene duplication in the echinoid lineage and showed that some of these expanded genes have been recruited in novel structures (water vascular system, Aristotle's lantern, and skeletogenic micromere lineage). Finally, we identified gene-regulatory modules conserved between sea urchins and chordates. Our results suggest that gene-regulatory networks controlling development can be conserved despite extensive gene order rearrangement

    Particles in the oceans: Implication for a safe marine environment

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    Strategies and technologies for the ecosafety assessment and design of engineered particles entering the marine environment are urgently needed. As the application of nanoparticles in science and technology grows, the need to understand their impact on the marine environment becomes increasingly important. This Editorial introduces a Special Issue on the topic of a sustainable and safety use of nanoparticles for protecting, recovering and supporting the oceans’ environment and consequently human health. The issue focus on the impact of micro/nano-plastics and metallic nanoparticles on marine organisms, as well as some methodological aspects associated to the eco/toxicity and analytical approaches for in deep physico-chemical characterization of nanoparticles in marine waters and sediment media. Important and urgent topics are addressed in the field of nano-ecosafety in order to assess more precisely both exposure routes and environmental hazards of nanoparticles in the ocean. Ecotoxicological and toxicological data, obtained using a wide variety of organisms representative of different trophic levels and biological organization, from whole animals to macromolecules, will be useful for a better definition of cleaner and safer nanoparticles. Efforts in developing a broad understanding of target species, expected results, benchmarks and timelines, will be of primary importance

    Coelomocytes and post-traumatic response in the common sea star Asterias rubens

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    Coelomocytes are recognized as the main cellular component of the echinoderm immune system. They are the first line of defense and their number and type can vary dramatically during infections or following injury. Sea stars have been used as a model system to study the regeneration process after autotomy or predation. In the present study we examined the cellular and biochemical responses of coelomocytes from the European sea star Asterias rubens to traumatic stress using immunochemical and biochemical approaches. In terms of trauma and post-traumatic stress period, here we consider the experimental arm amputation and the repair phase involved in the first 24 hours post-amputation, which mimicked a natural predation event. Four cell morphotypes were distinguishable in the coelomic fluid of both control and post-traumatic-stressed animals (phagocytes, amoebocytes, vibratile cells, hemocytes), but phagocytes were the major components, accounting for about 95% of the total population. Thus, the effects measured relate to the overall population of coelomocytes. A modest increase in the total number of freely circulating coelomocytes was observed 6 hours post-amputation. Interestingly, a monoclonal antibody (McAb) to a sea urchin embryo adhesion protein (toposome) cross-reacted with isolated sea star coelomocytes and stained the coelomic epithelium of control animals with an increase in trauma-stressed arms. In addition, coelomocytes from trauma-stressed animals showed a time-dependent increase in Hsp70 levels, as detected by both immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting within 24 hours after arm tip amputation, with a peak at 6 hours after amputation. Our findings indicate a clear role for coelomocytes and classic stress molecules in the post-traumatic stress associated with the early repair phase of regeneration

    Response to metals treatment of Fra1, a member of the AP-1 transcription factor family, in P. lividus sea urchin embryos

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    Lithium (Li), Nickel (Ni), and Zinc (Zn) are metals normally present in the seawater, although they can have adverse effects on the marine ecosystem at high concentrations by interfering with many biological processes. These metals are toxic for sea urchin embryos, affecting their morphology and developmental pathways. In particular, they perturb differently the correct organization of the embryonic axes (animal-vegetal, dorso-ventral): Li is a vegetalizing agent and Ni disrupts the dorso-ventral axis, while Zn has an animalizing effect. To deeply address the response of Paracentrotus lividus embryos to these metals, we studied the expression profiling of Pl-Fra transcription factor (TF), relating it to Pl-jun, a potential partner for AP-1 complex formation, and to Pl-MT, known to be an AP-1 target and to have a protective role against heavy metals. The AP-1 TFs are found throughout the animal kingdom and are involved in many cellular events, i.e. cell proliferation and differentiation, immune and stress responses, cancer growth. Here, we isolated the complete Pl-Fra cDNA and showed that Pl-Fra transcript, already present in the unfertilized eggs, was newly synthesized from the blastula stage, while its spatial distribution was mainly observed in skeletogenic cells, similarly to Pl-jun. Interestingly, Pl-Fra expression was induced by the different metals and the induction kinetics revealed its persistent expression during treatments. Moreover, its temporal and spatial behavior in response to the three metals was comparable to that of Pl-jun and Pl-MT. The understanding of AP-1 functions in invertebrates may provide new knowledge about the mechanisms of response to metal injuries, as well as it might lead to acknowledge the TFs as new type of biomarkers for the evaluation of hazards in polluted environment

    Complete written/oral information about dose exposure in CT: is it really useful to guarantee the patients’ awareness about radiation risks?

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    Aims and objectives: According to the European directive 2013/59/Euratom, starting from February 2018, the information relating to patient exposure will be part of computed tomography (CT) reports, but the impact of this information on patients has not been deeply evaluated. Aim of our study was to evaluate patients’ perception of radiation exposure related to routine CT and their understanding after communication of their dose exposure. Materials and methods: A survey, investigating patient’s knowledge of radiation dose, was given to all adult patients (> 18 years) undergoing a CT examination both before and after CT scan. The first survey was the same for all patients. After CT scan, a second questionnaire was administered (after receiving the CT dose bill report and medical written and/or explanation about ionizing radiation risk). Results of the pre- and post-CT questionnaires responses were compared according to demographics characteristics and among the four post-CT groups. Results: For some questions, statistically significant differences were found between the two centres. Seventy per cent of the patients answered that the presence of CT parameters in the report is considered useful. Even if not always statistically significant there was a slight increase in awareness of ionizing radiation risk comparing the pre- and post-CT surveys. The group that had both written and oral explanations had a better comprehension of CT dose bill (group III vs. I, p = 0.002). Conclusion: The way of communication of ionizing radiation risks did not affect the results of the post-CT survey. Indeed, the interest in the topic did not rise in the post-CT survey in any of the group. Adequate information about ionizing radiation risks provided together with dose exposure information may be useful. However, there is not a standardized better way of communicating information on ionizing radiation risks due to CT

    Stress to cadmium monitored by metallothionein gene induction in Paracentrotus lividus embryos

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    We used sea urchin embryos as bioindicators to study the effects of exposure to sublethal cadmium concentrations on the expression of the metallothionein (MT) gene stress marker. For this purpose, the complete complementary deoxyribonucleic acid of the species Paracentrotus lividus (Pl) was cloned and sequenced. Northern blot analysis showed that basal levels of Pl-MT messenger ribonucleic acid, having an apparent size of 700 bases, are expressed in all developmental stages analyzed, from early cleavage to pluteus. However, when embryos were continuously cultured in sublethal CdCl(2) concentrations and harvested at cleavage, swimming blastula, late gastrula, and pluteus stages (6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after fertilization, respectively), a time- and dose-dependent increase in the transcription levels of the Pl-MT gene was observed. Interestingly, although microscopical inspection revealed the occurrence of abnormalities only after 24 hours of exposure to the pollutant, Northern blot and reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction analyses revealed significant increases in Pl-MT expression levels already after 12 and 6 hours of exposure, respectively. Therefore, this study confirms the validity of MT as marker of exposure and provides evidence that Pl-MT and sea urchin embryos can be a potentially valuable and sensitive model for testing in very short periods of time seawaters heavily contaminated with cadmium